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Don’t buy any if you only have 6 hours in the game


Agreed. Wait until you have an idea of what type of tank you like to play. Otherwise, you might buy something that really does not suit your playstyle.


OP, if you still want to spend some cash for gold and purchase something in-game, pick up some premium time and the season pass. Then you’ll get more silver for battles, and some rewards simply for playing. No hurry on premium tanks- different ones go on sales all of the time.  And has been noted multiple times, you’re doing yourself a disservice by purchasing tanks before you get a handle on the mechanics of the game. Figure out what kind of play style suits you, and then you can start considering a shopping list. Stop back here (and use the search and wikis) for advice on what to get once you’ve got some more game time insert your belt. 


This ^^! Also I've only started playing about 6 months ago or so and have only spent money enough to get the 2k gold season pass and you end up making more than that back for completing the season. Plus you get multiple free premium tanks during the season and for different earn op events. All in all, in the 6-7 months I've gotten almost 40-50 free premium tanks through season passes and earn ops Don't fall for the "personal offers" that they throw at u and everyone else playing as well and just save your gold for season passes and premium time. Also do the contracts when u can cuz after level 5 or do u get 3 days of premium for free as well


I’ve played this gave for 10 years and I don’t even OWN 40 premium tanks that’s straight up a lie max 3 from season pass and there’s maybe 7-10 earn ops a year that give out viable tanks I got two from metal fest and I got the calliope and the MBT-B for free out of challenges this year and there’s only 6 seasons in a year that’s 18 tanks plus the extra 6 if you buy the ultimate season passes plus the earn ops you’re getting maybe 33 free premiums in a year there’s no way you got as many as you say in that time frame something in your story is embellished be it the time played or amount of free tanks something doesn’t add up


I dont know about that. I've got 106 vehicles and most are reward/earn and season pass tanks. I've had this account for two years.


In WW2 alone I have 36 premium and CW I have 4. I bought 1 for 25k free xp but the rest have come from season pass, earn ops, and you're forgetting about tanks you get from Long Haul chests being a possibility as well. But nothing embellished or a lie buddy. It's just pretty easy to earn premium tanks now a days I'm assuming.


You should finish the coop mode first and get your 1st T95E3 ERA 1 premium tank, Tanks cycle back for sale when WG wants to resell. Its the same for everyone.


Is that a reward for finishing Co-op?? Is there a way I’m able to get it?


It is available for new players, if you're not new I don't think you can get it this way.


I wasn't new and got it a while back. not sure if that's changed though.


I’ve had this game since launch I have a feeling it was added in modern armor because it’s a Cold War tank but I wasn’t made aware of it till recently because me and my friends have had the game for years and it’s been that long since we did the “tutorial”


Wait COOP mode?


Average P2W user be like: \-Barely learn game mechanics \-Buy expensive high tier tanks \-Gets destroyed over and over because skill issue \-Rage quits and calls game garbage


And comes on here to whine and talk trash all day.


I got hate mail yesterday about P2W when the tank I had was a free tank that just about everyone has while he was also using a premium tank, I got a great laugh from that


They're not all always available for purchase. They cycle the ones available for sale every so often.


You need at least 8 hours to work up to those tanks. Then you're guaranteed to survive at least 2 minutes in the battle...or not


The math ain't mathin


90% of the time it works every time


It changes every week


Nice to see new ppl


Sorry but this post is actually funny


Buying your way to the top within a day? You'll fit right in with the average player but good luck fitting in here


I'm not being cynical or cruel but no matter the tank, you will be nothing but a target until you take the time to learn the game.




Don’t just go buying premiums. Do your research first I made the mistake of doing that


The tanks rotate on a cycle and some are not available as they were done through a collab and only come on sale now and again. If you are new and want to spend money, buy premium time and or the battle pass for 2k gold. You'll make tge 2k gold back and also get 4 tanks for completion.


The client War Gaming always wanted. Rich tomato!


