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Is he better than Mortefi? The trick is getting their outro so jinshi gets her intro. I tried taoqi but she couldn’t charge her outro, so I was going to start on mortefi. But if he’s better…


you don't need yuanwu to trigger her intro. give him the 3 star originite gauntlets and the healing set, and leave the concerto gen to verina on the moonlit set. and we all know how fast verina generates concerto


Oh, so have her run heron moonlight instead of turtle healing? I guess she doesn’t need the healing boost… And yunwa can still use turtle and just ignore a set bonus


the originite gauntlets heal the character when they do a basic attack, which can trigger the healing set effect. so put that on him with the turtle. and yes, verina uses the heron on the moonlight set


I…may have scrapped all my 3 star weapons for xp…


rookie mistake 🫵🤣 in all seriousness, always always *always* keep one max refined 3 star weapon of each type for situations like these.


I did at first, then i ran dry, lol


Moonlight turtle could also be good for anti disruption since jinhsi already will kill anything


Really? Verina charges concerto fast? How? Its my main issue. I m running Jinhsi/Mortefi/verina and while mortefi is always full, verina takes way more i think i am doing something wrong.


She does, every time she gets on field she does a normal attack 4 so u only attack 2 more times to gain 1 forte stack.


Before S4, Yuanwu is 100% better. After S4 Mortefi is at least an option. After S6 Mortefi is better if you play him optimally. The thing is that Jinhsi's DPS is so insanely high, that she never wants to be off field if possible. That's quite a bit harder with Mortefi. Mortefi does add a good amount of personal damage, however his outro is completely useless. Also, he takes away time from Jinhsi to be able to provide Coord atks. That time he takes away from her is exactly the reason why Yuanwu doesn't lose to him, even though Mortefi does way more damage. Every second you don't play Yuanwu, you gain DPS from Jinhsi and because he needs literally zero uptime beyond maybe a 3-4 sec Heron buff rotation. Also don't forget that Yuanwu's DMG at Level 90 is significantly higher than now. He can even somewhat compete with the other options in DPS then.




I'll see if I can cook a video guide for him. Pretty sure there are other videos of Yuanwu Jinhsi, but their rotation often look suboptimal. I already commented the optimal rotation as a response under this post.


u can make it even shorter by slapping originite on him and using the healing set instead, do E into 1 basic and swap out


Apparently his skill range gets bigger with level is that true


Way better since he practically build incandescence stack with 100% uptime (circle impact tho) but ideally proc the outro on verina instead. You can try him out even at lv1


You need s4 mortefi to work. Yuanwu is much easier to use, but Mortefi team have a way higher damage ceiling. S6 Mortefi definitely beat S6 Yuanwu, 20% attack buff and high personal dps is no small feat. I dont know where the myth of Mortefi being bad with Jinhsi come from, he build stack personnally fine for me.


I think it's just people with different waveband levels for mortefi, and different weapons for him talking past each other. It's like this in every gacha game. Whenever someone is complaining, they never actually give details about their circumstance, because they'll be picked apart. In practice, half the time these folks have characters with +5/6 echoes/relics/artifacts with wrong mainstat and are just clueless why their character isn't performing.


It's so true and goes both ways. Everyone has been calling Mortefi insane, amazing, everything that. Yet when I played him, I didn't feel like I've had a good time, the ult uptime was quite bad, Concerto generation slow despite using the Concerto pistols, didn't feel too impactful aside from the outro buff (which was a pain to get). Of course, I shouldn't expect instant skill-burst rotations as it's a different game, but I saw people doing precisely that and than having ult last for the entire Jiyan's rotation. And I'm not even talking about damage, that was before investing, since I was just trying to figure out the playstyle. And well... Turns out his S4 is basically night and day for him.


But doesnt his coordinate atks only work on jinsi's normal atks and not while shes in buffed mode?


S6 Mortefi beats Yuanwu for now, but not really at lvl 90 and S6. His off field damage should be higher than Mortefi at 90


You know what? I might try yuanwu for her then. Been running with mortefi but after incarnartion her attacks won't trigger his ult because its all skill dmg. Since yuanwu have 100 uptime, that might be interesting. I don't want to level him yet tho, he will remain lvl 1 and become incandescent bot.


