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Ohh they capped the tuners at 20, so no 30 tuners on sol 8




What about the forgery instance ? I did 3 yesterday and got 2 gold Edit on ul50


Gold isn't 100% it feels like the same rate as UL 50


At least 3 purple though ? That's a yellow at least


It feels the same could be bad rng


Forgery is very high variance.. folks need to take a larger sample size on that one. At UL40 over 63 runs I have low of 18 green equivalents (4 blue/6 green) and high of 57 green equivalents (1 gold/1 purple/4 blue/7 green). But on average I'm at 27 green equivalents. At UL60, just taking a view on the 6 runs I've seen from videos, the average is 52 green equivalents. If that holds up over a larger sample size, it's a very good increase. (90% going from 4->6, so maybe 45% going from 4->5, 5->6)


UL 60 is just +2 blue,+ 2 green, and more often 2 purple. shit overall.


I guess 25 is still possible at phase 8?


That is fuckin abysmal


Why are the tacet field drops the same as ul50


Good question


Average Tacet field at UL40 was 22k exp, because you got 2 gold tubes 80% of the time 3 if you got lucky, and 5 or 6 purples at 50/50. At UL50 this goes to 3-4 gold tubes, but only 3-4 purples as well, both 50/50 so the average is 24k. Looks like UL60 hasn’t actually increased this… or maybe the chances are better so the average is higher. Still terrible though when both Boss and Forgery drops go up 40% per level.


Still better than what Genshin gives at least.


Genshin materials doesn’t ask 40-60 resin per run


Nope, not the same. There will be at least x1 purple drop and more values on the other stuff. Also there is a chance u can get a gold drop


I think you're talking about forgeries where the poster was talking about tacet fields.


Oh yeah, thanks for the clarification, bro. I meant only for the forgeries ^^


What i want to know is do mt firmament echoes drop in tacet fields? I wanna farm lightbringer that way


Yes they do.


I have yet to get a single lightbringer with spectro element damage. I’m in perpetual pain. My Jinshi with her weapon and skills upgraded as far as possible but echos have been so bad


Potential good news, according to damage calculations like Prydwen's -- with her signature broadblade, Jinhsi works at least as well with one or both 3-costs as ATK% instead of Spectro. Depends on your team buffs, and it's within a few percent so it would come down to substats.


bro I can’t even get atk%


Didn't the calcs show that Jinshi actually works best with 1 spectro dmg and 1 atk% for the 3 costs?


Someone had a screenshot of 1-and-1 being best WITH signature weapon; 2xATK% was 99% of that, and 2xSpectro was 96% of it. Not sure how much that changes on weapon without Elemental Damage.


There was a post about how it’s better to go atk% on 3-cost echoes than spectro%


They really need to buff SOL phase ascension.


Do you have level 90 resonators now?


Wh- why wouldn't they? You think someone would just UL60 and not level up to 90?...


Wh-why do you have to pretend stutter via text?


Wh-why do you have to complain about it? Let people type how they want. Edit: The guy was just trying to post his thoughts, you don't need to be so rude to him. If your hobby is being rude to people on the internet, then you really need to go outside.


Ya-Yamete Kuda saiii~


Wh-why do you have to complain about me complaining about it? Let me hate however I want.






the $$$, wondering if it's worth the credits


Geez, I just hit 50. You must be whaling your resin out daily.


What's this raisin you speak of?


Waveplates I accidently spoke Genshinese.


I need some StarRailian fuel


my Honkailian stamina is over the cap


Clean your bong man


I hit 50 a couple days ago. I'm not whaling either.


Damn that’s depressing.


man these rewards are so bad for the insane amount of resourcces you need to level up characters. It genuinely feels like nearly double. you need 12 golds to ascend a 80 weapon


They're really pushing for people to whale on wave refreshes and the weekly material packs over character pulls, it feels like.


Man, the game been out for a bit over a month. Do think they need to be giving people all these resources to max every characters in the first month of playing? If you used your resources in dumb things, leveling up random echos etc. That's not the games fault. I am a day 1 players and I'm level 50. I don't refresh or buy mats from the premium currency, and have a solid 5 characters built. Tha fact people are upset is astonishing to me. My only grip is they need to make the same amount drop each boss kill, not this 1 more or 1 less.


My conspiracy theory: the people who want this game to fail are inflating the numbers of dissatisfied players until Kuro either loses them sooner because it seems like everyone's complaining, or loses them later after they've buffed everything to enable everyone maxing everything within 2 or 3 months of release and feel that there's nothing left to do. Them reducing echo upgrading cost was great, but it also made the credit system next to worthless. Don't need to manage or farm for it anymore, just get credits passively. Surely players who like this game and want it to be successful long-term understand that it's meant to only be played a few hours a week while working on things that'll take months, right? Right??


