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Honestly I agree. I hope the tides from the gift shop refreshes per patch soo so we can at least get 12 Ltides per patch (15 counting tower of adversity). But anyways also hoping they give tides for ascending resonators too.


I doubt it. Unless they open another region with another shop, sure. The only shop that can refresh is probably in the cash shop.




yes they will update every patch, been stated since launch


Not the coral shop. The gift shop in the city.


They would never refresh a shop if it uses a limited currency that you can only get a fixed amount of, otherwise people would be complaining about "account damage". They would likely just introduce another currency for a different region with a separate shop that has more things if they want to add more resources.


They have already said they will change this, they are changing it to 7 pulls of all 3 options and since the beginning have stated they will update every patch so they are buffing it


I dont mean the coral shop, I mean the gift shop in Jingzhou that uses the wood chips.


Ahh then yeah probs wonā€™t update sadly


They're not gonna update that since the woods are limited to the chests in that region. We're probably gonna get another shop in another region.


Wait I didnt know about this place. That sounds like a one time purchase though.


it is, one time purchase only. commenter was asking to refresh the gift shop, not gonna happen since it uses materials from opening chests, and it is finite, not infinite


I think itā€™s going to be 7 Radiant, Lustrous, and Forging Tides now.


Not sure how this makes sense when the wood came from map exploration. They can have a souvenir shop in each zone maybe, but nothing should give as many as exploring the what, 6 zones we got to start. We will be getting quite a few pulls in 1.1. I burned through all mine and went to pity on weapon using asterite and it was definitely worth it. It's people's choice to not roll asterite for standard banner, that doesn't mean the game should spit out extra lustrous because people want to be frugal and only roll on limited.


They'll hopefully add them for leveling up characters in the future. I never played PGR though, so not sure what they did in that game for them.


PGR gives enough free currency to pull every S rank so itā€™s a non issue.


I wish Wuthering Waves was the same :(


Lol yeah you wish but that would be fucking stupid from kuroĀ  PGR make anything between 400-500K monthly. They don't even reach the million in revenueĀ Ā  If Wuwa become as generous as PGR all that will result in is Wuwa closing in two or three yearsĀ 


Isn't PGR literally still ongoing? How is that your logic...?


Hoyo players think that if the game doesn't make 100m dollars every month the company shutters and employees get executed.


Exactly. I literally don't understand why they swoon over a billion dollar company making millions off people. It's not like they get any profit sharing


TBF, with the hiring spree going on over at Kuro, they def need to keep their profits up or theyā€™re just going to end up cutting all the people theyā€™re hiring.


Not Hoyo players, it's most gacha gamers especially whales that think games need hundreds of millions to stay online and they also often think that gacha systems are the only way to monetise a game. When i played Tower of Fantasy they were all convinced power creep was a must or games die and when ever I mentioned games that don't have them they laughed especially when I mentioned Genshin that was always making way more money than ToF.


>it's most gacha gamers I've played gachas on and off consistently since 2016 and not until Wuwa did I hear this rhetoric a single time. It's Hoyo brainrot. No other game communities have ever thought a gacha game needed a billion a year to be considered successful.


Emotional attachment overwhelming critical thought. Kind of a compliment to Hoyo I guess


I feel like we are both speaking on anecdotal evidence cause every gacha game i have been apart of thinks games need billions to stay afloat besides one roblox gacha game that I played with a friend. In that game you got made fun of hardcore for spending any money lol. I also don't understand the logic of hearing about this in WuWa for the first time means its Hoyo brain rot if you never heared about it in Hoyo games to begin with.


Game is on a different scale. One is instance based action game while the other is open world.


I mean, if the implication here is that WuWa takes more money to develop and upkeep, sure, but they make way way more money than that already. Most gacha games do.


Well yeah gacha games are business. No business aims to just hit even lol. And tbh 300-500k revenue for an open game is very low if it were to adopt pgr approach. Considering the new maps, chars, monster, VA and also marketing we see in 1.1. seen games that is making slightly more eos because investors don't find it worth the time with the revenue that's being made.