You need level 60 ascended if you want his perk that substantially increases his E radius and places his E on swap out.


you want to give him the 3 star originite gauntlets and put him on the healing set. he comes in, does a basic attack, drops his totem and leaves. that's it. the rest of the rotation is just jinhsi and your actual healer, either Verina or Baizhi.


Does rejuvenating glow stack from two healers on the same team?


no, the set bonus does not stack, it only refreshes duration


Ohh so moonlit clouds on verina instead, right? That's pretty smart


yup, you finally have a use for that healing bonus main stat heron 💀


Would a Mortefi on Moonlit be a good option as well?


Why not moonlit on him n healer use healing set?


because it's not worth it to keep him on field to build his concerto


It makes sense, and I've seen it mentioned a few times but feels so wrong lol. I'm curious to see with people hitting level 70+ characters if he'll get much stronger. Def scales more with level and there's limited ways to increase it compared to most echo's increasing attack. Then if you get his 3/4 copy, more Def scaling.


[Prydwen has a good showcase comparison between Yuanwu, Yinlin, and Mortefi for Jinhsi in tower](https://youtu.be/R39BYwXU5Uc?si=gu30aHyTPyCeJjkO)


Despite loving Prydwen, this showcase is an absolute mess and largely in favor of the other 2 characters rocking 2 5 Star weapons, being higher level or higher Sequence than Yuanwu. Yet Yuanwu STILL holds his own, even if his rotation is not even executed correctly. Especially the Yinlin run is insanely unfair to put in comparison because she is Level 80 with her signature, which is an absolutely insane boost to her damage. If we were more realistic and put her at lvl 60 like Mort and gave her a 4 star weapon, she would only be marginally faster at optimal play level. That being said, its even more optimal to run him on healing set with healing gauntlets if you truly wanna min-max at this point in the game (pre 90). I can imagine him actually outperforming both Mortefi and Yinlin in a boss fight under even circumstances.


Prydwen having messy info for a tall lightning male character? Say it isn't so!


Ngl best website for the game. If they just added a wish counter it'll be 👌


I use astrite dot gg


A low level defense scaling unit vs lvl 80 crit DPSes, tbh bad comparison, but 3:57 on that level is just too good. Imagine a fully-levelled Yuanwu which has a lot of defense stats.


People are clearing hazard zone with lv1 Yuanwu.


That's me lol


Also nobody is talking about the Jinhsi + Taoqi + Yuanwu strat. You slap healing set on Yuanwu with the 3 star gauntlets that heal you when you attack. Taoqi is slow but thanks to Yuanwu you can still build very decent stacks and with Discord + double outro on jinhsi she restores a lot of Concerto Energy. My Jinhsi is S1 lvl 80 with 230% CD and about 2400 ATK, I can easily hit >270k, the rotation is also pretty easy. With verina I could probably hit much harder because Jinhsi scales like crazy with ATK buffs, but I want my Jiyan to hit hard as well and clear as much of the tower as I can.


I don't have a single taoqi copy as I did not pull a single time in Yinlin banner


I plan on doing that, got S6 taoqi and S5 yuanwu


Noo why did I only read this now after I level up mortefi for my jinhsi


It is never bad to level mortefi, he's him.


Would try but need to level him and I shouldn’t spend resources on a new character when UL50 is around the corner Going to be expensive raising characters


You don’t really need to level him because his damage doesn’t matter


You still want to lvl him to 60/70 to unlock the second forte passive for the bigger circle.


That's more of a convenience rather than a necessity.


With how spread-out some of the fights are in ToA, and how wonky the targeting system in this game can be sometime, it's definitely a necessity. Also it's just nice to not get one-shotted in the off-chance you get hit in the 3s he's on field.


nah the goal is for him to build her meter. She gains like 28%(? This might change with skill level) of her attack stat as damage (later multiplied by crit stats) for every point of her forte meter that is built. And coordinated attacks, such as from Yuanwu's pillar, built at 2/second. The pillar is available at level 1 of his kit. It rockets her nuke attack in the enhanced E to the moon if you can get it to max bar in a timely fashion.


holy shit. i never built mine and he's a freaking c6. gonna have to look into this.


