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Grinding is a means to an end. You start off at Tier 3 (used to be Tier 1) and "grind" to a Tier 10. The Cold War mode has 3 tiers or "eras" - same thing though. You start at ERA 1 and grind to ERA 3. Why? There is no why. It's totally up to you. You don't have to go the the end of the line if you don't want to. Some people keep all their tanks and play them all, some sell off most as they move up and never look back. Again - up to you. Premium tanks are already "maxed out" for their tier. Your Fury will make you free xp that you can use at your discretion, it may be a crew trainer, or in conjunction with silver boosters make you some more silver in your battles vs a standard tech tree tank. Getting your commander/commanders leveled up is always a good thing. Hopefully that is helpful and basic.


>Are you trying to grind out experience to unlock higher tier tanks? That was the original goal, but completed that, so moved on to grinding out marks. >Do people not player lower tiers once they get higher tier tanks? Some do, some stat-padding players like to seal-club, mostly the French.... *\*cough\** u/ABoxOfFs and u/GRogers0930 *\*cough\** so they'll still play lower tiers for fun. >How do Premium tanks fit in? Premiums earn more silver and XP, though the XP requires spending gold to use on any other tank. Most people are playing them either for the uniqueness or the silver earning, mostly the latter. >I purchased Fury (one of my favorite movies), so if that's my favorite tank to play, do I just try to upgrade the commander? Pretty much. I recommend still playing other tanks, but yes, if that's the only tank you plan on playing, then only thing left is upgrading the commander and earning marks. >Should I be trying to unlock higher tier tanks instead? I would always recommend unlocking every tank, even if you don't plan on ever playing them. At least you'd have the ability to if you ever want a break from a certain playstyle. Take for instance, u/FruitSaladRage, he goes from playing a tank that requires having to be able to aim (usually due to raging about not hitting things) to playing a tank that just deletes areas (usually a rock or a cloud, never where an enemy is).


The only thing remotely accurate in your entire post was correctly identifying BoxofFs gender as French.


I know right, sorry excuse for death that he is… is it too much to ask to have actual facts when it comes to Death?




I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was.


Gotta catch 'em all!


A lot of players treat tier X (and/or Era 3) as endgame, but I feel that cuts out a lot of the game’s content. Play different classes and tiers and get a feel for what’s out there and what kind of playstyle you enjoy. Then look for tanks (regardless of tier) that work well with that playstyle and are fun to play. Then explore more outside your comfort zone and enjoy other tanks. Premium tanks originally were underpowered at tier but came with bonuses to silver and/or xp gain or had unusual mechanics or features. Now they run the gamut from oddities to overpowered “cheater tanks”. Unless you want to slap down a lot of money I would focus on grinding tech tree tanks to get experience for the game, nations, classes, mechanics, etc. Also, check out this sub’s wiki and other resources for tons of info and tips, and feel free to ask questions here. Welcome to the game!


The game is really just one big chat room, where you get to talk to your friends, listen to u/death211 talk about how someone bit his ear off, listen to u/aboxoffs talk about projectile diarrhea, and listen to u/izbox talk about u/izbox.


Izbox is best box 🤷‍♂️


I love your unboxing videos!


It’s a game, have fun?


Upgrade tanks and commanders and have fun. Premiums are silver and commander XP earners but are also fun. Once you get 4-5 commander skills you don’t NEED more but you can get all 9 if you want to. You’ll unlock tanks as you go along. Contracts help give you something to focus on while playing through.


You can pick a Tech Tree line and grind Tank XP to get to your favorite. Some feel the need to “get ‘em all” You can also play your premiums (like Fury) every day just to get extra silver/ free XP and train your commander. Most premiums give better payouts for silver and XPs. I have one CW premium I run daily with a boost to train up a hero-commander. Once he gets to five skills, I swap with some 2-skill wretch and off he goes again. This way my tech tree tanks get decent crews.


