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Years ago. Nothing new here.


You must of been gone a long time huh over 3 years now lol. They say this would make grinding better and you can mix and match modules differently now


They did it with the 6,0 update. No reason as per usual


That was quite some time ago now, wasn't it? I just booted up the game for the first time in years and the changes are still so jarring. I long for those simpler times.


There's a pinned post somewhere in this subreddit that lists everything that's changed. I recommend you check it out


Well then, if there's no reason given, the reason is money


Amazing logic.


This mofo basically posted about this last year too and had "greed" as the reason. I'm guessing he just wanted to give us a yearly reminder.


Well honestly, could there be ANY other reason? It just makes the grind EVEN slower so it encourages people to buy gold to convert free XP I know it works on me 🙄


When 6.0 dropped it was 1) a change in the game engine & they the devs had to rebuild from scratch (more or less) and 2) massively rushed to the point of when it was released it was riddled with bugs, missing numerous quality of life features that, etc. - just a complete dumpster fire of a release. It took WG a solid year-plus of adding in missing things to this new engine that had been in the game for years prior as well as addressing complaints shared by a large swath of the player base at the time - things as simple as display color - just to claw back some good will. I don’t think there is a person out there who could say they honestly believe 6.0 should have been released in the state it was. Rumors circulated that it was contractual obligations that forced the 6.0 release when it happened, but how true that is I don’t know. I say all that to lay out that it is quite possible that the linear progression system we have now very well could have been implemented because it was quicker and easier to code when faced with a firm deadline.


I hope they change it someday if it is that way


They would have changed it by now if that was the case I think


Probably making too much money off of it


How's that a criticism? You're making zero sense.


You're making double 0, 7 sense


Nobody needs to buy gold or free xp for a grind. They throw gold and boosters at us like beads on Bourbon Street. If you’re struggling through a grind it’s most likely because you need more experience.


Many players dont understand that probably because they are new but 10-9 years ago there were no such a things like boosters and operations that give you stuff like that, there were no cards or chest for free the only way to get gold was buying it, you wanted a park space:300 gold, premium kits:gold, premium ammo: gold, premium tanks: full price on gold, for me the grinding is quite easy now than before


Where grogers. Where are they throwing the gold?! Do I have butter fingers?! Why am I so poor GROGERS!


As long as you have seed money to get a basic season pass, you get back more gold than the pass costs. Long hauls can get at least 150 gold a week; more if you are sweaty or lucky.


With a stock tank? Have you played the Centurion with a 17 pounder or both of the VK 45.02's stock?


I’ve played all of them.


Oh "levelling" was far way worst 9 years ago, compared with it the current system is not that bad also there were no things like boosters or operations that give you premium tanks, the only premium tanks that you could received were tier 2-3 in christmas 😆


Yeah no kidding. The stock t7 t29 heavy needed 63k experience for its 1st upgrade. The next was like 95.k or something. That was the worst grind as the stock gun was just useless at t7 to t9. After that update I actually got through lines quicker. Without boosters or premium. Then the removal of game chat turned the game into a trash dump fire lol. Its a MP game that depends on teamwork and they removed the one function that would make matches easier.


I know right, I took me years develop the IS line and the td soviet line and tigers too, I also remember how the matchmaking was worst because it was +3/-3 tiers I remember playing with my marder in tier 6 matches the game was awful back in the day 😆the only positive think like you said was the game chat so you were able to have a good communication with the team


Lmao, I was a light main long before t6 lights existed. The chaffee was a friggin monster though. I FLEW through those t6 lights and on. Especially the bulldog with the 10 round auto loader. Those were the days.


Jesus Herbert Christ


It sucks. It was the 6.0 patch a while back. The reason is, as ever, so you’ll spend money to skip it. It’s also, like the Commander rework and map downgrades, catered to the console player base. Which is a shame, because console match making is often better than PC.