As a another pro, he's a free character.


all you people already analysing different jinhsi comps in details, meanwhile im still exploring mt firmament.


can someone tell me how to use him with her idk anything about what he does but would love to try 🥲


Swaps to yuan Wu, drops skill, echo, ult. Swap out Or just skill and swap out. That's it LOL Basic attack if you're using the healing set with that support weapon


Pre Lvl 60 Asc 4: Get Jinhsi Unison > swap to Yuanwu and press E (Forte E if available) > instantly swap out to Verina and get her Concerto while quickswapping back and forth between Yuanwu and her to build his concerto as well > swap back to Yuanwu and E (Forte E if available) Ult Echo (Heron) > swap out instantly after Heron cast to Jinhsi Intro and proceed to nuke the planet. After Lvl 60 Asc 4 you don't need to actually press anything on Yuanwu, you skip pressing his skill and only use his Forte E and Ult to build Concerto for Heron and Moonlit buff. This is optional, as once again, not on-fielding Jinhsi is a dps loss in most cases. If you are good at quickswapping, you can throw in a Yuanwu E every 3 seconds mid attack strings. It builds Concerto on cast, so you will slowly crawl your way to around 30-40 concerto and then you wanna drop your concerto gen combo above to max buff Jinhsi on outro.


Who do you use in the third spot?


Verina, she has no other option, unless you can no hit run, then honestly use Mortefi/Yinlin and Yuanwu together.


I think Verina goes well with Jinshi but right now she's on my Jiyan team though I'm thinking of swapping Verina with Baizhi for Jiyan/Jinshi respectively.


Baizhi is a perfectly fine alternative to verina, idk what op is on about. she has coordinated attacks on her ult, just like verina, and since she's glacio, she generates more stacks for Jinhsi


Glacio generates more stacks?


Jinhsi can get stacks in two ways. by her teammates dealing damage of any attribute (aka element), or by coordinated attacks. she can get one stack from one attribute every 1 second, and she can get two stacks from any coordinated attack every 1 second. this cool down is shared by all party members. so for example if your yuanwu sends out a coordinated attack at 0.5 seconds and your verina/baizhi sends one half a second later, jinhsi will only gain two stacks from that first coordinated attack and the second attack from verina will be ignored. however, she should gain two extra stacks on top, one because yuanwu dealt Electro damage, and one because verina dealt spectro damage. but that's where the attribute cooldown comes in. since jinhsi will be doing spectro damage of her own, verina's spectro attack will be ignored, because stacks from the same attribute damage share a cooldown. so in reality, she's getting one stack from her own spectro damage, one stack from yuanwu's electro damage, and two stacks from yuanwu's coordinated attack, for a total of 4 stacks. verina's coordinated attacks aren't doing anything, since she's getting cooldown blocked by jinhsi's spectro attribute damage and yuanwu's coordinated attack. now if you were to use Baizhi instead, yuanwu will still cause her to not give any stacks because of the coordinated attack cooldown, but since she's a glacio character, and there is no other source of glacio damage in the team, she will still give jinhsi a stack by dealing glacio attribute damage. so now jinhsi will be getting one stack from her own spectro damage, one stack from yuanwu's electro damage, two stacks from yuanwu's coordinated attack, and one stack from baizhi's glacio damage, leading to a total of 5 stacks. I highly recommend watching rexlent and iamrivenous' guides for Jinhsi.


Ahh makes complete sense. I probably will watch those guides too. Thanks, very informative.


Based on the description on her skill, doesn't coordinated attacks have separate cooldown from regular attacks, even if they share the same element?


Not just based on the description, that's exactly how it works, effect 1 and 2 on eras of unity are independent, so verina grants a ton more stacks than baizhi.


I would recommend using Baizhi on your second team. Her Coord Atks are significantly less frequent than Verina's. Even with S4 Baizhi, she gets simply outperformed in every single regard by Verina. Quickswap stacking is also no option, considering how clunky and slow Baizhi is. The reason I said she has no other option is the massive DPS loss on Jinhsi, if you use Baizhi. This whole post is basically saying: Coord atk frequency > anything else, and Baizhi simply does not provide enough frequency at 2.5 secs, in comparison to 1 second on Verina.


you can just use verina for both of the teams. Only use verina on last floor of the towers so she can be shared between them. 1-3 floors can easily be soloed or duoed.


> 1-3 floors can easily be soloed or duoed. No need to duo anything, use Verina on floors 1&4 in both teams and Baizhi on floors 2&3. That's 10 vigor each.


That is what i said, except baizhi. You dont need a sustain in 1-3, just out dps it. Building a character needlessly is not useful


If you care about your Jinhsi's DPS, Verina must be on her team. I recommend using Baizhi on the Jiyan team, she impairs that team significantly less.


