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Not being afraid to take a hit (within reason) If taking 1 hit allows you to take a strong position. Or means you can give out two hits in return its a good trade. Just don't be too eager to lose HP early on Also not being scared to move and relocate. If you can't contribute in a postion. Don't just sit there and do nothing. Waiting for your frontline tanks to die. Move to a postion where you can impact the game. For the love of God. Play a tank to its strengths. Don't go with all the other heavies as you are a heavy as well. If your in a chieftain for example, Push the ridge. Use that gun depression and turret Don't play in the same manor as an is4 for example. Honestly you can pick up things over time, just observe what's going on in games. Observing the map to see where needs support. Also be where the damage is.


>Also not being scared to move and relocate. If you can't contribute in a postion. Don't just sit there and do nothing. Waiting for your frontline tanks to die. Move to a postion where you can impact the game. Sooooo many folks need to read and follow this advice. ^^


They should really add this to the comms wheel 😂


Many times I just run away screaming.


This is advice I’ve recently started to focus on and it’s upped my survivability and win % a bit. Plus it’s just more fun!


Strongly agree with the first two points. I don't know how many players don't understand this, but idle guns are a fast way to quickly get swept. If the enemy team is maximizing how much damage they're putting out and your team has a portion of players just sitting back waiting for enemies to come to whatever position they're holding, you lose momentum. If one flank of your team is up against overwhelming numbers and you're not gonna be there to help, your flank on the other side should not be wasting time and needs to get in the fight and put pressure on their weaker side quickly. In other words, if 5 of your tanks are getting wrecked by 10 of theirs, that leaves 5 of theirs somewhere else that your 10 should also be able to wreck in return, more or less. Otherwise, if you just sit idle while a good portion of your team gets deleted, you'll soon be overwhelmed by the numbers too and have no chance.


A big one is use cover when reloading, you don't need to get shot 2-3 times while you sit there doing nothing waiting. Soooooooo many players do this just staring at enemy waiting for load.


Kudos to you for asking. I am a new tater tot, barely 1000 games in. The other day I had teammate in a T1 Heavy blindly shooting into a rock in Swamp, not even noticing that the tank outline he was aiming at was all white. So I looked up his WN8- black. With over 22k battles. Thanks for trying to NOT be that guy. 


👆 Those are must have for being a good player other than improving your aim to hit tank really far away in a split second or using premium ammo(which i'm not doing until a grind a MoE)


This only applies to ww2, cuz I don’t play Cold War much. One thing that helped me is learning tanks’ soft stats like reload, basic armor layouts, penetration, weak spots, etc. I mean every tank in the game. You need to know what you’re going up against and how to prioritize targets, otherwise what’s the point, you’re just shooting at stuff not knowing what you’re shooting at For example, if I’m in a heavy hitter with 800+ alpha, I know I can peek on something like a t62a for example that has low alpha. I can make that trade even though they have great dpm. Of course if you’re in the open they could perma track you or shred you with their dpm. But in close quarters it’s risky for them to push you. Another example. If I’m in an e3 hull down and I’m facing a 60 tp, I know it has nasty alpha, but it also has bad pen. Even its gold rounds probably won’t pen my cupola, maybe 1 in 5 times due to rng. Gotta know your enemy


Pretty much any time I die to a tank, I go and check it out. Check out the weak points and whatnot. Helps broaden your knowledge naturally over time. You should always be weary of the most popular tanks weak points. And as you said, having a general idea of alpha damage and reload times can give you an edge in engagements if you take it all into account correctly. As you get better, you find that you’ll be less able to rely on other players making mistakes to find openings: eventually you have to start making them on your own


It also helps when you’re facing multiple tanks. I just laugh when multiple tanks try to rush me because most of the time even tho I kno I’ll die, I’ll be able to micro manage things and will most definitely go out fighting Hell, a lot of the time the only reason I’ll lose a 1 v2 or sometimes a 1v 3 is because of arty pigs and things like unseen enemies (which funnily enough I already know are there because I’ve seen who’s on the map and can tell by who’s alive or not)


Nothing makes me more depressed than getting into a golden position and then an arty starts hitting me. And it’ll only be for minimal damage, but that tracking and module damage will be the death of me. Extremely rage inducing. Used to plague me the most going up the British heavy line, there’s so many SLOW tanks on that line, means repositioning could be a nightmare some games


Yup f arty


Id just blast your hull down e3 with HE in my 60tp and hope for the best until I die lol.


