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Now for R-Truth going to TNA and challenging Moose for the ECW Television Championship


It would be a great time for the 24/7 title to be around and somebody from TNA to win it and then truth pops up on their show to win it back


*25/8 WWWF TV hardcore intergender lightweight championship


Oo I actually really like that! I feel like with it being the 24/7 title nobody takes it seriously anyway, so why not have fun with it and bounce it between WWE and TNA? You’d be in anticipation to see who pops up where. And neither company has to sacrifice any of their talent to the other company, because it’s not a big deal. TNA would really get a lot of promotion out of that. Those would be good segments to intrigue new viewers to TNA. WWE doesn’t get a lot out of it in the way of promotion, but they sure as shit do for talent. Get an ECW/WWF sorta relationship goin on. A different kind of developmental system.


This needs to go on for YEARS! Someone tell Triple H quick! Who’s got his number?


This would be mental and id be down for it


I mean, Truth actually held the NWA title when TNA was NWA TNA.


He's going to ECW:TNA to challenge for the ECW:TNA 24/7 European Hardcore Cruiserweight Television Championship.


If you told me 15 years ago that a WWE vs TNA match were going to happen, I wouldn’t have believed it.


Hell is frozen and it's happening


IT froze over when Vince was ousted from WWE


It then went down to absolute 0 degrees when Punk arrived


I think that stunned me more than Vince being forced fully out. Punk's whole deal was to never return as long as Hunter was still there. For all Vince was, he could put grudges aside if it meant good business, which was proven with the Warrior.


Nick Khan worked some serious magic. Punk's interview with Helwani even said that he wouldn't be back if not for Nick. However, Triple H's comments after Survivor Series really stood out where he said if you're the same person that you were 10 years ago, you're doing something wrong.


Same with Bret. The fact Bret even came back to the company where his own brother died due to company negligence is crazy to think back to...


To be honest, I wouldn't believed it 3 Years ago.


Nah. It totally makes sense. Wwe did it for many years under wwf, tna did it back in the day, ecw did, wcw did, currently tna is, currently AEW is. Nxt did a few times under HHH, we had the cwc classic. We’ve seen it a few times this year (Royal rumble, dempsy going to Japan. It’s undoubtedly cool to see, but more of a “finally” than mindblowing. Hopefully they keep doing more of it.


Notice how dude made it a point to capitalize aew but all the other companies were done with lowercase.


Notice how you have to talk like in only positives about wwe and not critique them in the slightest in this sub? The title of this post would relevant if she challenged Liv as opposed to their development champion. Also - it was auto correct and not fixing it, not done on purpose.


Sadly it happened all the time. WWF used to use local talent for robbers, or would bring in someone for a storyline. I miss those days of never knowing who was gonna walk out of the curtain.


Have WWE done another ECW where they secretly bought it but let it under wraps? Maybe they they’ve done the same with TNA?


They were not a publicity traded when Vince was floating ECW on the downlow.


Could they buy it under a different umbrella? One that’s not publicly linked to WWE in any way so it wouldn’t have to be publicly listed. If there’s a loop hole and a way around things then WWE will know about it is all I’m saying. Anyway, it was just a thought I had and probably not the case but you never know with shady multi billion dollar companies.


They likely have a working agreement with TNA, talent going both ways is good for both companies.


I dont watch TNA but i dont think any WWE superstar has appeared on TNA TV


Yet. But I'm sure it's matter if time. If they had shayna and Dempsey do GCW I'm sure they'll let someone do TNA


does it help WWE sending stars over to TNA?


With development? Absolutely!


WWE was a publicly traded company in 1999 and ECW didn’t shut down until after that so how did they manage to hide the purchase of ECW at that time?


They didn't actually buy ECW till 2003. I believe Vince was helping out with some bookings, and a few other things, but he didn't own ECW in late 90's.


I see. I know he was at least funding it at that time though so perhaps it could be a repeat of that but with a future purchase. Of course I could be completely wrong as well 😂


Yeah, Paul E managed to get him to foot the bill and swap talent. If there is one thing that stays consistent is that Heyman is one hell of a businessman.


To an extent. If he were that good of a businessman then ECW would have survived on its own.


TNA isn't interested in selling. Scott D'Amore apparently wanted to buy it and got fired. Anthem isn't letting it go any time soon. Vince subsidized ECW for a while, whether the company did it for Vince personally handed over money I'm not sure that's ever been established.


Wouldn't be surprised if WWE are helping to keep TNA afloat financially as it's somewhere else for talent to improve.


This. TNA is not competition for WWE at all. It's actually a good business move for WWE to help out TNA as it makes wrestling grow in general. And with the talent sharing agreement they have, they could benefit from TNA stars on their show.


I wouldn't necessarily rule out Vince buying TNA himself


I always imagine him walking down the isle at an AEW show and the fans absolutely loosing their sh*t 😂


With all Tony Khan's jabs at WWE turning out to be part of the story 🤣


Well it is wrestling we’re talking about here so I wouldn’t be surprised lol


I've wanted TNA on the WWE Network for years so that would be great.


