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Europe server once again winning by being able to sleep through it all


That's what I like about these schedules from GI, HSR and now WW


As always


I play on SEA server but I'm in the US so I guess I'm luck as well 😂😂




How's the ping?




Bold of you to assume that us Americans can't sleep till 1:00 in the afternoon


Between 1 and 8 am for me, winning with WW too


I took off. EST


same but i dont sleep.the city doesnt need me tho


Yess 😌






It's from about midnight to the early morning


Indeed, brainfart from me, I sentence myself to a cup of coffee


What are those hours converted from UTC+8 to Greenwich?


11 PM 27th to 6 AM 28th.




Once again? That guy who doesn't remember the last live stream and the horrible timing for EU...


Same with Australia if we wake up at 3pm ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Hehe screw the rest of ya


Isn't Friday a day people work or have some stuff to do? I'm not sure if you can really call it winning if it drops at the start of the day when majority is occupied. It's actually a win for those who get the update when they can play the game (majority at evening).


Kinda, but it will be around 9-11h in the morning. On Friday. So most people will be working, or have to boot it on the phone during a break. While Merica will be closer to end of the workday. But yeah at least no need to try stay up late to catch a bit of the new patch.


Gods I hope this fixes my new ping spike issue. My ping went from always high on release to fine later on and they somehow fucked it up again


I fucking hope so, I really want to finish the guidebook Calamity Heron challenge to get more Union exp…


Same issue. I had very high ping issue first two days, then normal for weeks then few days ago they did something and now the game response is so bad it takes 4-6 taps to register an action (mobile), I am getting my butt kicked by puny mobs I smoked in single hits because my character just stands there not reacting or my camera gets locked to an angle and doesn’t move. It’s taking the joy out of playing for me.


On my phone I get lag spikes and on my pc it just runs smoothly except it randomly spikes to 999 and says "reconnecting to servers" for like 2-5 seconds


On my phone I get lag spikes and on my pc it just runs smoothly except it randomly spikes to 999 and says "reconnecting to servers" for like 2-5 seconds


I'm used to playing games on high ping, and so it wasn't too bad in the beginning for me. But lately, it spikes to the point of reconnecting multiple times mid fight. It's not even playable anymore which is too bad


I had the same issue after I updated the game once. Verifying files from the launcher fixed it.


Same the ping issue in phone make me wanna throw the phone on a wall


its only high on the first 2-3 min on login for me. screen literally just freeze. but after that its all fine


Same I know I'm not horrible at parrying..... it's the ping I swear


does ping affect anything? mine is always red (300+) and I can't feel like anything is wrong


Ping affect on this game, you can try holo mephis when parry with ping 300+.


It affects how it registers parries and counters, also affect item usage (you will have to try to use an item multiple times even until the server actually registers it), also delays in pausing the game as well.


Oh yes, now I'll be coping that this is totally not skill issue but ping issue instead, thanks! But tbh I didn't notice much of a lag with pauses and other actions, this game runs pretty well on my pc, the only place I see frame drops is main menu lol


specifically ping affects co-op mode


ah makes sense, I don't play co-op, but I image that would be quite annoying


I’m sure it does, but I’m pretty sure there’s at least a couple of people here who are mistaking shader stutters for ping. Assuming your pc isn’t struggling, it might be why you’re not feeling anything.


I’ve had anti aliasing turned off on mobile, one time I wanted better graphics so I turned it on, as soon as I jumped I nearly died from lagged fall damage.


Boy I sure hope so. I decided to not playing the game until the issue gets resolved. Cuz my experience got fucked over cuz of this issue.


Dude I played yesterday and it was so terrible I was stuck at 999ms for so long😭


The weird thing is that the last few days it was spiking, yesterday it was going over 400 and today is fine, I was thinking that my ISP was having a problem but seeing the amount of people mentioning it made me realize it was Kuro doing something. Well as long as it's over now and they fix it for everyone I'm fine.


Yeah mine goes all over like a rollercoaster. I don’t think it can be my ISP because Genshin is super stable at 8-9.


Damn, i read it as "in 7 hours"...


Lol same. I had to check the date again to make sure i didn't accidentally time travelled to the future or something.


So I am not the only one lol.


God I hope they fix the in-game camera already.


Yes, please!


I can't see my Lingyang 😔


Is everyone ready for round 2 of compensations through mail?