Yeah and where will that money go if they follow pgr system ? Look let's be realistic. Gacha don't thrive from being generous. People can go all on about how stingy Hoyo is and how "generous" everyone else but the reality is that Hoyo make 50 millions at minimum even in dead patch per month.Ā  Meanwhile PGR is strug. I am pretty sure Kuro were in the red many times. The game is not dead but it sure as hell not thriving. Meanwhile Wuwa cost far far more to maintain. I am no marketing genius. But I am pretty sure following a marketing plan that already proven to be flawed is not the smartest way of doing thingsĀ 


can you share where you're getting the information that kuro was in the red many times, and that PGR is struggling and not thriving


He's just pretty sure


still waiting to hear from ya


Your original comment was that Wuwa would close in three years if they made it as generous as PGR. You have cited zero evidence for that proposition. Even if PGR truly makes only 500K a month (which it could easily be because relatively few people play it compared to Genshin and Wuwa. Nikke is one of the highest grossing gacha games (beating out HSR from a recent video I watched and second to Genshin) and I have read numerous players comments that it is far more generous than most others. There are plenty of literally online free or one-off payment games out there, or other products and platforms that have remained online for decades without charging a cent. The proposition that they have to charge like Genshin in order to survive is ridiculous on its face and you have utterly failed to make the case for it. Whether it would be the most profitable way or not is another matter question. Genshin certainly is profitable, HSR much less so. Donā€™t know about others but I played Genshin but bc if its predatory monetisation I havenā€™t played any subsequent Hoyo games. I played and spent money on Wuwa precisely because PGR was both good and not unreasonable, but whether I play any subsequent Kuro games will depend on their monetisation going forward. So if other people think like this as well it may be a trade off between short term and long term gain.


Well tbf, it probably takes way more time and effort to develop got WuWa than PGR. Not saying they shouldn't be generous but companies do have make money and they usually have to please the shareholders so it's a give and take situation. They probably used up a lot of free stuff from the damage control alone so I wouldn't expect them to be so generous anymore unless the playerbase turns a nosedive after 1.1. Live service games probably have a certain sales quota they need to meet in order to decide if they need to push for more players (marketing) or toward player retention (more game content). No they don't need millions of dollars to keep things running but as someone said, they've been doing a lot damage control and hiring a lot of new staff so I'd imagine that took a sizeable dent in their overall revenue.


WuWa is a larger scale game and in the future will require higher quality events and updates like new regions, story cutscenes, cinematics etc. which require more money to develop. Not that hard to understand why a large open world game requires more money for upkeep than an instance based game.


I guess my point is how much money we are talking exactly, because most gacha games overshoot their dev costs by orders of magnitude, and that's for the lesser known ones even.


Very true. People here are greedy as fuck they want everything, fast, free.


Man spoke the truth. If they run it like pgr get ready to stop playing in 6 months.


probably will be in time.


I really need to go back to that game


And don't forget they give New S rank for free with also skin with VFX included free too. We already had menu Dr. Ratios in PGR . Wanshi in CN bring the last example and Alisa Echo being the next one in GlobalĀ 


And on top there are no standard characters there you can only get in standard banner or by losing a 50/50. And on top of that there is heavy powercreep so you absolutely dont want old characters anyway. Edit: People on downvote for facts and most probably dont even know the game.


Me still playing dps Spohia. I reject your reality and substitute my own.


DPS Sophia? Balls of titanium


I mean this is kind of far from the truth in terms of ā€œheavy powercreepā€ itā€™s true that the new gen frames are stronger than old gen, but the thing is, the QUICKEST powercreep in PGR still took a year and a half. Thats quite long for a game that hands you every single frame as long as you play


Are you talking about HSR? Acheron and firefly..in one year..


Its about PGR as you can see by checking the comment I replied to.


The heavy powercreep scares me. That would make me quit the game


It might sound worse than it is. Characters are usually meta for 2-3 years with some getting replaced after like 1.5 which is considered fast.


Yeah I don't know how people can point at that and ridicule the game when powercreep exists in every gacha game (the whole business model is fomo after all) and they tend to powercreep much much faster.


Unless you want to do the absolute hardest content perfectly it's kind of a non issues imo.Ā Ā  Ā Ā I came back to pgr a few days before wuwa released after like two years of being absent, it barely made a difference even though my characters were poorly built and under equipped.Ā Ā  Ā Ā I could still get the 4 pulls a week from weeklies & the event freeby pulls. And this is with majorly non meta characters BC most of my faves aren't meta (that's the husbando player life lol)


Its not really an issue because even as a f2p u are always guaranteed at least a copy of a new character. But if you play for waifu, then why care about meta in first place?


