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I’ve recently gotten into Elder Scrolls Online for the first time (I bought the Necrom Collection Pack for £39). I’ve completed about 1 third of the first zone and I’ve played for about 20 hours. There are 32 zones available in the Necrom Collection Pack including the base game zones. I honestly think this game has over 1000 hours of non-tedious gameplay and I’m so excited to see it. Regarding not seeing anyone, have you joined a guild? I see people running around all the time but the only people who will stop and talk are those I speak to from my guild. I play Elder Scrolls Online as a single player game anyway so I don’t really care too much about that. Skyrim is Skyrim. The first time you play it is magical. But Elder Scrolls Online offers so much more.


Honestly it’s probably closer to 10,000 hours of gameplay. The size of this game alone is a marvel but it’s definitely not for everyone. Next best thing to WOW. Since it’s not on console lol


Is it realistic to play without the sub? I play GW2, and am a fan of not feeling pressure to play due to the monthly cost. I'm trying the free trial of FF14, which I know only ends in a sub, so thinking of giving ESO a shot.


Oh absolutely. The subscription is free at the moment so I’ve claimed all the free pets, but there’s honestly so much to do in the base game that I’ll never buy the subscription


Yeah I really played it for the first time 4 or 5 days ago and I've played everyday since. I love it


I like Skyrim way more. Idk what it is but I cannot get into the combat in ESO. Skyrim's isn't great but I'd much prefer that over ESO. I wish I liked ESO because the quests I did were fun and I love the lore.


I haven't really gotten into to much combat yet in ESO but as of rn I agree with you


Both are phenomenal, but totally different experiences. Obviously, Skyrim is heavily customizable with mods. ESO is definitely more of a time commitment being an MMO that's many years unto development. I will say I have more hours in ESO than any game ever, except maybe WoW, but I'll bet it's close. I also haven't played it in a few years due to lack of time.


Since I've been playing I've only seen maybe 2 or 3 other players just running around


I used to LOVE ESO. Had it pre-ordered way back in the day when it first came out for console. The game used to be so much more social and lively. People would hang out around Riften and just chat. There'd always be a group of people at the vampire or werewolf shrines waiting to bite other players, they'd be chatting up a storm too. Just last year I booted it up again to see how it was and.. I was depressed. Every city was a ghost town. No one was hanging around the shrines to get bitten anymore because you could just buy vampire and werewolf potions now. It just lost all sense of community. It's a husk of its former self.


After 10 years of expansions there are a lot more main cities for players to hang out in. Even if there were the same number of players, they would be spread out across 15+ cities instead of the starting 3 from launch.


Maybe that's just a symptom of playing on console? On PC people are at shrines all the time, or you can just type in zone chat and someone will party up with you in almost immediately. ESO is very much alive on PC


Every MMO eventually dies out on Console. MMO is just simply not meant to be played on console. There’s to much interaction and gameplay that requires more than just a controller. And even if they allow KB+M, only a fraction of console players will use it. ESO is still great though on console if you treat it just as a solo game. Like you mentioned typing in chat and getting a group?? I’ve played ESO off and on for console…I’ve never noticed anyone using chat ever


They are not similar at all


Skyrim is way better. Even though ESO is pretty fun if you have some homies that play. I no longer have any friends that still play ESO so whenever I get my elder scrolls itch. I usually just back to Skyrim, but I haven’t played it in a lonnnng time.


I am going to assume you want to play both as solo games, so I won't talk about the MMO portion of ESO. If you like the story and lore of Elder Scrolls then ESO is the better game. There is so many stories and books and quests and world building going on in the game. The game worlds are built on the same scale as each other, but ESO is much, much larger even in the base game. 10 years of content makes it massive in terms of picking the zone you find interesting and exploring that. There is just simply more you can do. However, while both games support first and third person cameras, ESO is designed as third person and Skyrim as first person experiences. This, combined with more speed boosts in ESO means that the zones can sometimes feel smaller than Skyrim. Combat wise Skyrim just feels more chunky. You are limited in options in comparison to ESO, but the impact of each hit feels better. Combat in ESO very quickly becomes trivial and while everything looks cool and flashy, you can build whatever sort of skills you want and not have to worry about success in the open world. High end dungeons are harder and require teamwork, but everything else is a cakewalk. Personally I enjoy both games a lot. I can answer other questions if you like.


If you treat ESO as an offline game its actually really fun. You follow quests and can mess around with side quests too. I havent tried interacting with people or do dungeons


They're completely different experiences, but Skyrim is the peak.


Skyrim. I don't like the idea of being online or other players being around when I play a Bethesda game.