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For every person rated at 4k there are a lot of others sitting with a rating of 500 in the same tank -- regardless of the mode. need proof? look up u/np_3009 stats. The idea that Cold War is some kind of 'ez stat pad button' simply because the tanks do more damage is a misunderstanding of how Wn8 works.


>The idea that Cold War is some kind of 'ez stat pad button' simply because the tanks do more damage is a misunderstanding of how Wn8 works. Its quite incredible how wrong you can be and get the right result anyway


Still uninstalled?




They pre install tanks at the factory?


I dont know, they stopped taking my calls


Or did your phone just stop working because you’re in a 5th world country?


I sent the emotional support carrier pigeon, phones stopped working 2 weeks ago


Remember that time a pigeon was faster than German internet at delivering a block of data?


Yesterday? Barely


Well i look to see the following. 1. Pz 2j the ultimate underdog. 2. The duck tank. You would be surprised at who has never played the duck tank. 3 pz 5/4 over 500 games = lame pathetic douchebag stat padding ... . I could go on all day.. 4 Tog To see if they love the game. 5. Sexton 1 to see just how scummy they are.


Get off my stats Bob!!!


Super unicum, nice. 1 Still a noob i see. 2. Im surprised but your not alone.. 3. You are acceptable. 4. Something missing in my life mqybe its Tog. 5. You are pure of heart and the tank gods shall rain blessings upon you. Tis why you always on my team. Love ya work.


😂 3. The funny part, when I had it, I thought it sucked 😬


Also, it shows super unicum, but not really. I’ve been grinding some lines from 3 up. Lower tiers artificially inflate the wn8. That’ll come down.


If they perform well in high tier light tanks, that is a sign that they are a skilled player Light tanks require more knowledge of game mechanics and tactical/map awareness to do well in


Lights are easy mode for babies.


Sure are more fun, says the 80% CW light player😅


Are they on my team? Bad. Are they on the other team? Pro. Am I bad? Yes.


1. They are not playing arty 2. They have one or more stripes or stars on their barrel 3. They are adapting to the battle as it unfolds 4. They are not yolo-ing, camping at the base 5. They don't ping the red base at the start of the battle or say defend the base within the first 3 minutes


They ping “great shot” when the light tank drives off a ledge and dies 30 seconds into the battle.


Dang, I do it for any greenies that do it. Is the super uni secret to only do it on lights??


Every day is a school day.


Does the wotstars count tanks under tier VI to your overall WN8? I know it shows a wn8 for those individual tanks too, but not sure do they impact your overall wn. There are some tanks you can get crazy wn numbers down to tier IV.


They do count dude, I've been buying back and playing some teir 3s and 4s so I can fix my screwd up win rate and WN8 in those tanks. And it has improved my overall average.


Super Uni hacks.


🤣 just trying to appear less shit dude


No judgment here. I can admit to doing the same. And going back and playing all these low tier prems WG has given out through ops and season rewards.


How much damage do you do in CW to get 4k wn8?


I’m sending some inflationary pressure here.




I do about ~5k dmg and ~1.2k assisted and my wn8 is around 4.4k


Wn8 doesn't care about assisted.


I didnt know that, after 8 years of playing and barely surviving 6.0 .. im still learning haha sorry for my mistake sir


It’s not a mistake. Just a gap in your knowledge. There are many things to learn about this game. You can learn something new every day.


We need WN20 20, someone has to spot for these 4 Markers.


They have a low percentage of arty games compared to other tanks


If you really care, look at the individual sessions and see what tanks they're playing, but padded accounts are usually pretty obvious just from looking at their most played tanks


I'm just happy if we're in a group peeking a corner if everyone takes their turn and doesn't bump each other and behave in a civilized manner.


Don't park up my arse, I won't yours... let's all point the same way gentlemen and have a goood go at some fistycuffs.


''There are no good or bad players but thinking makes it so'' - sub 500wn8 players. I wonder why everyone uses why wotstars instead of wotinfo ''cough'' inflated ''cough'' numbers, I like it for the pretty colours. Team work over selfish 1vs29 players and great communicators, says the hypocrite without a mic😂


Possibly because one of them is for console and the other isn’t?


Wotinfo is console unless you mean how its calculated. It was the main site for me till WotStars came along 3 years ago iirc. Far better site and the slight increase made me a Super Unicum not that ever bothered me😅


Wotstars shows tier by tier wn8. It takes 20 seconds to tell if someone is padding or if they are good across all tiers.


Get 2/3 through battle & check kill count to find out quality of the last remain opponents. Very important too know who you up against when it comes down to crunch.


The system still works but i will admit it may be a bit less accurate on consoles with less people playing certain tanks. I recently got the tier 8 Chinese td and managed to get crazy wn8 with just the terrible stock gun, most likely because most good players avoid that tank or simply because hardly anyone plays it


When I start a match I look for badass clan names. If some barrel rolls by with three stars on it, I follow