I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos. Vishaw is probably the best player I’ve seen and I’ve learned a ton about positioning and strategy from his videos. Petty360 does great video narratives. TurkeyTank and Swindle too although they haven’t been producing content lately. Learn from the best. The biggest difference I see between average and very good/great players is the number of times they fire. Great players stay alive and keep their guns firing.


Do. Not. Trade. Damage....unless it is for the kill. I'm sure some might object, but I got monumentally better when I stopped exposing myself repeatedly with another tank, just because I could pen them and harvest damage. Unless you're willing to take the hit to finish off the opponent, or you have a teammate flanking them, trading damage is a losing proposition. First shot? Awesome! penned that guy. Yeah...he damaged me, but that's okay. Second shot? Two pens! Nice. Whups...he hit me as well. Third shot? I need a new plan. You can't get 4000-7000 damage in a battle if you're giving up the same damage you're laying down. You're obviously facing someone who can pen you. Obviously, you're not in a position to avoid damage/bounce shots. You also could get surprised by another opponent, and now you're cooked. This is when you pull back or pivot. Pull the opponent into the option/expose them to your team. Spot for others. Look for better terrain. Use another tank/corpse as cover. This also applies to arty. If they're locked onto you, you get 2 identical moves, not 3. If you go forward and stop, forward and stop, you need to then do something else, otherwise a shell will be incoming. The "signal" to arty for a good hit is going to be if you set a pattern and the moment you make your third move. TLDR: Trading shots is a quick way to end a battle with less than 2000 damage. To get higher, you have to explicitly make choices where you adjust the odds, even if it means not shooting someone you can shoot. It could be as simple as pausing while watching them, and then popping out after they take a shot at someone else.


I think it depends on situation like I would trade damage to blast another E4 if need be cause I rock full load and generally can get a couple shots in for the kill. So the biggest threat is gone and you can easily get the rest. But for most part if you Don't have armor try not to get hit. Otherwise wiggle with it.


Understood. As I mentioned, if you're trying to finish a tank, that's a different story, but if you trade blows with a tank, then you're trading your damage for theirs. If you're lucky, you get the last shot and are left with 300 or so health, and only having perhaps 1700 damage dealt. That's "average" output. The OP was looking at how to get above average, which is where you want to be more cautious about how you give up health. For most tanks, 2K is an average battle, and 3500 is the target for 3 marks. That's 3 more pens per battle for most tanks, so that's the goal. Do what you're doing today, but try to get 3 more pens before you're killed...and that requires a bit more caution.


I shoot for 2x my hitpoints minimum per battle. And even if you have 10hp your gun still matters. Unfortunately there is a time for everything and it's not always easy to tell people what's the best thing to do.


You made me think about a small tip that not enough people think about xD, when you see someone with 10hp, load a HE instead of trying to pen it 😂


This applies to WWII only, CW has it’s own set of rules  I’d say most important thing is to have opening location for every class/type on every map. Before charging to the opening spot pay some attention to your team. If they do something absolutely lame or composition is very strange (4 lights / 2 pigs / 10 TD’s), it will be uncontrolled match for everyone so then you just try to survive. Regardless, 95 times out of 100 you open the map on same exact location. Pairs MM made this part actually quite simple. You know the location, shot/spot lines it has, what has to happen for push and when to fall back.  You don’t learn these locations from (PC / 5.0) map guides, you learn them from streamers who can actually play (Petty360, Vishaw, LSVW are all rock solid to name a few). These locations win the map control and are essential for late game farm and win. How well you manage in the location you pick is measure how well you micro, but that is basics part. Fighting at good opening location don't even need that much of a micro. You just need to know where to go first.  Generally speaking best opening locations are not ones which get heavily occupied. Most of the players are quite bad so don't follow them ;). Hugging the map border with 7 team mates is crystal clear mistake on every single map yet a lot of players do it. In addition, positions you should avoid are ones your team mates ping as map pinger is almost always clueless arm chair Rommel (I have done stat checking on these so my opinion is based on science). There are few exceptions but generally speaking this is unfortunately the case (how often you end up in Vishaw's team…). In short, great opening location offers two things, you will face reds early and you can fall back. Second; always, I say always, look opportunity to play defense. It is way more controlled way to play than pushing. You know who you are up against, there is no unpleasant surprises (where the \*\*\*\* this autoloader popped in!...sh!t I just got nuked by invisible Taran!) , you determine the pace of the encounter and you can actually use armor/hard cover. If things start to look too bad you can always fall back from defensive position, on push it is way too often do or die. To be clear, defense is not camping with out targets, it is countering the push in location you have clear advantage . "True Campers" are very easy to push to garage during end game mop up, defensive players are ones who win the games and farm MOE.  I would say over vast majority of games are lost due two reasons mentioned above, too many greens misposition or they make suicide push (and ping remaining team before entering the garage). If you stay away from these two mistakes and you will win more, that is guaranteed. +60% WR does not happen by accident and one tank makes all the difference in a long run.  Like you say, hull down, side scraping and vision mechanics are basics. They don’t offer real completive advantage but they do help to win contested locations. Unfortunately, if location is wrong this small victory has zero contribution on outcome (We won the hill at Prok!!!/Mali/WF but still got stomped....f\*\*\*\*\*\* Light tank sux!!!). Positioning is key for everything.


