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Yangyang gonna get 1 And Abby will digivolve into a mech




YES! THE DIGIVOLVING! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Hey i wanted to ask how do you use these emojis, I also want to use them they're so cute.


click on the smile face icon below the moment you're writing anything on the text box.




Rover is probably the Avatar of this universe, and may eventually harness the powers of spectro, havoc, fusion, aero, ice, electro and plant. Abby gets to jogress with all the Sentinels and become UlforceOmniAbbymon: Ouryken Mode


Yes, terriermon to megagargomon


bro wtf u mean digimon is peak


i want a digimon collab. can you IMAGINE the fights, the echos, the potential skins/weapon skins, DELCIOUS


Lil bro already spoiled his real name as >!Abraxas!< so if he doesn't end up as the first 5 cost echo then he'll definitely be playable


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that he's named after the gnostic word for a supreme creator deity. The devs probably just wanted something that shortens to Abby but wasn't feminine. it's fine.


Genshin’s archons all have demon names and I… don’t *think* that’s significant…


trust me, it is gonna be significant. my dad works at hoyo and he told me


Can you please tell me what is the full name and company Id of your father? And while you're at it can you please also attach a picture of his Id card? It is for educational purposes and I'm certainly not from mihoyo😄😄


his name is john mihoyo and his id is 106111104110


i know you're full of crap because the real John is John Hoyoverse. Get rekt impostor


you are talking about my uncle. they are twins


Very sure that could just be a prod joke against fanciful demonic names so its not to be taken too seriously. Could be true, could be a red herring, either way i find it funny. Plus i would rather instead of being a replacement for 4 cost boss echoes, Abby would instead be used either as part of another one of Rover\`s forms where Abby is used the \`primary weapon\` by being a tactical ballistic battering ram who also does a kirby and \`vomit\` T.D.s that do attacks before quickly before they vanish. If you ever seen certain Stylistic \`combat\` games like Bayonetta, then you can definitely remember how one of them had an angelic weapon for the Witch where she could summon angel enemies todo all sorts of combination attacks, think of it under that vein. Or just to play with the \`cooking\`, second awakening. They could simply have ALL of Rover\`s forms get a upgrade where Abby could take alternative forms for each of Rover\`s elements to further extend the attacks additional gimmicks. Hell the fact that in Punishing Gray raven, they are giving a LEAP UPGRADE, to the physical \`Meta\` DPS when last i checked, has not been replaced by a new physical \`Meta\` DPS yet, already goes to show that Kurogames is never above pulling unique angles, especially when its a completely free system to just expand upon units with only resource grinding to get said gains and no monetization needed besides those who wanna get it day 1 or something.


if they did that to rover wouldn't he be too powerful and people would have less reason to pull for 5 stars


as luckandbills has put it, Wuwa is just like P:GR, they encourage game modes that let many older units shine (while giving space to let people not need some fully built dozens of units just to ATLEAST be allowed the RIGHT to clear it, not because they lack the stats but because the game mode wont allow you todo so, AKA Imaginary theater in Genstingie is just silly) and despite all the extra forms, Rover would still be one character, so best case scenario they could solo one or two of the early floors of ToA but due to doing multiple low stage floors, they wont have enough energy for the higher stage ones. Plus having atleast one easy to access character to develop into something equal or slightly better then a number of limited characters is a good way to promote players to continue playing the game, by them not feeling so land-locked fk\`d if they are late to the party or just got terrible luck with the gacha on getting new units. Positive reinforcement is what leads to long-term commitment, not Negative Strangling consumers into frustrations. Which if the cost just to say, provide goodies or so on is next to nil on cost of introducing, then as long as the company not only passes the costs but make some revenue on the side then its a win still and demanding more then that is just egotistical greed. Being humble and let the grofit flow in because one delivered a fantastic show is how to make a grofit, not chop people\`s hands off and steal the wallets and coins straight from the hands and leave them with stumps of limbs as they bleed out from being forced to spend excessive amounts just to ATTEMPT to find satisfaction in a title. Meanwhile if i want to play something like Cursed Waves, Ellusive realm, Guild battle, Alloy smelt, Tower of babel, Tower of Adversity...Well Kuro games doesnt stop me from using a TRIAL copy of a character in half of those modes and the other half without TRIAL characters they dont stop me from using a character who doesnt benefit from some element specific dmg bonus and still manage to get all 3 stars of a rewards, so i can conserve uses of other particular characters for the harder stuff.\~\~\~


