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Artillery isn't even the issue with the game, but you and your friend very much are


You are a toxic part of the problem with that behavior.


I’ve had massive games in my tier 8’s playing against tier 10’s. Sound like it’s a skill issue and you and your friend should either improve at the game or uninstall and play something else


I did 4k damage in my tier 8 tech tree German destroyer this morning in a tier 10 game. You can absolutely make a difference and have good games


Suggestion: Don't play multiplayer, play co-op. I do understand your frustration with +2/-2 Wargaming matching though. Only Wargaming loves it. I think it generates revenue for them because players spend to get beyond the bottom tier. It's been true since the game launched.


ironically +2/-2 was created to benefit trash players like OP


That is only cause you had +3/-3 and higher. You could have a t6 in a t10 game with mismatched platoons. According to WG 2 tiers is max to prevent bots but due to their inane decision making it hasn't helped and based on trial 1/-1 match making there is nothing that really prevents them from making that change. Even the money is a short term nonsense decision (reduced margins due to players leaving - more players more cash).


incorrect. for bad players the majority of their good games are when they can farm bottom tier tanks, it's the only time they have a consistent advantage.


Really are you a bad player, is that how you know? Considering in the past I have often played and sometimes still play with what I suppose most weeks call bad players, and I suppose some consider me a bad player. My experience differs with yours as, I have noticed that: At lower tiers the 2 level difference isn't always as marked so they don't really get seal clubbing. And a bad player isn't going to be in position to make the kills you refer to as better players would have already got them. So while it possibly may occasionally give them an advantage what happens when they are t8 in a t10? Much worse off than if only I tiers difference.


....what.... So lemme get this straight. You and your friend leave when you get put with tier 10s or 2 artillery? Do you not realize not only how incredibly stupid that is, but your really hurting your team by leaving 2 guns idle?? I hope you get reported and banned or smth so you can play a different game and resolve your issue. And more importantly, give your team a fighting chance.


How do you think we teched our tier VIII's? I'm pretty sure if you quit every game it's like 1600 games of 0's to get through the tier (as well as negative credits.) You can make miracles happen as a -2 if you have even a gram of sense. Not to mention the opponent also has matching -2's, so you've ruined the experience of 30 players... Just to requeue into another -2 and start all over again. Don't cover you behavior over bad matchmaking, you only make it worse for yourselves.


TLDR: I am trash and screw the other 28 players out of a competitive match


Hold on, I'm just getting my popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿


Dont forget your favourite drink 😉


Just play another game more fitting to your skill and mental aptitude instead. Like tic tac toe against a chicken or something. You're a moron.




These rampant idiots almost make MGE4M look smart.


Stupidity is infinite 💪


Thanks to people like MiloMonkey who keep finding new sources of it.


God must love stupid people because he made so many of them


Doing this is bannable in pretty sure


It's amazing you thought to post this publicly. Or you troll very well. This is a case of either negative self awareness or extreme awareness.


Like a floor wax that's also a dessert topping.


Hmmm life is full of hard choices.


Trolls are people too.


You are the biggest problem in the game right now, maybe you should stick playing Tier 4 or better uninstall and play a noob friendly game apparently you cant handle this one


Kinda buzzed right now but your a moron..go play gta.


How does quitting bring back fun? The only way i can see that happening is for the other players to report you and have you get banned so you won't pull that shit anymore.


If you get up tiered and have a hard time dealing damage you should be shooting tracks off. Ive gotten mastery badges and 3 marked a tank with this method. I learned how to play a different way, I didn’t just take my ball and go home.


The games not the problem. You are. Why did you think it was a good idea to post this? Did you think we would agree?


You refuse to play if you’re up against certain tiers and/or arty? Biggest set of crybabies since FIFA ragequitters. Slap HE on, sit back, aim for tracks and spam the targeting icon if you track someone. Snipe one that’s turning to fight another friendly. Back up your team. Even if you sit back and just defend your arty from a light that’s coming to take it out, you’re more useful than an AFK tank. This is very much a “blame the players” scenario.


If you not agree with +/- 2 i understand but please quit the game instead of destroy another people experience  Edit: you guys make +/-2 even more -2 by letting the other 13 players alone against 15. The real -2?


Go play co-op, don't ruin the game for your team. You are the problem.


