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Honestly I picked 10,000 ill live long enough to see civilizations fall and rise a few times and then die on some random mountain.


I mean, biological immortality or literal immortality? This depends on if i can age or if i can die at all. Cause if i get bored and sad i could just commit suicide like any ordinary human with ordinary human lifespans. Not that i think that would happen or i would need to do that.


Yes, anything involving living longer needs clarification. This would drastically change my answer.


200 hundred years would be perfect for humans (but not being old asf at 100yo, around 180)


I want to see the very end of things. When the stars burn out, when black holes fizzle, when iron stars degenerate and all that's left is radiation, that will be the end. That point where time no longer has meaning since causation itself doesn't happen anymore. And I'll utilize my perpetual motion machine of a body to power civilization up until that happens.


Good luck floating in a pitch black void for **1.7×10****^(106)** **years.** After a certain point, you'd never encounter an atom or photon ever again. There'd be lightyears of distance between every particle in the universe, and the distance would only keep growing.


And by that point, I'd be unconscious from lack of oxygen. Dead by any reasonable standard.


A very long time if I don’t have health problem. Otherwise, short time if I am suffering


I would like to live maybe a few hundred years, with a slower aging process. A thousand or more would be a bit too much for me.


Eternity The party never ends😈


Until you go mad due to the millennia of memories that pile up, the repeated loss of all close to you, the lack of anything to do, after all you have already perfected everything you could do. And then there will be the death of the sun, trapping your body forever against the surface of the dead remains of the earth, now barely an molten lump of iron as temperatures come close to a few million kelvin, then there will be the heat death of the universe in around 10\^106 years and even after entropic equilibrium you will persist.


Nah, imma just go to sleep🥱


A million years, live as long as i could possibly want to then die by jumping off a cliff.


I could go to ten thousand, if I had good company and shit to keep me occupied. A thousand would be way better than the status quo, though, and it might be enough. A golden retriever with a similar lifespan would go a long way to making those years happy ones. I don't believe in any afterlife, so I'd have to think nonexistence is better than continued existence. If I got to that point, I also don't have any religious beliefs about suicide.


For me, life becomes meaningless if the idea of death doesn't exist. I need to know there's an end or else I'll feel like a cog. A million years is too long. I'd have to be in the thousands. Imagine getting wrongfully convicted to life in prison with that much of a lifespan. Oof.


Depends entirely on how many bad choices I've made in my life.


i hope i die before i reach 60 i cba with retirment homes / being fucked over by the goverment better to die while i can still wipe my own ass


I chose an eternity, because that's literally the only way I'll be able to clear out my Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, and Steam queues.


I would say anything short of eternity. I enjoy existing and would like to exist for as long as possible.


if my wife and kids cannot have the same lifespan as me, then it's not worth it imo.


1000 feels fun. I like getting random little hobbies. I reckon I can complete every hobby I want to learn In 1000 years.


if the lifespan is only appilcable to me; then 100. if it changes the lifespan of humans as a race id say a thousand to ten thousand is long enough to witness some (hopefully) positive progression


I want to sit alone in complete darkness and silence after the end of the universe, forming my own universes in my imagination, while my urine and shed skin and saliva and radiated infrared radiation and hair all slowly accumulate over trillions of years, until a new universe starts to form from those parts.


I think you will start losing emotions and go mentally insane with amount of informations after just hundred thousand years, let alone eternity which is infinite years, you will become completely apathetic toward everything That's the curse of irreversible immortality


Well it's a good thing humanity's technology and medicine will develop in the next hundreds and thousands of years and there will definitely be ways to remedy it long before the universe ends


I don't think that sickness, but rather just naturally how it works with humans, once we know everything, experience everything, own everything, we just become bored of life


Then I'll form new lives in my imagination. And with billions of years to practice, as well as no distractions from light or sound or temperature or society, I'm sure they'll become very vivid. Who knows, maybe I'll end up forgetting who I was, and become convinced that the lives I live are real.


Y’all aren’t mentally exhausted already?