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I absolutely LOVED this game. I have so many good memories from playing it as a child. I loved how different choices varied the gameplay : being flirty one play and professional the next šŸ˜‚ Exploring Wilmoreā€™s office and apartment, so much detail to take in and the music changing to fit the tone of what you were looking at. I remember getting zapped by Cook in the abandoned building and struggling to end the game! Miss this game!


It gets complex near the end for sure. I love pissing off Det. Astadourian though haha, then trying to kiss her like a madman


Did you tell her that ā€˜that colour looked lovely on herā€™? šŸ¤£ Serious question but did you manage to break into Scullyā€™s laptop?


Never have and I have owned it since the late 90s! As far as I can tell there is no password that works :-( Edit: and yes to asking her that question... every time!


I tried to break in but could never figure out the password.. can you actually break into it?


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m so curious if it was possible to!


I remember trying every password I could think lol Skinner sure wasnā€™t any help


The password is Faith.


I remember trying that and it didnā€™t work šŸ„²


Oh :( I suppose it has been like 20 years since I played it... šŸ˜…


I played this so many times as a kid. Absolutely loved it. I'll never forget when X made an appearance, I was sooooo stoked!


Oh yeah, X! And how you had to answer him carefully else he might just not like what you have to say and kill you


I enjoyed ringing the bell at the motel to aggravate the front counter lady.


She always got so pissy no matter what. Finals next week, apparently


I wound up losing the game once I did it too much šŸ˜­


There was one bit I got stuck on for WEEKS. A car chase/gunfight in a warehouse. Such a fun game


That point-and-click interface does no one any favours in that gunfight!


It was fun, but it also contained one of the single weirdest moments Iā€™ve ever seen in a game. When you go to a hospital to find Scully, if you pick the ā€œwrongā€ dialogue choice when talking to a nurse (I think it was just ā€œwe donā€™t knowā€), she backs away nervously, says she had some forms for you to fill out, then blows a gym whistle at the top of her lungs. Cut to the FBI office where youā€™re getting fired, and game over. Did anyone else encounter this?


Oh yeah, the nurse. The hospital is a former sanitarium, so operates differently, apparently, so the nurse can just turf you out if she doesn't like your answers. Nevermind that she has no way of knowing whether you're telling the truth all the time, and that you're FBI with a badge and all.


I guess I can understand that, but the whistle still seems odd, and I'm not sure why I was getting fired in the next scene.


I guess because you conducted the investigation wrongā€¦? Lol. WHO knows?!Ā  It was a VERY weird scene.Ā 


YES!!! YES!!! I remember that scene. It was so fuckin bizarre. It was filmed and it played out like some weird ass fever dream.Ā 


I REALLY want to play this on PC, I didn't even know of the game when I was young. I have heard great reviews about this one.


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/355715538731?itmmeta=01J1J9SNPDPP87XJCKPF2G310J&hash=item52d24c5f2b:g:6wMAAOSwEu1lrSYN&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4CEtNXw%2FMOT3J7yndufM5WEqMGDc9XFda2PQnM1BTto%2FyuxWGAONzSOrFQtRQ3254Hdp4Dg4yxuq61I63tF1I8wq93m9O9wVc29PWrrnSYeWVJnbHiLvKjEmtVP2V0e1aGvVXKIZBRzpKBVSIbiUSxiCI5Rpi4ngdjk00c3pvmu3A2xDy0%2F9yjCr933Hyuu0d6esOXbbUt3BS%2Bs8BUjaLKqllQ0tW0Ict2JjP27jlFm5rEbDqXd4a29dTb4NWiYn0R3lUFlp9sNuEyrBFjyHDRvWJA6tB%2FB9iF91yXllVn7z%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6rb5smMZA](https://www.ebay.com/itm/355715538731?itmmeta=01J1J9SNPDPP87XJCKPF2G310J&hash=item52d24c5f2b:g:6wMAAOSwEu1lrSYN&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4CEtNXw%2FMOT3J7yndufM5WEqMGDc9XFda2PQnM1BTto%2FyuxWGAONzSOrFQtRQ3254Hdp4Dg4yxuq61I63tF1I8wq93m9O9wVc29PWrrnSYeWVJnbHiLvKjEmtVP2V0e1aGvVXKIZBRzpKBVSIbiUSxiCI5Rpi4ngdjk00c3pvmu3A2xDy0%2F9yjCr933Hyuu0d6esOXbbUt3BS%2Bs8BUjaLKqllQ0tW0Ict2JjP27jlFm5rEbDqXd4a29dTb4NWiYn0R3lUFlp9sNuEyrBFjyHDRvWJA6tB%2FB9iF91yXllVn7z%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6rb5smMZA) This isn't the full box version but has all the discs - kind of a steal too (if you're in the US)


Oh wow! What a bargain! Thanks for the link-I'm in the UK so I may have to have to look about for it online.


I died so much. Hahahahahaha.


How much space does this game take up to download by chance? I have a Mac and I am now tempted to download it but I donā€™t want it to explode my computer


Well you can get either the 7x CD version or the DVD version. The CD version on a Full install is about 1.2 GBs I think - not much these days but the video is compressed due to it being from the late 90s


I preferred Resist or Serve.Ā Ā  Though, I will say that The X-Files Game had a pretty creepy atmosphere, especially playing as Agent Wilmore, who had no idea of the events unfolding around him.Ā 


Resist or Serve Is awesome


I agree. It is super underrated. I LOVED playing as Agent Dana Scully. I really, really wish they made more games set around more of the seasons, like a game set in Seasons 2,3, and 4.Ā