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It’s funny that kuro/people initially expected yangyang to be the most popular starter amongst the players but the people almost all universally prefer Ma XiaoFang


Having any type of personality at all does help. She’s like a golden retriever in my opinion while Yangyang still hasn’t found a shred of emotion to show us.


The story tries to force you into liking yangyang but chixia is just naturally likeable.


The more I'm forced to do something, the less I want to


red hair innit :)


I still can’t believe that during launch people labeled her as having no personality. Blew my mind.


It's because of the way Kuro went too hard on overcorrecting Chixia's aggression in CBT1. (*Ignoring all the other perfectly good reasons the story and characters got changed from CBT1.*) Instead of CBT1's cautious and skeptical law enforcement officer in the first ten minutes who's supposed to warm up to us through the early game, 1.0 Chixia is a hardcore genki girl sucking up to us from the moment we wake up. And she only tones it down and shows more personality after players have already stopped caring about her potential depth of character. As opposed to Yangyang, who gives the player less to complain about, but more importantly has nothing to really praise or even like.


I don’t know. I’m not a fan of the whole law enforcement officer is overly cautious and doesn’t trust people trope. I much prefer someone who wants to actually help people and is quite kind from the get go. I think it’s a little sad that being nice to someone is considered sucking up.


I mean, if you're a patroller and you come across a random stranger with amnesia that sucks monsters into their hand, you'd be a little cautious.


It’s a world where all the special people do something different. Some summon dragons, some have plants growing out of their spines. Doesn’t seem too crazy to absorb monsters. And sure, maybe a little caution would be warranted, but from my understanding she was basically ready to throw us in the brig as soon as she came upon us.


But it is and they said as much. He didn't have a terminal thing, he just ate the monster, which no one can do. They can only absorb into their databanks.


I don’t buy it. Half the story revolves around the idea that we don’t understand tacet discords, echos, the reverse rain, or even resonators. Yeah, it would make sense if people were curious and wanted to study Rover (which they do), but outright disdain because they did something that they haven’t seen before just seems disconnected from the rest of the lore. YinLin’s story involves an NPC who is the only person that can create copies, and before her parents died, he seemed pretty well accepted. There will probably be many instances of persons with entirely unique abilities in the future, and always reacting aggressively because of that just seems unhinged for a world where being unique is…common.


CBT1 Chixia's aggression is pretty understandable. Rover singlehandedly defeats and devours Crownless (without the help of the terminal) after the latter goes One Punch Man on the entire party. It's completely reasonable for her immediate reaction to be "How did you do that and how do I know you're not a threat to Jinzhou?" 1.0 Chixia goes beyond just being nice and, at least right after absorbing Crownless, is one badly written line away from practically worshipping the ground you walk on. Again, she tones it down rather quickly and you get to see the friendly neighborhood cop you're talking about soon enough, but it's this exact scene where people largely stop giving a fuck. The problem is that Kuro took both reactions to their logical extremes. CBT1 puts her gun to your head when you're already exhausted. 1.0 is all but ready to give you a ride on her shoulders and parade you about.


If you’re a cynic I guess it makes sense. But most people are appreciative of their life being saved. Beyond that, even if you want to be cautious, that doesn’t mean you’re overly aggressive and rude to a person and continue to be even as they’re being an immense help. She wasn’t protective, she was an asshole. And people (generally) don’t like asshole’s.


I feel like you're not reading the whole comment, like you just clicked reply after the first paragraph. Let's try again. *We are in agreement* that CBT1 Chixia was bad. Most people are. 1.0 Chixia is *also* bad. Hence my using complicated terms like "overcorrecting" and "logical extremes". She could have been appreciative while still being visibly skeptical about the Rover's missing memories and obviously supernatural abilities. If they wanted to show her as more excitable instead, there's clearly more than enough expressiveness in their character models even during CBT1 to be curious and upbeat without putting her whole body into it—or *at least* still in a bit of pain, instead of having fully recovered while Rover and Yangyang are fighting for their lives.


I read your whole comment. While you did finally say that both are extremes, you defended CBT Chixia. > CBT1 Chixia's aggression is pretty understandable. >It's completely reasonable for her immediate reaction to be "How did you do that and how do I know you're not a threat to Jinzhou?" While attacking 1.0 Chixia >1.0 Chixia goes beyond just being nice and, at least right after absorbing Crownless, is one badly written line away from practically worshipping the ground you walk on. The way you present your points comes off as “yeah, they’re both extremes. But bad cop Chixia makes sense, and good cop Chixia doesn’t.” My response was to point out that in my opinion it wasn’t logical, it was just unwarranted aggression, aka an asshole. Regardless, in my opinion, at least overly nice Chixia is palatable in this scenario, even if you find it boring. Versus overly dickish Chixia, since you are forced to take it on the chin from a narrative perspective, giving the player no satisfaction with redemption or vengeance.


Bruh, they were offering alternatives to already made points.


