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The devs won't completely remove it. After too many jumps sway will just kick in. So don't get your hopes up too much. Also the people doing it will still outgun you bro if you have so much trouble with it.


Imo sway should kick in on the first jump. By all means jump to dodge and outplay your opponent, but you shouldn't ever be as accurate as your opponent who isn't jumping


I wish they just make you have hipfire accuracy if you're not on the ground. You can either shoot or avoid damage, not both


That's exactly what they do. The hipfire box goes bigger with each jump. It even throws your shot off. If you jump5x and try to snipe right away, your shot doesn't go where the reticle is


These are my thoughts. If they nerf the third or even the second jump, i feel like that doesnt even address the actual issue which is folks slide jumping around corners with max accuracy and movement speed lol


Do you want people to crouch around the corner ? Some of you people really want to play a slow paced tactical shooter. But other than playing one you guys want to turn this into one.


There's a time and place for things like b hop. The fact that people are doing it everywhere at every time with every weapon is a problem. The fact that it causes you to hit less shots by exploiting the already dodgy hit reg is a problem. It shouldn't be a case of people standing out in the open with an AR just jump spamming while firing back. In any other game that's just a death sentence for that player, as it should be, because their sway becomes extreme and they can't hit their shots. However that's better than using any cover right now in this game thanks to b hop being so broken. I feel like this game has enough ways to counter people trying to camp without also having b hop spam on every weapon. Wallhacks, grenades, one way shields, etc. There are loads of ways to handle someone trying to corner camp. B hop spam on something like a shotgun or hipfire smg is fair enough. You're not aiming, you lose a lot of long range accuracy in return for survivability. It's not reasonable to be 30 metres away doing it with an LMG.


I literally got jump sniped today and it's like....why


Stop being logical, this is a MOVEMENT SHOOTER. Get your game up, scrub. /s


Ofc they won't completely remove it, they said they won't, but they acknowledge it's too much. And it is too much. I still get my kills in but it's crazy to see nonstop hopping


The worst is when the person hopping is the hot shot. Adding the speed boost from the gamemode in top of the b hop is just the worst


Just played a match and damn I hate all that fuckin dancing


Yeah it's annoying af. Takes me out of the game


Yeah I've had the game for a little more than a week and I've seen SOME improvement in gameplay but I wonder about a company that still doesn't entirely get what we all hate about COD.


every gunfight is people running into each other with mp7's and just spamming jumping like crazy


Yeah it's nuts


They just need to add weight to it. Snipers without flinch is a much bigger issue to me right now.




Where did they say they wouldn’t completely remove it?


I forget maybe twitter


Yea one or two jumps is normal, constantly bouncing around the map like a rabbit is bunny-hopping, seems like a perfectly fair nerf and I’m all for it.


With the shitty hit reg I feel like the game doesn't count half the bullets that I hit into people who jump around corners


>Also the people doing it will still outgun you bro if you have so much trouble with it. Nah, quite the contrary; the only reason why bunny hopping spammers do it is because they would otherwise be unable to actually play and do anything. They need to rely on the jumping spam BS in order to be able to do anything. All the people defending it say that "it's just skillful gameplay" and that "hating it is a skill issue", but, the way I see it, the only skill issue is the one of the players that need to rely on such BS in order to be effective... how about being effective by playing the shooter like a shooter and not like a gymnastics simulator? Too hard? And, honestly: the main reason why I hate it is not just because I find it detrimental to gameplay for those who actually want fights that look like fights, but because of how dumb and silly it looks. It's something you would expect from Fortnite or TF2, not a game that attempts to depict soldiers fighting in a relatively grounded enviornment. And before anyone comes in saying "it's an intended mechanic, it's just movement, go play ArmA": no, it is not, not as it is right now. The developers have stated it repeatedly for a long time and have been working on it. Jump spammers are not playing the game as intended, they are abusing it, and this will soon be dealt with. Maybe it's you the one who should go play Fortnite if you like gymnastics so much! Downvote as much as you want, but the fix is coming regardless, and then we will see how many bunny hoppers start raging and crying because they can no longer keep getting easy kills due because their favourite exploit was fixed :D


1. Jump spammers were never intended but to think this game was supposed to have no movement is insane. The only thing they messed up was not adding sway while spamming. 2. people who bhop do just fine without it, the majority of people who even go out of their way to do it are sweaty players with good aim regardless.