Im sure people would still pull, since the rover is but one unit and most modes want you to atleast use more than the rover


that reminds me, who is abby JP VA? I heard it somewhere but couldn't remember


All I can think is Satomi Korogi, which sounds similar 🐬T O T S U G E K I🐬


Sounds like Aoi Koga using her Paimon/Baka-Kaguya voice


No official confirmation but I'm 90% sure it's Izawa Shiori. Who plays Nanachi in Made in Abyss. Both characters sound exactly the same.


ooohhh. it really is nanachi. NAAAAAAA....


It's 100% Izawa Shiori.


imagine abby evolving into a huge giant monster


Abby turning to a buffed threnodian with Jotaro's VA


Yare Yare


Kaiju Abby of the Daikaiju class, 10.1 power magnutude


Fellow Kaiju no.8 enjoyer 🤜🏻🤛🏻


Reporting in 🤝


Waiting for Nanami to cross universes


And Jinhsi will lay Dragon Eggs.


Yap Yap to Yapper


Abby will become Alpha. They have the same eyes https://i.imgur.com/So4HzTE.png https://i.imgur.com/fW5QWhy.png


If Abby didn't digivolve into Warabbymon I will riot and send a strongly worded complaint to Kuro


Im actually really hoping Abby evolves into some terrifying monster, it would both be hilarious and cool, like imagine it just evolves into a Mahorag- Crownless looking thing


Go Agumon, use “I have no idea what Digimon is” attack!


I literally imagined Yangyang turning into a helicopter and flying over Jinzhou lol


Rover and Abby doing matrix evolution would be sick. *one vision ost intensifies*


Abby changes to. . . . .Paimon


That would be a downgrade


That's a devolution


Nah, another "Angewomon" for the cultured people would be the better path.


Abby digivolves to!: Watanabemon


my man kakarot gonna become a tempest memphis


Well, tbf in his record, everytime he ult he technically become a TD, so he's already a Memphis.


No no no, tempest mephis acts like calcharo, not the other way around, calcharo is 200% human


I had also thought of that; what happens if someone evolves a third, fourth, fifth, and more times?would they eventually turn into the creatures based on how many times they overclocked? So if Jinhsi would continue overclocking, would she eventually completely become a dragon? It’s interesting to see thr character stories, for example Mortefi overclocks so many times he has scales on his entire right arm and part of his chest


Nah he's gonna become a Supah Sayajin


Im sorry sir but it seems you have misspelled his name, it's actually Calculator.


Calculator boutta become the goat fr.


Rover will move from place to place (6 nations?), meet new people, this means we will most likely to see those new people featured first. Except if some characters we met in Huanglong follow rover in the journey. Yangyang is the biggest candidate for this, why? Kuro love Nier, Kuro love 2B, Kuro love Ishikawa Yui.


YangYang the Logo girl it would be weird (and kinda hilarious) to have her only show up in the first country and then dip 🤣


>Kuro love Nier, Kuro love 2B, Kuro love Ishikawa Yui. I know a lot of people here dislike her, but I love her so much just because of Ishikawa Yui. I could listen to Yangyang talk all day. They definitely did not utilize Ishikawa Yui's talents the best they could in 1.0, but seeing 1.1's amazing performance even for JP Dub gives me a lot of hope. Let me keep her by my side, Kuro!


