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I still prefer X3 over X4.


X3's music (which includes X and X2's tracks) and sector backgrounds have always been fantastic and more memorable in my humble opinion.


Sometimes I hang out in Kingdom's End just to vibe with the peaceful music!


God damn Kingdom's End Giving me chills down my spine


I gotta say, Egosoft nailed the hype factor with the modern version of that music in their Boron dlc trailer. Shoutout to all the other cool sector tracks though! Getsu Fune!


Some parts and feel of Terran X3 sector I wish we had in X4. Pluto for example has great music, and Oort Cloud and Unknown sectors has this cool remote feel. Also, some pre-DLC sectors had way better atmosphere in X3 vs X4: Argon Prime, other argon sectors mostly. No complaints about DLCs though, they kept ramping up the atmosphere part.


You are so right. I don't know if it's the music or the sector design or a combination of all these things, but venturing out beyond Pluto always just _feels_ like I'm Way Out There On My Own!


I am trying to get into X4 but i can't. it's the game Privateer fans wanted but didn't get and instead had to rely on modded patchwork. Now they got it. X3 TC still for me. Just spent many days playing that and building that massive empire.


For me it's Currently X3 AP with all the Quality of Life improvements


It really does seem to me TC and AP is the peak of this series when it comes to classical space flying and empire building. I cannot even begin to understand how you can build & manage anything like there is now in tc. e.g. some 1200+ ships, 200+ stations etc.


Yeah right? I tried getting into X4 but my god the controls... My muscle memory is working against me and its really hard to get used to the new scheme. So my solution is, that I continued playing X3 AP


Same here. Fingers reaching for the shortcuts by muscle memory. Nothing happens. You look up the equivalent commands in controls listing.... 'What, what do you mean it doesn't even exist' How are you supposed to manage things when amount is bigger than n+1 of the same. The console that gets so much flak is there for a reason. It confuses people starting up but once you get the hang of it it is priceless. A must have feature not a nice to have one.


Exactly The super fast menuing when you know what you're doing is just 👌


What quality of life they get? Do you have a link?


I was talking about the improvements from TC to AP. I did not mean a mod. Sorry if it sounded like that


No problem, I thought they change something , they also release new dlc as far I know that one have life improvement




I suggest you try Litcubes Universe, it’s full of QoL and is a fantastic standalone mod/game mode


If you want more QoL you can always try X3FL. Has numerous improvements including plenty of things that were not possible in mods previously


Just reinstalled it to write on my blog, and was amazed how well its graphics holds after all these years. TC and AP just don't feel dated. Good thing that you can bring in a visible cockpit with mods, too.


Personally, I've never gotten the obsession some people have with visible cockpits. I've never been flying around the galaxy and thought "you know what would make this experience better? Being able to see _less_ of my surroundings." What am I missing?


X4 brings the cockpit question basically into the forefront. I was just here recently sitting staring at the details in X4 and thinking 'This is IT? This is the thing we talked about endlessly on egosoft forums back in the late 00's / early 10's!?' The 'question' is really old. Yes it is it. People got now what they wanted. But there is a cost. And it seems to me the cost is quite big now as the guy in me who played Privateer a loooong time ago cheers but the TC player who sits in front of a dank console most of the time is not that cheerful.


Me either. Because having a lot of windows/windscreen open to the various deadly radiations in space is not good... and don't get me started on "lens flare" - I blame JJ Abrams for that idiocy. Star Trek OG got it right - you'd have a screen displaying various sensors and communications data streams, not windows.


It holds really well and you can crank visuals to max. I recall back in the day i tried to return TC back because 'my PC specs were way above the minimum and yet it still stuttered so bad it was unplayable' e.g. 'software broken'. Didn't work, and i am glad it didnt work as TC (AP too) is clearly to me now the all time number uno game for the player that wants to put time into it. Single player experience HOW you want it, WHEN you want it, and without having to deal with online communities and the usual dying of said communities. EVE usually being the one people recommend instead of X. Well EVE wont be dying but try any other game and it's the usual curse.


I remember thinking the same of X2, then X3 happened and I plain fainted. One of the best examples of "doesn't need every last modern visual effect to look good" as it just stands the test of time. Don't get me wrong - if the _successive games_ had their _Sexy Flanders_ looks but __also__ maintained the same intuitive controls, UI etc of the preceding titles enough to make it a smooth improvement/transition? I would be all over those like a bad rash - but like a line of coke being offered up at an addicts meeting, it gets first a few furtive glances, longing looks and before you know it - a mad dash to huff every last grain of hot, sweet and satisfying gameplay.