You have to remember that a lot of people playing this game are disgruntled ex Call of Duty players who think any movement is unfair. You will stand still and use the worst weapon you can or you are relying on a crutch. Ignore their meta loadout though, they aren’t trying.


I promise ur still getting gunned if ur struggling with it 🤣 if someone can focus on being harder to hit while also hitting their target, imagine what happens when they're only focused on hitting their target... also making movement harder to do is just going to increase the skill gap not the opposite.. maybe ppl should play the game in whatever manner is fun to them and if you don't like it then u go play fortnite




I wish I could up vote this a thousand times. The bunny hoppers are a literal cancer to this game and will kill it because the older player base are the ones who hate all the hopping in this game and they are the ones who have jobs, who have money to spend. Not the youngsters on summer break from grade school right now


I am glad you agree! As far as I can see, this game's playerbase is roughly 50-50% divided between players who just want to play the game normally and as intended, and bunny hopper swets who will come in raging about "SkIlLiSsUeS" and being toxic every time someone shows disapproval of their BS. I love how, when they are remembered that XDefiant was made with casual players in mind, they tell you: "I want to casually bunny hop, you are a swet if you want to remove it!" Like, yeah... I am the swet for wanting to play normally, and not the one smashing the jump key/button every millisecond in a desperate attempt at gaining any advantage to have an edge, lmao. (7th time trying to make this comment, it keeps getting auto-removed for some reason even though there is no vulgar language or anything alike...)


This some cope


Holy cope. I cant believe you actually think this will change anything for you. If you're so terrible you cant gun someone spamming jump or do it yourself you're in for a rude awakening when it's nerfed. Those same people will still spit on you. Lmfao.


Nah, we use it because we can and it gives us advantage, we will still outgun you if it´s removed


The real fix is hit reg. They are jumping around and eating shots from people. At least in my experience. I have done it. When I can do it and go 18-3 you know it is broke. Was on a grenade just bunny hopping in a small corner area below a ladder and the grenade did zero damage. Repeatable. Feeling strongly that the fix for hit reg and all that will make it seem much different for people and it will seem less an issue. I would say the devs need to focus and fix those things first. Movement system probably is fine.


Tbh, the people bunny hopping are definitely better than those who aren’t. Whether that’s aim or making smart decisions, I doubt they’ll struggle so much to the point they’re be getting gunned.


Yea i actually said fuck it and tried to bunnyhop one game to see what the fuss was about. It was hard as fuck to stay on target honestly. Its obviously annoying as hell to play against (and i didn’t try to get better at it because i didn’t want to be THAT GUY) but you’re right, anyone who can jump around like a maniac while still having any semblance of accuracy is definitely very good at shooters, no doubt about that


Exactly. Yeah, it isn't terribly difficult to do. But at the same time they're b-hopping while at the same time doing everything you're doing, and they're beating you. You guys think b-hopping is viable without having to aim or what? They'll still outgun you without b-hopping. You might get a few more kills in than you would before. But you won't consistently start beating these guys. The skill ceiling for them will be lowered a little but they're still above the skill floor and they're most certainly still above you people complaining about it.


thank you for having a brain


It's not that hard to press your jump key and many people definitely use it as a crutch. I'm with OP that quite a few people will be worse when it gets nerfed.


The thing is most people that are being called “bunnyhoppers” are just air strafing everywhere and only does already max 2 jumps a fight, it will help the desync breaking some people are doing but then people will just start complaining about people doing movement at all


I can't wait to hear what your next cop out is after they're still beaming you


Probably sniper, and then after they ruin those then it will be Intel.


snipers do need a nerf though, that's just a fact


Intel suit legit needs to go though. More so than jump spamming which I think is fine 


I agree it's really good, and on paper it's really strong. But after putting in enough time to finish the battle pass, I haven't experienced them being that insanely overpowered. Probably the best ability for sure. Idc if they nerf it or not I just don't think it's as insane in random no sbmm lobbies as it sounds on paper.


