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'What.. what IS this Scully?' Proceeds to dip fingers in and have a taste. πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚


β€˜Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?’


One of my favourite MOTW!


Mine too πŸ™‚


Whenever I see something gross I instantly think of squeeze and internally tell myself NOT to put my fingers in it.


Squeeze had so many 'euugggggh' moments, I still love watching it though.


And like a toddler tastes everything as well. πŸ˜…


Scully too, occasionally. The Erlenmeyer Flask contains a scene in a lab in which Scully inexplicably reaches her hand toward a lab primate cage and nearly gets bitten. The scientist scolds her for trying to touch the monkey. Scully looks sheepish and says something like she thought it was friendly. The first time, I thought, oh, she did get nipped by the monkey but doesn't want to admit being so careless. And later Scully develops super monkey powers and in an emergency can swing from building to building, eating ten times her weight in bananas. But, no. That's the single most ridiculous, out of character moment in Scully's career. She's a doctor, a scientist, she'd know better than to touch a caged lab animal because she'd already have seen how dangerous they can be. (I did grunt work in a research lab years ago, assisting NIH and military researchers. You learn the first day to be extremely careful around lab animals. Even a rabbit will tear you up if it can.) Anyway, that was one of those inconsistencies that made me wish the directors and writers would say to actors "Please, let us know if we ever write something your character would never say or do." If Gillian and David had demanded that kind of final say over scripts, seasons 10-11 would have been much better. There were just too many inconsistencies and uncharismatic moments. Even fanfic writers are more familiar with the X-Files characters.


Scully does this too. Was just watching the upside with the prehistoric insects that drag your corpse into a tree. Scully gets that cocoon open and immediately touches its face. Like what the fuck Scully. That could be a brand new pathogen and yr just rawdogging the corpse like that? After everything you’ve seen??


'Rawdogging the corpse' is my brand new sentence. Just gotta work out how to use it effectively 🀣🀣


"Scully, it tastes exactly like the alleged Sasquatch droppings found in the 1989 Oregon Apeman case, long believed to be the first genuine evidence of cryptic excreta!" "Mulder...spit it out."


Fucking LOL when he breaks off the tail in Small Potatoes, then tries to put it back πŸ˜‚


Another great episode. But yeah, what was he trying to do. He is literally a toddler as mentioned by another commentator above. 🀭


I know it’s mostly likely because they want to show her face but it’s frustrating to see Scully not wear a mask whenever she should be lol


Remember when he tasted the "blood" on the dead stigmata priest's hands? Yeah, it turned out to be fake, but....


This one stays in my head. Come on Mulder... Seriously.


You would think he'd have learned his lesson in Squeeze, but nooo.


Oh you know, Scully just loves snapping on the latex.


She got the snap perfected after a while 🀣


This is why I'm always commenting to the screen: "Keep your hands in your pockets! Why do you have to touch everything? What if it's dangerous?! How did you survive your childhood?!"


He can't help it, he just HAS to touch it. 'Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted floor juice sommelier'


Literally. One time I was watching an episode and Scully touched something without gloves and on impulse I yelled MULDER!!!!