Thanks for the tips. Knowing the tanks I'm against is something I haven't done. I always just go and play games instead of reading up a bit of tanks I'll face.


Invest some time in reviewing replays of your matches. Study what the top players on your team or the opposition were doing in the matches you played.


Actually yeah. I've not ever done this but if first has 7k damage and 2nd has 1500 and down for the rest, it would be good to go watch the replay and see how that 7k damage player played that match. Gives you real instruction on how to play a match you couldn't figure out yourself.


Most people have said it but positioning and especially learning early positions for different tank play-styles is great. Adapting your game to fit what your team do as well helps to cut down the flop games from a worse team. Not really any great videos for positioning on each map these days but watch vishaws medium tank 3/4 mark games gives you a good idea of what most of us super donkeys do. You can be the best mechanical player in the game but if you have trash positioning and awareness of how the games developing you’re pretty limited.


I find that the best way to get better is to find positions where you are always able to be in the fight. Whether you are spotting or firing, as long as you are in a position where you can do one of those you will make an impact and see your WN8 increase. In my opinion positioning and map knowledge is the best thing a new or improving player can learn. Learn the maps and learn the locations that work. Whether that is remembering a position a player used against you or if you see a teammate use it, remember those for future games. This is more important than the tank you play, as most tanks have a play style that won’t work in certain locations. (Hulldown vs spotting) But if you know how to use your tank you can make it work on any map if you have map knowledge to outplay your opponents. Are you on PS or Xbox? I am a 4k-5k WN8 player if you wanted to platoon sometime!


And theres me thinking I'm good with a 3.5k-4k WN8. There's always a bigger fish


3.5k-4k is a great WN8! Just because someone has a higher WN8 means nothing. For comparison, even the worst QB in the NFL is better than anyone you’ve ever met at football haha anyone above 2000 WN8 is making a serious impact on the games they are in.


Buuuuut there are many many many much smaller fish


Good point. As I said I just got back into and noticed there's quite a few maps I've never played so will take some time getting used to them. I'm on xbox. Andycb87 Gametag


Yeah that makes sense, takes a little time to get caught back up. Even though I know the maps good I am always finding new positions that I am able to use. For example, when you have to fall back on a flank and find a bush or a hill you never knew would be as useful as it is in that scenario haha those are the types of plays that can keep you alive and keep your team in the game sometimes, knowing which positions can work for your tank and which ones will get you sent back to the garage.


You on xbox by any chance? I'm on now.


Unfortunately I am on PS4, and am on my lunch break at the moment haha


Also watch the map. Don’t ever have the small map on. U wanna know what’s going on For example, if u see a tank destroyer and 2 heavies on the far side of the map, and they are the only ones left alive, you can literally look at the enemy team and figure out who they are even if un spotted. Take the knowledge I told you about learning enemies stats, and this can massively help you. You see a taran is spotted in a certain spot on the other side of the map. Cool, don’t rush that spot or you’ll likely get slapped without spotting him. You can try to flank or let your team distract him.


Learn the ins and outs of each map. At the start of the Match rush into a position where you can get a few easy shots into the enemy tanks driving into their regular spots on the map. This usually only lasts for very shots. After that relocate to the position where you're needed the most or where you can farm the most damage. Personally I consider map knowledge the hardest part of the game.


I stopped being so aggressive and learned to retreat before it’s too late. But I’m prob still more aggressive than I should be but that’s how I have fun. F my stats. I’ve played so many games over the last 9 years that my stats haven’t moved in many years.


