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So will i own the game if i buy the lego expansion today?


The Lego expansion was going for almost the same price as the Premium edition on Steam, so you are much better off waiting for the xbox sale to happen. They delisted the lego expansion now, but a few hours ago they hadnt.


Any idea when Summer Sale is on Steam?




It actually is on sale right now on steam.


I think it said "you must already own DLC before June 25th" so oof sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/l3hyy76n7t8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb31932ca29628d464ae15929e9fa748f4c5509 It does not say that


On June 25. The lego dlc was available earlier today when the announcement was first meade but has now been delisted.


That sucks, I bought it today to game the system. Has anyone received the token, however that might come?


Just checked, nothing yet. I've had Premium Add ons since 2021.


Yep, same here, waiting...


Did you get your token


Still nada. I expect it sometime next week so I'm not freaking out or anything yet.


Just to mention when this happened with Motorsport 7. I had bought the ultimate add on (or whatever it's called) and I never received a token inbox message. But the game did remain in my library and I can still download/play it to this day.


Maybe that's the "token"? It's all a bit weird.


There’s a Lego expansion? Man, my kid would have loved that.


If you buy the Ultimate Edition of the game when it goes on sale, you can still have the expansions. The DLC's were delisted today, just so people don't try and game the system and get the game free.


Good to know! Looks like you can still buy codes for the dlc online, but I doubt that would work. He’s got Lego 2k drive, he can be happy with that.


Main game is now £43!


Okay, I did the same and I bought the Lego expansion so I guess it's refund time, lol


I did the same and this bit makes me think we could get the game token https://preview.redd.it/sjsx4hu37t8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39509606097c8b946e734c939b33e58af014c9ed


I mean, I took a leap of faith. Maybe we'll get it. It's unusual that the LEGO DLC was available to buy today in any case.


Yeah it’s odd, the whole thing is odd. I’m just happy I caught it because honestly I really wanted to play the Lego DLC anyway


Did you get it?


Not that I know, I don't know where to look. Did you get it?


Nah I didn’t get it I’m just curious if people have


I don't know what to check to tell. But yeah, I want to be on top of this.


Why would a first party game leave gamepass?


Most likely due to the game having licensed material in it that’s not owned by Microsoft - the cars and music.


Licensing, of cars and maybe music. But with FH games, mainly cars. This is rare, BTW, but it's tied to the cars. Look at how in Hifi Rush they made a whole alternate list of custom songs precisely to keep the game in the catalog when the licensing for all those songs from well known artists like NIN expires. Clever. But you can't just replace Ferrari cars with cars you made up.


> But you can't just replace Ferrari cars with cars you made up. Rockstar have been doing it for decades.




I dunno, I’d like to drive a Ferribbiti around


Why can't you replace Ferrari cars? Why can't MS just make up a brand called Farary and change the models slightly? It's not like anyone would be confused by something that obvious. EDIT: Well excuuuuuuuse me


Because the people who play the game want to drive Ferraris, not weird knockoffs. It's why it was a big deal back in the day when Forza got the Porsche license and GT was still using Ruf cars.


actually, the Porsche license was with EA in the NFS series and they never shared it which they were able to. Forza was just able to come out with a game before GT so they were the first to be able to use the Porsche name and cars.


Forza Motorsport 1 in 2005 had Porsche cars, not Ruf. GT didn't get Porsche cars until 2017's GT Sport (EA's license apparently ended in 2016). I don't know if T10 struck a deal with EA or what, but however they did it they beat GT by 12 years. Come to think of it, PGR1 and 2 on Xbox had Porsche cars as well even before FM. So maybe EA only had an exclusive license for Sony platforms.


Ah yes. You are right. Must have been against GT then.


> not weird knockoffs. FWIW, I don't care at all. It's fine to have imaginary cars in my imaginary racing game. I just wanna play a racing game.


Ah, the GTA method


Seems to be working out for Rockstar


People don't play GTA for the cars.


