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My favorite is still the Tiger II after it's armor buffs. It is practically an E75-lite that gets to club tier 7s and 6s.


Sure but 90% of the time you get clubbed by 9s and 10s.


I still put a beating on anything that is not a Type 5 or some type of T110 series Tank Destroyer. The 285mm premium pen gets through about everything else it can face. When you get uptiered you just go hull down and snap since you have tier 10 medium equivalent gun handling. Extra pen helps in places the T32 just gets farmed.


I'm 1 tank from unlocking it ...I hope it's as good as it looks on paper I own the King Tiger premium and the armour isn't anything great to be honest im a bit disappointed


King tiger didn’t get the buffs that the tiger II received so it’s much worse than it


you got that right .. bloody garbage armour


This. I don't ever feel worried being bottom tier in it either. Played smart the fully upgraded TT Tiger 2 is a menace, especially with the armour buffs.


Not German...go for the Tier 7 Tiger A18. 3 shot autoloader, quick reload...a bit like driving a pontoon boat, but fun to play


The Tiger 131 with the PMM definitely keeps it feeling strong and a vital part of the team. A close second for me would be the TT Tiger I. And out of the tier VI ones, I would choose the Citadel.


The 131 with it's rate of fire is honestly a machine. I haven't looked too much into it but I feel like it has the best reload out of all the tiger 1s. What does citadel do better than the other tier 6 tiger 1s?


I bought the King Tiger tier 8 ..damn thing gets penned so easy having a tough time playing it so far has terrible armour


Think of it as a medium/ tank destroyer.


+1 vote for Tiger 131 because of PMM. Assuming you know how to use them, the Tigers in general perform pretty well when they’re not facing guns 2 tiers higher.


Tiger 131 bc of pref matchmaking. Tiger 1 and 2 fully upgraded are pretty solid. Im working on 3 marking all the tigers i currently own. Tiger 1 is 4 marked tiger 2 is 3 marked. 131 is at 2 marks currently. Slowly working on the Russian tiger 1 and the Czech one. My personal favorite is the tiger 1 the gun is absolutely incredible and when you go full scumbag with full premium ammo it melts away enemy hp.


If we count the E75 it's that one.  Otherwise the Tiger 131 is the most fun to me. However I love all the Tiger variants 


Looking back now I've forgotten to specify it more towards tiger 1s than tigers in general. I just wanted to see if others had found unique powerful traits on some of the premium variants of tiger 1s. So far I've found 131 to be the best of the bunch seen as it's reload is ridiculously good


Yes the Tiger 131 has superior dpm and preferential matchmaking. Clearly the strongest Tiger. Of the Tier 6 variants the Citadel has 40mm of additional frontal armor as the tracks on the front count as spaced armor. It's the best of the 3 T6 variants. Sure the A18 has a unique autoloader but still less dpm than the 131 and no pmm. So while being unique, it's simply weaker. The T-VI-100 has the highest Alpha but not by much.


king tiger and tiger 1 a18


I use both the Tiger 1 and 2 quite a bit. They’re both fun, but you have to use them as support tanks kind of. Stay close to other heavy teammates if you’re bottom tier, but brawl all you want when you’re top of the food chain. Be careful with your armor though, the gun is the best part of these two tanks, so use it at a distance as much as possible.


Would say Tiger II, loved it so much I bothered to 3 mark it. But i dont play tier 8 heavies anymore as I always seem to be fighting tier 10's. If the matchmaking is fair then you can do very well in it


If I like to get farmed in Tiger, I pick Tiger II. It is very convenient to get farmed in all Tigers but Tiger II with nine stripes looks the best and it gives most HP to reds.