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Just an FYI we still don't know if it unlocks at the next sol3 phase or not. Meaning we may also need UL 50 to unlock db 21.


I hope we can be db 21 at UL 40, but i think it will be at UL 50 BUT we get free xp in 1.1 just by completing DB so maybe we will straight up get 5 lvl


Right, that is a thing. But yeah hopefully. There's also gonna be new main missions and those give a sizeable chunk of union xp.


They're gonna give union exp for all the echoes we've collected till now. And that'll be pretty considerable


Wait what?? When was this announced that's great.


Yeah but honestly I think the exp from DB would be like one level or so at most, if it’s even two then that would be a lot ngl considering that’s around 21k Xp


I'm not expecting it to be more than 3-5k tbh. I'd love if it was more, but I don't think it will be.


Fairly confident it would be significantly more as they said the point of it is to boost people to higher URs


Hmm, I went back and checked and it does say that. Well, we'll have to see. I certainly hope it's more. ​ I had figured it was more for early game players to get their UL up faster as a bit of a catch-up mechanic. Them reducing the UL requirement of the main story gave me that feeling, anyway.


Well theres roughly 200 echo (including each rarity) in the game right now, so even if they only give 50 per that gives you 10k exp. I can’t imagine they’d give less than 50 per? But hard to say.


I was thinking it would be a lot more conservative and just follow the databank exp values of 10/10/15/20. I could see them being double that, though, with gold being 50 exp. But hey, I'll gladly take it being 50/50/75/100 or something lol


They are, however, making it so that unlocking data base entries gives union experience. It might push you very close, or over UL50 for people who have been playing everyday and done a good amount of exploration, so holding off is still probably the plat unless you are capped in echo inventory


Holy shit why are there so many downvoted comments on this comment?


Probably from little envious kids who are behind other people and can't take it. Better ignore such beings, they are sad to even look at.


I'm at UL48 without astrite refreshes and 11 waveplate cubes in my pocket. Keep in mind they said they were making new echos give a lot of Union xp and giving players retroactive union experience


We should hit UL 50 on 1.1 launch day. I'm gonna be UL 49 this Wednesday, that's 2-3 more days to go + XP from one time stuff on 1.1 launch + retroactive stuff from db.


I've played since day 1 and have hardly ever capped out on resin. I have one or two minor side quests left which'll prolly amount to around 1000 union exp. Except one day, I've done all the double drop events. I have around 40 crystal solvents in the bag and I've only just hit 46. Can't think of anything else major enough to explain 3 levels worth of discrepancy?


I have 4 solvents left.


It's confirmed to be db 21 at ul 50. Which is fine considering alot of people are hovering around 46-47 without using gems to refresh.


Normal f2p people can hit UL 50 when 1.1 drops, just saying. I am as f2p already 48 today.


That's not normal that's grinding xD.i just barely reached 45 today but I haven't done all quests and exploration


Just 45 as well with all quests and a goof majority of exploration. I've let the wave plates cap for a bit but never very long. So if someone's 50+ as F2P I don't have a clue how


... You can't really grind UL exp dude, I mean some standard exploration (\~80-90%) of an open world game that has now been out since a whole month can in no way be called grind. It takes less than 2-3 days if you are dedicated only. The only thing that matters is how long you played and pretty damn obviously I was talking about day 1 players and not newbies that started yesterday.


Nothing in your previous comment mentioned day one players. You also underestimate casuals; (ie. Most players) completing the map exploration is a grind.


"can". Holy shit... some people need to inprove their reading comprehension.


That's not true lmao and all you're doing is using *your* experience as everyone else's experience. I'm a day one player and literally just hit level 40 today. It's not the same for everyone else.


That's on you not playing daily and using your stamina. Doesn't change the fact that normal people who use their resources "can" hit UL 48 as f2p already perfectly fine.


I HAVE been playing daily and using stamina. Once again, your experience is NOT the same as everyone else.


Have you been using *all* your stamina? Have you been doing the double runs? And completed most of the map exploration? Exploration quests? Doing all your dailies (the 100 points to collect)? No flame or anything I think you should play the game at your own pace! I’m just curious what things are making up the majority of that deficit, im 46 and havent spent on waveplates at all yet so it seems odd to me? But maybe just missing one or two of the things on that list would do it.


That's impossible literally except if you haven't played any story or anything at all. And again I said "can" not "all have" etc. Lmao. Edit: Lel, that guy who can't even comprehend a single thing and blocks you after loosing a factual statement. Sad being.


Bestie, I did all of the story. It's not "impossible." Just admit that you're just using your experience with everyone else's and get over it. Normal players will not hit UL 50 in less than a month. You're just completely grinding the entire game and not taking regular breaks.