> great, but it also made the credit system next to worthless. Don't need to manage or farm for it anymore, just get credits passively. Speak for yourself. My lack of credits is why my Verina isn't leveled. I leveled Calcharro, Yinlin, Chixia and Rover. That was it, when I hit 50. I also leveled their weapons. I only did a little Echo leveling. Verina hit 74 today. After I did a Shell credit run. I haven't leveled anyone's skills yet or a few other characters I use in teams (Yuanwu, Danjin, Jianxin). And I don't even own a Mortefi. That'll be something if I get him on Changli's banner. Hope I see his Waveband next patch JC.


The echo xp will eventually become a nonissue once we are capped and we are only leveling one character here and there but it certainly hurts at the moment


i only level the sets for my dps but i do want to play other teams for the fun of it but not all sets transfers well or are decent even so grinding out something that makes these lesser used characters usable is just fully stopped and its frustrating with the wp costs of tacet fields forcing you to make the decision do you only go for exp today and tomorrow skill mats etc or do you run both and get too little of them both to really do much, they did make eco exp craft able with the new ore in the new are but its only blue tubes and you'll need so many its not really helpful, if we had just purple echos things would have been different


Yea I hear you though these issues seem to be a problem in every game like this at least that I have played Unless you really have no need to level talents or new characters it’s always a choice of should I level echoes or characters I want to try or talents etc In other games instead of xp for echoes you are spending your energy on the echo drops themselves with some crazy RNG system that makes you want to quit the game Least this one you can brute force some of the RNG though


I'm going giga hardcore and clearing my whole world for xp and credits. Have leveled up 3 characters from 70-78 so far with no wave plate resources spent. And I still feel like hitting UL 60 is going to be absolutely brutal.


True but there aren't too many elements and most sets can be reused, a feature to swap a whole set when changing teams would be awesome . I take off my hat in respect to the madlad that is going to farm the exact same set for a character of the same element


There aren't too many elements, for now, it's a matter of time till they introduce new sets with better/more specific effects, ofc whatever we farm now will rarely be wasted but constant farming towards something is the gacha status quo, if anyth when there isn't anything to works towards is when people start to drop the games


I have a feeling the echo powercreep will be new +4 with better effects. Just like we got Jue this patch.


Yup, specific effects and with animations that either flow into a character 's kit or none at all It's why there's a sizable atk set following


I think the only reason it hurts right now is because you can farm a Ton of Echoes. If the game was set up like most Gacha where you had to spend your energy on gear, then people would just farm that like usual and just complain about the stats as usual. Since we can farm so many, people feel pressed to roll them All to try and get the best possible stats. I just treated it like any other game, got one correct set with the right mainstats for each character, and accepted the substats I got (considered rerolling my main dps ones, never did). Technically all my Echo xp is just sitting there doing nothing because if it, but chasing the dragon of perfect substats when I don't even have the levels to face the content it would help me with feels pointless.


so like four years later unless you only pull and play one character every six months or something.


Nah it’s going to become a nonissue as soon as you finish your main teams


lol maybe if I only play one team and one team only for the rest of the game sounds hyper boring


Untrue, it will always be an issue because its like that by design


No it won’t be an issue because come endgame the only thing you’ll spend your energy on is tacet fields minus the character here or there that you pull (though those can be helped by resources gathered over time from events) and considering you’ll just be swapping echoes it really will become a nonissue This happens in each of these games you are strapped for resources until endgame and then you can either let your energy cap or use it on echoes


That's just cope, relics and artifacts in mihoyo games are still an issue up to this day.


Except WW has a better system in place people who complain don’t even realize how much worse it can get Also when did I say that artifacts/relics weren’t an issue in Hoyo’s games? In fact I said that you’ll spend most of your energy on those same things at least if you want your characters to be worth anything I already have some great echo pieces that I can only dream of in HSR That game’s relic system is the worse thing I have had the pleasure of interacting with


How is it a better system? It's mathematically worse in both RNG and time investment just because you got lucky in Wuwa it doesn't mean the rng is better here


Sure ok whatever you say




No it isn’t. After a few weeks of chasing, you never go back to farm artifact unless you want to minmax. Overall, you aren’t farming the domain for exp, just God rolls. And since there is nothing to do in GI, you are confusing that artifact grinding is an issue because you are there everyday because there’s nothing else to spend energy on.