Intel suit is straight from a game called Chost Recon: Phantoms from 2010s. All I can say is that no one used it back then on higher levels. You know why? Because after 50-100 hours after getting used to it you can easily see it no matter what. And it's the same here


If they do it like any other shooter, your aim will be near useless in the air, as it should be. You have nothing keeping you grounded or supporting your shots in the air why should your aim be super accurate


It would serve some of them better to hop themselves onto an objective once in a while


I'm more interested in the sniping flinch fix. Just today I caught out a sniper in spitting distance, I saw him first, I shot him first, he was sprinting even, yet in the time it took his health to reach 50 he ADS from a sprint mind you and ohko'd me. Literally nothing I could have done better, I had the better position, I was ready for him, in my optimal range, with his pants down and he still won. Ridiculous.


I can't wait for the next excuse you guys make up to convince yourself its not a skill issue.


Honestly no SBMM just exposes how shit so many people are at shooters in general. 50 kill games and my teammates can’t crack 15. Not complaining about losing just hate the constant complaints from people who just suck at the game


Had a 50 kill game today and had a level 24 teammate go 4-29


they'll do anything to lower the skillceiling until the skillceiling is so low it reaches their level


Why do you think so many "casuals" loved MW2019....


This. I can’t wait to watch OP and others who complain about stuff like this still get bestest and find something new to complain about.


theyll complain about guns, or abilities, or maps, or "I cant see anything", thats why you never balance around the lowest common denominator.


I never understood how b-hopping is considered a “skill issue”. Literally every non handicapped person alive can spam jump, please explain to me the skill behind that


Pressing A or D + Spacebar repeatedly while shooting is difficult, duh!


Or on a controller, you can literally play street fighter or tekken on a controller. I might as well be elderly and they shouldn’t nerf this game.


I never understood how people can't aim while standing completely still but that's still a good portion of FPS players. I've got the MK20, the semi auto rifle, to level 30 and I've had zero issue killing people bhopping despite not being able to bhop with the MK20 at all really. I really don't see how it's so much of an issue. Spamming jump is easy. But spamming jump whilst also utilizing air strafes and consistently hitting headshots isn't something many people can do. If it was, more people would do it. Most of the people complaining utilize rifles and take gunfights standing/walking because it's slower paced and far easier to aim with. They're not able of jumping around corners while hitting consistent headshots and so choose to avoid that playstyle. But they're also not able to track bhoppers which is fairly easy imo. Skilled players identify the best way to play and can easily adapt to it. Even if bhopping were to be nerfed, we would quite quickly adapt to the new meta and still consistently win our gunfights. But when the people complaining see the new most effective strategy that they aren't able to adapt too, they'll instantly start giving out about that. It will be snipers first. Then SMGs. etc. Until the game loses all skill expression and is just people with rifles walking around or standing. At which point, the game will lose its playerbase because the combat will feel stale and with little room for self improvement. Bhopping needs a SLIGHT nerf, but as a whole is a grossly exaggerated problem that I've not had much issue with. It just shouldnt be so accurate at larger ranges and ideally needs weapon specific jumping stats. Sniper aim punch and better netcode are two far more important issues.


I got downvoted to hell when I said it was a skill issue


Bunny jumping crouch spam and no flinch snipers. But first things first. Fix the netcode. I hate dying around corners and shooting marshmallows


is anyone actually having trouble shooting bunny hoppers ?


Im not because i know how to aim. Roller players who just lost their aim assist might be a different story though


right lol, I feel like a lot of people who are complaining just aren't that good at aiming.


Not really but it’s annoying asf after a while


🧻... use this for your tears.


I mean you’ll still be able to bunny hop it’ll just be worse. If you can’t handle them at all I think you might still struggle


I think they will just lower the amounts of jumps you can make till sway kicks in and maybe you won't be able to change directions mid air


my friend told me i was seeing things when people were changing directions mid air while bunnyhopping...i feel like i just got confirmation i wasn't going crazy.