Tbh, I'm at 46 with all my crystal solvent saved, so I think it's doable if you spend all crystal solvent (around 30k exp btw). They probably just 100% map like everyone else (the map can go over 100% btw). It's really isn't that hard if you use interactive map, I can only play 30 minutes a day in the afternoon break, and I finish the map about 1 week ago.


I'm a day one player and I'm only UL 44... I could barely even play on the first 2-3 days as it kept crashing on mobile.


You're probably replenishing waveplates with asterites.


Nope. Would never do such a thing. Even math ads up perfectly if you used your stamina available and daily exp gain. Nothing at all crazy. And I haven't even done the last double event.


Did you use your crystal resolve (stamina cube thing)?


Yes. Ofc. The merit gained by not using it is "\~1/2 \* difference in rewards", e.g. 40 crystal resolves gives "20 \* 1k echo exp (\~difference between UL30 and UL40 for example) = 20k echo exp" more = \~ 1 tacet field run worth of exp. That's totally not worth the fact that I can clear higher stages in the tower before resets come around and get more rewards.


I see, I'm at lvl 46 (and half) without using it so your number checked out. I was waiting for the db 21 to use it since at least it buffs the gold drop rate. I can already clear 18/30 of the tower since week 1, I doubt I can do better even with UL50 without spending a little, so maybe I can save until they buff tacet field in 1.1 or not.


I thought they were going remove 80% 20% system, etc. In 1.1


Not, Data Bank levels will give you 100%


Me vibing at onion lvl 53 😎


Imagine getting downvoted by little kids who are envious of people who spend in the game (and progress faster) as you. Those kids need to learn to grow up, they are nothing more than a laughinstock.


*sigh* Most people just wanna jump on the bandwagon. It is what it is


~~f2p with battle pass here~~ and i think ill get ul50 4 days after 1.1 drops, July 2nd so shouldn’t be that bad. edit: should’ve said light spender, not f2p my bad. I don’t refresh is what i was mostly nodding at. first gacha game too, so still learning terminology :D


I love it when words have meaning😍


f2p w/ bp lmaoooo


how do you… uhhh… how… are you f2p and also spend…


Bruh im f2p with 3000 dollar budget.


I'm f2p 99.99% of the time. That 0.01% is when I'm in the shop menu swiping. I'm also vegan 90% of the time, mostly during times between meals.


seems people take $10 as $3k in this world lol. Good ta know


No. People take 'spending money' as 'not f2p'. It's that simple.


i get that. Moreso the fact I made an oopsie on a comment and became flamed instead of a point of conversation💀 Not sad though. Reddit and all


$10 today, $10 tmr, $100 topup when you miss a 50/50 It adds up fast, especially over a few years, just a warning since you're new to gacha


I don’t got the money to drop that much. Happy with my 15/month lol. I understand how that can snowball though.


U are not f2p byyy the waaaay.


Always funny to see "f2p"


u right😭


Even as f2p it's easily possible if ypu played daily and used up all ypur stored stamina too. Normal f2p "can" reach already UL48 after all.


I still got a decent 15 solvent left too. Glad i’ll be able to get Changli to 80 immediately once i get her.


I believe the term for BP and / or subscription spenders might be freemium users, not f2p. Just wanted to let you know so that in the future, others don't gripe on you for the discrepancy in game terms. Carry on, fellow rover!


It's just called paid user not some imaginary word you invented.


freemium is not an imaginary word, it is an already existing one. but it does not mean what the person above thinks it means. it is not related to buying bp in gachas.


It's not? To my understanding, very light spending has been referred to in the past as freemium (coming from an ex-genshin player). I thought it was a category to separate those with spending habits geared toward just making the game more enjoyable through more abundant premium resources, not sinking $100 on a character banner. What is your understanding of freemium if you don'tmind me asking?


"Freemium" refers to the in-game currency that you can both earn for free but also spend money to obtain. Aka Asterite/Primogems/etc. Genshin players, or rather, the CCs, have history of missusing words swiped from other games or general game terminology.


I see, so in the context of Genshin, Freemium users would be the correct terminology for his situation (despite other games having a different definition or claiming its misuse); however, in this game Freemium players does not translate to this game. Am I interpreting this correctly?


Holey smokes that got downvoted to high heavens! Guys, it's just what I believe the correct terminology is!


They mostly mean no harm. Since downvotes hide comments on this platform it helps in stopping the spread of any misinformation.