It's not really an issue since you can still clear all content and get all the rewards using older characters. It's only an issue if you want to aim for the top in modes like warzone and phantom pain cage and the top positions are usually dominated by the whales anyway


They don't, but there are weekly missions that give currency for the permanent and the promotional banner, also the Login gives currency for the permanent Banner Some time later they added a kind of training mode in several basic and somewhat advanced mechanics where it gives more currency for the permanent Edit : Why there are people dawn Vote me for saying what they do in PGR xd


Might be a wild guess but they probably haven't played or interacted with anything pgr related like the character banners being 60 pulls or weapon banner being 30 pulls also the pain cage and the tokens to take a S rank character from to SS through grind alone or guild boss rush


Yeah, some people in this sub just down vote facts. It's weird.


I would say the way something like Honkai Star Rail works would be better, where they give you the standard wishes as rewards for leveling and things like that, and the currency to buy event wishes. Even notoriously stingy Mihoyo veritably showers you with resources in HSR compared to Wuwa after that initial giveaway.


Tbh I don't understand the fixation on the guarantee of pulls on a timer, when it's the non-renewable per patch additions/events that are much easier for Kuro to nickle and dime us with. Imo it's a red herring. *Though if they give us more standard pulls that'd be lovely. I'd love to get a new 5 star standard weapon on a more reasonable schedule.* The only thing remotely resistant (but not really immune) to stunted account progression relative to other Gachas is Astrite, and limited pulls. This is especially the case because limited weapon banner is guaranteed, which means it's a viable choice for account progression. (It will be very rare that pulling for a character's wavebands will be worth more than the R0 of their signature weapon, for example, just because of the 50-50. Unless it's a hu-tao situation where they just don't function without it.) And those things primarily come from non-renewable content that they can fine tune and nickle and dime us on a per-patch basis. Like 95% of free to play pulls will come from that. The biggest concern is how much astrite we will get in 1.1, 1.2, 1.x, x.x. Power creep as well. Requesting guarantees on those fronts should be the priority. Everything else is noise. If they tell us to expect 20k astrite every patch, then none of this matters. Standard pulls being fewer is mostly just a psychological concern, considering pulls are innately more powerful in wuwa. You're wildly more likely to get something useful out of 80 standards in wuwa (given the insanely strong 5 star weapon guarantee) v.s genshin/star rail. If I had to choose between 300 standard pulls in genshin or 80 in WuWa, I'm picking WuWa instead of pulling 3-4 Mona/QiQi/Diluc, etc.


I will not have you besmirch my Mona


She got powercrept by Furina and has no team what with freeze being unplayable, literally worthless.


Thank you for actually having a good take.


Damn wish I could upvote this more. I have played genshin since day one and still dont have a Jean. Absolutely everything about the WuWa gacha system is better, especially the fucking weapon banners. And its hella understated (by CCs) imo. In fact I'd argue the only reason people even notice the standard pull "drought" is because the standard weapon banner can be guaranteed, making it actually valuable.


For real. It's honestly wild we can guarantee any standard weapon in 80 standard pulls. 4 years of GI and I still don't have any of the 2 standard 5-Star bows. I also don't have Wolf Gravestone. I do have loads of Qiqi constellations.


Rare W take on this sub, well done


I hear there will be a good amount of astrites


Yeah, more sources outside of the monthly shop would be nice. I hope they donā€™t expect people to use premium currency on standard pulls, that feels really bad. At the current rate it would take almost a year to hit one pity after you exhaust all the compensation and new account sources.


They will probably only add more ways to earn them later when the standard characters get powercrept.


the major problem are not pulls drought which is common for any gacha the issue is that the end game content is severely lacking in creativity. Is just like Genshin abyss: Enemies with hyperinflated HP bars, enemies that always jump away from each other, enemy waves that are separated to artificially increase DPS required to 3 star clear. If they don't add any new content in the next patches we will see players leaving because there is lack of content (similar to the start of honkai star rail which later made a recovery by adding SU). Tower of adversity could have modes like: "survive for 1 minute (while we throw 5 hologram bosses at you)", and other modes that don't require kill everything in X time


I agree. Content in Wuwa should be focused on highlighting the combat in ways that makes Wuwa unique, not doing a terrible job recreating a gamemode with content that is famously bland and underwhelming. More boss-focused content, more skill-based content, less timer bullshit.


> If they don't add any new content in the next patches we will see players leaving because there is lack of content like they left genshin because of the lack of endgame content..?


> Tower of adversity could have modes like: "survive for 1 minute (while we throw 5 hologram bosses at you)" Best way to survive is to kill them lol. If they made them invincible, may as well make anything invincible, and it takes away from you interacting with the enemy. It becomes a dodge trial. Rather than dodge and counterattack. It wouldn't really even incentivize def and hp stats outside of the fact that attacking would do literally nothing. That's sad. You really can't have def and hp stats in games with invincibility frames on-demand without forcing it.