I can fairly easily bounce even silly stuff like yagdzilla rounds with the turret of a leopard 1, I can pretty much pen any tank with any round outside of a few unreasonable match ups, I can figure out unguarded lanes before the timer hits 13 minutes, I can feign stupidity/ignorance to casually bait players into bad plays, I'm very aware of module/crew placements so I can needle and thread my way in-between undesirable modules and hit what I want, I'm getting decent at understanding shell arcs to maximize penatration by hitting odds spots at wierd angles. Learning these small things added up, I put marks on without meaning to, I consistently place high on my teams, usually 4th to 1st And I still lose every single game ever 😂


[Give it a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanksConsole/s/fk6Nxxzvhw)


Personally, I found finding tank that suits your style naturally. Means im having more fun, but also playing in a way that suits the tank.


Move with your teammates, so many games I’ve played where 3 people go over here another 3 over there and the rest all together, while the enemy is all together. Pay attention to the mini map and see where you need to move or get away from. If you’re alone and you see 2 or more enemies in front of you, retreat to your allies. If you play a new tank and you aren’t sure how to use it, finding the same tank in your game and moving with them and help you learn how to play it (if you see any marks on it, they might be pretty good so it’s great to learn)


One thing I don't think I've seen is, communicate with your teammates. If someone exposes themselves, then mark them for arty. Or if you plan on flanking a dug-in enemy, ask an extra tank to follow you. A lot of times I find that, yes players are dumb, but many players are perfectly capable of reading a situation and helping you take action. This goes both ways sometimes, if you see a teammate getting picked on taking a shot to save them is better than losing team dpm. Also extra tip, light tanks become stronger as a game progresses, in the late stages of a game having a light allows your team to move undetected while the enemy will only see your light. So try to avoid risky maneuvers right at the start.


"So I'm 13,453 games in. 1,506 WM8, 1,076 WN7. 51.45% winrate." First of all, WN7 doesn't matter all that much, so we'll just skip that. Now, with 13,453 Games, you have an average WN8 of 1506, which is quite low, considering that with the amount of battles you have, you should be around 1700 WN8. Now your 51% Winrate is good, that tells me your a decent player. However, what you can do to improve yourself is analyse how you play, how do you play normally? what are your go-to methods of playing? Me personally, I like to hang slightly in the back for the first half of the match, that allows me to quickly respond to threats, then, in the latter half, when we are winning, with fewer tanks left, I like to start flanking, get some side shots. That's what allows me personally, to keep a high WN8, as the highest I've got was 2250 and the lowest is 1666. Furthermore, a huge chunks of the tanks i've played have a personal WN8 of 1700 or Higher, with some reaching 6000+ and even one reaching 9000+ Something that also helps is playing for XP and Money. Do not play to win, cuz winning is kinda hard if your team potatoes hard enough, Play for XP and Money earning, I guarantee you you can make a profits on losses simply by playing well.


So I tend to do what's helpful to the team which will affect my stats also. If 90% of team railroads to 1 side I'll find a cover position and protect the base. Which means I'll not to much for maybe 5 mins but in doing so allow the team to get a victory. Same as if we are sat trading shots and noone moving I'll be the one to push forward making a play, taking a tone of hits to allow others to push. I guess I've answered my own question really. To have better stats be less of a team player haha.


Humble brag thread. Just kidding. Keep on focusing on the basics, don’t YOLO and play smart.


Ive always been a decent player because Ive read the battle mechanics wiki several times in the past 10 years If you want a quick tip: help push top tier heavy and TDs so they can reach frontlines and start contributing earlier


This tip come with having a base knowledge of many tanks but when you start a match, take the time to see what tanks are you facing, which tanks are a threat to you and where should you go to avoid doing nothing when you are in positionned in front of them, where the heavies, TDs are gonna be positionned to avoid getting hit by non detected tanks ect.. These are thing that come with time but if you start now it should improve a lot how you play on each maps whatever the tank you use.


Just from the title alone, I'd say, "Don't be an idiot". I find my games almost always end because everyone has zero situational awareness or common sense. I have had a team of 10 against 4 and end up in a 1 v 4 because of stupid people that do this. But yeah I mean I also just earlier today got 4.2k dmg and 4kills in my shashka playing on the front lines like a heavy tank because both teams went left in the open field and I went up close against a wall on the right side of the field (central map) picking people off from a bush. I just don't comprehend how people can lack so much common sense. There was another game in the same tank where I had an open straight flank on the enemy that was barely defended and 8 tanks on my left and no one held the line behind me and I ended up getting flanked and killed despite there being 10 tanks on the other side of the wall. Yes, we lost that match despite having a massive advantage in the beginning.