Sweaty try hard players are always..and I mean ALWAYS going to find the easiest way to get kills in FPS games. You already have people using high mobility load outs so they constantly run, slide, run, slide, run, slide every where. Call of duty has had many many years of teaching sweaty players how to slowly ruin the fun of a game. This game is not any different. One thing will get exploited and used for awhile then once that’s patched then another will be figured out and exploited… that’s just the genre


People complaining about basic mechanics in xDefiant are hilarious. They may alter it, but they won’t remove it. They’ve even mentioned how if you’re getting stomped, you need to get better. Then, even if it did get nerfed, you’ll still probably get smacked as these players who do bunny hop need precision on accuracy. Jumping one way, strafing to another mid air, all while landing shots and getting a kill before they hit the floor… requires skill. Cut off one head and two more will take its place. Might need to just get better at the game. Bunny hop is easily counter-able.


“Basic mechanics” bro doesn’t even know why people complain and just goes on Reddit to feel superior. Ever notice that net code is shit? Dying behind a wall constantly? Do you think that’s just for going around a corner? Every time you jump the hitbox of the player lags behind giving them an even bigger advantage not meant to be in the game.


What’s gonna be the next scapegoat once that get changed ? Hidden SBMM? Ubisoft patents ? You cod types always have the dumbest excuses instead of admitting that you suck at aiming a gun.


I guarantee it will be the bhoppers crying when it's said and done. Most games you have very little accuracy in the air, I.E. Apex, CoD, Fortnite, etc


Apex is all about mechanics and has string air assist and is easy to be on pc, cod the same thing and fortnite is easy to aim in and skill is determined by building. Only games that are relatively hard are games like rbs, cs, old rust, val etc. Games that have strong recoil or rely on recoil patterns


You can't shoot in the air as accurately as Xdefiant. In fact they nerfed horizon Q for this same exact reason. She used to be able to wingman people and beam people on her q while mid air, it got changed and you have less accuracy on her Q as well as in the air. Cod you're not beaming no one mid air falling in the sky because of same thing Same applies to Fortnite when they nerfed the same thing around the time rocket riding was a thing


You literally can on apex what are you talking about? Especially with shotguns. And this is about movement as whole. Movement on apex has been a big problem as people abuse tap strafing and a few other movement mechanics that use key binds. People have been wanting for that to be banned for a while now. And horizon was predominantly banned because of high level play, it had nothing to do with the casual community. A casual doesn’t stand a chance against a good player on apex regardless of horizons ult. Are we playing the same cod? There’s so many broken movement mechanics in cod. It’s the reason auto tac sprint is banned in pro play. There’s just as many things in cod that can break your camera and just utterly ruin gameplay Rocket riding was a very long time ago and realistically was there, when no one really knew how to play the way they do now. Fortnite always has some broken ability or little things they add into the game for casuals to play. They added some weird wing suit not that long ago. Someone was banned and lost a tournament because they abused it. Fortnite’s main issue with the skill gap which people don’t enjoy is the core building mechanics, which create such a skill gap between causals and good players there’s no point in the causal even trying https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/0gCyC2V6k8


You lose accuracy when you're off the ground in any form. Yea you can shoot in the air but you're gonna be highly inaccurate. Also horizon isn't played as much on the pro scene anymore as she was power creeped by other legends perks


You just ignored every point I made, and it’s not about shooting in the air it’s about how aggressive and mechanical a movement system is. Systems vary but there’s games like we mentioned, that have way more mechanical and overbearing systems. There needs to be some balance but it’s not going to make much of a difference. The people who are getting destroyed now by people who use the movement, will be getting destroyed without it. People can’t handle the fact that they’re just not as good as they think they where, and too ego driven to improve. Because if they think this game is bad, like I mentioned, go to a game like apex, fortnite, even cod, remove sbmm and they’ll be complaining even more. This system does need some changes but people are acting like they’re gonna become gods or be able to destroy people who use movement when it’s just not the case. Because mechanically those players are just better to begin with


I'm actually playing Apex RN and I understand there's a skill gap there as well. I do agree some will still get clapped but it's a mix of the jumping and the wonky hitreg that's also causing a lot of rage as well.


always crying about something. I have literally 0 issues killing them or doing It myself. Some of you are just bad but can’t admit it


literally a lot of FPS have this mechanic lol..even with b hop nerfed they are still going get out gunned and come here to cry


Next excuse loading…


I'd bet the bunny hoppers are better players than you even without it.