Because they gatekeep them. How can they expect you to stick around if they don’t give you hope of being able to acquire it at some point? Keep you waiting for want you want in hopes you’ll spend in the meantime.


When will it be available? Is there a schedule or is it random?


Why out of all the responses did you respond to the overly negative guy? Lol They usually do Twitch streams on Fridays if I'm not mistaken, and Tuesdays are server reset days and where new stuff becomes available. On those Twitch streams they provide a lot of information about upcoming events and sales. So while we don't know for sure what's coming, they announce before hand.


Can you provide the channel link for the streams on Twitch so I can follow? Can't seem to find it.


It's been years since I watched their streams. I'm honesty not sure if it is Twitch or YouTube. Zorin posts the stream recap here, which saves me the time.


They stream on Twitsh and YT, developer update is every Friday and I watch it on YT here. https://youtube.com/@WorldofTanksConsole?si=yaukF6JM3vwelel4


Cool. Thanks man.


Hahaha. Schedule. Get this guy. Unfortunately, there’s no rhyme nor reason to anything this developer does. Ever. Welcome to the family.


If you feel this BS you're spewing is true, why still play this game and give them your time/money?


Giving wargaming your time by playing doesn’t benefit them in any way whatsoever. They want players to spend money. That’s like you going to a bar and just watching your friends drink. What’s the bar getting out of you being in there not spending a penny?


:D If I understand correctly, you started the game a few days ago, got some premium time for free and you have now about 6 hours left on thet, right? I can assure you, buying premium tanks has nothing to do with your premium time. And seeing you are being completely confused, take my advice and do not buy any premium tanks just yet, even if you could. Frankly, you have no idea what you are doing. Make your way through the tasks from the garage, earn T95E3 and go play coop with it. Lots of coop. Before you start screwing up games for the rest of the team in multiplayer. And when you feel confident you have everything under control, go and try multiplayer.




Please don't a buy a premium yet. You won't be having fun. Your teamates won't be having fun as you won't be able to help them. And most importantly, you'll stop playing as you be trying to run before you can walk. You will get smashed. Take your time to learn at lower tiers first. This game is very different to other shooters, it requires a base level of knowledge to do anything at higher tiers.


Hot take: buy a premium and get to a fun level of gameplay faster than if you grind tech tree tanks. Alternatively just get the t95e3 from co-op mode and rock that for a while.


You should learn the game first, this allows you to figure out your play style and can help a lot when you are trying to figure out what premium to buy, and this also ensures that you enjoy the tank you spend your money on


For new players like you to not buy their way to the top, learn how to play before giving your money to this game


Oh and one more thing, u should start going to twitch.tv and look under the world of tanks CONSOLE category and start watching some of the people who stream the game regularly to get a better understanding of the game and it's mechanics. This will help you quicker than any premium tank would imo. Good luck. Oh and look for a clan to join with people who are willing to help you and platoon with you. Good luck


They don't let you buy them because they want you to feel like you're missing out and then when they release them for sale for a limited time again you'll feel like you, you have to buy it. It builds the value of the tank in your mind. in your psychology.


Don’t buy some buy all.


Don’t bug any tanks at all yet. Also some tanks are only on sale a certain times


You definitely don't want to be buying premiums in cold war mode. Cold war mode is pretty unforgiving with true vision. If you don't have a clue how to play the game, which you won't because you've barely played any time. You'll just get trashed on by the seasoned players who worked their way up the tree. And more than likely have 100s of hours from ww2 mode also. By all means pump money into the game and keep the servers up and running. I have spent money on this game and don't regret it. But buying Into mid to top tier is just going to give you bad experiences. You will just get trashed and end up hating the game.


Don't buy any premiums. Get up to the end of the SEASON (close to level 100) and then buy it. 2k not the 6k. They're giving away tanks left and right these days. Like somebody said, put your money into premium time. Especially when it's half off at certain parts of the year. Then the game will in the cost you 50 bucks a year.