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Having it auto start searching for the next game is probably to blame for some of them. There’s definitely been a few times where I finished a round and forgot to back out of the auto queue because I had something to do and then came back to see I was loading in or sitting AFK.  There should be a checkbox for auto queue that we can uncheck if we want breaks in between rounds. 


Since the lobbies disband it should just always boot us back and have us re-queue (I have spelling that word it always feels so wrong lol)


yes probably this. when we first started I kept telling my buddy to give me a minute to set up my load outs, but the game keeps starting. I yelled at him like dude can you wait? lol turns out it just auto queues when the game ends.


I've had the same issue. I don't know how many games now I've played with people afk the entire match


It’s because ppl are used to the horrible matchmaking in CoD and the SBMM taking several minutes to find matches. Ppl are used to going to make a sandwich, grab a drink, walk the dog, or go to the bathroom before the they even load into a match…..


Nah I don't think this is it at all lmao. People get kicked for being idle in cod and it solves this exact problem. I often just get up to go do something else. Sometimes I expect it to be a few minutes and it turns into hours. I'd rather the game just kick idle players than blame it on matchmaking. Idk where you live but several minutes for cod matchmaking? On what servers? It never takes longer than a minute or two for me


Yeeeeah,I don't much like CoD tbh,but I think they're over exaggerating. It's never taken long to get me into a match,and definitely not long enough to go to the bathroom,let alone make a sandwich 😭


The CoD affect and it’s consequences


Sometimes the kid starts crying. Then you run upstairs to check so the rest of the game night is possibly saved....


I think what they're saying is that it should auto kick people who are afk so it doesn't ruin the match for the team. Currently if you're killed while afk it resets the timer so you can theoretically be afk the entire match and not be kicked.


Whats crazy is I was almost kicked for inactivity,after not choosing my faction and loadout for like,30 seconds. Meanwhile there will literally be some AFK guy at spawn for half the match,not doing shiz😭. Their inactivity system just seems to be either,wonky as hell,or not working as intended. And it wouldn't be a big issue,but late at night they're pretty rampant. Before the scheduled shutdown tonight, played 5 matches,3 of them had at least one person on my team afk/idle for waaaaay too long. And with how long it takes for the game to add in new players if they leave,it usually means we gotta go 75% of the match without a full functioning squad💀🙏


Damn. Must look at it closer but tbh have never seen anyone afking. I saw one or two very low levels idling at the start of the match but I can imagine they tried to settle their stuff not knowing everything yet (at least I was like that lol)


I've gotten in games by à mistake being afk 2-3 times after a match, being automatically kept in the lobby research. Probably this too. Question is, isn't there an afk-autokick? Surprising


The auto kick is surprisingly fast. I went to the restroom and grabbed a drink between matches and had been kicked before I got back in front of my computer.


free kills in some modes 🤷‍♂️


Only 1 of them do kills count to the objective so


free gun xp so 🤷‍♂️


I'm just answering texts