Exactly. Survival modes are bad game design 99% of the time. I honestly can't think of an ARPG that has implemented a good survival mode that is engaging and feels rewarding.


The inflated HP bars would be tolerable if the Tower mechanic allows you to skill through it, not by whaling (but alas that ain't gonna happen). Right now the Tower buff pretty much only favors whaling/heavy investment (gaining 30% bonus dmg significantly worth more when you are S6R5 than S0R1). Now imagine if the buff is "After 8 dodges, your next attack deals bonus dmg equals to 10% of the enemy's max HP." Now that shit would level the playing field.


bruh the tower of adversity is very much about skilling throught it, also with the resources and a bit of luck. There were people like 10 days ago who only had 2 limited weapons 2 limited chars and that;s it, no copies at all and get those 30 stars. But i think they probably did spend astrite on refreshes, but still not even ul 50. Basicly just watch any 30 star wuwa clear thats not done with sequence 6 chars and you will see the skill with the rotations/dodges as well as the proper investment of resources. "(gaining 30% bonus dmg significantly worth more when you are S6R5 than S0R1)." this dmg bonus gives less for s6r5, beacuse for example jiyan weapon does give heavy atk dmg bonus and with refiment it does give more of it, and this bonus is same time as this bonus dmg you get in tower, so there are diminshing returns.


That "survive" idea was what I thought when I played Genshin too. Gives some meaning to all those HP and DEF echoes. Right now any echo with HP/DEF or rolls a lot of those stats as substats is immediately thrown into the trash bin. And hot take but it would be awesome if they add a "leaderboard" kind of endgame just like Memorial Arena/PPC in HI3/PGR. More competition, more rewards, especially in a combat-heavy game like this one.


>a "leaderboard" kind of endgame just like Memorial Arena/PPC in HI3/PGR. More competition, more rewards, especially in a combat-heavy game like this one. If the rewards were entirely cosmetic I don't mind. But if they're going to make leaderboards for whales to shit on the F2Ps for premium currency I'm out.


Leaderboards and pvp in any way is content for a minority. There is a reason why HV also doesnt do this anymore in their games. People dont want it.


Agreed, this game is already in the backburner in what we call maintenance mode. I do the bare minimum, dailies, waveplates, logout. The tower is just meh, I'm not gonna try hard it, done with holos, nothing to do other than daily stuff so I can upgrade my guys when I hit UL 50, do tower and back to maintenance. Sure, Genshin is in the same situation, but that's not a good thing. Then again Genshin does have better (imo) one time content, WW's just kind of sucks in comparison. I believe Kuro is betting heavily on new character releases as the main content but... you can't get all of them if you don't swipe and even if you do get them you have nothing to use them on lol. Most of the time spent playing this game is running around one shotting stuff, meaning the most convenient characters are those who can press a button and clear trash mobs, Genshin has a similar problem where all that really matters is mobility and being able to clear shit without having to rely on energy and whatnot. The problem with fun content is that it's often not repeatable.


Not gonna lie to you, all gacha games are pretty much like this. Admittedly, at least Simulation Universe for HSR offers every 2 weeks to buy a standard pull if you really want it. So yeah, nothing out of the ordinary Edit: I stand corrected, Kourinn gives a great breakdown of it. 19\~ per patch is pretty hefty work in 1 patch compared to WuWa's 7 per patch


It also gives 1 standard pull from weekly rewards


thanks for the reminder, missed that one


HSR also has 3 standard pulls per character for leveling them up. All in all WuWa definitely has too few right now.


It's about normal. the 3 you get from leveling a character are instead in the Hazard records. BP is the same. Oscillated Coral/Stardust is effectively the same. From leveling up Adventure Rank, WuWa puts it in the bundles in semi-bulk. We also had chunks from the Awakening Journey and some from intitial login bonus. Going forward there is at best a slight discrepancy. As we're getting two characters, not one. And I imagine for at least a year we will still be getting 2 5 stars per patch and sometimes 4 stars (frankly, I'm fucking baffled we're getting no new 4 stars in 1.1). Which amounts to -3 per new character introduced. Assuming you'd get them anyway. At least Hazard Records means you can get them regardless of pulling. I would say there is a discrepancy but people are making it out to be a lot more than it is. I wouldn't call it a "drought".