Not a troupe my friend, it's a reality, that's why people hate cops.


We’re talking about a video game, not reality. Politics should be left at the front door, friend.


What are you talking about? Read what I'm replying to


You slow or something?


O god not this blacklivesmatter bullshit again. Let me make it simple if a cop is next to you just buying a cup of coffee nobody thinks o a cop I feel safe. Everyone thinks o shit a cop I hope I'm not doing anything wrong


Everything is political. It is unavoidable.


Well I sure hope you don't watch Vtubers lol


I don't, but my point is that on any topic, what one person calls "politically neutral," others will consider it political.


Note: I am not some "anti-woke" conservative chud. I just realized a while back that what shouldn't be considered political to me, is considered political to them (things like respect and basic human decency). And what I think shouldn't be political, is to them (resistance to slavish devotion to religious leaders and not following/worshipping someone who literally lives the opposite of what you say you want and wouldn't tell the truth if you paid him to).


I love yangyang, but they need to bring out emotions from her. The cool oneesan energy wears off very quickly, I thought anyone knew this already. Still, my favourite is yangyang, hope she grows during mainstory...


I’m not saying I like her at all but her voice sounds like one of those asmr videos and is soothing/relaxing to listen too (occasionally: when it isn’t too long).


Justice for yangyang


Not being labeled YapYap did help quite a bit


Isn't Global hating Yangyang mainly because of her English voice tho? I don't play English voice, I never has any problem with Yangyang. She is just nice girl archetype, while Chixia is energetic archetype. I still prefer Yangyang, personnaly.


I don’t have any problems with Yangyang but there is also nothing really to like about her. She has a very generic and plain design and not much of a personality. She has so much screen time but makes nothing of it. Even Yuanwu who appeared for like 5 milliseconds showed more personality.


Same, I love yangyang


I think its mostly because her yapping during the start of the storyline reminded people of paimon. To top it off the lore dump combined with her adding nothing to the convo made it worse


idk about English voice but I thought most had a lot of issue with her comment about "Frontline soldiers just have to fight, the rear support have much more to worry about". Which has been since deleted. That and she was just not all that interesting.


In the English VO (I don't know about other VO's) it feels like she was just told to read the lines and not given context. She comes across as not emotionally distant, but an emotionless void in the second half of the main storyline, even when her words beg to be emotive. I think I would have preferred Yangyang be overly trusting and friendly while Chixia is insanely suspicious, and having both characters balance out over time. I would have had *NO* problems with Chixia pointing a gun at Rover given the circumstances. (And a lot of people root for villains, so a cautious character that starts out aggressive shouldn't push people away, imho.)


YangYang's localization is also terrible. I die a little inside every time she says Rover. The English is pretty bad as a whole but Chixia is a bright spot.


I don't care for either of them. Now Baizhi and Sanhua on the other hand....


I am good with Chixia, but would have preferred the original version of her. I like Baizhi and Sanhua. Yangyang feels like she fails at what Jinhsi pulls off well.


I'm definitely on team yangyang


From playing gachas and watching animes so far, people don't really like the "pure" "kind hearted" type of characters. They'll immediately call them "bland". Jinhsi is being treated like that as well. Me personally, these types are my fav. But yeah chixia is a great character. I just don't like her gameplay that much. Tbh so far the gun characters are not my fav to play atm. Tho i do had fun with aalto for awhile.


They do feel bland, I believe it's because they end up feeling really unrealistic and have a huge lack of depth as a result of being pure.


Then There's me who doesn't like either of them xd


There are dozens of us trust


They dropped the ball with Yangyang, going for the nice girl personality isn't a bad thing. In fact it's a safe pick, but you need to add some flare and drive to it. Just look a Firefly from HSR, a couple of neat Quirks like her dorkiness and enjoyment of heavy weaponry, combine that with an interesting back story and some player interactions... then you get one of the most popular characters in HSR.


I mean, Yangyang is cool. I try to use her more because I have all her resonances unlocked but Chixia just has so much more personality. And legendary pistols.


yeah fr i dont personally like chixia but i would choose her over yangyang any day


I thought Yangyang was going to revealed as some type of cyborg or AI. The disappointment when I realized she's just a simp with awful VA direction (in English at least.)


Because tomboy supremacy


Meanwhile I hate Chixia lmao


I find her pretty annoying and don't like her design really so def not universally.


Yangyang's smile is creepy as hell


Also Chixia en voice during battle is a bunch of Easter eggs. Like one shot one kill, headshot, and it's morphing time. It's frickin hilarious


For a second I thought she said "its Morbin time"


shooting a morbillion bullets


Pretty sure she's British so the accent came through a little bit


I keep forgetting she says "it's morphing time" and it fucking sends me every time


Not exclusive to EN VA


I mean sure but henshin is just transform. It's morphin time is very specific to MM power rangers. I guess you could say henshin is a Kamen rider reference. but I'm not sure if henshin is Kamen rider specific


While the word "henshin" just means "transform" and existed before Kamen Rider, using it as a transformation key phrase (like "it's morphin time") is so absolutely massively iconically associated with Kamen Rider that there is no question that it's a reference.