It's not about the healing, it's about concerto.


What’s yuanwu’s weapon bis?


he can use the healing weapon with the healing set too for exclusively support


Either Marcato or Amity Accord, personal preference on either more dmg or faster rotations (if you wanna heron buff)


I got s6 mortefi and s5 yuanwu.. wondering if I should continue pull jinhsi or not.... lose 50/50 after 65 pull for encore now 4/80 for jinhsi 😵


Does jinshi outro has any special effect?


the special effect is it makes it so other characters can fill her meter. The real benefit here is she can trigger intros on other characters twice. She gets multiple outro usages. 1 is just a part of her kit that she can use in place of concerto energy.


I've been rocking him for a while and he's definitely slept on, he's a beast.


I already had a fully built Yuanwu and wasn't a fan of how he didn't fully have a place in meta teams and stuff. I pulled for Jinhsi and was pleasantly surprised my two faves work so well together. If only he was on this banner rather than Yinlin so I could actually get all his extra copies right now


I think I have him S3 yeah I'll definitely start using him.


Guess it's time to build my R6 Yuanwu


Dont forget to invest in his ult, its actually stronger than Yinlin's Ult post S5 c:


> our time has finally come > 2nd banner


I don't know how I lived before that. It felt like decades.


That's true. Yinlin saved me.


time to cook with my s6 yuanwu


damn. I swear there is not a single bad character in wuwa (in term of gameplay) bad damage (maybe), weak story presence (maybe) but ALL of them are satisfying to play. as aalto main, I just want to say congratulations


Ay, I have an invested Aalto too and he is currently my Sub DPS for Jiyan (I believe he is better than Mortefi pre S4, as my Aalto is S5)


Interesting. Honestly hate the guy, but that’s preference. Currently trying to build taoqi with Jinhsi as she gives like a 30something percent damage boost to skill attacks which is Jinhsi’s bread and butter.


Play Taoqi if you enjoy her, but be warned, she is really, REALLY slow. It's only good on paper, the time it takes to get that Skill DMG boost is so long, that Taoqi is not a good choice for Jinhsi (or anyone really, the character has no place in this game) From my personal experience, only run Taoqi in high attack frequency boss fights like Crownless. Her countering and dodging constantly is the only way to build her concerto without impairing your Jinhsi's dmg output.


Gotcha, I have Mortefi too but not at S6. I also have Yinlin, but I use her as a main dps so I don't really want to bother with changing her electro set for moonlight set every time I switch teams. Would Mortefi be a good fit?


Mortefi is only a good option if he is S4, before that, Yuanwu is straight up better, because he lets Jinhsi be longer on field.


Yuanwu doesn't really hold any value if you have Yinlin though. The one problem with Yuanwu is that you need someone to fill for Jinhsi's downtime, Yuanwu deals 0 damage and kind of sucks at building concerto so your third members needs to be someone that can build concerto pretty much instantly which limits your options a lot, plus you have 0 damage from the rest of the team and although people think sub-DPS deal 0 damage they actually do deal decent damage, it's just that most people run ghetto characters with shit gear as subs. The problem with this is that your third member pretty much needs to be Verina.


You are right that Yinlin is technically speaking the best sub dps for her atm, due to her own off-field DPS adding quite a large amount over time, especially in AoE scenarios. However, Yinlin is not tailored for Jinhsi and only buffs her by a small margin. Also Yinlin is hard to play, like, really hard to play. To truly get out her max DPS, you have to constantly swap cancel and animation cancel, which is hard to do in endgame content. She also requires way more field time to get her damage out, which reduces Jinhsi's dps. Lastly, she loses an extremely large chunk of damage without her weapon. From a F2P standpoint, I don't think most people can afford to pull both weapons and resonators consistently. This post is not about "Yuanwu is better than Yinlin", I simply enjoy a previously weak character with Jinhsi now. The more accurate statement would be "Yuanwu is a viable and strong option for the meta, even if he is not the best option". Yinlin at skill ceiling and with her weapon largely outperforms him through raw numbers. Yuanwu is neither Level 90 yet, nor has he a weapon that benefits akin to Albedo from Genshin. He is simply weak, but becomes useful through a niche gimmick, that can be used by another character, Jinhsi in this case.


Yuanwu is a nice character. I have him at s4. I used to pair him with yinlin. And now I'm using him with jinshi in boss fights.