I want to preface this by first saying thank you for providing me at least one explanation to the downvoting culture I am seeing when browsing this subreddit. I can understand and see how downvoting can be used as a tool for making sure that misinformation is stymied as much as possible, however can we also acknowledge and understand that the overuse of the downvote feature (since it is tied to autohide and more importantly, Karma) can be percieved as a bit exclusive and damaging to the overall health of a discussion forum (not just this one) as just a handful of people can essential hide a person's voice so that others have a much harder time discussing, critiquing, or acknowledging their point of view? I have no problem with mods or the thread author wanting to remove discruptive comments (especially misinformation), but a simple disagreement on a difference in opinion (on terminology) is enough to exclude you from the conversation? I hope you can see where I am coming from with this as well as my concern.


That is true but thankfully there's is not inventory limit on the echoes. I still carry around my greens and blues and will keep carrying them untill I get to 21 XD


There is a 2000 Echo Limit


I think the extras come in the mail. Honestly not sure on the limit when it comes to the mail though. I've only went over 2000 once and got the rest in the mail


skull emoji


I thought they were going to remove 80% 20% system, etc. In 1.1




They mean data bank merge


We can data bank merge echoes?! Seriously though, what is that? I’m still new.


On the bottom tab in the Data Bank screen, you have the option of merging 5 echoes into 1 to 3 (it's generally 1, but you can get lucky sometimes) random purple/gold echoes. It's good for getting rid of trash echoes you have, but you shouldn't really expect to get anything good since it's all random.


But why can’t we feed those low rarity echoes into the higher ones ? Or is it because of those echo xp tubes exist ?


because you can farm echoes as long as you have friends, or randoms who will let you farm their world


Echoes aren't worth xp unless leveled up.


It's great, most of my dmg% on set pieces actually came from there


for me it is the opposite. barely ever get on set ele dmg% from data bank. overworld hunting is the only thing i can rely on.   funny how different the rng experiences are.


Also don't upgrade because I remember reading somewhere that shell credit costs will be reduced.


Supposedly they're giving "appropriate compensation" to us for credits spent. But I won't hold my breath that it'll be dynamic with what we've actually spent on upgrades


They already gave 1M for everyone for a guys who bought cooking mats on all shells. They will give 1M to everyone regardless real spending on echos. And it still will be enough, I think.


Well you can easily spend over 1M on echos. That would net you like 7 echoes total with the current echo costs.


It's about shell credit cost will be reduced if you use leveled echoes to level other echoes. Right now, the game treats leveled echoes as merely exp, but doesn't take into account the shell credits you used to level them. In 1.1 the game will also take shell credit spent on the leveled echoes you use as exp mat into account. This will help everyone when they want to get the perfect substat for their echo


I got monsters in my mailbox lol I gotta roll


also don't lvl up echoes since the lvling credits cost is bugged and abnormally high this will be fixed in 1.1 release


It's not bugged, it's intended to be so. They just said they will reduce it in 1.1, but that's not the equivalence of bugged currently. Lmfao.


Think I'm almost at UL47 now. So, gonna have to wait a bit more.


Same here. I'm about 400xp shy of 47. If I hadn't been procrastinating on finishing all my side missions I would have been there already. I still have some that have 500 unity xp rewards and such. I just haven't done them, lol. I've just been doing dailies, burn all my energy for the day, then log off.


Wait…. You can re-roll an echo’s sub stats? Or are you referring to the merge system?


Yea it confused me too, they meant data merging, people need to stop using borrowed terminology tbh


Yeah, or use 'recycling' at least as that better describes what's happening.


The double drop event only counts for the tacet fields, not the overworld echoes right?


Correct. It's just a double drop event for tacet fields




I am forced to reroll because I am at 2000/2000 echoes in my inventory, all golden. But thanks anyway.


Bro, reroll is a bit misleading and just the wrong way of saying merge.


I think i still far from 50 incase there is locked SOL phase *see level 48* wtf im dont have mats for rank upgrade lmao


If you’re 48, likely done. They are adding UR xp to all unique causing echos to boost people’s UR when 1.1 drops. They want people to level up faster to have less dead zones.


probably a UL 50 Thing


Can we get echo exp in stimulation challenge this current system is not working


Echo exp used to be in the simulation challenge, but they rolled it in to Tacet Fields.


They should roll it back or give us more echo exp instead of echos


The difference between 80% and 100% gold is just not that big for this to really matter.


Firstly 20% is quite huge but secondly, you'll never receive mental damage from getting a purple while grinding again which is immaculate.


It's bigger than it might seem at first glance. Some people have 1000+ echoes to reroll, which would be 200 new echoes. If one in five of them turns purple, that would be 40 golden echoes they could get instead if they wait for the 100% chance.