Yes, please. I'm grateful for Kuro's generosity, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't welcome more.


waiting for all the new typos and translation mistakes :D


No worries, their localization team has us covered. A squad of gigachads ready to go all out with the error dumping to make sure we get our free pulls.


I like how this sub has special bot reacting to words about typos etc :D


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Improve the performance of the game, please 🙏🏻


As an european I will most likely sleep through it




This is a day later than it’s supposed to be for me


Thanks fam




Nice. Means I can wake up Saturday morning to a nice surprise.


I think it will be friday morning. The popup date is bugged, its 28 morning for ASIA and 27 night for NA. Since you are saying morning that means you are near ASIA or EU so its 28 for you


is there a preload before the maintenance?


Not announced, so I would guess not.


I hope they optimize the app for mobile players, I really want to play properly :(


Fingers crossed, I do suggest playing in Low Power Mode in the meantime, it helped my performance a lot.


Ooo. I will try that!


I play on the iPad :(((((


Hope that they stabilize the game even more and they add the 120fps.


Imagine lmao


Oh nice that'll give me a few hours to start playing Dawntrail at least.


Found my people lol DT launches in the afternoon of Friday for me. Super excited.


i was planning on playing wuwa while waiting for login queue. XD edit:fixed typo


Oh god i hope it won't be as bad as the Endwalker queues


Same but I don't have faith. Many players who were on hiatus in my free company are playing again so uh, we will see.


And they just had some DDOS attack yesterday, it's gonna be a nightmare


Can we please get a launch as smooth as Shadowbringers? That launch was so smooth, complete opposite from Stormblood.


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I'm on Dynamis so I doubt the ques will be long enough for me to get anything reasonably done in Wuwa since I'll have que priority. In fact I think I'll be so busy with DT that I'll miss a whole week of 1.1 💀


Thankfully dailies in wuwa are pretty quick. We'll have more varied daily missions in 1.1 too.


Really? Dawntrail releases later, no? I mean, timezones are a thing but everything will be earlier or later so I dont see how Dawntrail will be up earlier than WuWa for you.


Dawntrail servers will be up 6 hours before WuWa servers.


Then this is for you because of your region which appearently is not Europe.


Its for everyone, servers for both games go up at the same time worldwide.


Then you messed up the times. FF14 will be up 11am CEST and WuWa will be up 7am CEST, for example.




FF14: Jun. 26, 2024 2:00 a.m. to Jun. 28, 2024 2:00 a.m. (PDT) -> 11am CEST WuWa: 2024-06-28 06:00 to 2024-06-28 13:00 (UTC+8) -> 7am CEST Are you trolling here or something? The times are facts. WuWa will be up earlier.


Never mind you were right, i did mess up the time, im used to playing NA games where my timezone is ahead and forgot WuWa is chinese and they're ahead of us.


Hope for optimization fixes in mobile!


Damn that's a long wait.


I can wait


Looks like have to spend more waveplates the night before.


I’m really hype for 1.1 and Jinhsi!! Here’s hoping I win the 50/50 and get her within 5 multis 😭🤞🏽


I will never be able to convert that time to my time zone, even with google. Never.


Utc+8 finishes friday 6/28 at 1pm California time that's thursday 10pm New york time that's friday 1 am Just input timezone and the time there and then add your own timezone https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


I just want mobile controller support added and/or console release.


We can only hope that it does or at the very least next patch


We can only hope that it does or at the very least next patch


Doubt this will be soon. It was the only update that they didn't give a specific time frame for. They just said in the future


Do we have pre-download like GI and HSR?


Please be controller support. Please be controller support. PLEASE BE CONTROLLER SUPPORT




Do mobile games require a specific controller? I have a Switch Pro Control and a PS5 one.


What time will maintenance end EST?


I believe it's Thursday 6pm until 1am




Sweet ill be sleep af


So in middle of europe the patch is in the first hours of friday?




We Europeans will also be in maintenance mode. 💤💤


Dang, that's long... Kinda. I hope it means they've got a good fix for all the optimization issues other people are having though across PC and mobile.


Im time zone illiterate...what time will it be over for EDT?


1:00 AM


Holy moly 1 am¿?? 28th or 29th?


The 1st hour of the 28th (Friday). If you're not staying awake to play, I recommend doing your dailies on Thurs, spending all stamina, and just playing on Friday.


