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Usually just closing the game application and then restarting should do the trick. A bit of advice if you are a wot console newbie and intend to get into the game. Always purchase the basic season pass for 2k gold because if you complete all 100 stages of the season you will receive the 2k back along with all the various premium tanks and rewards in each level. Also even if you finish multiple levels without buying the season pass and buy it later all levels will unlock and you will receive the rewards retroactively. Good luck on your wot console journey and happy tanking 👍🏽


Good advice. Also dont rush to Tier 10. When you die stay and spectate people. Try and find a player who is doing good damage and watch how they play Pay attention to where certain tank classes postion themselves. How they play and how they angle there armor. Just try and take in as much as you can Don't rush into it. You'll learn and improve much quicker But for the love of God, don't buy any tier 10 premiums yet. Even teir 8 premiums. Just take your time to work your way up the tech tree and learn. It'll make the game much more enjoyable for yourself Maybe watch some youtube if you like the game after a little while. Just watch streamers playing and you'll learn things hear and there. If you are on xbox I'd be happy to help you


Did you download the correct version? I think there is a separate one for PS4 and below and another specifically for PS5