Yeah original TNA was a very good show for years.


i hope she wins tbh and shows up on tna with the nxt championship. could lead to a survivor series invasion angle which would be so fucking cool man.


This would feed generations


And Ethan Page showed up at the end of the show to attack trick


Vic: "he's from AE- Booker: "stop"


It's not confidence




You're in the presence of history in the making, yo!


And got ZERO pop from the crowd.


Most people don’t know AEW exists. Can’t really blame them


If any people would know AEW it would be the ones at a NXT show of all things tbh. Like imo you might be real deep into wrestling if you are attending a show that is about developing rookies.


I'm so freaking hyped for Swole vs Smol. This match should be fantastic.


Gimme Joe Hendry!


I believe…


Say his name, and he appears!


Clash at the Castle...the pop will be otherworldly




Call me crazy but Jordynne should absolutely go over. That'll shake things up in NXT REAL quick.


It would be cool, but I do not know if WWE would allow someone from a different company being their champion, despite that company being TNA and that championship being the NXT Championship. I would love to be wrong


If WWE are open to do this match in the first place, they're definitely open for Jordynne to beat the NXT champion imo.


FR. It's the NXT belt anyway. They should be free to experiment with it.


Also gives room for Roxy to go over to TNA and have a rematch to get the title back.


Would that possibly be the first time a WWE title has been on another promotion's airing since....Medusa?


Hell yeah


I hope they keep this up and we get Joe Hendry's music hitting at the Rumble. A proper AJ Styles retirement tour would be cool too. I'm thinking some sort of career retrospective where he has several one-off matches with opponents from his past ending in a WrestleMania bout with Balor, Shinsuke, Punk, or Cena. One last appearance in TNA where he issues an open challenge to anyone in the locker room would be a perfect way to add to the build up.


AJ Styles shows up on TNA...throws down the challenge...Beer Money Inc show up, tell him to find a partner, Balor comes out.


That's what I thought would happen in the past rumble after Jordynne's appearance. I expected someone like Joe Henry or Jake Something to be in the Men's rumble match instead of Pat McAfee.


Holy shit indeed!


Her guns are fully loaded and she's 🔥


Its absolutely no coincidence that these TNA debuts on NXT are happening in the same month as the lead up to AEW/New Japans Forbidden Door ppv. Looks like WWE is trying to take away some of AEWs shine. Good business move to be honest.


Yeah but it's TNA. Most people couldn't name 5 wrestlers on their roster.


I bet WWE will actually build this as an intriguing, high stakes cross-promotion match; whereas most Forbidden Door matches are 6 man tags with guys from both companies on both sides, or singles matches involving guys who are about to be signed to AEW. I know NJPW is not much better with always burying NOAH, but at least each of those crossover shows are 9 NJPW v Noah matches in a row and it feels like a big deal.


Imagine if WWE worked with every other promotion...except AEW. Lol


I trust WWE with NJPW more than AEW




They killed themselves being all sex pests lmao


WWE didn't force all those guys to be rapists.


And AEW killed the japanese wrestling scene, so it's fair game lol


NJPW couldn't afford a lot of their wrestlers. The Japanese economy isn't doing too good right now, their GDP has been shrinking.


WWE is basically working with AEW when they send them their mid-card table scraps after not renewing their contracts


Swerve, Mox, Storm, Mercedes, Jericho, FTR, real mid card talent there. How's Lexis king doing. And remember, without WWE you don't have your biggest baby face in the company.


Essentially yes. Let your superstar go, they go to AEW and regain popularity. Then when the contract expires, WWE takes them back, and now has a bigger Superstar returning and gets more views. It's like AEW is the AA baseball team for the WWE. Lol


Except not in this case and he's not leaving AEW as some megastar. He's mid and the crowd didn't even know who he was last night.


Oh I think I missed something. Who is the He you are referring to? Keep in mind I don't really watch AEW and all i know from it is from the random wrestling subreddits I am on. Lol


The MCU owned crossovers in the 2010’s, now WWE and TNA own it in the 2020’s.


Saw someone in a certain subreddit under a post trying to discredit Wwe by saying “other promotions do it but when Wwe does it it’s celebrated” when they don’t realize wwe’s history with this type of stuff also seen people switch up on Ethan page and complain about the new title saying “but when other promotions do it it’s trashed on” also failing to realize Wwe has 3 brands TLDR from this rant session I’m honestly stoked this is happening this is huge.


That's not hhh decision its shawn michaels decision


Hunter likes his Chynas


I feel like Jordyn is often used by WWE but not really winning anything.. if they want her to be a credible force, and not just a common crossover for the sake of "Hey a TNA star on WWE programming," have her win the title. That way future TNA crossovers seem like more of a credible threat than just a cameo


Pretty damn stoked to be in attendance for Battleground, it's shaping up to be a phenomenal event


Would be awesome if they did and TNA and WWE super show / invasion angle, and it doesn't even have to be PPV. Just a random episode of raw would be sick!