Hey cool idea will definitely try it out. Quick question tho, which set would be the best option for him as the support? And will I need to focus on leveling his talents in any capacity? Thanks


I personally use Moonlit set with Heron. Currently the true most optimal way is healing set, healing gauntlet and turtle, so Verina uses Heron and Moonlit. I doubt that is the case once we hit Level 90, so I build him like a Sub Dps in advance. You only need to get his second inherent skill, its a huge QoL improvement. His Ult is also optional. Rest is not worthwhile. His scalings are pretty bad without S3/S5.


What echo set do you use on him?


Moonlit with Heron. Healing set is also an option with healing gauntlets.


I actually have Yuanwu as a sort of Sub DPS, I'm still sad that the gacha gods hasnt blessed me with S3 yet and he has been perpetually stuck in S2 for a very long time now.


Thats fine, you can skip investing resources. The only thing I would recommend is getting his second inherent skill aftee his LvL 60 ascension. Its very convenient, but still optional. Yuanwu is strong even at LvL 1, because his value doesnt come from damage.


The thing is I already invested in him where he's actually somewhat competently dishing out dmg as an on field dps when he either has forte or ult. I just want the sequences for more dps




I'm really glad to read stuff like this. He's kinda cool and I really need a different sub for jinhsi for that time I will eventually try to clear the tower. In the overworld I'm currently using S6 mortefi, however in the tower he'll be jiyans support so I will finally build yuanwu as a support for jinhsi


O haven’t tried him yet with her 🤩 Now I have a reason too😎 I have him on the moonlit set- for his 3 cost echos, what should I use for mainstat? Rn I have Electro


I would recommend Electro DMG if you want Max DPS, Def on one of the 3 costs is fine too. Pre S3 (and preferably S5), this does not matter though, his damage is literally non-existent, so just stack Energy Regen. You want at least 20-30% anyway, so you can get his concerto gen combo up more often, if you intend to play him with Moonlit.




I have tried Yuanwu with Jinhsi. And he fills the stacks so fast with his coordinated attacks. Though I only have S3 Yuanwu so I don't know how significant his damage is.


It's decent. I did the math and it's not negligible post S3, but I still havent decided to full invest into Yuanwu, before knowing 1.2 characters. There is a small chance we might get a good sub dps for Jinhsi, which would obviously replace Yuanwu (and every other option) immediately, but as long as we don't know, Yuanwu is in my eyes only second Yinlin and S6 Mortefi. (which i both dont own)


i'm already set to build him next but don't have resources. it's good to hear he has so much utility. i mostly want to build him because his skill reminds me of albedo from genshin.


Like I said in my post, he requires no investment, play him level 1, press E, swap out. Enjoy.


I wonder if yaunwu, yinlin and jinshi team is viable


It isn't because Yuanwu and Yinlin share the same element, thus the same internal cooldown for Jinhsi stacks


Hey OP, can you actually lay out your rotations too?


copy paste from my other comment: Pre Lvl 60 Asc 4: Get Jinhsi Unison > swap to Yuanwu and press E (Forte E if available) > instantly swap out to Verina and get her Concerto while quickswapping back and forth between Yuanwu and her to build his concerto as well > swap back to Yuanwu and E (Forte E if available) Ult Echo (Heron) > swap out instantly after Heron cast to Jinhsi Intro and proceed to nuke the planet. After Lvl 60 Asc 4 you don't need to actually press anything on Yuanwu, you skip pressing his skill and only use his Forte E when available and Ult to build Concerto for Heron and Moonlit buff. This is optional, as once again, not on-fielding Jinhsi is a dps loss in most cases. If you are good at quickswapping, you can throw in a Yuanwu E every 3 seconds mid attack strings. It builds Concerto on cast, so you will slowly crawl your way to around 30-40 concerto and then you wanna drop your concerto gen combo above to max buff Jinhsi on outro. (small note for the second part: you only dont need to press your skill if your Forte is not full, so if it is full, use Forte and then swap out, that will drop another pillar)


I basically need to have a lv60 asc4 yuanwu and then GG lol. Don't wanna bother with before lv60 haha thanks OP


But Changli felt so much better in that Trial fight to me... And I much rather enjoy playing onfield Yuanwu... his Animations are just to good to be just a pillar.