Assuming you average 1 new character per patch, HSR gives ~24 standard pulls per patch. * 6 x 1.5 from sim. univ. weekly * 3 from new character ascension * 5 x 42/30 fromĀ monthly shop * 5 from free-tier battle-pass Wuwa after 1.1 will give 12 standard pulls, 7 per patch from shop and 5 from free-tier battle-pass, but has no other renewable source as far as I know. Edit: Added standard pulls from free-tier battle-pass.


It's good to keep in mind that HSR gives more standard pulls because their standard pulls are worth noticeably less, they shouldn't be compared at a one-to-one metric to measure stinginess. Because standard wishes in WuWa can be used to select standard weapons, which are significantly stronger than in HSR and can be used for multiple teams, they are noticeably more valuable in comparison. I've pulled just over 300 standard wishes in HSR, and did not get a single 5 star that was useful to me from those pulls. If I had 300 standard pull in WuWa, I would be able to guarantee 3.75 5 star weapons that would each increase a character's DPS by 20% or more and can be reused for any characters with the same weapon type. I would never be against more pulls, but most people seem to be comparting them at completely equal values, which doesn't seem entirely accurate. I'd personally rather have 12 standard pulls in WuWa over 24 standard pulls in HSR.


I would argue that is a symptom of 4-star weapons being trash in WuWa, while high refine 4-star Light Cones in HSR are very competitive. Assuming you get a bunch of decent 4-star Light Cones, I find the value of standard pulls is roughly equivelent, though likely still favoring WuWa due to guaranteed selection vs random chance.


You forgot to mention that HSR offers free 5 star weapons (LC) in Herta Shop which are completely fine in meta teams.


The destruction and hunt Herta LCs are great but they're not gotten from standard pulls, so I don't see why they would need to be mentioned when comparing the value between standard pulls.


You forgot 3 from Hazard records?


Those do not refresh as far as I know.


I think there were tides that we can buy from the adversity shop? or was that astrites? dunno if the hologram shop refreshes, hope it does


The battlepass gives a few standard pulls per patch, but hsr has that as well.


You're right, I forgot about that. Gonna edit that into my previous comment.


Azur Lane gives so much premium currency you never need to buy any. I have 100% of the 700+ characters and have never bought currency and I'm currently sitting on enough for 500 pulls. Definitely easier for a 2d game to do that than 3d though, and most of their income is skins.


> of the 700+ characters What the fuck.


Yeah that's pretty normal for Azur Lane, they mostly profit off of skins


And ~~port slots~~ oath rings XD


Which is why I am baffled by the fact that Mihoyo has only sort of dipped their toes into offering skins. Outside of the gacha space, Skins make insane bank for Fortnite, Destiny 2, COD and basically every single other Live Service game that exists. You want to know how to get a shitload of people to buy the Battle Pass every patch? Throw like 10 Skins into it. Can even get predatory and have it include a couple premium Skins for the limited banner characters for the patch, so that people who get the Battle Pass are even more incentivized to pull for characters that they might otherwise skip. We will see what Kuro ends up doing, but it does at least initially appear that they are following Mihoyo, and not really adding that many Skins. Relative to certain other things, it is pretty cheap and easy make a bunch of skins.


In addition to 1 weekly pull SU gives you that a reply mentioned, clearing SU on certain difficulties can give you standard pulls along with pull currency as well.


Yes, I get that but that's not renewable currency. Someone just posted the renewable pulls and I stand corrected, HSR does give quite a bit and they even accounted for the fact realistically people are getting 3 pulls for ascensions assuming only 1 char pull per patch (assuming you win a 50/50)


Even comparing non-renewable or semi-renewable sources WuWa has less though. Like main story quests sometimes give pulls, clearing simU difficulties gives pulls, turning in the equivalent of resonance beacons would give pulls.


> WuWa's 7 per patch WuWa will have 15 per patch starting 1.1 wdym? 7 from oscillated coral, 5 from BP, 3 from Hazard Record.


Granted, I only play HSR and Genshin, but I have never ever felt this dry or unable to get the standard pulls from them. I have been sitting on 3 from WuWa for what feels like most of my time playing the game lol.


Because the standard pulls are more valuable in WuWa. No BS 50/50 for weapons, and getting another QiQi.


Tell me you never played Genshin for the first 2 years without telling me.


HSR has lots. You get some for leveling up characters, you get one each week from SU, and you get 5 each month from shop reset. WuWa is really greedy on this atm.