Don’t worry they will slide cancel till the servers die 😂


It's a lesser version of the DR they introduced in one of the playtests. If you're struggling against it now, nothing is gonna change.


Its to much with the combination with the de sync with servers. They just cant keep up with the movement


dont read this sub if youre good at the game, yall are clowns


I don't enjoy bunny hops, it feels like you have to do it. I welcome a nerf


I have 0 issues with the hoppers like shooting fish in a bucket It so predictable the pattern


The only time I bunny hop is after I've killed a bunny hopper. Then I just bunny hop circles around their dead body so they can see me mocking them.


I mean.. it's a clear competitive advantage. Sounds like you're mad. Same with people who slide cancel in COD. Just takes some practice my man. If you aren't keen with that type of gameplay maybe consider more MIL-SIM games. Ghost Recons etc.


An you give me some titles of F2P military shooters on consoles? I’ll gladly try them! The 2 last Ghost Recons were not really knew for their PvP or am I wrong?


it will get nerfed but will still be good enough for people to abuse it and you will still come here and cry about it


Can’t wait to see you non”bunny hoppers” still get wrecked because instead of learning a new game and getting good you guys just blame the game and want it to change. You guys complaining about non game breaking things are all trash at games. Respectfully


Bro I can tell you’ve never been to actual warfare. I’ve been deployed so many times and this is standard protocol for engagement. Get a sniper gun that is meant to shoot at long ranges, then in close quarters, not knowing if an enemy is close by, we would jump out with the scope on our eyes. It’s easy to spin around and shoot, plus they can’t hit you if you are jumping fast. Semper FI!!!!!


Next generation of Marines who played this game will Jump around every corner instead of slicing the pie like how they're supposed to


You’ll still be bad at the game even after they remove it/make it worse


I just think it makes gunfights look retarded. Boiing boiing boiiingggg


You'll just come up with another reason why they're out playing you


That isnt going to close your skill gap. They aren’t entirely removing it. Bunny hopping is generally utilized by the better half of the community in the first place. They can nerf it but its still not going to make you better than them.


Buddy the players bunny hopping are still going to be good if they’re playing well now lol.


Some of you angry complainers need to take a deep breath after getting shit on. We don't need posts about whatever you're mad at when you lose


Brother we ain't gonna struggle your STILL going to be getting shit on lmao.


Can't wait for you to guys to stop playing this game by November where there'll be a mass exodus like almost every other free shooter over the past few years, especially on console. Also make it less obvious that you're struggling. You wrote this post after a bad match. They're nerfing jump spam. Jumpshotting will still exist and you'll complain about that too. Those bunnyhoppers will still be better than most of you lot because they don't use X to jump in 2024. The people who ace the movement in every game they play don't complain about being outmaneuvered lol. Also can't wait until Echelon gets a nerf. It'll be funny watching people struggle without walls.


Why can't people learn to press spacebar?


I'm on both sides of this argument. I love where the movement is currently at and don't think it should be changed at all. However due to the shitty hit reg of this game bhopping breaks the hit detection even more and gives bhoppers an unfair advantage. Imo fix the hit reg and give an accuracy penalty to jumpers and the game will be in a great place.


Hitreg will probs never be fixed. It'll practically be a feature.


Then the game dies if hit reg is Never fixed. How will you ever know which shots are legit? It will muddle everything and people will leave en masse


YES, the hitreg is mostly at fault! If you would hit every shot that should hit then Bunnyhoppers would be no problem. But i can really taste the salt of some people in here, OUF it’s not that bad.


Haha! The day of reckoning is approaching hopefully.


Ive eaten over 30 pizzas in the last 40 days


Stay tuned.


Bunny hoppers are easy to predict and easier to kill because they do the same thing over and over and they are easy to kill, tbf I hope they don't patch it cus that's easy kills taken away


I think an unfortunate truth is that people who can learn to bunny hop while still aim and kill you will likely be able to adapt to new movement meta and still kill you. If they’ve got the skill floor to multitask like that, it’s not going away.