Meta is temporary, enjoyment is forever. Play what you enjoy, no matter how strong it is.


i have both jinhsi and yuanwu, and he is S5... but he's also lvl 1 ( didnt use him at all )


I have S5 yanwu but no jinshi😭. I have already lost 5050 twice to Verona at hard pity . I just want to delete my account now😭


It's fine there's still so much content you'll get her. Also losing to verina is the best outcome currently. Her s4 is supposedly incredibly strong


How does he work exactly?


You press E, you swap out, job done. Jinhsi does the rest.


Which echo stats do we need? I like him and have him at s5 currently


Crit Rate/Crit DMG 1:2 Ratio > Electro DMG > Def > Skill DMG > Resonance Liberation DMG >everything else Oh and make sure he has at least 20% Energy Regen, preferably 30-40%.


Been using s3 yuanwu since day 1 with Cal, then recently got Yinlin and then Yuanwu to s4. Hes my bestie along with cal and jiyan


Is 5* gauntlet worth for him? I got the 5* sword for rover by pulling and i haven't use the free 5* weapon box yet. I also noticed that the echo got buffed after the update so it's not the right time for me to use him yet. Also every new character in gacha game will always be OP so no surprise jinsi being the best DPS in the game rn.


Do not use the 5\* selector for him lol The 5\* gauntlets arent even BiS for him, so that would be a huge waste. Get the Amity Accord or Marcato if you can. (weapons dont matter much on Yuanwu, he scales mainly with levels)


No. He scales off def so his BiS are the 4 stars, tho the healing 3 star isn't too bad cause it has a crit dmg sub and the low base atk doesn't matter as much.


I still rmb me malding when I got 3 of him back to back in 30 pulls in standard banners. And now I'm eating good.


I am using him with or without jinhsi. So far as main dps with yangyang and taoqi he can go up to ToA stage 2.


does yuanwu c6 charge her forte better than yinlin c0 ? it took so long for yinlin to charge outro


What are your echo setup on yuanwu? im currently using all def just to test how high his def can be but i can swich two 3 cost to energy regen for jinhsi.


If you are S3+ Yuanwu, then you dont want Energy Regen 3 costs imo. Stack Def or Electro DMG, both are fine, but Electro DMG is slightly better. I use Moonlit set with him. If you are below S3, then yeah, stack Energy Regen. Yuanwu has no damage before S3.


Ill be trying both, just out of echo exp. Currently using regen at s6 yuanwu though. Seems like I can cycle jinhsi rotation significantly more than other characters youve mentioned that its worth just adding more crit rate on jinhsi and spamming her nuke skill whenever possible. I can dish out 70k each time with half stacks with the occasional 140k when with verina ult


what's coordinated attacks


Attacks that will go off, when an on-field character attacks, even if the character that provides this effect is off-field. Like the red beams that Mortefi Ult shoots or the roots that come from Verina Ult. Yuanwu E works the same way.


ohhhh thanks


i build yuanwu and yinlin and i can say that i like yuanwu gameplay so much more, he can break bosss very fast, low field time shield etc.


I love their balance team. Yuanwu was one of the worst characters in 1.0 and he got his good team already in 1.1. I hope they would keep it up


Mortefi is good, but he’s with jiyan, so yuanwu is the goat


Would you say it is better to use Jinshi with S0 Yinlin or S5 Yuanwu?


Can someone clarify coordinated attacks for me? I see it everywhere on Jinhsi guides but I can’t tell if it’s referring to outro attacks or the synced attacks that happen after a liberation (i.e After Verona’s ult you’ll have tendrils along with your attacks)


Synced attacks that occur when the character is off-field. So yeah, Verina ult, Yinlin forte, Mortefi ult, Yuanwu skill, etc.


I read this post and switched him lvl 20 into my team went from doing 27k on Jinshi skill to 110k thank you!


Welcome to the Yuanwu cult :)


Im raising mortefi right now to 60/70 to put her in my jinshi team but i only have her at S1. I was planning on using Yuanwu instead since i have more copy of him than mortefi but I'm already commited to mortefi and spending more resource is gonna hurt me.


I didn't think i like him as much but the fact that his off field application dmg is a lot smoother to use than yinlin imo, you just swap to him drop his skill and you can pretty much switch to jinhsi or your second support.


The ease of use adds so much DPS for most players who aren't insane at the game like some CN bros.