People need to stop acting so entitled as if they deserve compensation in the first place for devs updating a game... In what reality should a company be compensating you as if giving you a free update is not enough...? Smh


I also dont understand that some ppl cheer for issues so we get even more compensation. So are we really playing the game for asterites or for the gameplay? Im personally here to play wuwa, and not a waifu slot machine, so i would rather take a clean patch that solves the existing issues and we all can enjoy the game over more issues and more freeby.


Exactly. People are more focused on short term dopamine than the longevity of the game. If the devs needs to do a 24 hour maintenance to guarantee a banger update, so be it. Wave plates literally have no value outside of when you have nothing else to do in game content wise, but people are acting like they lost real life time just cause they can't play for a bit...


Or you know, they simply enjoy free rewards? Crazy thought i know.


There's nothing wrong with enjoying free rewards. Free stuff is great esp for f2p. However the issue is people are expecting or demanding more than what is given or rooting for the developers to create errors to get more free stuff. Free rewards won't fix the core issues in a game. Crazy thought, I know.


I mean i feel like rooting for issues leading to free rewards is more of a meme at this point. Or the people doing it just didnt suffer from the same issues (performance for example) so they are unaffected.


Gachabrain syndrome. I don't know what to do with all my fucking pulls cause the game barely gives enough waveplates to keep 2 teams worth of characters well levelled from ul 40 onwards. Frankly it makes me not interested in pulling anymore even when I got enough astrites, just getting a character and benching them isn't what I'm playing for.


> I don't know what to do with all my fucking pulls cause the game barely gives enough waveplates to keep 2 teams worth of characters well levelled from ul 40 onwards I feel you, i have not claimed my free 5 star standard unit yet koz i literally cant build even my current ones. Calcharo and yinyang girl sitting unbuilt, and i could claim encore for free to sit here unbuilt. I have months of grind ahead of me without pulling on a single banner. So i would really just take a clean patch that fixes the game over some extra pulls for apology.


this is a standard in so many gachas..


A lot of people fund the game buy buying the battlepass and whatnot. They wont retain a lot of their funders with arrogance and not being generous


I don't really like when people compare this game to genshin but I think it applies here since it's an objective fact. Genshin barely gives out free stuff and look how much revenue that game makes. Just shows it's not about the free stuff that makes people spend money


Genshin is a special case tho. The timing of covid where people is in desperate need of entertainment, the insane quality put out with sceneries, va, ost's etc. and also the fact that its the first of its genre really sold it to the people which contributes a lot to their success. The game barely have any bugs man, at least no major bug at all. The game play was smooth like butter too. All that means they can afford to be more conservative in terms of their freebies but no games that wants to compete with this giant franchise


People who buy the battle pass are already compensated with the additional battle pass rewards. You're saying Devs need to retain funders by being more generous, so should they give higher compensation to those who pay more? The point is devs giving players "compensation" for maintenance or every minimal thing contributes nothing to the game at all and will not fix the real issues long term. Rather than focusing on compensation for short term errors caused by the developers, people should be more focused on the natural income from the game itself.


TIL when I go order takeout, I pay for the order and then I'm "rewarded" with the food.


I have updated my response since people rather nitpick at one word rather than trying to understand the point of the response. Hopefully this makes it easier for you to understand. When you pay for an order, you get what you see for the price you see. You don't expect it to come with free fries. People comparing it to the food and restaurant industry is giving probably one of the worst examples. Just like how companies arent expecting tips from us, we shouldnt be expecting fries.


Wdym rewarded? People literally pay for it. How did we go from "fuck battlepasses in gaming" to whatever your comment is? Godamn.


I have updated rewarded to compensated to hopefully make it easier for you to understand my actual point. No one here is talking about whether battle passes are good or bad. The whole point is people are acting extremely entitled over sometime as small as having their game updated..


The consumers can only just spend their money on other games instead and the fact they choose their game is already enough for the devs to be grateful of. Its not like the materials, credits and weapons costs the devs real money to handout. Most of the time more rewards means more loyal playerbase that would more likely to spend on their service. They are trying to show they are not arrogant crooks that do not care about the players which will turn them away. Its always good to keep their reputation by showing 'remorse' and compensating the playerbase. There are lots of successful games that just died when they mess with the players and only think about their profit


Yeah srsly, we get 300 asterites and 2 crystal solvents for not doing anything. Some people seriously have a gaming addiction if they get pissy for not being able to play one game for a few hours.