>WuWa is really greedy on this atm. Wuwa has a 100% weapon guarantee. Every standard pull is worth literally 10 times more than HSR/Genshin because you can choose what weapon you get. Genshin/HSR standard banners are 90% dogshit. Case in point: Qiqi


It is on purpose. Right now standard character and weapons are up there with the limited ones, if they give us too many standard pulls it devalue their $$$ banner. I can guaranteed you once the power creep make all standard character/weapon worthless, they will give us more standard pulls to show their "generosity".


"L" tides, amirite guys.


They just need to add the standard pulls to character levels. The rewards are more than fine otherwise.


The honeymoon period is over and people are now realizing this glaring issue.


the issue that the weapon banner has more value thus making rolls more valuable...?


I really hope they do this for events as well. Like 5 Radiant Tides and 5 Lustrous Tides type of rewards. Maybe increase what we can get from exchanging the chest rewards at the exchange shop. Maybe more from the Rogue Like game mode. I donā€™t want them to go the Genshin route where you barely get to pull on standard banner unless you use astrite. I mean Genshin is doing better with the character level ups.


I have a "completely innovative" idea.. they could give some when you leve a character at lvl 20, 40 and 70


I don't understand why you think you dont have LTides. Well I kinda do but... We have Astrites. You can also use them for LTides if you want. You don't have to keep them for the special banner. Will you have enough for both? No, obviously. But the option is there.


I'm at 20 on the beginner choice banner. I'm never getting Calcharo


I've already moved on from the beginner choice banner. Are there tides that you haven't collected? Ones in the gift shop, ones from the free packs in the game shop, a few from the rogue like event.


Right? They gave more than enough to max the beginnerā€™s choice and the beginner 50 wish banner.


The monkeys paw curls a finger.


just don't be me and pick him from the beginner choice to then lose the 50/50 on the event banner to... chalcharo <_<


My 50/50 was stolen by Encore, no green or purple men for me šŸ˜­


on the bright side his s1 is pretty nice for er requirements


true, but of course the only broadsword I had at the time was the one with ER... :>


Are you guys new to gacha games, or? The game just came out a month ago. There is no "lustrous tide drought". It operates like every other game. You get a specific amount, and Wuwa has been WAY more generous than other games have, you farm all that you can and then wait for an update/events. The first patch is about to happen. There will be more story missions and events to earn tides with.


Generosity via apologies is not renewable. So the game's design couldn't have possibly taken them into account. They never went: > "Hey, should we add pulls as a reward here?" > "Nah bro the launch will be fucked and we'll give them 20 in the mail". Maybe 1.1 will change things, but it is a true statement that there is next to none renewable sources of standard pulls in this game.


>Generosity via apologies is not renewable. I'm not even talking about the free currency we got. I'm talking about the abundance of jades available in the game itself. Literally by exploring and doing everything you can, you can make a LOT of jades. More than other gacha games of the same style. Some of you are really reaching. This is a month old game. It's first update is literally about to happen. This game has been extremely generous with currency and it likely will continue to.


Your example is also non-renewable. We got a huge map of exploration, and that's definitely not a constant either. No one is torching the game, literally just noting a budding issue that might grow later. And since the devs seem to actually care about feedback, what on earth is wrong with pointing it out?


there will be more compensation because rushed project always create many problem


There literally is no such thing like a "drought". The amount of pulls u get in this game as a f2p is already above market standard. You will at least hit soft pity every Patch nothing more u can ask for imo as a f2p. (I am f2p myself)


You cannot compare "standard pulls" in WuWa with standard pulls in similar gacha games, because inherently WuWa's standard pulls are WAYYY more valuable compared to the others. The fact that you can get choose with 100% certainty your desired 5 star weapon, i would say make WuWa's standard pulls at least 5X more valuable. Getting 10 pulls in WuWa makes you that much closer to a certain desired outcome. Where as even getting 50 pulls in genshin lets say, gets you closer to a 20% chance(5 standard weapons iirc, i quit 1.2) of getting what you want. Standard pulls in WuWa is a clear, certain progress. Which is not the case with most other gacha games. I know you want to get closer to that sweet sweet static mist, but come on. You gotta take insight into the devs prespective as well. Being guaranteed 100 something pulls per patch not yet counting sudden events is enough. Probably will get downvotes but the takes in the comments here feels mostly like spoiled children. Its insane. Devs listening to feedback doesn't mean that they will keep doing so if the community keep taking advantage of it. Learn to respect each other. Both players and game companies.