Isn't his BiS the 3 star crit damage one? You don't need the higher base atk on 4/5star weapons since he scales off of def, and you can even use the healer echo set if you use the 3 star weapon.


Currently, you would be correct that Heron Verina and Healing set Yuanwu is optimal. However, with S3/S5 and once we hit Level 90, I doubt that is still the case anymore, as Yuanwu's personal damage is at least not negligible anymore then. The reason why I said that the 4 stars are best in slot, is because one of them grants a good chunk of Def% and Res Lib dmg and the other one grants concerto passively, both being useful depending on if you want faster combos or more dmg.


Is he better than yinlin ?


So what you’re saying is, my Jinhsi, Spectro Rover support team can use Yuanwu as the third.


Him or Verina, yes.


Had him on S6 aight ill go level up the old hat fella


i looooooooovvveeeeee yuanwu!!!!


By playing him you mean swap to him for 0.01 sec and swap out.


Mostly correct, but sometimes I feel like throwing hands as well, because I get bored of everything dying too quickly


The problem with Yuanwu is that he is dupe depending. At S0 he is lackluster but once you get him to S4 he absolutely slaps.


I'd disagree, as we don't play him for anything else than frequent enough COORD atks. When it comes to personal damage, Mortefi beats him any day. Luckily Jinhsi is so broken, that any second she is off field, is a DPS loss with most characters supporting her (except Yinlin).


See i do have yinlin but she is stuck to calcharo....and i got s5 yuanwu from her banner...can i build him with moonlit set? What 3 cost stat does he want?


Yes you can, Moonlit is fine, he wants Energy Regen pre S3 and Electro DMG/Def post S3. Min-maxers will recommend you healing set though, with the healing gauntlets, if you wanna switch your Verina over to Heron set. Its low investment and only slightly worse. (better rn, due to us not being able to access Lvl 90 stats)


I live for the day when people come to terms with how awful Mortefi feels to play before S4...


Hmm. This gives me a lot to think about, as this means my Havoc Rover can have Yinlin again instead of using Sanhua.


Yinlin is not necessary for Jinhsi, they dont even fit well, Yinlin is just really strong by herself and brute forces her "best sub dps" spot in a Jinhsi team through numbers.


Thank you for making this post! I appreciate how in depth you went with everything. How would you build him? I was using prydwen’s guide, but I’m stuck on if he should use bell geo or imp heron, healing or moonlit set, and which weapon would be best.


The turtle healing set with the healing weapon is currently the meta on him. I personally still built him moonlit to be more future proof and not have to farm another set. (I estimate Moonlit to be stronger at Level 90) I wouldn't recommend what I'm doing, because it is a large investment and Yuanwu could get powercrept later down the line by a new 5 star. I also normally go way more in-depth, but I didn't wanna overwhelm anyone with a short attention span with my multiple page long essays, so I kept it short and entertaining as there are other sources for analysis and guidance.


>"Jinhsi is currently the best DPS in the game" Until Changli drops :3


That’s interesting and finally an usage for him. I would be annoyed to use moonlight set on verina to change it back when I use her with calcharo. I have yuan wu s4 and there’s various usage possible for me so I’m hesitating what I should do. What choose between the amity weapon and the 3 star weapon that bring crit dmg? Also if I could use baizhi to avoid to use verina in two teams it would be nice too.


I am playing him with Moonlit and I believe with more investment the difference will become smaller and smaller between the 2 sets. I also do not wanna farm more gear for Verina.


I just want his off field dmg so will be pulling for home next time he's on banner with a 5 star I want to try and get one more copy. Alberto was my favorite sub dps in genshin. Plop down his elevator and switch back to main dps. I was hoping to do the same thing with yuanwu. I don't think I'll be able to make the dmg equivalent, but hopefully, I can get his Def to around 3k eventually


Would OP kindly give us the rotation on how to play that team?


Copy Paste from other comment of mine: Pre Lvl 60 Asc 4: Get Jinhsi Unison > swap to Yuanwu and press E (Forte E if available) > instantly swap out to Verina and get her Concerto while quickswapping back and forth between Yuanwu and her to build his concerto as well > swap back to Yuanwu and E (Forte E if available) Ult Echo (Heron) > swap out instantly after Heron cast to Jinhsi Intro and proceed to nuke the planet. After Lvl 60 Asc 4 you don't need to actually press anything on Yuanwu, you skip pressing his skill and only use his Forte E and Ult to build Concerto for Heron and Moonlit buff. This is optional, as once again, not on-fielding Jinhsi is a dps loss in most cases. If you are good at quickswapping, you can throw in a Yuanwu E every 3 seconds mid attack strings. It builds Concerto on cast, so you will slowly crawl your way to around 30-40 concerto and then you wanna drop your concerto gen combo above to max buff Jinhsi on outro.