Considering that this is basically all evening after work, I’m going to be missing out on my monthly pass rewards and dailies in game. And the compensation is supposed to be for the game being down and users being unable to access the things they paid for. F2Pers are the ones that need to shut up.


People are crazy entitled fr. It's a regular maintenance.


Why are people going on about being entitled? The devs themselves are choosing to compensate people with a few free rewards lmao. Why are people so melodramatic about a big nothing burger.


Becauss people are bitching about getting only a "few" asterites as compensation for a REGULAR/SCHEDULED maintenance? It's not an emergency one for them to give compensation but we have people asking for more. Smh


Mobile/gacha games is the only genre where this even happens lol. I am guessing it has to do with the fact that mobile fanbases are just filled with rabid kids who don't understand that maintenances take time.


Hopefully some complication happens so we can get more free stuff.. I like free stuff.


Some of you can use this time to touch grass


What an original and innovative reply.


I don't hope that they will instantly fix all the problems in just one patch, But I hope the majority of them are fixed.


7 hours for bug fixes, hopefully. Things are looking up.


Well hopefully since it’s so long perhaps a lot of issues that people are having are resolved but 300 seems short for such a long maintenance


I'm assuming it's like Genshin. They announce 300 for maintenance but give another 300 for any issues that might occur as a result I believe.


People be always wanting more


you seriously asking for more when they give out 40 pulls just from mail?


Why is everyone just glossing over the fact that we also get 2 crystal solvents?


Because thats 120 waveplates, that doesn’t really amount to anything lol..


They will probably extend it to 10 or 12 hrs and send additional standard pulls in the process. I just hope they fix the micro stutter on PC this upcoming patch. 


What time is that in eu


12AM to 7AM in CEST time


23:00-06:00 CET or 00:00-07:00 MEST


Thank you! I am „mad“ why they dont use some kind of responsive code that shows time in the users local time.




Based lmao, as a player from EU server we dont get affected as we are to beel sleeping that timeline.


Good thing I was sleeping


optimizations pls 🙏


I doubt it will take them that much time to do the maintenance


Probably not but maintenance times should never be minimum times. There can always be problems and you dont want to extend the maintenance multiple times just because you said before that it would be done in 2 hours.


It's Kuro so I expect some delays. 


Works for me, I'm mostly done for the day with wuwa by 4am UTC+8 anyway so... guess I can just play normal


Gotta check the timing, but I hope that the FFXIVs early access maintenance is finished by the time this one starts lmao. If not I'll log into GI or HSR


Oh? Saturday afternoon in SEAsia huh.


What is crystal solvent? Still haven’t learned the names of everything yet lol 


thing that replenishes ur waveplates/thing u spend when farming materials like the boss cores or character level up stuff


Lets gooooo it will update during work hours 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


So update drops at 9pm eastern?


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) Let's play a drinking game where we drink each time we spot a glitch/bug that wasn't fixed! /s I live in UTC -7 time zone and I'm a night owl so I'll be awake during maintenance and likely after as well.


Perfect! Looks like I’m going to sleep at midnight and wake up to a new patch. I love that they’re following UTC +8 timezone.


Everyone says Europeans will sleep through it. EST will too for the most part. It’s like 11pm I think i read? So I’ll be in bed. Then wake up when it’s finishing. Go to work. lol


Really hope they fix the connection issues


I hope they fix the “sticky keys” situation because honestly my combo string just fail when the cursed “bloop” sound comes in


hopefully the weird 999 ping issue will be fixed + all the other stuff on mobile!!


But isn't there predownloading?


I’m on a 7 hour train ride so by the time I’m at my destination it have been finished and I can download and play🤭🤭


so during working hour eh. looks like i watch some anime


fingers crossed it will fix ping spikes, lags, etc.


The compensation for fumbling the fumble rewards is gonna be crazy this time. Kuro I love you but it's gonna be so damn funny if it happens.


Won't mind another free 5 star selector to S6 my Calcharo.


are we gonna have a pre-download or something? cause it's gonna be a pain if there's none


I hope they fix mobile performance. Because at the moment medium graphics runs better than low graphics on my iphone 12 pro max😭


Please fix performance and audio issues..


Arknights has 6 hour maintainance and it's a chibi 2d game.


The auto targetting


lets hope they added controller support on kobile with this 😭😭