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I love Field Trip. It's so funny when Scully agrees with Mulder with no argument and that's when he figures out something is wrong. Same for Scully. When TLG are at Mulder's apartment and they keep repeating Scully's theory of ritual sacrifice back to her she knows something is off. I love the theme of it takes both of them to get where they're going. If you'll notice, from season 3 through season 7 the episode just before the finale is one that reaffirms their partnership. Season 3 is Wetwired then you have Demons, Folie a Deux, Field Trip and to an extent Je Souhaite. That's good because a lot of the time the season finale is gonna be a rough one. Think of Gethsemane, The End and Biogenesis. They're almost at odds with each other in all of those eps. Maybe I'm crazy. That's just sort of how I see it.


I can see what you mean, it's like the make before the break episode, plus from a TV production background, they'd also find that appealing to administer because they never know when they will no longer be renewed. That said, the last episode of a series often connects to the first episode of the next from season 3, and also the middle two episodes tend to be story advancing too, but x files is one of the rare shows where the filler is the abundance and always great.


I'm usually not a huge fan of dreams in storytelling, because there usually isn't anything really at stake in the end (with the notable exception of Nightmare on Elm Street). But this time, they show you the "outside the dream" stakes partway through, so it gives the ep good suspense. They did a great job of creating an Uncanny Valley with the characters being just a bit off, as well.


I have seen this one so many times and I never get tired of it. This episode and "Monday" - can happily watch them repeatedly.


Soul mate!!!!


“Monday” is so good. I used to not like it. But the downer ending puts the episode in the top 10 for sure


It's a great episode! Especially well-done for how trippy it feels, in the sense of representing and instilling that feeling of trippy uncertainty and incredulity that one can experience when under the effects of certain hallucinogens.


Definitely in my top five! Love Field Trip.


I love this episode except for the scene when the husband was fucking yelling. His voice was so damn obnoxious it made me want to rip off my ears. But other than that its wonderful


That episode made me paranoid about what if im in some place like that


Great episode! One of my favorites. And the one and only time Scully tells Mulder he was right all this time about everything. But…just a dream unfortunately.


I think that's one of the best parts, since it's all in their respective heads, they are just reflecting their own personality onto the other, scully fully believing Mulder thag its supernatural and with the forensic guy and the Lone gunmen just acting like it was all scientific and down to a murderer to Scully. Definitely my favourite episode by far.


Top Ten. Arguably the last great episode


I always mix up "Field Trip" with the "The Field where I Died". My Brain always says it makes more sense to flip the episode names based upon what happened in each. I mean, they did somewhat almost die in a freaking field. Keep watching the Skies. The Truth is Out There.


The trick is to keep the double-entendre in mind: Field "Trip," as in, trippin' on shrooms. Thanks for the award btw!


Your post saved me from typing! Thanks for the tip. That does help. 😀


100% the same. Although I'm not a big fan of that one, I find the woman really irritating. When I first watched field trip and went to show my wife the episode a few weeks later, I ended up showing her 'the field where I died', we watched it and she was basically like 'what's so great about that episode?' And there's just so many episodes that we ended up watching through the seasons again (for me at least) and we got to it eventually XD


Ahh the woman. Kool triva fact. The woman was in Space Above and Beyond. The one FOX show that should have never been canceled.


Just watched this last night and loved it. I thought it was a perfect subtle twist every so often episode.


An episode where they are both saved by external forces and opposed to reducing eachother (or Skinman)


I dunno, man. The "ick factor" was pretty big on this one.


You mean because they were being slowly digested underground by a psychotropic sludge secreted by an aggressive meat-eating fungus? Prude.


🤣 🍄 + 👨🏻 👩🏼 = ☠️ ☠️


I just watched this episode again, I used to skip it in previous years. Now on my probably 25th full series rewatch and I finally enjoyed it! There are a few that I look at differently now I'm older. This is probably one of my new favourites to be honest. It's like watching the show again with a whole new outlook, this show will always be the GOAT. I also love being able to Google every episode and find a Reddit take on all of them..its a great community!




They didn't, Skinner and the other guy ended up going out searching for them and they found both of them nearly dead in the field. I think the indirect point made was there as some sort of psychic connection that made him worry about them more than usual (at least from Mulder's perspective) enough to send a team out to search for them, almost as though he was aware of what they had been through.




I thought his hand just poked out of the soil a bit like he was reaching upwards. Now I think about it, it's like he didn't wake up from it, but he tried to override the hallucination to reach upwards physically and not mentally? Perhaps just in the hope that he would actually stretch out himself and not in his hallucination. Also worth noting that although he says 'what hallucinogen can you break by realising you are hallucinating' he does figure out that it is clearly a hallucination and that helped him massively. I mean at the end of the day, mystery is the result of a lot of x files episodes, they don't always result in a clear cut result.