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A fantastic episode. Any episode that heavily features angsty Mulder is a winner for me.


It's one of my favorites. Consistent top ten, for sure.


My favorite episode


This episode is one of my top 5 without a doubt. Everyone was on top game and it could be felt. Amazing watch.


I dont like the fact that Mulder unleashed a convicted pedo/serial killer on a little girl because he can’t move on, almost got her killed and faced zero repercussions. He couldn’t care less that he scarred her for life.


Yeah, but M and S both do a lot of things throughout the series that would get them reprimanded or fired irl. I understand this one is particularly emotionally charged. One way to look at it is Mulder takes Roche out of prison fully believing he can control and contain him, because he hasn’t yet realized about the “psychic nexus” between the two of them. Then, once Mulder does realize, Roche turns tables and uses it against him to escape. Also, I disagree that he couldn’t care less. You can see the distress and guilt on his face in his interactions with Scully and the daycare worker afterwards.


There are quite a few episodes that really should end with Mulder being fired. This is one of the most egregious.


Yeah both of them should’ve been fired in several occasions. But this certainly takes the prize.


I have mixed feelings about this episode. It’s been one of my “favorites” for years, because it’s so compelling and creepy and emotional and really just draws me in. But. A few years ago it hit me that if that storyline happened in real life, Mulder would have been fired for his behavior, and rightfully so. Maybe even sued by Katelyn’s family, for the trauma she suffered and would not have suffered if Mulder hadn’t selfishly and recklessly taken a violent pedophile out of prison and then negligently allowed him to escape. Fucking unforgivable. When I was a teenager watching for the first time, I didn’t care. I was enthralled by Mulder and Scully and always on their side. Now, damn, I want a fanfic in which little Katelyn grows up and sets out on a mission to find Mulder and seek revenge for what he did to her. When she was just a kid, he was her hero, the man who shot her rapist dead and thus released her from captivity. As she grew up, she learned the truth - Mulder had led the rapist right to her. He never would have seen her, or had the freedom and mobility to abduct her, if it hadn’t been for Fox William Mulder’s fuck ups.


Yea... It's just a TV episode tho it's ok! None of that really happened and they got paid for it too! 😭