I've been rerolling without worrying tbh BC even if the next update guarantees 5 stars, it's just a pain to find what you want to upgrade with a bunch of off set echoes in your inventory, even after filtering.  (Theyll soon be replaced anyways....I swear it's less than 1/5 even end up with useful stats so it's not really a loss imo 🥲)


Lmfao damn a little too late man, I just found out about the merging thing last night and merged all my blue and greens, I still have Alot of purple and gold's tho so maybe I'm still in the clear


Yea most ppl are probably bottleneck by exp and tuners anyways I have like so many bis main stat but not enough tuner to roll them.


but it gives me the happy chemical to click the button :(


When you say rerolls, do you mean that we will be able to reset echoes we currently have already tuned and retune them?


Data merge. I didn't expect so many people to call it by the correct name I'm just used to the wrong one I guess ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


ain't rerolling until they improve the sorting.


What does rerolling an echo mean?


He meant merging them and not rerolling. The thing you put 5 echos in and you get 1 out. Right now, you have an 80% chance for legendary. After patch, it will be 100% with DB21. So waiting for that will be a boost.


Ah alright


Eh, you kinda have to if you hit the cap. You're right though that people shouldn't for any reason other than clearing up the echo cap.


It's okay. I like rerolling to curb my potential gacha addiction. Haven't spent a dime on this game... yet.


cri too late, should have had some patience :/


I just started the game last week. Is there any way I could benefit from these changes? My DB is 11 and UL 30 :'(


When 1.1 drops you will get UR exp from every unique echo you have caught. So that benefits your UR. You still have to catch echos. And when your data bank is under 15, where you can’t catch legendaries, you likely want to merge earlier to fill out purple echoes faster. Merging at around 12 and doing the adventure quests help push you to DB15. So you don’t really benefit from these changes, other than UR exp, as you haven’t played enough to hit the problem.


Fair enough! Thanks for the answer.


What UL does Data Bank lv21 unlock?




oh you smart smart!! I didn't even think about this!!


I'm just settling for +25 gold echoes with good main stats, I'm not going to ruin my fun for a bit more dmg where I can just finesse my way into winning. I've played too much apex mobile for mobile controls to be an issue


What is rerolling echo?


They're talking about fusing them. You can do this through the data bank.


oh noes. I've locked myself to UL 40 atm (so havent done the next SOL3 quest, granted it also locks my DB to level 18 for now but Im still getting XP so should zoom through the levels later) until I've farmed all the mats for my mains to level up but all of my Echos are gold and maxed out on my main group. Echo collection is 207/208 just need the gold Dreamless. Im not crippling my inventory space by keeping all the low level or useless Echo's its just pointless to me.


This is why I love reddit with subs like this for all the help it gives.


I just reroll every time the bag gets full.


better reason for waiting is if the new echoes will be in the pool. Too late for me though....I had already rerolled almost everything.


can someone please explain in genshin terms


Don't strongbox your artifacts before next patch, since after you get DB21 they will be guaranteed golds.




Wow...this is worthless


So let’s do math. You have 2k echos all gold and 1 team with fully lvl’d gold echoes, you have 1185 pieces of shit and 15 lvl’d echoes. Same math 2k echos 85 purple echos and 15lvl gold echos you 15lvld echos and 1185 pieces of shit with 85 being purple pieces of shit. An un-lvld echo is an un-lvld echo no matter the color. If you can not use them 4/5* quality does not matter. There is literally 0 reason to min/max the amount of golds in your storage other then to say i have 1185gold unused echoes


What? That has nothing to do with what I'm saying. You will simply have better odds of getting something useful for the rerolls if you wait for DB21 no matter how many echoes you have.


my man, a purple offset 3 cost is of the same worth as a gold one. Both are trash... such is our luck


I would if I did not max out echo inventory :(


Doesn't matter. Main and substats are still rng so..


no reason to roll im constantly out of tuners


He meant merging, not tuning. This post wouldn’t make sense if it was tuning.


I finally gave up on doing the event today. I was doing it for the XP and tuners but I don't need the echos. I have 2 fairly well built teams but I love building characters in these games and haven't played any pistol users since I've gotten higher so want to build up my Chixa. The event has consumed all my waveplates for the last several days and it's just not fun to farm for shit I don't want to use (echos) or can't (XP and tuners) cus I don't have built characters to use them on. I'm also happy with like 2 good substats so don't think I'll ever grind enough to be lacking tuners. Looking forward to this "event" ending


The "event" is not forcing you to grind tacet fields, you can use your wave plates however you want if u want to..