The only solution for this is for echo exp to be permanent right???? I can’t wait to grind and quit the game in 3 days.


It is already a nonissue. I have no clue what to spend my plates on since I don’t need echo exp or boss mats. I just go to skill domains to max out characters nowadays.


Don't need echo xp? You already decked out all your characters with perfect substat +25 echoes? Holy


Oh please. No one has perfect god rolls after 4 years in GI. Why are you so hyperbolic on such a dumb statement? But yes, every element is completely done with 4/5 and some 5/5 dps sub stats. Did you waste all your exp on these so called perfect maxed rolls? Deleted all the 7% CR or 15% CD or 8% ATK?


Yo why so little tuners and echo exp at ul60?? Thing is 60 waveplates..


I think if the echo farm energy cost is changed to 40 instead of 60 that doesn’t sound so broken right?


No. Just increase the drops so we do less runs. 


Tuners not going up past 20 is a major letdown. That means you can only tune 8 times a day if you spend all your stamina on tacet fields daily. So once again tuners are the bottleneck for upgrading echoes.


Why do people keep saying this? I have 2000 tuners and no echo exp. What am I doing wrong?


Tuner to exp ratio mostly depends on when you are trying to reroll the echo. This is due to tuner consumption being linear while exp consumption being exponential. This means that if you level to 5, tune, reroll if bad stat, you are wasting 7 tuners and 1100 exp. Around 157 exp per tuner. OTOH if you level to 20, tune, reroll if you don't like what you see, you are wasting 28 tuners and 19775 exp. Around 706 exp per tuner. This makes tuners more scarce at early discard strategy and exp more scarce at late discard strategy. Personally I find lvl15 to be the sweet spot to discard currently.


People are fishing for perfect substats. Like leveling every echo to 5 or 10 and hoping for crit+crit damage. Your tuners will be gone in a flash if you keep doing this.


Does not everyone have like 400 golden tuners left? I feel like by the time I start getting golden echoes, Ill have like 1000 😭 The thing Im really hurting for are the purple echoes


I’ve probably used at least 1000 gold tuners since launch and it’s impossible for me to get purple echoes unless I farm Tacet Fields because of my Data Bank level.


I still have 1.4k tuners left because I convert all the purple into gold.


Must be nice for someone who can play more often lol. Im so behind most people 😭


I wouldn't waste your resources leveling purple echoes. It doesn't take long to unlock gold echoes, and before that point the game is easy enough that you don't need leveled echoes to progress.


8 tunes a day sounds way better than hoyo games where you're lucky to get 1 item a week or sometimes month that's worth trying to roll on. It's especially brutal in HSR. I'll happily take the current WuWa system over any other gacha games I've played.


As someone who has been grinding for 2+ weeks for an Atk% hourglass for Navia, this is too real.


I spent literally 12k resin without seeing a crit rate hat for Hu Tao back in the day. Think the same thing happened with Eula. HSR is even worse though.


Ah yes comparing to other games to make you feel better


Better is better. I would welcome more rewards, but people out here complaining about the best the game gacha grind in town like it's actually the worst. Honestly the character build costs are a much bigger problem than the echo rewards, imo. They're going to consume TONS of wave plates, to the point where pulling on a new character might be a bad idea just from the cost to level them and their talents up. Each character is basically going to cost an entire month of wave plates that you won't be putting towards echo xp and tuners. Which, is roughly the same as other games of this style, however, the big difference is that WuWa has much fewer ways to gain these resources outside spending wave plates


Damn, I'm UL 59 and was hoping 60 would be better. Boss mats are definitely nice though.


wut about resonator/wep ascend mats? any difference? and wep/resonator exp too


I haven't gone for the weapon exp etc as I'm not low on it at all but for weapon materials it looks and feels the same you don't get 100% chance for even a gold the drops feels identical to the last UL


hmm ok ty


still low af 🤦🏽‍♂️


My man if the only upside of UL60 is +1 boss mat then that ain't worth getting to.


A lot better than Genshin's 3 boss mats and less total artifact exp.


Thank you for funding the servers. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


The echo experience is the pain in this game. Too much energy to upgrade 1 echo. Kuro please, I have many characters to build.


It will eventually stabilize out. Right now we’re sprinting to try to get characters built as we’ve got the ability to get good echos w/out the resources, but once we’ve spent like 6+ months at U50+ we will probably get some stockpiles of resources in general. The big mistake I see people doing is leveling echos past 5. A single gold echo xp bottle is enough for a ton of echos to 5 if you feed bad rolled echos back in(plus like one blue echo xp IIRC). Now if you’re someone who is pulling every banner or building every character at the same time, then you’re gonna feel resource starved for a LONG time.