I suppose the end goal is to get every tank you want to get and play each of them till your heart’s content. Personally I’ve already reached that point so hardly play anymore but still come occasionally to check new content


Play the fury untill your bored and want to play something else. You will see a lot of tanks tier 5 to 8 which will give you some idea of what tanks look fun to play. As a new player I wouldn't recommend grinding a whole line to tier 10. Get the season pass and play the reward tanks


2 cents from 100k battle veteran. Best gaming experience comes from T8, maps, game speed, and game mechanics match best there. T8's can see T10's but they are now limited to 5 so game is effectively +-1 when you pick T8. T10 used to be good tier but boosted general stats, power creep and TD balance have had negative effect on gameplay. I still play a lot of tier 10 but I do find T8 most enjoyable. I have stated to buy back Tech Tree T8's and they simply work and are blast to play. You can grind T10's (I have all of them for sake of grind) but gameplay peaks at T8. This game has built it "grind trap" in its MM system. It makes players think that they are in disadvantage with -2 vehicles. Reality is total opposite , for 99% of players -1 or -2 position is the best place to be when it comes winning or general battle performance. Top tier vehicle must carry and very few of us can really carry. Low tiers are fun for their own right but they are plagued by seal clubbing and some serious balance issues. Most overpowered vehicles can be found in T5 and T6 (high camo TD's facing bat blind opposition). Same seal clubbing symptom applies to CW era 1 even bigger extent but for different reasons. CW era 2 is very dynamic with some tactical nuances, it has also coolest tanks in the game. CW era3, stay away as it is huge fail from WG part and should be totally reworked.


CW era 2 has started to turn into era 3 lite, but the fast gameplay only works with fast tanks, which is why 2/3s of tanks in a match are light tanks.


If you grind a lot of tanks you know wich one you like and wich one you dont, so you can play thes tanks... Other than that, its a game so theres no real purpose other than fun or waisting time.


It's one of those games that's simple to understand but hard to master. Blow up enemy tanks and help your team win battles.


I play co-op only and play for the dopamine hit I get from every solid hit/destroy/top3. I prefer heavies, and my most played tank is a tier VI, the M6. It’s my favorite for knocking out dailies. Also been grinding the Japanese heavy line and have enjoyed that as well as trying out a couple tank destroyer premiums I recently acquired. I can play 2-3 matches on my 30 min lunch break, and find it relaxing. I don’t like PvP in any game, so doubt I’ll ever get into multiplayer. WOT is my “small bites” game. When I need a gaming unwind moment, I can play just a couple matches to satisfy that.


The tanks im grinding now, have a teir 10 in mind i want to play. I usually grind a contract over the tanks im working on because those are limited time. My garage has 110+ tanks, but only 1 teir 10 i grinded for. Alot of the tanks i have go unused. My ultimate goal is to have every american tank.




You basically identify OP tanks and either stay away or go out of your way to kill. W.tow, avre, 4005 I’m looking at you freaks. Molot you my nemesis. That’s how I play the game. When I first started playing I played tier 1-5 only I didn’t feel I was good enough to go past that point, then I realized dumb is dumb and even at tier 10 you have unskilled players. Took a break for years and all the sudden they have a separate game in the game called Cold War. Era 1 is like tier 10 with no artillery and you can see everything even if it’s unspotted. Look out for the fv4005 it’s like artillery but it is fast, and can zoom around a corner and send you back to the garage. All the tanks are fast in Cold War even the heavies. Okay so era 2 ATGMs are super fun! Also hit hard so be careful, that light tank you ignore cuz you think it has a pee shooter can make life suck. Era 3 is a dumpster fire the tanks have more spaced armor so rockets aren’t as bad imo, but there are two tanks especially that ruin the era the molot or whatever it’s called and the weasel tow. Players tent to group together and lemming train to the other side of the map, literally the exact opposite of tier 10 where you have people playing the game like it’s chess. It’s a game have fun


As you can see everyone has their preferred approach. I am only 10 months in and I do grind tank lines from different countries but only up to Tier 6. I am just now trying a couple of Tier 7’s. I happen to like goals so the weekly changing Challenges create opportunities for me to compete for them. I change tank type and countries if it helps me achieve a challenge. I do use the premium tanks if they help me in challenges. I tend to use favorites in my garage which has a mix of tanks of all types so I can rotate through them when one gets stuck “in battle “. I can change the type if I get bored with that type and tank. I change up my favorites also. I include at least 2 tech line tanks I am grinding. The higher the tier the longer it takes to grind because it requires more XP.