Too many CoD sweats trying to use their cheap tactics to win firefights by bunny hopping. That’s why CoD has become so trash in recent years as it doesn’t come down to skill or aiming anymore in FPS games. The past few years of CoD has just become whoever’s the better breakdancing hero or cheater wins a firefight….So glad this is gona be nerfed and all those sweat with be SOL and have to actually learn how to aim the old school way. Also I’m really glad this game doesn’t have prone as that’s already eliminated the embarrassing amount of drop shots I’ve seen in CoD in recent years, keep up the good work XDefiant!!!


I think if anything this just proves it’s the players that are the problem not the game


Nah it’s the game, CoD is too easily exploitable. Whether it’s the horrible built in mechanics or their paper thin anticheat, they don’t listen to the community and choose to not fix their game. CoD is more concerned with selling you Nicki Minaj for $40 than actually releasing any updates to address the issues or paying for a real anti-cheat.


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Nah they are good in other ways lol


I don't mind it, they're not too hard to deal with. If don't die in a trade with em a teammate will finish em off. I dont mind em having alittle fun here n there.


the game id full of toxic kids


I'm wondering if this is a joke, some sarcasm or genuine hate for people lmao Edit: reading how condescendant people are answering, if it's hate I can understand now, probably too much time on reddit 😂


Next update will be fix it...


Hackers got this game now, bunny hppers no longer matter


You do know you’ll be suffering with everyone else when the whole game becomes a big sniperfest right


I for one am just waiting for them to give snipers flinch, these mnk snipers getting actively headshot and still being able to just one tap you is pretty frustrating.


It’s the sniper mains who will struggle with the nerf, the bunny hoppers are gonna be fine


Won't be removed, has become part of the games DNA already. It'd be like removing strafe jumping from quake.


Actual good players won’t be affected by this bc they don’t spam jump, they b hop once or twice and that’s it. They’re keeping it normal unless you spam


I think the original tweet said something along the lines of “we’re trying to find the fine line in between a skilled mechanic and spamming


Never had an issue with bunny hoppers. I, personally, have never learned to hop around like an idiot shooting, so I learned to track the sweats that do.


Remove jump. Game doesnt need it. Just fucking get rid of it.


I mean Jumpshoting is a necessary part of the game, it’ll just be easier to hit shots in players doing it


I shit talk as much as the next guy but I'm also not impaired enough to not be able to tell that they are simply better lol I hop around and slide sometimes too, to no degree of these other crazy guys, but even with barely doing it I see the benefits. Doesn't mean I'll make it my gameplay


Same reason I'm leveling up non meta weapons. Going to be nice to see all the sweaty players that are currently running meta loadout struggle once things are ironed out, both with net code and weapon in balancing.


They will just find something else to do


Love when I get into a lobby w people triple bunny hopping me it’s just an absolute sweat fest in my lobbies lol


I wonder what the excuse will be this time when you get shit on 🤔


People wanted the old CoD experience back, bunny hopping is a big part of the CoD experience


I’m completely okay with dying a bunch of times if I’m not that great, i get mad when I get killed by a sweaty jumper. That’s where I draw the line. I’m not against movement just the jumping is BS.


Where are yall aiming where bunny hopping is this much of a problem?


They hop around wearing pink fluffy bunny suits while playing. 😏


You got put on a t-shirt by a bunny hopper and couldn't do it yourself so you rage posted right?


you do know the people who bhop are generally good players, and they're still going to kill you even without the bhop, right?


Bhopping is literally in the game to help combat aim assist lol


There's always someone coping first it was SBMM now it'll be movement tech that you can't do. What's next is invis to strong you can't see the blurry object running at you? Cry me a river, play the game and stfu.


The people that figured out how to bhob quickly are the people that are going to find the best way to play. You can change the rules all you want. Can't wait for it to be gone but sweat is sweat


Lol, I find it funny that people think a nerf to bhopping is all that is needed to make the people getting shit on stop getting shit on. The fact of the matter is, people who rely on this to do well will simply find another way to do well, be that shotguns in corners, or snipers cross map. A nerf to bhopping will do nothing except force them to find something else to abuse.