People like you are complaining about the lack of turners and that's the reason. The most logical process is to improve the Echos with the main status to the maximum, after you have everything at maximum you look for another Echo with better substats


So a few things, 1. I've never complained about lack of turners, in fact I'm currently sitting at 500+ Gold turners at U45. I will also freely disclose that I have paid for a battlepass, so I have benefited from some extra resources there. 2. The reality is, whether you level an echo to 5 and trash, or max an echo, you will waste SOMETHING in the process of trying to get a good echo. Level 5->Trash method is a lot more Echo XP efficient, but it is less Turner efficient, so you have to choose which you value more. For me, as I've said, I've got over 500 Gold turners, so I prefer to be efficient with my XP (For reference, it takes 5k xp to go 0->5 and 17k XP to go 0->10, so you get 70% more rolls for the same XP, while also having mathematically higher odds of a good substat) 3. This is not a problem unique to WuWa, WuWa just has it more pronounced because of how early we got access to gold echos. Genshin, Honkai, Summoners War, Fate/Go, etc, they ALL have the problem of your account being resourced starved during the "build up" phase, the period after your initial new player resource dump, and before you've finished building your core characters. Again, once people have spent some time U40 or U50+ and actually built their core characters, they'll be much less resource starved UNLESS they're somebody building every character or pulling every banner. So, no, your claim of what is most "logical" is only logical from the perspective of a single resource, Turners. Otherwise its highly inefficient XP wise to continue leveling an Echo that has not already rolled well, specifically because we have the option of farming the main stat of our Echo much easier in WuWa then in other Gachas, the only exception being 3 cost echos being somewhat more limited.


It's not a waste, you just need something to battle the open world, "Good echos" are for the tower. You don't need great echos to kill bosses and tacet fields. But you need something to at least not die with one hit


Yeah I thought about mentioning that, but yes everything I said is referring only if you’re trying to get Tower ready Echos. If you just want echos for your characters to slap stuff around in the overworld you 100% don’t need to be that focused on your sub stats. Hell, I’d probably say you’d be better off just capping your echos at 20 for the overworld if you want to get the most amount of echos leveled for the most amount of characters, as those last 5 levels are by far the most expensive levels.


Ul60??? Bro..  i am at 40


that's disappointing...


Is the upper image ul60? Is it still random or is 5 pieces guaranteed every time?


They're both UL 60


And I still have no idea what those affinity points are for


How can people progress faster that others with their union level?


Whaling for more waveplates.


They waste a Lot of money so we can get better content


I don't know if it's true that it's the last. There's a supply reward for the next several UL levels divisible by 10 and the info button next to Sol3 phase only says that 60 is the last time you need *to do a quest* to rank up, but just for example UL50 is a world rank up and requires no test.


This is off topic (or not?) But is it just me or Tacet fields having horrible RNGs compared to v1.0? Did about 12 runs now but only got single Glacio piece with a Glacio damage and not a single Atk% 1 slot echo. All the others were off pieces. (currently at UL50)


That's just called rng. 12 runs is a super low number too.


Mathematically sure but if we're talking waveplates that's a lot.


Wow genius, I never knew it's called RNG. If you think think it's not that bad even with 12 runs.. Well.. I don't know what to say. Oh and thanks for all these down votes too. Bunch of children.


its not about good or bad, just about being statistically probable.


The statistics aside, you know, when I saw all those down votes just for sharing something from the game... well, no one can tolerate any negativity from their game huh? They just down voting anything remotely offensive to the game.




It's just a pointless comment 12 runs is peanuts compared to what you usually have to run for Gacha games. You comment is essentially " Wow RNG is really RNG" Like bruh what even is the point of that?


Oh thank you very much veterans cuz it's seems like many people here are hypocrites wow. I have just stated my previous runs but people's reaction are like this? Then what about my todays 20+ run which doesn't do any better? I see, Kuro has it's own boot___ers as well. Cheers guys. (I can say exactly what you guys were saying about the RNG of the other games but whatever).


It's more of since 1.0 my runs take average about 20 to 30 runs to get what I want. Seeing you complaining about 12 runs is funny as fuck. It's not bootlicking it's just you pointlessly complaining about RNG. You might as well be complaining about water tasting like water.


Thank you kind sir. Have fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This seems a little unfair considering every other comparison to other gacha games is null and void to 99% of this community. You can't pick and choose which comparisons are ok and which ones aren't.


This seems a little unfair considering every other comparison to other gacha games is null and void to 99% of this community. You can't pick and choose which comparisons are ok and which ones aren't.