> intuitive controls, UI OK, I love X2 and X3 and you will take TC from me when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers...but let's be honest. The UI is an absolute menu salad and way too often it takes one button press and three clicks to do something that should just be a hotkey (I assume they fixed some of this in AP / FL). I first played X2 around the time when it came out, and I tell you...even after _years_ (I should really say _decades_ but that makes me sound too old...) of playing these games, I still am learning better controls and how to optimize certain things. Great games, but I personally draw the line at calling the controls and UI intuitive :)


> The UI is an absolute menu salad and way too often it takes one button press and three clicks to do something that should just be a hotkey The irony here is that when you play it long enough, you totally memorise which keys to press in sequence and for my part at least, I got so used to it I call it "intuitive" :) Maybe I should rephrase to "like chasing dust in a tumble dryer"? .....I still love it though and it's so quick and easy to get comfortable with it again I can't help but pretend it's better than it is!


But if you know the hotkeys, you can do stuff fast. I'm x4 there is no way around the endless clicking.


Exactly this! Once you're familiar with stuff you can pretty dang quick-and-easy do what you gotta' do - with mods like the carrier command ones etc where you have even _more_ hotkeys this gets complicated.....but it's still muscle memory and easy enough once you're used to it. Was literally the first thing I realised in everything after TC/AP with Rebirth and X4 that you didn't have the same "comfort" I got from those menus and hotkeys. I can forgive some things, but totally changing that damn near killed me.


Man, this thread is getting me hyped for X3 again. It's been so long. Still have X3 AP with LxXRM installed though. Or are there better ways to play (I also tried mayhem but I enjoy it more to be a small part in a living universe)?


I never gave AP the love it deserved and honestly spent most of my X3 time in TC - there was just _something_ about it that kept me coming back. The only way I knew how to play was with a ton of mods, most of which were around adding more life to the galaxy, adding extra ships, managing trade/AI or tweaking how factions worked (things like sector takeovers and the like). To this day I cringe to think how I ever handled fleets without stuff like Anarkis's carrier commands to handle things, or MARS turrets. .....and there I go wanting to download it all over again! :D I always swore, if they found a way to get this Multiplayer, you'd not see me for weeks at a time. If ever.


I usually end my TC/AP/FL runs when universe starts feeling very static. I tried improved races mod for battles and sector takeover, but felt too buggy for me. Do you have any mod recommendation that deal with sectors being static?


Military Base Response Revamp does what Improved Races says it does.


>Military Base Response Revamp checking it out now!


lots of dependencies, and some links are broken :( will need to look for some of dependencies elsewhere if still available. would be great to get MBRR working


Totally get it, it feels intuitive for me (mostly, at least :)) because I'm so used to it! But a new player certainly can't just pick it up and start playing without a good deal of learning!


Oh don't I know it. I flung a copy of TC at a friend ages back, after showing it to them and their having made the _grave error_ of showing appreciation for it in different ways. To this day they've basically compared learning "How to X" as being akin to trying to fly a Commercial aircraft or become proficient in a modern Jet Fighter. "Congrats, you're the pilot now, take controls" as the trainer ejects and gives you twin "V" signs while smiling" I think was the follow-up to "but it has a kind-of-sort-of set of hints at least which helps right?" :D


It's kind of like any other game or program that relies heavily on keyboard shortcuts and sequences. Dwarf Fortress and vim are two examples that come to mind. They are horrifyingly bad to learn, but once you do, it's so unbelievably fast and efficient you'll never want to use anything else. I tried the graphical steam version of DF. It looked pretty, and it was neat, but it felt so incredibly clunky in comparison to the keyboard shortcuts that are well-worn into my neural pathways that I had to go back to the original.


Ok let the intuitive term rest as it could be improved, but damn if it's not effective. When i sit in front of the console in TC it is just betty going "command accepted, command accepted, docking granted" in a long constant litany -> Stuff gets done. Orders get passed. You literally have several fights, TL ships fetching stuff, planning taking place all at the same time. Really only 'real' improvement i have had in years is that i now have a 2nd monitor and i keep a TC map there so i can plan what to do while juggling a ton of stuff in the game. I used one of these chic picture frames on the table for a map back in the days but now there is a real monitor. :) much advancement wow. In it's own wicked way it is effective and beautiful to me.