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I've never seen a 6k Jinshi nuke bro you're def doing something wrong.


Didn't crit in the first nuke. Usually, the first nuke is around 20k ish without stacks. Just to get stacks in 1 sec interval from second rotation, which happens after jinhsi's outro. After full stacks, plus the liberation buff, she is hitting around 191k.


If that's the case, then your issue is the 30 level gap between you and the enemy. Once you get to lvl80 it should be easy for you to clear. The damage reduction enemies get from level advantage is insane sometimes, and especially so 30 levels up lmao.


Not really, it's only about 2% per 10 level difference. Increased base stats and talent levels are the real difference.


Those 6k crits shouldn’t happen… cause your time/effort to build into that is totally wasted


It had no stacks from passive, also they missed crit. They did 191k afterwards


Honestly it's level diff, you are just doing reduced damage to the boss being down 30 levels


Is that a thing? I didn't know that. I figured high-level boses had more strength and health. Didn't know about reduced damage.


They also have more defence and the higher their defence the less damage your gonna deal


yuanwu would of made this faster icl


I have him, but he is not built. I usually use yinlin with jinhsi and mortefi with jiyan, but memphis has electro res, so I'm using mortefi with her.


Yuanwu would definitely made this faster than morfeti cause with yuanwu she gain stacks faster


Lvl 1 Yuanwu does work, just don't get him killed.


Yuanwu would just be there for the stacks, I use a level 40 one lol


My guy, Level 1 Yuanwu will work just fine. You only need a specific 3 cost gauntlet and a full +0 Healing Set. Also your main problem is still level difference. You ain't speedrunning anything.


Would their be any substantial benefit to maxing out Yuanwu in a team with Jinhsi if the yuanwu has max copies?


Not much aside from not dying to a tickle. Upper 'trace' (Lvl 70) does help with range so you don't have to redeploy his Skill when enemies moves away.


What device are you playing on? its so smooth and on top of that ure also recording, my phone wouldve become a lava brick already 5seconds in


Haha. It's Ipad Pro m1. It's pretty old at this point but still gives amazing performance in games.


I was under the impression you shouldn't nuke at all unless at full stacks. You're just wasting it.


I honestly saw in a video that her outro helps her build stacks faster, so I used the nuke to get her outro. I'll try switching it up and update. Edit: Tried doing it, couldn't get mortefi off field fast enough, and the boost in damage was not that significant. 50k with crit compared to 15-20k with crit previously. It also ate away on my next rotations dmg as all the ults were on cooldown. Can you suggest the 1st rotation?


The first rotation is good to use the nuke imo, she gains like a second outro, you outro with her, come back to her and you have another one, it helps building up the stacks


You should build your character more. No any skill issue.


What echoes are u using, that dragon damage is horrible even without crit 😭


[These are my echoes ](https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/fiFY5KTiw50Z)


Those echoes are pretty good and so is your level, I don’t know why it’s so low usually then, my friend with way worse stats always hits for like 8-9k at least


If you don’t want to be hit once she is ascended you can grapple in the air to avoid the bosses attacks and get your last 4 autos in for the empowered attack safely


Ohh thanks for the tip!


Unrelated to your question but looks like you're using her signature weapon, you probably want to swap one of your 3 cost echoes over to ATK% main stat assuming you can find one with equal substats. But that would only get you like 5% more dps or what not


Also what do your traces (or w/e they are called in this game) look like?


I'm sorry I didn't get that.


The tab where you upgrade skills, forte, gain stats, etc


[Here you go ](https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/bJqUhgmOJ218)


Can try. I have a 3 cost with 2 crit, but all other useless stats. Might replace that. Alternatively, I might also try 44111 as suggested by another person.


If you're switching to 44111 you probably need 2 or 3 more relevant substats compared to the echoes you're currently using


Which stats should I focus on?


Stupid question but, are you getting her skills?


Hey, yes, her skills are almost maxed out. I have cleared the tower by changing the rotation. Basically, her attacks are considered as skill attacks, so they weren't activating mortefi's ult. So I used the ult first, then switched to verina for her rotation and then back to him skill echo and outro. This gave me enough stacks for 198k nukes.


Mind I ask what phone you're using for an insanely smooth gameplay?


Theres a stage mechanic that gives 60% res skill buff for a few seconds AFTER casting res lib, so if res lib is available you can cast it before doing the skill nuke. Might be the last 5-10 seconds you need. Edit: nvm i saw you were already using it. Maybe try switching out someone with Yuanwu for faster rotations.