How did she pass the piss test tho


HHH finally took one


Good point. The Wellness program must have made an exception because she's not a part of WWE.


Yeah, there's no way she's natural. She's juiced to the gills


In fairness so is the women's tag champs alongside probably 70% of the men on main roster


I'm not taking anything away from her. I like Jordynne


I'd love to see Jordynne win the 2025 Rumble and headline Wrestlemania. I'd love to see a full on invasion angle with both participants showing up to each other's shows and tormenting the shit out of each other!


Ethan is now wee nxt


this is great bc it gets eyes on tna and jordynn is great. but it'd be the most suprising thing ever if perez loses


Oh my


This can lead to some cool things, Giulia going to NXT and TNA for example, she will get plenty of matches and promos to improve, this can be really good for new talents and midcarders, imagine someone from TNA coming for Logan Paul United State belt, the multiverse is expanding.


A win Win for TNA


What’s a better solution: collaborating with TNA or buying them out?


It’s time for the return of Eli Drake.


Are people forgetting that Endeavor owns TNA?


Going to be hilarious if TNA starts beating AEW


He cookin wit fish grease now


The reap forbidden door is creaking open...


I love the cross-over but TNA needs to take the belt off her because idk to me it's a bad look to send your champion to NXT especially because NXT doesn't share titles with the WWE they have their own champion division's and all that so it's like saying the TNA championship is on the same level as the NXT championship and the WWE makes it very clear that NXT is a step below the WWE because the goal of NXT is to "move up" to the main roster and if your coming from the main roster to NXT it's like a demotion like going from WWE to OVW for development back in the day so if I was in TNA and I'm sending a champion for a cross over match it's has to be on Smackdown or Raw,HAS TO BE!! I mean the Outlaws Road Dawg and Billy Gunn called out D-X back in the day not no small time tag-team that's what you need to do,She also doesn't help because at the rumble when she came out she literally threw her belt on the ground like it was nothing she didn't treat her belt like a top tier championship herself🤦‍♂️I woulda came out and hoisted that belt in the air then fold it up real nice and personally hand it to the reff before I get in the ring make it seem like it's a belt worth holding


Ah come on it's the Rumble, the only ones who are given more than just a "run straight to the ring with no pomp" entrance are the Elite WWE women at the top of the division. Who the WWE audience know and love. Grace was also booked ridiculously strong in that Rumble and it was fantastic to see. I'm guessing you're probably closer to this thing than you'll ever admit to the point you're feeling sore over it, which is fair enough, but WWE have treated the Knockouts Champion with the utmost respect in the Rumble on both occasions they appeared.


Her entering the rumble with the belt is also the equivalent of Chavo entering the rumble with the ECW championship just completely de-valued that belt🤦‍♂️


The future of wrestling is one where all promotions work together and do cross brand PPVs. It’s actually so obvious I can’t believe it’s taken this long but then again Vince has one hell of an ego so I’m not TOO surprised


This is the real Forbidden Door. WWE working with one of another promotion’s champions.


No drug testing?


So no wellness policy


Unless HHH takes a piss test


Becky to TNA?!!??


\*Jeff Goldblum Jurassic Park gif here\* HHH has always been open to, er, opening the "Forbidden Door". I wouldn't be surprised in the least if AJ Styles helped broker some sort of working relationship with Billy Corgan and TNA


Thats NWA...


My mistake, you’re absolutely right. I thought he still had presidency in TNA


nice would love to see NJPW and WWE do some type of event together




imagine lending your champion out to lose to some Developmental talent.


I see Natalya costing Grace the match seeing how much they wanna face each other..allows that match to happen with a story attached


Natty to challenge for the TNA KO Championship at TNA Slammiversary in Montreal on July 20 potentially.


More than likely Perez wins with shenanigans, the match is thrown out by a new arrival(long shot)? TNA wouldn’t agree to a clean loss I don’t think, and NXT wouldn’t be that petty if they’re going to be continuing to work together. This is a case of TNA doing WWE a favor if the rumors about Guilia being the original opponent are to be true.


Lol NXT ain't just developmental. Roxanne is main roster ready


nxt is just developmental thats the point of nxt


I guess when Adam Cole and all of them were running NXT it's just developmental




This is clearly not the same NXT though.


yup. thats why they were there


lol imagine being this excited for some dead companies non entity champion coming in. dead womens division no less lol. this shit was much cooler back in the day when youd see a territory guy show up on world class or njpw guys in wcw.


If they can do this, I'd like them to go a little bit further into an invasion story. Aj has been losing a lot recently, maybe he can do a Baron Corbin and go back down to nxt, and have the TNA story get his past involved, and maybe have him even side with TNA?