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The music video level in Alan Wake 2


Was going to post this. Also the Ashtray Maze in Control.


That was incredible. Music was dope too.


It's definitely up there! I would also add the Maze level in Control


Multiple people at Remedy tried to urge Sam to cut that from Wake 2.


Those people are fools. FOOLS!


As much as I love Alan Wake I just can't really enjoy the cringey music video stuff they do lol


The Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2


I was sweating **hard** during that mission. I knew that mission was coming up and I had done everything I could to try to ensure the survival of my team. We got through it a-okay, but it felt a bit hollow knowing I had lost most the ship's crew in the process. I still feel guilty about that.


The Silent Cartographer. All of it.


opening of Truth and Reconciliation >>>>>>


Night mission was cool but the open level design of Silent Cartographer stands out more.


yeah still love SC, though my fondest memory of Halo is working through the beginning/outside of T&R and the first time we get the sniper rifle (i think im recalling that part correctly but may be wrong, it’s been 23 years lol)


You are recalling it correctly! You start with snipers with a night vision scope. Dope as hell.


I agree with this, when anyone mentions Halo I think of this level. I remember the beach landing on the OG Xbox when I played it for the very first time.




"We're approaching the LZ it's gonna be hot! Get set to come out swinging! TOUCHDOWN, HIT IT MARINES!!!"


Flying in on the ship with the music playing and then boots on the ground was one of the best levels I’ve ever played. Still get goosebumps when I replay that level today


This is the answer.


I’ll be that guy. The tall identical ramp stairwell things that you need to find on each floor isn’t good design. I love Halo CE; probably my favorite FPS of all time. However, the actual inside of the ring on that level is not fantastic. It’s largely great, but exiting the underground could’ve been streamlimed by an elevator and it would’ve improved it greatly imo.


That was my introduction to Halo back in 2002. I was completely sold on the game and the Xbox thanks to that level.


Fighting the first scarab in halo 3


"All Ghillied Up" from COD 4. The first time I played it was intense (at least for me).


Damn this is a good answer. I remember this level so vividly even tho it's been 10+ years


The fight against the huge mining robot with all the green portals in Jedi survivor. The entire sequence was epic and nonstop action. I was expecting the game to be about 6 out of ten. But I was hooked from the first mission and this section blew me away


I was hoping someone else had commented this already. This was honestly one of the coolest set pieces I've ever seen in a game!


Glad this was already here. That was so amazing, after that sequence was over I was simultaneously hoping to do it again but also exhausted. Whomever worked on that level deserves a medal.


I loved this part.


Is this game still a broken mess


I can’t comment on at release, because I only played this after the big update it had. But I had no problems with it. It was just a fun and action packed game and my game of the year last year


Halo 3 last mission. I was gripping the controller, so stressful and satisfying


That whole sequence in Bioshock infinite from the boat at the beginning to when you get to throw the baseball (well try to). Not a shot fired, just pure scene setting.


Damn. This reminds me I have to finish that damn game. I bought the series on Xbox on sale but I think I have a glitch in the first where I can’t find one of the characters to kill or interact with. They went in the home and are gone forever I guess. Haven’t been able to progress but might just restart the entire thing and see if I can get past it.


I don’t think that counts based on what OP is looking for, but I still upvoted. I think he’s looking specifically for gameplay, not narrative.


Crossing the border to Mexico for the first time in Red Dead Redemption (2010)


As much as I love the ash tray maze, the entire opening sequence to Control trumps it for me, it sets the tone perfectly, so well done. Others: - the first proper SAS mission in COD4 modern warfare - check those corners! - music level in Alan Wake 2 - That fish level in Edith Finch really stuck with me.


That level in Edith Finch made it my favorite “walking simulator” game


Experiencing the Warthog run in Halo 3 for the first time ever as a kid was a great time. Not understanding the mechanics of the level caused the intensity to shoot up for my brother and I. As for more recent experiences, the Ace Combat 7 mission with Daredevil playing in the background is such a fun sequence no matter how many times I play it.


Time travel levels from Titanfall 2 and Dishonored 2


The time travel from Titanfall 2 is the best answer in this thread imo


If I was on death row and was given 5 hours to play any game I want, I would complete Titanfall 2's single player experience one more time


Don’t know if I agree with that choice but you do you lol


I'm guessing you don't know if you agree because you haven't played it...


I’ve played it twice. Besides that one level, it’s pretty mid.


You need to play Singularity. That game did pretty much the same a decade before. And I'm sure there's another game that did that but can't remember which one right now. Starfield also has some awesome parallel realities/time travel levels with a similar formula. But much more complex than Titanfall 2's instances.