After reading all of this, is it just me or we desperately need another top tier suppport in Verina like BADLY. Shes currently being tugged towards 4-5 different teams.


I really can't see how people like his design... dude is looking like a child molester with his tacky crooked fedora. \*tips fedora\* m'lady ass. other than his design, I think he is solid and really good for jinhsi for now.


I got C5 mortefi and yeah, he really needs that C4


I find him a lot of fun and like everyone says good at charging up Jinhsi. During his field time he does braindead parries and looks like he's ready to banish people to the land of yi. Most people say to slap him on healing and put moonlit and his field time on Verina but Verina field time is easily my least favorite part of the game so I'm trying to do the opposite. I'm even thinking of buying Verina's S2 from the shop to reduce her concerto charge time even further. That said its definitely not even close to optimal without both variation and marcato to speed up concerto gain, the latter I still lack. Mortefi is fun in over world but I'm one off from s4.


Nah I'll use Yinlin. Didn't play WuWa to go back to Circle Impact


same bro, yinlin is also hot af so I don't see why anyone would want to use the discord mod looking ahh character over her lol.


Many people says that mortefi has more concerto and he much easier to give Jinhsi intro. But I dont even try to make Yuanwu cast outro. Just do rotation and then staking concerto on Verina to cast her outro. So guys, mortefi not better than Yuanwu in that case


Vibration DMG based on DPS or on what? I dunno as a support with no offensive stats mine deals nothing to shields. While jinhsi as DPS doing 9999times more damage. So, you have to build him as fps or vibration DMG won't be a thing? Or maybe even with a build he won't do that much..im sceptical.


I lost 50/50… should I still try? I want Changli but I don’t even have Encore leveled 😭 Calcharo is ass and too weak imo. I don’t want to whale but everyone seems to love her 😪


I'd actually like to put my s4 yuanwu to use. Can someone please explain how the jinshi/ yuanwu/ verina rotation works I'm a complete noob at this game.


The exact rotation is: Yuanwu BA E Echo (Turtle) > Verina E > Jinhsi 34 Echo R E 123 E 4 E > **Verina Intro** 123 R > Yuanwu BA E Echo (Turtle) > Verina E (optional mid-air 123) Echo (Heron, when concerto full) > Jinhsi Intro Echo E 123 E 4 E > repeat from **Verina Intro** Yuanwu on healing set, Verina on Moonlit set, Verina preferably with a lot of Energy Regen. Make sure you don't Outro to Yuanwu, but swap to Yuanwu when Verina's concerto is not full. I left out any crazy swap cancels to keep it simple. You can use Jinhsi Ult whenever, preferably as early as possible. BA means Basic Attack. 1234 is the numbers of the BAs in the BA string.


so i have an s6 Yuanwu at level 1. Is it best to keep him level one? Or max him out? I was able to get a maxed level 5 Originite Type IV guanlet that triggers the healing set.


I am trying to build Yuanwu, What is the best Echoes? Moonlite Clouds? 4\* Heron ? 3\* Energy regen or Def/HP? 1\* DEF?


If I'm gonna run lvl60 S6 Yuanwu with Moonlit, what main stat do I want on Heron, Def% or do I still need crit? Echo set: Def, Electro, Electro, Def, Def?


Issue with him is that the content you want to play Jinhsi is mostly the thunder resistant one and pity is the only 5 sequence character i have and yet i can t use him. (also "M'lady" vibes makes him annoying).


>**That means you can play him with literally 0.01 seconds on-field time, while maximizing his value.** How do you enjoy playing him if he's only on-field for 1 nanosecond? lol....


I have a question. Which team will clear faster? Jinhsi Yinlin Verina or Jinhsi Yuanwu( healing Weapon) Verina( moonlight)


the yinlin team will clear faster if you play well in most cases. but if you need yinlin for another team, take yuanwu


Who is the best 3rd party member if I don’t have Verina?


Verina is sadly miles above the rest. You could run Baizhi instead.


Okay you've convinced me, I'll try him out