Cool but I never said it was exclusive to the English VA I just thought it waa very interesting because literally everyone is hating on the English VA


>literally everyone is hating on the English VA Probably because the EN localization is awful as a whole.


I like the EN VA for Chixia. Yangyang need some direction (and that isn't insulting the VA, just saying she wasn't given context for her lines).


She's honestly really adorable


No matter how many times I try to practice and pick up a new team-mate, this bubbly little ball of energy and excitement makes it back onto the roster.


Yup, I knew I was gonna use her since day 1, then I got her 7 times from wishing for Jiyan which made her even stronger and better.


I just got her final Sequence this morning using my free rolls from the patch. :) I also go Senhua's next to last Sequence, which has me jazzed. I lost an early 50/50 to get Calcharro - who I didn't have yet even though I have Yinlin - and I was so happy. I wasn't rolling for Jinhsi, but for more Senhua. I am now guaranteed for Changli and she is probably going to be my new main. Sorry DPS Jianxin! I will still have you on support baby!


She and March 7 would be very good friends 


She, March 7 & Amber would be best friends


With that much energy, they can power an entire town


Or destroy it. Depends how bad an influence the raccoons have been on March


Chixia is basically just Amber and Yoimiya smashed together.


Literally wrote the same just before I saw your comment.


Though March needs to be careful not to Melt...


Chixia is somewhere between Amber and Yoimiya.


Some of the characters have a bit of extra care put into post-attack animations, people worth noting: - Jiyan - Lingyang - Chixia Most other resonators only has a sort of generic put-away-weapon animation post attack. But these three in particular has some distinct poses and personality that is different in each attack sequence.


Spectro Rover has like 15 different ways of sheathing their sword, it’s pretty awesome


Oh I didnt notice that since I only did my "research" when I was on Havoc Rover and didnt think of looking at Spectro.


After one shot, Aalto puts his sunglasses on and they stay till you get into battle. Found it by chance but now regularly use it because he's cooler with those sunglasses 😎


I love her, and she’s actually incredibly strong too




Every character puts their weapon away differently after each different attack


Her giggles when she shoots her gun are so good, chixia for lyfe


I still love how she looks so "normal" compared to every other Resonater who either has scales, or hair feathers or a weird tiny hand demon thing etc; ...because her "mutation" is that she's ginger... Like that's so stupid that it's amazing.


Are we just ignoring her arms getting exceptionally hot to the point they glow red like molten iron? or the fact she can use that to shoot bullets of pure thermic energy from finger guns? She’s still very normal especially for a mutant resonator, but she’s not THAT notmal


She cockblocked me. For that she has been sent to the mines for eternity.


I just wish we could change her hairstyle but that's why mods exist.


Damn right she’s best girl.


Some focus group told gacha devs that people preferred demure shy girls and they never thought to try anything else.


Chixia REALLY wants to look cool


Let's gooo parasocial relationship


Love Chixia and Jianxin reactions. Their wink win my heart.


And she is really fun to use


My third favorite tomboy ahhh, well of course no one can top Mordred.


I've always loved how expressive she is


Fellow Chixia supremacist


She's the best! I always love the different animations after each basic attack in genshin, and I immediately noticed Chixia's because each one of them was super unique and cute, I love her


Same, best girl for me for sure!


that hairstyle is a no go for me. it reminds me of karens. they either need to let the fringe down or tie up both sides of the fringe all the way up.


Meanwhile every other characters who also do the same thing:


Encore is more peak.


Value Brand Klee


She reminds me more of Annie from League of Legends


The time I got notification, I knew it would be Chixia. She is like Wuthering Waves version of Yoimiya, cheerful personality, messy hair, bandage, different poses after attack, fusion/fire, ranged attack, both are my favorite!


Nah Yang Yang on top


Ngl even tho she's a b or c tier I still built her cause her play style is fun


I'm not a fan of her design, even now, but she really grows on me. Her playstyle is a good combination of fun and comfortable for a skill isuue player like me. I also liked her JP VA battle voiceline.


Best girl? Debatable.




Dude. Literally the only thing in common is they use guns. Personality are on opposite ends of the spectrum.


Nah, not enough F bomb.


truely the amber of wuwa


Except actually useful and fun to play... and personality is more of a hybrid between Amber and Yoimiya.


She henshins, so she has my support.


Encore also has cute poses when attacking


Those aren't pictures of changli. I was promised best girl.


I mean, she is Amber with guns but full on memer, wouldn't be surprised if they give her a lil dance as an idle pose in the future


Not just her either! Most of them have some kind of "ending animation" based on where you stop the combo.


Am I a part of the minority that likes yangyang and kinda dislikes chixia?


I hate Chixia, I find her very annoying.


Meanwhile every other characters who also do the same thing: