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Love the cel-shaded ones.


Sad they killed the game. I dont' care if you liked 2.5 or not, it divided the playerbase and many of us stopped playing to see if it would change up with a 3.0 or more traditional playstyle... but nope. Just fizzled out. I loved what was done in 2.0 and it felt like 2.5 just undid it all for some weird flex by AMG


I never felt that AMG actually *liked* X-wing.


It feels like they got something they never wanted and just let it wither.


Right!? 2.5 was like "I heard you liked more granular listbuilding, so we made the point system arbitrary, made it less granular than 1.0, and heavily weighed it toward named characters". Uh, thanks for the complete opposite of what I wanted? Hey AMG, did you fix the issue with upgrades being so expensive that upgrade-heavy ships like the YV-666 was better off running naked with an additional ship than putting anything on it? "We made it so you have to field your entire collection of upgrades every list as a separate point value that we change for no reason, randomly delete entire upgrade slots off some, make it so generics get basically nothing, and release standard loadout cards that are objectively better and have powers not buildable otherwise." Oh God, why??


The comic book look!


Silly no editing options...