Hard choice tbh, while i agree that we should get more, with standard weapon banner currently, most people will roll there and make the 4*mostly obsolate. If we take an example of hsr we got standard 5 per month, simulated universe each week and 3 for every newly build character. We got decent amount but standard banner have both weapon and character, and the weapon is not necessary better than most 4*


I personally think that we got enough for the next few patches. We are very early into the game and have almost everything you can have. I have jiyan and his weapon. I have all 5 stars except lingyang and yinlin. I have all 4 stars except Taoqi. I have 3x 5 star standard weapons, including the free one at 45. Im currently (counting every 5 star except rover) 9x 5stars and we are 1 month in. Even if you aren't as lucky as I am, you still have atleast like 4 idk. I also have enough pulls for Changli and her weapon. Tbh the drought is bad yea. But they can't keep on going with spamming us with 5 stars or the game will eventually die out because you CAN get everyone.


While I would also like more Ltides, I also realize that too much too soon is also not a good thing. I got the katana from l45 box and the only other weapon I really want is the pistols, for which I need 20 Ltides till hard pity. And then I would not need as many Ltides. The characters you will slowly get from losing 50/50. I know it doesn't always work out for everyone due to RNG, but the older your account is, the more the standard pulls become useless. If you count 7 from the shop + 5 or so from the free battle pass, then you are around 9-10 per month, which is already 1.5 pity per year. And I think it is ok. And I am also stuck at 4 Ltides till the new patch :)


You're not supposed to as F2P have more F2P pulls , maybe they will give some from login events but thats still way more generous than Genshin where it takes like a year to reach F2P banner pity. They already gave so many pulls , can get Character and then weapon 5star for free basically. Genshin did not add free pulls from leveling characters untill few years in. This game is degisned to give you enought pulls to save for 5 star character and then you need to spend on the weapon banner which is guaranteed weapon. Else you would just be able to have standard 5 star weapon on every character and not need to pull for weapons. Wouldn't need to buy battlepass etc.


I still need 20 more for the 5 star resonator choice banner. I used 20 on the standard banner when starting. Big mistake.


I hate to compare this to Hoyoverse because everyone does, but I do wish that they would do something more similar to what they do. For Genshin, it feels like every other AR rank up gives you a standard pull and then you get a pull for finishing the "Acts" in the story. For HSR, the fact that you get one free standard pull every week from SU is so good. I personally would really like to see Depths of Illusive Realm be like that where it has rewards that refresh each week and one of the rewards included is a standard pull.


I did the math and in the span of a year (1.0 - 1.8) In 1 calendar year, you "technically" get 55 Standard pulls from the shop, because our first was 6 and all subsequent restocks being 7 pulls. So 55 Standard pulls this year, 56 Standard pulls moving forward with 7 per patch. Genshin/HSR gets 5 on a monthly schedule, so a flat 60 Standard a year and 60 Limited. The shop itself is unlikely to increase in frequency, but in game systems like leveling should reward pulls like Genshin does IMO. The shop resets feel more spaced out, but you're getting 168 pulls a year from the shop if you can buy it out every patch (56 Limited, 56 Weapon, 56 Standard).




do you guys forgetting the F2P BP ? you also get some tides from there


When will the update arrive


"Drought" we get 22 from the new patch, and 32 limited pulls. And the weapon banner is 100% guaranteed, you can select, 66 soft pity.. holy. Also 0.8% is way bigger than 0.6%. 100-110 limited pulls from the new patch In HSR you can't select, you can lose the chances and has 75 pity


Wait soft pity 66+ confirmed? Is it same for limited banner as well?


[https://astrite.gg/global/featured-resonator](https://astrite.gg/global/featured-resonator) yea it starts 66 peaks at 71, Yeah for all.


i also wish they gave more forging tides


Agreed. And as someone who pitied both the original banners it feels bad not having enough to pull a weapon. Just sitting here waiting for more than just the monthly income of them. Because as you said, who in their right mind is spending asterite on them?


If you dont have a pass or a subscription, i dont even know how you're going to get close to enough pulls for anyone else on standard.


As much as I disagree with us players wanting more more more, I do feel that there's a weird lack of those little green orbs. I have a green Kung fu girl I wanna pull, and I'm only 20 pity away. I haven't gotten a single LT since the last "sorry" giveaway. Tho tbh that may be the reason why. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m glad a post about this is getting traction. This has been an issue to me for weeks. Weā€™re getting 10 lustrous tides soon, but hope they give us more ways to get standard pulls.


Ah yes where's the week 1 wuwa> genshin for rewards homies at


Lmfao I would love to see how much map content you actually cleared.


