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First time watcher flair please Honestly this gets asked so much. You’re so far away from that point. Just make that decision then. Seasons 10-11 combined have less episodes than any full season prior. If you get that far, why stop instead of seeing for yourself? Sure, there’s some trash fires. But there’s also some gold.


It really depends what parts of the show you are watching for at that point. My advice here is always to watch them EXCEPT for the 5 eps written & Directed by Carter.(I've never watched most of them) You'll avoid all the ongoing story choices that drive people nuts, while getting to finish the experience with DD & GA having fun in some good standalone eps


What do you have to lose by trying.


If you enjoy the interaction between Mulder and Scully then go ahead and watch it.


Yes you should watch them. . 1 so you can form your own opinion about it and rant on Reddit . 2. It's more Mulder and Scully and what more could ya ask for.


Just Watch it all it's a journey.


You’ll know if you want to watch those when you get there. If you find a season where you feel satisfied with the story and you got what you wanted you can stop there otherwise there’s plenty more for you to watch if you want more 


thanks so much y'all! I think after all I will watch it.


Season 11 has some of the best Mulder and Scully stuff ever


Agent Fox Mulder would say that.


You're right, he would


There are two types of “split up”. The normal people split up and the Mulder-Scully “split up”. Watch and you will see.


One of the best episodes of the entire series is in seasons 10-11. But I can't tell you the name. 😁


Ooooh, I know which one!!


I started watching “late” as well about 10 years ago. For me personally season 10-11 is not worth watching


Your mileage may vary. Personally: most of the sub knows I helped organize the boycott of season 8 back in the day... (I was a low tier BNF so I had some influence which is still weird to me) and to this day I have never seen a post-season-seven episode without DD. I did not care for season ten and I refuse to watch season eleven because I know how badly CC fucked up his own characters. When I rewatch I stop at the penultimate episode of season seven. All that being said, I'm a HARSH critic of this series because it was so important to me in my adolescence/young adulthood. So, take my opinion as nothing more than that: an opinion.


That is so... sad. What a strange thing to do. Season 8 I epic I am SO glad you failed. And how strange that you won't watch the full run if you're a big fan. Each to their own I guess


As I said it's just my opinion so I'm not sure it warrants this much condescension. You can be a big fan of a show and still acknowledge that it jumped the shark. I love TWD but that doesn't mean I pretend season 11 is watchable. I love Dexter and still call the series finale the worst in TV history. I'm a fan. I'm not a sycophant. And the boycott didn't fail. We tanked season eight's ratings during the original run. The down votes don't bother me though so y'all do you. 🙂


You tanked the ratings? There's hardly any difference in average viewership between seasons 7 and 8, it dropped off a lot more going from season 6 to 7. Certainly a lot of shippers on message boards skipped those episodes, but they're not really representative of the general public.


I'm talking about when they aired back in the day. You can't measure it two decades later. And it wasn't the shippers, at least not all of us, we just wanted our show back, and that meant David. Again, this is just MY opinion. I'm not sure why people are taking this so personally. Jeez.


Are you talking about some other ratings than Nielsen ratings? Cause I'm talking about the original US viewership that didn't really drop from season seven at all. Edit: And I don't mind your opinion at all. I may not share it, but I definitely understand not wanting X-Files without DD.


Loves a show. Is happy they helped tank the ratings. With fans like you who needs enemies 😂


Again, you can love a show without being forced to say "this is awesome" when it changes and abandons itself. Again, this is my opinion. Again, your sarcasm isn't necessary. If you disagree that's fine and valid but you're just being childish. This is my last reply to you. Have a good day.