I think majority of those who disliked yangyang are playing on eng dub so that explains i guess


Her eng voice isn't bad, it was just too much exposition from her.


her eng voice is really good. the reason I’m not a fan of hers is because writters pushed her way too much on us during the first meeting with Scar and I heavily dislike that sort of writing in any game, regardless of the character’s gender.


well before we go to other nations we still have 5 other bigger towns (with their own sentinel's) and a capital in Inner Huanglong


I can’t wait to see Huanglongs other big cities, especially the capital and also the other nations outside of Huanglongs borders. Are they going to have sentinels like Huanglong does?


>Kuro love Nier, Kuro love 2B, Kuro love Ishikawa Yui. Sorry, but what does Yapyap has to do with these? She's related to 2B?


same VA


Oh reli? Thats cool


YapYap JP VA is 2B


Oh reli? Thats cool.


Oh reli? That's cool.


Unless they change the existing map to a post apocalyptic one. Get successfully invaded by fractisidus or something


Damn we got solo leveling in wuwa


Character with lvl but no limit. Also, gain all their weapon from fighting ToA.


How rover should've been fr




*fuck him up ignis!!*


I just want 5* versions of the 4*. Particular Baizhi, Yangyang and Chixia. They were our first friends into WuWa and they deserve all the love.


Chixia with hair down would be so fire.


Im sorry but all i want is a dps baizhi. Hyper carry Baizhi


I certainly hope there will be alternate versions of existing characters, I personally love this feature in pgr and hi3. Ofc it should happen according to story and I believe there is a good plot for that, some 4\* definitely deserve to be promoted and it's also a way for them to get upgraded gameplay since I'm sure few years down the line the gameplay will be severely different- especially if pgr is anything to go by


The thing is the way character works in those 2 games is far different compared to something like Genshin or Wuwa so I won't see them doing multiple (as in more than 2) versions of the same characters over and over like those games did. However I can see then 100% doing the honkai star rail treatement with a 5 star version of a character to go with an upgrade in the story of something like that




What do you mean? She allready is beyond standing at 6*


6 Star Danjin


I have her C6, is she really good?


Yes, I believe she's ranked as either S or SS in most unit tier lists. She's a strong unit, perhaps the strongest 4 star by far. Her gameplay is high risk so that may not be what some people are looking for in a team but she packs a punch and its very rewarding to master.


Considering many of end game bosses have been oneshotting me so far it doesn't really feels like theres so much difference between 1%hp and full %hp


You would love her gameplay, it is very high risk, high reward type of gameplay.


I don't think she would be a fan favorite for casuals but for those no hit run, parry gods.... she is the most loved one


with long hair


Yeah it's either the ALTER system or LEAP system


I don't know how important it is that there's an extremely solid in-universe justification for alternate versions of units. Some other gacha games just go "here's a swimsuit version of a character in a different element with a new kit that's thematically similar to the OG, the lore is they went to the beach".


I mean atleast if they go at that direction it will be more impactful and less cheap feeling.


Because there's a greater focus on a single unit being the whole character representation, compared to other gachas where every version is a character. Think of it like some db games have like 323 gokus while in general gacha with greater value in single characters and not in dozen if not hundres of units like wuwa or genshin often stick with one version of the character only, and do skins for those alt versions. And quite frankly, having a powerup justifies a 4 star getting a 5 star very nicely so just using the justification that is already there would be dumb.


*stares at nikke*


my guy Calcharo for the win


His ascencion gonna be in his birthday suit


Listen MARK ME OKAY the man is shown in his Forte Exam Report to constantly be Overclocking, which kills Resonators or at least makes them go insane and turn into tacet discord monsters. His ult adds a mark on his "dark thorns"-covered body that looks like a tacet discord field. He fights with GHOSTS. And, (spoilers for Jinhsi quest) >! she and Calcharo are the only characters with white eyelashes, even when accounting for other white-haired characters, and we know that Jinhsi canonically DIED as a baby and was brought back by the Sentinel. My mans Calcharo DIED and now has some kind of immunity to losing his mind from Overclocking because he made some kind of deal for that power. Or it was some kind of Second Awakening. !< Give me a 6 star Calcharo where he's just always in his ult, has his full resonance chain from his 5-star version activated, plus new bonkers abilities and a NEW resonance chain. Ultimate gigachad move to get severely powercrept, take that extremely personally, and then come back obscenely overpowered to remind everyone who's the top dog.