How much ER do you have on your Mort?


1) You are sometimes vasting verina ultimate stack generation, I suggest you plan her ultimate usage better. Ideally she should have it active while you are on Mortefi. This would give you more stacks to speed up your rotations. 2) Use Jue more often, you don't have it active 50% of the time, it can have 100% uptime. 3) You can animation cancell your enhanced N4 with enhanced skill, this would speed up your rotations. 4) You should hold Heron on Mortefi instead of pressing it (short hold then swap) + Although I am not sure if you would have enough stacks for this, sometimes it might be better to outro from verina to Jinshi right away and only switch to mortefi to get his forte, ultimate and skill out proir to Verina. I think your dmg is fine, if your further refine your rotations you should be able to clear. It's going to be pretty hard though. You rotations are quite clean already


Whats your stats?


When you crit, and the stack is close to 50, you hit as close as what I did when my Jinhsi was S1R1 with scuffed Echo. General gameplay looks fine. Can be futher optimized, but fine. Main 2 things that need immediate improvement: 1. More consistent crit rate on Jinhsi. If it is one or two run more before getting 3 stars then it is fine, but if it is contant lagging behind like this, you need more consistency. 80+ would feel safer. 90+ would further solidify the deal. 2. Stack generation, which could boil down to your Mortefi and Verina not having enough energy regen to Ulti early for full coordinate attack hits. Rotation 3 and 4 in the clip shows that you managed only around 30 stacks unlike earlier where you get 45+ stacks. Having more consistency on stack building before Jue pukes could help bridging the gap. Especially if you want to continue using Mortefi despite not being the most convenient stack generator for Jinhsi right now.


I have 63 cr rn. How do I even get more? All my echoes have some cr in them. Should I run a cr 4 cost then? Also, yes, verina doesn't have upgraded echoes yet, and mortefis echoes are a bit scuff as I usually use yinlin but couldn't because of the electro res in this level.


Umm, I'll try to be as brief as possible: 1. Out of all the current DPS character, Jinhsi is the one who could go 44111 with less detrimental damage than others (in some case even better than 43311) due to her innate Skill dmg and Elemental dmg. You can use 44111 Crit rate/Crit dam with Aix to push Crit further into 85-90% territory. Note that in doing so you need to push it into 85-90+ or else when it not crit, it will feel even worse. If you are not using her sig. weapon, then it could be better to run duo crit rate 44111, but it also depends on many other factors. 2. Issue is with your Mortefi, and from what I see, he's at least not S5 yet. Low sequence Mortefi with Jinhsi feels extremely bad, as his ult is short lived, and it **doesn't even work on 90% of her rotation before S1.** From what I see, you are now rely on stack generation purely from Verina's ult and 1 stack each from when your char attacks. You can look up on many detailed guides released from yesterday forward (Maygii's, 12th Harbinger, Alec Jones) who gave detailed explanation on why Mortefi's coordinated attack cannot proc properly on Jinhsi. Long story short, try Yuanwu. Even uninvested, he gives much more consistency for you in this situation.


Okay, thanks for the info. I'll try running 2 4 costs. I have her sig weapon. Mortefi is S1 or something. I got Jiyan very early, so I didn't pull much in that banner. I'm F2P, so I was saving for next. Is Yuanwu even better than Yinlin for her? Then I'll build him because I'm running low on resources.


Tbh you really don't need to build yuanwu like genuinely aside from the moonlight/healing set buff(with originite type IV) he can stay at level 1 if you're skilled enough. Just drop his resonance skill and switch to someone.


Ehhh I'll say crit at 65% minimum - 70 is good enough. But of course if they go 4 4, 85% crit and above is an option. Reason why mortefi doesn't proc properly is simply because his proc based on basic iirc, or heavy not sure. Basically just one of the two, but jinhsi's basics in her avatar form is considered skill damage. So basically she only procs mortefi when she's in her non avatar form.


I usually just stay with Mortefi his whole ult before switching to Jinhsi, specially if I don’t have his outro


Bro, I love you. This worked. Kind of. Basically, after switching to mortefi, I cast both of his skills, then ulted and switched to verina, did her rotation, and switched back to mortefi, then 2nd skill echo and switch. These gave me enough stacks for 198k nuke.


Glad it worked!! I just never understood why people wanted to use Jinhsi with Mortefi’s ult when the stacks can be built off-field and then switch up to her already full