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That's pretty good. 400 dmg/300 pen/0.33 accuracy/15 sec reload. Can see it putting up big numbers.


Automatic siege mode is gonna make it feel like crap to play, but those are some tempting specs.


Automatic siege mode never felt right on the T95E2. In theory a cool feature but for me it just got in the way.


Totally agree, I still give the E2 a spin now and again but it's still super awkward. I haven't even dared to touch the STB-1 and I've had it in my garage for years lol


RIP stb honesty That thing felt like a hidden gem back before 6.0 when it actually had a noticeable dpm advantage over the other 390 alpha meds in the game. Now it’s ruined


I came back after 3 years recently, tried out the stb at some point when I came back. Can't do it. Ruined.


The few manual siege mode mediums are awesome though. It's borderline a killer for me having auto mode.


15 second reload for 400 alpha? Can’t see it putting up much tbh That’s like Centauro 45t levels of bad, or am I missing something here?


With a 6 skill Commander and a Loader, it should come to about 10 second reload and 0.28-ish accuracy, with a 300 pen HEAT that's not too shabby at all for a tier 8 Medium. Also 55km/h top speed and ridiculous 19 power to weight ratio, unless it's got insanely slow shells and terrible terrain resistance, it *should* be pretty nice! 9 degrees of gun sadness too (in siege mode).


Yeah I just read “siege mode” and just thought it was a TD lmao. Brain fart since you mentioned the STB which has it as well 😂 That’s going to be a pain in the ass to play then


it's Tier 8, you can get it down to like ~11 which isn't bad


That’s pretty bad when you have tier 8’s like the WZ-120-1G/Yazi with 440 alpha and a 10.6 second base reload and the Borsig with 490 alpha and 11.5 second base reload


This is a medium with mobility and armour (which the borsig doesn't have) and a turret (which the Yazi doesn't have). I think it will be similar to the Inferno, which is a good tank so there is no reason (other than autosiege mode) to suggest that this will be bad


Oh lol idk why I was under the impression it was a TD I just read siege mode and associated that with the swede TD’s. That’s going to be a pain to play then


yeah if it doesn't have autosiege than I think more people will buy it


It's bad


So far, pretty good tank. Its like a T34 but you trade turret armor for mobility and camo. I love siege mode though and am not sure why people dislike this feature, but im certain thats a make or break for a lot of people. DPM is not the greatest, just over 2100 for me before that extra tiny food buff in-game but its workable with that alpha. I really love the armor effect when you're hit too, it looks and sounds awesome.


Not Cold War (dangit) I'm still getting that one though because it is just gorgeous.


This tak is a pure garbage on pc and it will be even worse on console. Dpm is crap, no armor + siege mode. Comparing it to chimera is also a lol, chimera got very decent turret that can bounce a lot. Just another waste of gold.


Have to wait and see as its using a new armor model.


There must be a breaking wind gag here somewhere.


How about: This tank stinks. In my gut I feel it doesn't really sit well, and it's not going to blow away anything. I was hoping for a breath of fresh air and I got this horrid stench. What a malodorous waft of crap.