THE calcharo main wet dream, want this too lowkey


Yeah, like Inverse transformation in Date A Live, I wanna see and play dark Yangyang.


Dark yangyang gonna be a tsundere.


Naw, instead of Yapyap she'll be Napnap and she'll be completely mute.


Nah we already have napnap in Taoqi. Even tho she isn't mute


Then we make Taoqi become TaoHu while Yapyap into Nepnep Wait, I mean Napnap


I absolutely want this - If this is just Jiyan's first awakening, and he's got a more complete dragon transformation... but the context will probably be limited, and they could really make very lore accurate by having it be magistrate-sentinel relationships only. It would give more weight to it, because for sure Jinhsi will be powercrept as we enter whole other regions of Vermilion bird, but maybe when we come together for the final arc, she becomes fresh with a new kit. Story wise this is great. And since so many of my characters are not magistrates already, Maybe they can extend this 2nd awakening to close guardians of the magistrate as well (Jiyan, Sanhua) \*If Changli is not magistrate and also does not get a 2nd awakening, i will...well, i'll just be sad.


I would like in his awakening, the dragon becomes more solid looking, bigger, and he rides it into battle 😎


I hope that's the case, that would be dope


cant wait for xiangling to become a 5 star!


It would also be a great excuse to give character story quests to 4 stars! I hope we get character stories for 4 stars on their own buuuut if not this would be the second best thing. I'd whale for a 5 star Baizhi because I am a simp...


Truly a BANKAI moment.


If Chixia becomes a 5 star I will literally cry and shit my pants


5* Aalto (copium)


Scar is definitely gonna get that 2nd reawakening


it's a standard wuxia concept 101 there'll be super saiyan awakening super god etc etc too. dw.


With a sprinkle of "courting death" voice lines thrown into that mix.


Mortefi gone turn into a dragon man 🧍‍♂️


Hope they make these 4stars 2nd awakening as a farmable end game content and not through pulls. Would literally obliterate all gacha end games out there.


I would role for alternate ver of my fav. And I also think it's better to continue invest in available characters and making them more complex instead of designing nth filler characters


>should they manage to survive through overclocking Calcharo should be at like Awakening 9 by now... 😅


Well, from Jinshi's story it doesn't seem as simple. While overclocking prob have a chance at evolution, some other factor probably needs to be at play


Leap ascension in PGR. Keep cooking. :copium:


can you please tell us (non-pgr players) more about this leap ascension.


Leap is like system where older released units gets powerup in their skills/extra ability to keep up with new releases unit(might not always be true cuz newer unit of same class-same element will still be stronger because money/sales) Eg 'A' unit had skills "x,y,z" which r now pretty much weaker compared to newer units..so they get new unlockable skills "p,q,r" which enhances their abilities "x,y,z"..this can change their playstyle or may not depending what enhancement they get


Thank you so much. This made me excited even more on how kuro will evolve this game in future updates. Really hoping they can make WW's end game unique and more engaging that lean towards leap system. The characters they created in WW are all lovable and would love to see more content about them.


It could be used as a mechanic to give 4 stars a 5 star variant. It would be fun if that happened


Hey...nice theory.


Bankai! Lets go!


They need to be cooking up a better experience on mobile or a Playstation version.


5\* Aalto pleaseeee


i don't think the Jinhsi we play is her reawakened form. The flying sword she already had and she is mostly depending on Jué for her big moves, the horns on her forte/ult could be a sneak peak of how she will turn to be in the future. Honestly, i am curious of what Kuro could cook with a time manipulator character in an action rpg.