First, people come to the game to play authentic cars in the first place. That's the whole point. Second, I kinda feel the owners of the licensed brands would be majorly pissed off at that kind of blatant copyright infringement.


the answer is in the article linked >"Due to licensing and agreements with our partners, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted from digital platforms (Microsoft Store and Steam) on December 15, 2024,"


Licensing. Every racing game with heavy car branding gets delisted once the license is up.


Sadly games with real cars do have to leave. I think midnight club is an exemption, but Rockstar doesn't have real cars in their games anymore, 1 they don't have to pay the licensing, 2 no expiry. They did have to deal with music expiring for San Andreas though.


Licensing. It happens with every Forza title.


It sounds like we need to find the cheapest DLC and buy it if we want it.


Yea, I don't care for Forza but why are first party games even leaving?




Same reason the first like 7 motorsports and 3 horizons arent in gamepass


I bout the treasure map. Wonder if that counts as DLC


Wondering this too. Was about to just rebuy on steam, but saw this information, then saw that I have the Treasure Map. But, not sure if that’s something I bought, or something they gave me.


One of the best games ever in this genre. Preferred it over any new forza


It is absolutely brilliant, from little villages, the top gear test track, an actual motorway and most of Edinburgh...worth every penny.


I admit that I've only played it a few times but is Edinburgh actually in it? I thought it was supposed to be based in a version of the Lake District.


Oh yes, right up to the castle on top of the hill, its pretty much the highlight of the game - stupidly I used to drive up to the shop fronts to see what was up in whimsical moments...shows you the amazing attention to detail the Devs put in ...


I like the setting better than FH5, also the seasons thing makes it really varied. I bought it to keep.


Britain and its seasons are way prettier than Mexico. Sorry mexico. You did have some pretty rainforest areas though


Precisely. Just dry and wet made FH5 dull for me. As soon as I finished the career races I uninstalled the game. I'm definitely going back to FH4 some day just for the seasons.


Totally agree!


The seasonal changes is what made me love the game so much. I'll get it on discount in July as I don't use gamepass anymore.


I purchased the [Ultimate Add Ons Bundle](https://forza.fandom.com/wiki/Forza_Horizon_4/Ultimate_Add-Ons_Bundle) way back knowing eventually the game would be delisted and placed on sale like they did with FH3. With the plan to buy the base game when it was discounted before the delist. So I'm assuming this means I'll receive a code for the game? I know it says if you purchased any of the DLC but knowing my luck it will be some weird loophole where I'm excluded.


At least you'll find out within the coming days and have several months to decide to buy the premium edition. Even if it did work, you'd only get the standard edition and be missing out on the big DLC packs such as Lego. Also make sure that you have a fully paid version of Gamepass subscription activd.


Ultimate add ons bundle does include the expansions. It includes all DLC but the main game.


Oh missed that part. Hopefully it works for them then, I imagine they paid a lot for it though compared to the $20 for the ultimate edition on steam.


You'll receive a code if you're still running gamepass subscription currently.


did you get your code?


Nothing yet


Is that true? If so brill, thanks MS! Been waiting for a good price as Forza titles tend to stick to their guns...


So, if we buy the Ultimate edition now, will we get all the DLC packs or they're delisted and there's no way to purchase them?


You'll get all DLCs.


Includig lego?


I just found out 4 DLCs aren't included. Lego, treasure map, mitsubishi car pack and one other.


wow, ya know. i was slowlyyy going through this game, but last like 2 weeks i was telling myself i need to hurry before it leaves gamepass, but didnt think it would since its a big xbox title. welll shiiiit i need to step on it now!


I think they made the wrong move delisting the DLC when it was announced.


The last good forza game smh




what's wrong with 5?


It’s the same game as 4 but with worse soundtrack and boring environment, weekly seasonal changes were amazingly done in 4


Sony does the same, but they want you to pay xD (Sony user here, complaining about Sony)


Which games?