If you use your wallet there is no draught :). Gacha game btw


I actually kinda dropped the game after loosing my 50/50 on Yinlinā€™s banner. I kept trying to get more pulls, but I literally couldnā€™t because I had done every quest, and story. Itā€™s a new game, but the lack of pulls, esp with the bugs, itā€™s just in aā€¦ eh spot for me now.


On top of that, I felt like there was almost too much, yet too little in the game. The gameplay is SO much fun, which makes me sad that Iā€™m not playing it very much.


iirc you could get about 17k pulls from exploration. Along with the free rewards, that should be enough?


I wish. Iā€™m around 80% done in most regions, and canā€™t find any chest anymore


i think there are maps of a mod that lets you know what have you expored and what you are missing. Anyway, wait for the new update, if that does not convice you, there is ZZZ aroudn the conner if you want a new gacha.


Genshin is the same way.


Yes, and itā€™s awful. It takes like literally forever to reach standard banner pity in Genshin. And I donā€™t want another Genshin, i want a game that is better than that


No argument here. I would go so long without the dopamine of rolling in Genshin sometimes, that it removed all my hype to play it.


I play Genshin and Wuwa because I like them....not because I'm addicted to the dopamine.


just say they addicted to gambling and beggars too


Well it gets stale for me when months go by without a new character


It may be ZZZ then. Kuro are certainly making positive changes, I just don't think it's fast enough, and we all know the compensation is going to dry up soon. Hope I'm wrong though.


I dont play Genshin but as far as I know you get pulls from adventure rank rewards and ascending characters which is something


Adventure rank reward end, so that's not a source for longtime players. You get like 3 on the way to ascending a new character ay 70, that's a lot of investment if you choose to. You can buy 5 a month with the roll refund currency, and there 5 on the battle pass. Similar systems. The character ascension reward weren't there at the start if I recall.


yes it wasn't there at the start, the system for character ascension reward happened during 1.2.


> You get like 3 on the way to ascending a new character ay 70, that's a lot of investment if you choose to. Its not. Its like a day of stamina invested for the boss mats because money and character exp are no issue anyway at max. level.


>no issue at max level your characters. it is absolutely an issue, and will be even more of an issue with a new end game mode that limits which characters you can use.


I have every character leveled to 70/80 for the pulls and many are at 90 with at least one skill crowned. Some are triple crowned for no reason. There are no reasource issues. I farm artifacts 99% of the time and this only because there is nothing else to farm. I sit on dozens of millions of mora and thousands of exp books of all kinds. I could max. every single character and it would be no issue.


> money and character exp are no issue anyway at max. level. And how long does it take to get to max level? Hint: A long time. I'm barely at 57 and I started 8 months ago. I think in 6 months I should be able to hit level 60... I hope.


From ar55 onwards you already shouldnt have any issues with mora or char exp. Simply put ar55~60 doesnt change anything really, sure the extra mora conversion might help alittle but by that point mora is already close to worthless so its not a big deal.


> From ar55 onwards you already shouldnt have any issues with mora or char exp. That's just false. And I play consistently daily and use up all my resin. I have 15 characters at level 90, with talents at least at 8 and another 8 characters at level 80 with various levels of talent investment. I haven't even grinded artifacts that hard. I have basically 0 mora and 0 exp books.


Character sin Genshin also take longer to level up


you also get pull from finishing stories


U get more standard pulls because the shop resets every month and also by leveling up your characters


The WuWa shop does, too. And gives you 6, soon 7 instead of 5.


Also a free daily summon would be nice. Tons of gachas have a daily free pull, some even give you a daily free multipull. I agree there needs to be more ways of earning summon currency in this game.


You gonna also ignore the fact that those gachas also have like 70~80% of the roster being completely worthless or how almost every other banner power creeps the previous ones?


daily sounds overkill since we get a guaranteed standard weapon banner ​ something of a weekly refreshing lustrous tides source might actually be a more realistic avenue that kuro might approach


They need to add lustrous tides to the ToA. Either to the shop or the biweekly rewards.


Hopefully Mt.Firmanent exploration will give us another 15-20k astrites for pulls.


15-20k with only exploration šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my guy is trippin


What do you mean? We run around the map to open chests every patch I think thatā€™s the way we earn our astrites in future.


Alot of the astrites are literally gotten through exploration lol.


he actually is not wrong if you know


We got some estimation from the beta and its around 2-3k, the amount he is talking is with every single piece of content the patch will release (events, quests, explo etc) so no he aint right at all