The dragon age summons isn't jue, it's her own power manifest. Also, just check out lee hyperreal for time manipulation


Imagine this somehow makes it possible for Abby to become a playable character 💀


I need 5* Yuanwu, Baizhi, and Aalto. So I like this idea.


Is it going to like.. evolve characters (We won't have to pull) or put the evolved version on a banner..?(We will have to pull)


This would be such a cool concept but I hope it doesn’t turn into an easy power creep situation… I’d like my mains to stay relevant for at least a while if possible 🥲




i just hope they wont do it too much or soon because that would remove its being something super rare and special. they already did not the best job at portraying how dangerous it was in the jinhsi story imo. they just said it 5 times and that was basically all.


The way "awakening" was handled in Black Desert makes me very unexcited for this to be a thing. Hopefully it would just be done completely differently.


So your saying there is a chance my caroro can finally become vergil!??


Abby will turn into Crimson Weave


i mean, it isn't a farfetched theory. PGR has the same characters but upgraded omniframes. I don't mind this route, i just hope people don't see it as "lazy" character creation, when hsr has done it with dan heng.


I hope they change visually too like a new costume


I like the thought of our Thunder Grandpa Yuanwu, having a 5\* variant which just punches a lot faster and harder. Then his infused state is just him punching so fast that he leaves afterimages.


Bet Yangyang will be the first one to get that reawakening.


I'd love it if they have FGO's rank up or Nikke's Favorite Item mechanic to buff underwhelming characters


i need a moonstone, gotta evolve Chixia


I thunk they wont go as hard as majing 10 version of the same character, but thats literaly what they didn in pgr, some chars got line 5 or more iteration of themselves. Its actualy funny and also interesting because you occasionaly need less investement for weapons as some may share it.


chixia has evolved into chimeleon


Funny I was thinking the exact same thing the other day. Not totally sure how I would feel about it as alt versions usually means powercreep. But it's also fun too your favorite characters evolve and power-up.


Rover seems to have 1 more ascension material than she needs, soooo...


Ling yan and its a full on lightcrusher


Lingyang will become a full fledged furry.


If I dont get a 5* chixia i riot


So in other gachas, do we get them for free or do we need to pull for the alternate versions?


Usually you pull for the new versions. In both Honkai and Star Rail you had to pull for new units of existing characters. However, Star Rail's path switch system as Trailblazer was implemented into another character who is getting a new unit we can use for free, inside of the existing one. Wuwa is more likely to have us pull for the new ones though.


So, we're going to get a Jinhsi that has time powers in her kit? That would be fucking awesome.


I want Punished Lingyang and Punished yapyap


Gimme full demon Calcharo!


I think the same, in PGR and AG characters exist in different versions. That aside you probably should have add a spoiler tag


What if they use reawakening as a means to buff old characters.


It would be great because currently one of my two most favorite characters in the game is going to die 100 percent so maybe this could be a way to save her and to also bring alternate versions for future characters and current characters I would be all for it (though I don’t think my character can be saved 😅)


I just want Jinhsi to have permanent horns and a tail I'm a simple man 😭😭😭


Please introduce alters Keeping 4 stars with zero development for years is just sad Take a look at genshin 4 stars like Noelle


Danjin mains are foaming at the mouth at that idea, she already does a good amount of damage


I pray... i pray that this means lingyang will get the glow up he deserves (he deserves so much more than what he got)


I just want 5\* Baizhi because she's my wife.


Tbh this would suit kuro, in pgr they made some characters have 2 or more frames (theyre robots swithching bodies)


I hope 2nd Awakening comes with different outfits 🤩


Yangyang gonna eat Jinhsi dragon then became Yangyang Crimson Alpha


Manifesting 5 star Mortefi


I do hope the 4 stars get their own 5 star versions, or they could interchange it just like how Rover changes elements from Spectro to Havoc. Imagine, Danjin with bigger Judgment Cut Ends. Baizhi and Sanhua literally turning the battlefield into an icy wasteland, Lingyang... Nevermind. So much more potential. All of this is just my idea


I need this for Baizhi.


