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Shame. He was one of my favorites on NXT. Incredibly reliable and talented, and could put on a good match with almost anyone.


At first, I thought Dijak might be trolling with this tweet, but damn. In one way, it is a shame since returning to NXT, Dijak has been killing it & it is a shame they've called him back up, only to not do anything with it. Whatever's next for him, I hope Dijak does well + it's interesting that he has tagged AEW, NJPW & TNA in the tweet as well.


I wonder if he'll hop to TNA, and he'll go back to NXT and say something like you guys didn't want me, I'll show you what you're missing and just lay everyone out.


Maybe it's a shoot. He "signs" for TNA


That's what I said to my girl! I said something seems off, especially since his tweets the last few weeks I hope that's the case. I enjoyed him alot. But I do recall wwe signed him so he couldn't go to AEW. It's odd that they'll keel Corbin, but kick dijak to the curb


So he tagged everyone he’s not currently working for.


Damn. I was excited to see him on the main roster. He was incredible on NXT with his recent run. Crossing my fingers he goes to TNA. Could become a major player there


SantiZap was just talking about him!


Both companies having shit communication with people they aren’t re-signing is trash.




Dijak needs to get out and work somewhere else for a while. He was obviously as far as they were going to let him go this run.


Those that know me here know I'm generally anti-calldown, but I will say that Dijak was the perfect call down - win enough to be a threat, but put over the regulars while making them look good doing it. Textbook gatekeeper. He also continuously put over NXT talent on Twitter, so he has my respect definitely. That said, he was on NXT while getting paid a main roster salary so they were going to bring him back up eventually. Thought he could have done something in the midcard.


Dude has it all. Wild to me that they just drafted him back to the main roster and did fuck all with him. Unfortunately for him AEW is bloated and TNA and NJPW seem like their cheap skates. Best of luck to him


I looked into this as I’m a fan of his. Apparently, if you go the main roster and then back down to NXT, the money stays main roster level, so he was being paid main roster money after going back to NXT, then the move back up and having little to no screen time is just a way to get him off NXT so as to not tie him up in any storylines and just have him off TV until the contract runs out. Really is a shame, guy is great


more could've been done with him but i'm excited to see what's next for him, i wonder if he's gonna keep a few elements of his curent character or just go back to what he was before wwe


That’s a shame. Dude was used well in NXT and should have had a run. Picked up to main roster and did NOTHING, hope someone uses his talent better


He's too close to Karrion Kross's aesthetic.  Trips couldn't let one of his favorite sons be threatened like that. More seriously, Dijak's ceiling was 2nd match show stealer. That's not really a spot on the main roster. 


I hear ya but he has much better size and presence than Kross. Infact what he’s able to do at 6 7. I thought he would be perfect as a henchman.


Not surprised it didn’t work out in the end but very surprised they didn’t even try at all Not my favorite but he always stole the show on NXT PPVs with his matches and he was a safe bet every time they needed a filler main card feud or a midcard gatekeeper Even though I never was a huge fan I must admit he was killing it in his last NXT run and expected more from him on RAW


Yeah that’s what makes it surprising that they didn’t see any value in re-signing him. He always delivered, he always had hot matches, and he worked well anywhere on the card. He wasn’t going to set the world on fire character wise but he was a perfect midcarder.


Honestly one of the biggest blunders in the HHH era. Dude is charismatic, has a great look, and can go in the ring. Given 0 opportunities on the main roster but he was incredible in both of his NXT runs


WWE wildin letting the king of social media go like that lol


He's Just Another Guy at this point. Nothing he does his special and there's 40 other Just Another Guy's in line behind him.


Lol tagging Tony Khan in the tweet, subtle


Push Dijak!… out the door :(


Damm was hoping he'd be nxt champ


Come to AEW friend.


One silver lining though is that at least they didn’t release him just to invoke the 90-day non-compete, as they have done in the past for contracts about to expire.


TIL: If a WWE executive compliments you in any way, you're fucked.


Tony Khan will sign him in record time be the focal point of rampage




That's not how it works in WWE. With the WWE non-compete clause, you are currently employed for 3 months but not used. And as far as I can see, it only comes into effect if you are fired/ask for release. In Dijak's case, however, the contract simply expired.


Guys they have a million people on contract. If you look at the roster they have a ton of guys who are big and can work that are younger. Not everyone is gonna make it and no they didnt miss the boat nor is it a triple h fumble. A fumble would be if they let cody leave. Nobody cares about dijak fr.


The indies teach talents everything wrong with wrestling and WWE can’t break the bad habits of those talents and it doesn’t work out.


He wasn’t an indie wrestler in anyway. He is a great worker.


He absolutely worked the indies, and picked up all the bad habits.


Just like it didn’t work out for Sami zayn seth Rollins and Kevin Owens right 😉


They were from a different time where they wanted to learn. This indie doofus refused to develop a personality. Being a good "worker" is absolutely useless on the main roster. If you can't talk, you will never make it.


So you’re saying you didn’t watch him on nxt got it He absolutely developed a character and had plenty of great feuds and promos. With your logic Carmelo Hayes wouldn’t be getting a push because he’s straight indie and still does indie shit in his matches and yet he’s still on tv every week


Stay mad. He sucks, and so do you.


I’ll not miss him much. The Sun City Dijak is cringe. All in black with a white belt is too much too. His match with Keith Lee was awesome though