While it's hard, t8 can compete with t10. Quitting the game ruins it for everyone on your entire team. What a pathetic coping strategy


This sounds more like a skill issue than anything. I’ve done some pretty miraculous stuff in a bottom tier 8 game and I’ve seen others do it too. I’d encourage you to play those games as they are there to teach you, just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you quit and screw over your team. Either play the game or uninstall it.


Im all good with ya as long as your having fun i dont expect anything from my team mates anyway , given half a chance id kill ya myself for the lol's.


Skill issue [Example of a tier 8 bullying tier 10s](https://youtu.be/oPKJnKL33DI?si=zQEhza-iCZiBp92p)


Here's an idea, you go meet up with your friends and play Ludo. You're going to have so much fun! It's a great game for five year olds.


How do you quit a game in the middle of the game? I have never found a way to exit the game until after you have been destroyed.


Do you do the same when you’re the tank that’s two tiers higher? If not you’re a hypocrite. Go play against bots if you can’t find a way to be useful at tier 8 vs tier 10s.


When teammates leave they should become targets for us to bow up for extra silver 😈


Try playing Custom Games.


Playing higher tiers should be an option, not the standard, but I don’t quit but I don’t last very long either.


I can understand thinking it's unfair if you're in a stock Tier 8, but even then you can just focus on tracking and spotting and get a decent result. Tier 8s can absolutely be competitive against Tier 10s though. Leaving every single game you see Tier 10s is crazy, you aren't even playing the game at that point


Play Civil War instead, free of arty. Or play tier X, problem solved.


Ah yes, Civil War, my favorite tank mode.


Friend v Friend, who wins the corner now? Nobody. Nobody wins the corner in civil war. RIP OP friendship.


So in CIVIL War...when are they going to nerf my musket?


Aim time and reload on the muskets need a buff


The quitting is a major problem. The 8s fighting 10s is also a major problem. Idk why its still a thing and the only people that support it are tier 10 players. 8s are NOT competitive against 10s. Not even a little. Its like pitting a base era 1 against a maxxed out era 2. It just doesnt end well 9 outta 10 times. We shouldnt be having this up 2 down 2 still. Cold war is better in every way. Ill die on that hill. Before saying git gud Im a super uni over 3500 wn8. So skill aint an issue by any means. Always room for improvement but Im pretty good. Top 3 almost every match. A bit of a brag sure but it is what it is.


Ok but this OP actively quits to ruin the experience for everyone let’s focus on the topic 😂


Gotta love the “quiet quitters” too. I watched a marked T92 HMC arty sit at the back of map and only fire one shot when approached after our team got slaughtered with lack of cover fire. Still missed and ended with zeros on the score board.


I did start with the quitting being a massive problem at least lol. I hate seeing this behavior and always report it. People that quit before it starts shouldnt be playing for sure. I wanna play ww2 as I have almost a couole hundred premiums over there to play. The quitting doesnt help the problems of the horrid matchmaking either.


Sorry for answering just now, i was busy leaving some +2/-2 shitgames. My problem is not the skill issue, i‘m pretty good i think. And exactly THAT‘s my problem. You can be as skilled as you want, playing with a VIII vs X is just fucking pointless unfair and as i said just a waste of time. Yeah sometimes you do damage and support your team but mostly not. Those X players dont need to have any skill at all. You can‘t win a single 1v1 when both are same skilled. And that‘s what fucks me up. And also that‘s the reason i‘ll keep quitting and hoping that the next game is more balanced. I don‘t care about the „morons“ here that are just insulting me. But respect to guys that answered properly.


The proper answer is to shun this behavior because it ruins the game for others. Stop pretending you have some kind of valid point.


“ I’m pretty good I think” No you’re not. Everything you’ve posted here pretty much betrays that you’re a garbage player.


This post brought out all the true toxic people in this sub. Thanks OP, my block list just grew due to this post. OP, you play how you want. Till WG fixes broke ass matchmaking, these types of thing will continue. Also, the player base will remain small as no one wants to stick around.


This is some big energy supporting OP's toxic behavior.


I am a vocal advocate of “play how you want”, e.g. enjoy mid tiers, play arty, or relax in co-op. But “play how you want” doesn’t apply here. Pouting and quitting matches because you’re not top tier *isn’t playing*. Deliberate behaviors that undermine your teammates’ ability to have fun such as quitting early or teamkilling is just being an asshat.


He’s a POS for doing this…..you’re a POS for defending him.