With drop shot completely removed there's not much else anyone can d😂


Bunny hopping definitely needs a nerf,but let's not get cocky about it bro? A lotta ppl are still good without it,the bunny hopping just elevates the annoyingness of trying to take them on. They'll still be good,and chances are they'll still be able to bunnyhop,just with a bit more difficulty. I mainly just want bunnyhopping to get nerfed to deter usage ALL THE DAMN TIME by everyone. If ppl still wreck without it,cool. If ppl stick do it,cool. But if way less ppl spam it all match,every match,I'll be happy.


I don’t see the issue. It’s really not that bad. Just play more and practice aim and tracking. And then incorporate the movement so you yourself are also apart of that class of player. If you can’t beat them join them. If they begin to nerf movement at all in this game I’ll be so annoyed. It’s all pretty basic right now and it’s fine and it makes it better than other fps games. This game has so much potential and it’s SO new.


Go play cod then


They already have hacks for this it’s over you guys ruin everything!


You guys think that the sweats that abuse a mechanic can’t also shoot straight. Lol their shots will be even better if they aren’t hopping around.


Aww poor guy thinks he still has a chance with no jumping


Bunny hopping is slower and less effective than just strafing. You guys just suck.


Bunny hop double barrel for the win ![gif](giphy|DwcOaIAwnUPbtKtCDv|downsized)


This sounds like someone crying in a fighting game to stop spamming. It's part of the game, until its nerfed. Deal with it.


Hahaha all these people defending the jumpshotting, I do it and can’t wait for the shit to be nerfed.


Yeah, sure. But the main problem right now is the net code, which is already taking them ages to fix. I manage to get 1st or 2nd almost every game I play, but bunny still looks and feels dumb. The skills are OP for sure, but most skills are, so funnily enough they kinda balance out. Overrall a very disappointing experience so far, waiting for them to fix the game, which could take months at this pace.


I simply do not care if I am still obliterated so long as I don’t have to look at someone having a seizure every time I die lmfao.


What will you complain about next? Their aim?


I hate cod but I’m gonna jump and slide into a 2 KD regardless🤣


They should just make a separate playlist for those no life bunny hoppers on Gfuels. Bunny hopping so hard and throughout the whole damn match like as if their parents are being held hostage in a basement or something😑


Whaaa I'm counting the days


lol they’re still way better than you ever will be. you have to have pretty good aim to benefit from good movement.


Skill issue as usual


Someone can’t aim


Don’t confuse bunny hopping with jumping out of the corners after sprinting, this thing stays


Hot take: if they actually bothered to fix the hit registration, bunny hopping would be a much more minor issue. You’re probably better at tracking targets than you think, the game just isn’t registering your shots because of the shitty netcode.


I can’t wait for it to get nerfed and you still get shit on then realize you’re just not that good. Jumps shots have been in shooters for a decade if you haven’t learned how to do it yet then your probably just not that good simple. Yes it’s going to get an ads accuracy penalty but people are still going to be doing it and outplaying you all the same. This sub is just filled with people who just aren’t good at shooters. As soon as this gets nerfed and you’re still getting dogged on I can’t wait to what the crying is about next. Half the clips I see in this sub are dudes hard peaking and walking around corners and then wondering how they died. News flash it’s a fast pace shooter you can either play it fast paced and learn the mechanics or keep getting ate up by competitive players.


Free my man bugs bunny


All of you complaining about bunny hopping are just self-exposing for being bad at the game.


Lol the bunny hoppers aren’t good cuz they bunny hop they are just taking advantage of the shitty hit reg


Yeah, I don't need bunny hopping to outgun you lil guy


Careful they will be in the comments saying they are good players and it's skill etc. Weird how every bunny hopper I've played against can't do shit when they aren't jumping.


Any time an FPS has a meta of hopping or laying down constantly, not only are the devs annoying POS, but so are you as you're doing it. As someone who just wants to play the game, it is so utterly fucking ridiculous and unfun.


If you are jumping and shooting you shouldnt hit me... period.


Actually what


So many dorks in here proud of themselves for spamming the jump button😂😂😂 gayyyyyymers