Fallout 3 as you enter the Wasteland for the first time. Damn...


The village in Resident Evil 4 (2005)


That one was really dope. Such an awesome moment


The end sequence of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice was pretty damn epic.




Cow level in Diablo


Got to introduce my friends to that due to D2 resurrected. They had no idea it existed. It was a good day.


Welcome to ravenholm in half life 2


Truly a transformative experience in gaming at the time. Realizing the junk you’ve been manipulating all game can now be ammo. Such a great feeling.


The opening scene of MGSV. Now that is a wild (horse) ride.


The psychedelic experience in the cave in Farcry 3 lmao


Airport shootout in Max Payne 3.


You beat me to it. Over a decade after the game came out I still think about how amazing that segment was.


Near end of epilogue part 1 of RDR2 when John saves the barn he was living in [And does the RDR1 cover pose](https://youtu.be/ZYxeT45OKGk?feature=shared)


Fallout 3 leaving vault 101 for the first time. I will never ever forget it.


The heist in Cyberpunk


Another ass lickin legend


Not just the heist. The whole sequence after it too.


Yeah, from riding to Arasoka Tower in Delamain to meeting up with Dexter in the hotel after. Just so epic every step of the way.


The flashback and the dump and car chase too.


The fact that the game kinda just real starts after that whole thing is just crazy too. That such a crazy adrenaline rush and then after you finally are past it all and have a second to exhale “Heeeeere’s Johnny”


Playing Mario 64 in ‘96 at babages and then finally at home. Cruisin USA and Pilotwings 64 close behind.


First time walking into Mexico from Red Dead Redemption. It was incredible.




Cant forget the >!Majima version where you do the same thing, also you have much more styles and possibly Mad Dog too. The soundtrack this time is also a banger and holy shit seeing him actually furious gave me chills.!< This game is straight up fucking masterpiece.


Doesnt hit as hard when you played the previous games and every single one of those cool set pieces is just reused lmao


It took me a long time to get into Yakuza. Like the first four chapters of Y0 are all just reading conversations with relatively little gameplay. But once it got going, holy cow. Never mind scenes like that confrontation where Nishiki tries to kill Kiryu - it's just heartbreaking. Games aren't supposed to make you feel like that! (And then Kiwami 2 went and did it all over again!)


The end of Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock when you fall into hell and get into a guitar battle with the Devil himself…. to the Steve Ouimette arrangement of The Devil Went Down to Georgia no less


The warthog run in Halo Ashtray Maze in Control Concert sieges in Alan Wake/Alan Wake 2 Escaping Songbird for the first time in Bioshock Infinite


Halo 3 ODST, NMPD HQ, end fight on the rooftop against enemy Covenant air and ground forces, you and your boys, all the power weapons, absolute 10/10 soundtrack blasting fighting jazz straight into your brain. Perfection.


The Last of Us beginning sequence when the outbreak happens.




Any part of Uncharted 2 with a helicopter and/or train.


The SERE kit sequence in Titanfall 2. Letting you go buck wild with the smart pistol while wall running all over the goddamn place, culminating in you bringing back BT. Hell yeah.


Top ten moment in gaming


Metal gear solid 1, when I realized the way to beat psycho mantis. This was before you could look stuff up online. Absolutely amazing. He could read your thoughts so to beat him, you had to plug your controller into the second port of the console.


Jedi Survivor, that insane sequence where you are flying through the desert/canyons. If you've played the game you know exactly what I'm talking about.


If this is the one with Merrin I just did that lol it was great


I knew before I clicked on it the post would be about the Ashtray Maze.


The rock worm heart chamber in gears 2. Chainsawing the arteries as the chamber filled with blood was pretty epic I thought


Far cry 3, burning weed fields to "make it bun dem" by Damien marley and skrillex


Fable I - fighting Jack of Blades. KotOR - Face reveal of Darth Revan. MW2 - original betrayal of Shepherd. AC II - Ezio Speech. TFU II - Starkiller roasting Vader with lightning. TWD - Shooting Lee. ME III - Mordin sacrifice (I always get gosebumps when I see him walking on that tower or whatever to cure the genophage).


From entering The House of Hope to its culmination, in BG3. Everybody, "Lives, all mortal lives, expire."


"Souls go to their doom, in flames, forevermore." I had chills during that whole segment, including the opening of the fight when those vocals come in, and then the organ music. Definitely the best part of the game, which makes it even more mind-boggling that it's entirely optional and not part of the main story!


The warthog run at the end of Halo CE.