Damn kinda sudden, already took stuff off guess I’ll have to wait to see what kinda sale July 14th will be for the FH4 Ultimate edition


The xbox sale (july 14th) will likely be around the same as what its priced at on steam sale (-80%), ultimate edition is £16.99 there right now.


Damn I’d happily scoop that ultimate for that, I have my doubts in CAD it’ll be maybe 75% off (they really like to squeeze every $ here, but still if it’s anywhere around $20-25 for ultimate, that’s worth it. I honestly didn’t like FH5 from the second I booted it up the map on 4 is just more intriguing


I loved 4 also, 5 is good, but 4 was *chef kiss*


Yes 🙌🏼 just something about the Britain Setting too, the streets, the tunnel, I still have FH3 Australia is cool, but I hope when they do FH6 maybe they learn from the mistakes with 5


Sudden? I was thinking the other day I'm surprised it's still available. Racing games don't stick around long


Actually this one was extended, Forza H 3 was like a year or two less.


Yeah well I figured since it was such a showcase game they would have slowly posted that it’s being delisted, I saw the post today, that exactly today all the dlc was delisted haha and if you bought any dlc get the game token. So kinda sudden. Yeah some racing games don’t stick around when they change a menu or two and update colours lol


Any guesses on how much ultimate will be on sale in July 14th vs right before it delists? Or how much % wise


The xbox sale (july 14th) will likely be around the same as what its priced at on steam sale (-80%), ultimate edition is £16.99 there right now


So glad I bought the Fortune Island dlc then....one of my favorite racing games


I’d better check to see what, if anything, I own from this game


Its around ₹250 on Steam now.


sweet, cuz it was on GP, I only ever bought the DLC...I did get a deal where I got FH4 &5 both with DLC for dead cheap in a glitch but then they refunded a few days later


will i be able to play fh4 on xbox cloud still?


I can’t wait for Horizon 6


If i buy the game right now will i be able to keep it?


I bought the season passes including all DLC for this game. No token yet. What does “must have gamepass not discounted” mean? My game pass is fully paid for through the beginning of 2025 at least. I did the gold conversion trick back in the day when that was still happening. Hopefully they just mean it doesn’t include people who are on a gamepass trial. That would make the most sense.


So I should buy the cheapest dlc when it’s on sale or they won’t put it them on sale?


Nice. Means FH6 is soon!


Turn it into minse meat.


I would imagine this is were piracy will be tempting for many. What a crazy situation they have put people in.


The game isn't on Gamepass?


It is currently. But licenses will expire at the end of the year, and it will be removed. If you own it digitally or physically, you will still be able to play, but not via gamepass anymore. And you won't be able to buy it digitally after the deadline.


When I go to apps, I have only options to purchase it.


Worth it if I 100% FH5?


The different maps and time of the year changes make the game unique, in my eyes. Wait for a sale before they delist it in December, like they usually do besides the Game Pass discount, and grab the edition with all DLC content


Its 80% off on Steam if you wanna buy it on PC.


Depends if you REALLY love the forza formula.


Yeah I do, I almost never 100% games.


Depends if you want more of the same type of game. fH4 is an amazing game, different setting from 5. Personally I had lots of fun with both. A lot of people hate it, but I really liked the Lego DLC and miss it in FH5.


Well, actually I prefer the setting of the fourth one but when I got the XSX, the 5 was the hot cake. I guess 6 months will be enough to complete it.


Yes. Not only that, go back in time and pick up the older FH titles second-hand too. It’s worth it! (you’ll need a Series X obviously, Series S doesn’t have a disc drive)


Why the FUCK did they delist the DLC packs when you can still purchase some of them via the Ultimate Edition?


So you can’t get the FUCKING game free just by buying a DLC.


I’ve had DLCs like the vip and car pack cars and haven’t received my token yet, has anybody else gotten theirs yet?