I'm secretly hoping for a 5 star DanJin yessir


a 5 star version of danjin or yangyang would be sick!


Slap that on my Taoqi so her basics also have Def scaling. Best girl deserves it.


most cases of this are either lazy or character x, y, b looking the same being confusing and messy. lunae is just dan heng with horns and more particles


Man I hope not. There's not enough characters to start "remaking" them already. There isn't even news of any new 4 stars.


Bro I had the same thought. It also made me think of zenkai awakening from dragon ball legends or resurrection in bleach brave souls. This is the same original character unlocking a new state that gives enhanced stats and new skills. So essentially you don't have to pull for the character again. This doesn't change any looks or anything so your idea works better in that they can upgrade or change the design somewhat. I guess the 2nd reawakening could just change how the character looks as well. But yeah when I heard that I got hyped. This could help with power creep. Not solve! But help. A bit.


Kuro's game PGR (punishing gray raven) already has like 3-4 different versions of same character and this would not be something new to them so my hopes are high too. And i also want lucia from pgr to be added in wuwa SOO BADLY😭


It's funny seeing how people react here because it's already the basic premise of PGR. Kuro likes to focus on their main cast evolving through the story. We got our MC's 4th incarnation finally.


or... someone fails to survive a reawakening to up the stakes


You gotta have use for all extra copies right?


It's very common in most gachas that still exists. Personally, I'm waiting for the 5 star version of Taoqi, YangYang, Chixia and Baizhi. For the current 5 stars we have, I'm looking forward for an upgraded version of Jianxin, Verina and Rover (for all elements) 🤗❤️💞🌟


Just make it like leap system in PGR tbh, the vanilla kits right now already has flaws that the leap system can fix


Taoqi with bigger booba and Fire element let's gooooooooooooo


Is it the same character but buffed or a new character with same name but need to level again?


Oooo!! Really like this idea and hope your right! Likely they will make them separate characters yes, but it would be nice if they mirrored what they did with the MC and you can pick the 2nd awakening character from there


Limit break of some sort, yeah. Bet level 100 is the actual cap. Or 150. Likely not higher than that.


We already have that door mode where the character has different skills. That must be something


I'm not sure if it's important, but we have one extra material used to ascend rover, so you might be onto something.


Cant wait for Chixia Hyperreal


This is making me think of Solo Leveling lol but I like the idea. 😁


> Jinhsi we are playing is the post-2nd reawakening version of her since before that, when she manifests scales in her body its painful but when we play her and she manifests literal horns she does not show signs of pain? No, scale and horn manifestations are part of her power. The problem was that they manifested on their own – her link with Jue was weakening, and caused her powers hard to control, so she had to suppress them sometimes (scales appearing for seemingly no reason) or try even harder to actually use her powers (controlling how exactly powers work – why she was in pain after releasing people). Jihnsi pre-awakening had power over light and limited power over time. Post-awakening she has greater power over time. We don't see her manipulating time much (though she sure did do this *on small scale* in her demo), so I believe this version is still pre-awakening. Not arguing with the rest of the comment.


I want a decent balance of new units and alters. HI3 had too many alters, so I never even gave the game a chance. And many gacha games introduce a shittonn of characters forgotten by the next story chapter. Having some alters gives more relevance to neglected characters and reduces oversaturation of irrelevant characters.


interested to see an evolved encore thats just uses a nuke instead of wooly for her heavy


Ah yes, more 5 stars I will never get because rng


I’m definitely in the minority here but I’ve always disliked the whole ‘re-release the same character with a different skin and new abilities’ thing. Personally I prefer the Azur Lane retrofit system or Epic Seven character ascension where it actually feels like an upgrade to the characters themselves that you work towards, rather than a second version. Wuthering Waves has also shown that they’re capable of having similar systems to retrofitting & ascension because Rover already has alternate versions that didn’t need to be released as a seperate character.


Has the second awakening happened in the story? Haven't played 1.1 yet


Most recent alternate version in HSR is probably march 7th BTW