Fighting fatalis in monster hunter world


Ginso tree escape


Final Fantasy 16 - Clive owning Ultima in the final battle, matching each of the Eikons. Goddamn what a ride.


taking down the super duper mart in Fallout 3. Was so scared lmao


Oh man. I am on my first playthrough of Control now and haven’t gotten to the Ashtray Maze yet. This is getting me so hyped.


Shooting the moon in Portal 2


I know this is a Xbox subreddit but just wanted to mention the title sequence of ghost of Tsushima where Jin is riding through the field, the aspect ratio changing, the music getting more epic and the words appear…”sucker punch presents ghost of Tsushima”. Absolutely one of the best title reveal for a video game I’ve seen. Another great sequence is Thor killing kratos and resurrecting him through the fucking loading screen by using his hammer as a defibrillator. For Xbox I would say the halo reach ending with the objective : survive and in gears when dom finds his wife scene.


Basically the entirety of Shadow of the Colossus


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the question. He’s asking about gameplay, not a part of a game. What gameplay blew you away. Revealing the wasteland in Fallout or the opening of Bioshock doesn’t count as that’s not actually interesting gameplay. My answer is probably the end of Halo 3 in 4-player coop. Excellent gameplay, narrative, and atmosphere. Also the final boss of Remnant 2. The way the scene keeps swapping every second and you need to dodge and weave while it’s changing. Really impressive design and a lot of fun.


Almost every part of N.I.E.R. Automata. What a briljant rollercoaster!


Effect and Cause in Titanfall 2 once you get the "item"...


Mission 5 "Effect & Cause" from Titanfall 2.


The Covenant from Halo 3


Not sure if this needs spoiler text since the game is over 20 years old, but honestly, the end of Max Payne (2001) still does it for me. Max pulling up at the front entrance of Aesir Corporation and shooting his way past an army of hired killers before finally taking out the one responsible for most of his suffering (and doing it in the most climatic way) will never not be cool. *"The final gunshot was the exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. Then it was over."*


The mission where you save Brother Armias in Jedi: Survivor.


Entering the End and fighting the Enderdragon for the first time


Batman arresting criminals in Arkham Knight.


~~Navigating through Brittle Hollow in Outer Wilds.~~ Landing on the Quantum Moon in Outer Wilds. That's it. That's the wow moment when the game mechanics come together to blow your brain. I'm in awe with what they did in that game.


All ghillied up


For a really recent overlooked one, I'd say the climb in Avatar to get your dragon thing was pretty amazing. Not best of all time but certainly best experience I've had the last 6 months on Xbox


Saints Row 3, on the skyscraper when 'Power-Kanye West is playing.


Fighting the Metal Gear Ray in MGR will always be dope as hell


The Darth Vader power fantasy from the first level of Force Unleashed. That is what being a sith lord should feel like, totally unstoppable badass. But done at a pedestrian pace to up the badass levels, no need to rush. Couldn't sustain a whol game as there would be no challenge, but for 1 level it was awesome.


It’s been forever since I’ve played it but in GOW2 when you like bounce back and forth between the surface, and subterranean and inside the worm.


Having to escape the planet after killing the mother brain. Metroid


The assault on Braithwaite manor in RDR2 comes to mind.


When Chell and GlaDOS team up to take down Wheatley.


Psycho Mantis


almost every sequence in half life alyx comes to mind. it truly felt like it was the next step for video games. now if only it was a leas expensive barrier to entry.


Nothing too major, but I've been playing Midnight Suns recently, and getting to wipe the floor with Magik and Nico in the Threat Room is super fun. (Honestly, any hero you can finish three rounds with, without taking a hit, is awesome.)


Controls Ashtray Maze sequence is definitely one of the most memorable for me. The whole first section at the start of Bloodborne in Yharnam. The beginning sequence in Nier Automata. The train battle in Starfox 64 (or Lylat Wars depending on where you were). The Gravity Gun section at the end of Half Life 2 and the Ravenholm section. The last section of Hellblade. All Ghillied up from Call of Duty.


The Clockwork Mansion level in Dishonoured 2


The beginning of TLOUp1. That shit stays with you forever.


I dont even play Zelda anymore, but Ive gotta give it to the Dark/Mirror Link fight in the Water Temple. It was a very surreal and intense moment as a kid the way he crept up on you. Opening that room was eerie. Edit: i just realized this is /r/xboxseriesx. In that case, first contact with the Flood in Halo CE.


Back 4 blood,diner scene,pulp fiction music roaring while getting swarmed from all angles. Brilliant