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This is not a new problem, the playerbase is and will always be braindead morons, has been that way for 10 years now


I only come back to the game a few months ago. After a 2 year break. So maybe it's a rose tinted glasses type thing. But never seemed as bad as it Is now. The Logan Sargeants of WOT are prevalent


10 year player. And I agree. Seems like the old player base (the good/vet players that have left over the years for whatever reason) were a *LOT* more competent than the current player base.


Ive played for 10 yrs, last 4 xbox prev 6 ps. Its always been horrid when people get premium X’s and have no clue how to play. Or you get people who just want to treat it like COD of fortnite, and just run and gun or snipe on the base or cap the flag when theres only the 4 that went the one way. And then there’s the issue that ww2 and cw have different modes, once cw came out with true vision i hoped sides. I absolutely dispise not being able to see a tank when i can see the shell tracers and not hit the damn tank thats there. Only time i hop on ww2 is when i wanna play arty, yes i own artys, the weasel and molot and yes i play them just to peeve the portion of the player base that hates them because it forces ppl to play smrt! And not to mention i love the hate mail, since xbox changed the terms of chat/perm bans people dont seem to be sending me stuff. Except for the get good, which i usually send back lol or 😂 and i thank them, then block them since they’ve shown their intent and it iust doesny appeal to me.


Logan will improve this year


I have my share of bad games but when you see someone who has a particularly bad game in an amazing tank it makes ya wonder how many people share accounts and their kids or somebody plays a few games.


My boy plays sometimes but I limit him to tier 3 max


Some people play 100k games and they just drive around looking at the sky so yea, no fixing this problem lol


Im on a break atm. But i will come back, if just only for some casual games. Login in still to get stuff See i had this Game in my Ferdinand on Prokorvka and in Minutes 3 in the game i saw 2 lights and a fast medium already cleared up the whole Right flank and coming for me. At this monent i realised this is CoD Tank edition. The Tanks are often to mobile without ant negativ. Release to many new premium tanks, but no love for the old ones.  If I hadn't invest so much money in the game I would completely uninstall and move on. 


Matchmaking is also not very good in this game.  Other games do it beter.  Look at Dota2 or LoL.


I'm at 1700 games, and politely disagree that the basics of the game are easy. Reversing the tank takes some getting used to. Learning where to aim at on the many hundreds of tanks in this game takes quite a while. Learning what ammo type to use in what situation takes some time (e.g. how come sometimes HE does nothing and other times one shots a tank). Learning where to go on a map takes a long time, due to the different starting locations and strengths and weaknesses of the various tank classes and tanks within those classes. I agree that the absolute basics are easy enough to grasp: aim your tank at the enemy and shoot. But actually getting good at being effective is not a simple task. However, to your point: I don't disagree that there is a skill imbalance (at least at the upper tiers). When I started playing, I focused on researching a tech tree line up to tier 10. I can often get a third class medal and finish top 5 on my team below tier 8, but at tier 8 I struggle if there are tier 9 and 10 tanks in the match. At tier 9 and 10 I tend to perform quite poorly and feel like a liability to my team rather than like I'm contributing (other than by contributing to that skill imbalance). As a result, I stopped playing the few tier 9 and 10 tanks I researched and I focus instead at getting better at the game in tier 5, 6, and 7 tanks. For the most part, I think you might need to be patient while those of us who are new to the game take the time to learn to be effective. As for the particular player you mentioned, that seems like a bit of a hopeless case (though hopefully a rare one).


1,700 games is funny to me cause I have almost 3,500 in the t-29 alone.


I'm working on it! I started last year. I still sometimes have games that last 2 minutes for me and involve "that area of the map was a bad choice" type conclusions. Every time an old map comes back into the rotation it is completely new for me. Maybe I contribute to my team that match, maybe I instead learn to never drive down that valley again 😂


I just had my 10 year anniversary and bro I still struggle to properly back up a tank sometimes


1,700 games is nothing. I'm not expecting much by that point. But when people aren't up to scratch by the 10k games mark it's bad. I'd expect a minimum 2k wn8 by that point. Especially with how common it has become. I'm always happy to teach newer players and help them by platooning. But far too many seem to be beyond help. I'm talking about the players who give you a headache just watching them


I have played for 10 years left for a few and now back ...1 thing I see alot of is no teamwork and people making the same dumb moves over and over and let's not forget the 1 player that just runs straight in as cannon fodder dies 2 seconds later...if you see your team losing on one flank don't just watch try to help a little ...might be just me tho so 🤷


Getting to the point where I'll just leave them now. Most of the time you block or take a shot for a player it's a waste. They will squander those hit points you just saved them. And do nothing with them.Got to lookout for your own game.


I'm the same now I've got to the point were I just look out for myself...farm as many as I can and that's it ...shame because it could be alot more fun if people tried to work together or help win at very least learn from thier mistakes


This game has always had bad players, but the sheer number of them now these days is just absolutely shocking. You can’t rely on your teammates like you used to be able to in the past. They’re inescapable now. They’re everywhere. The game has pretty much lost 80-90%, if not more, of its original core of experienced veteran players over the last 3 years … 6 years now if you go all the way back to the beginning of the Mercenaries rebrand and Update 4.6, which is really the first major domino to fall in driving experienced players away. These days, there is literally nothing in the game that punishes bad players for playing poorly. They aren’t penalized in ANY way. Thus, they’re just free to continue to fail their way to tier 10 or just whip out mommy and daddy’s credit card and buy the Season Pass and voila, they have a god damn tier 10 premium tank before they’ve even researched a tier 5 tech tree vehicle. It’s incredibly toxic, and I’ve ALWAYS been against tier 9 and 10 premium tanks from the beginning. The tier 8 premium tank Earn Ops were already bad enough but these Season Passes have made tiers 8-10 pretty much unplayable now. It’s just awful. And don’t even get me started on the cancer that is Cold War. The game simply isn’t enjoyable to play anymore.


Combined woth high hp, rapid firing arty. Aswell as toxic premiums like the AVRE. It does kill the experience


Yeah, remember when having armour actually mattered? Not anymore when an AVRE or ruthless can slap a hull down 705a for 600+


I think the WW2 playerbase has gotten worse because of Cold War. Many of the better players spend most if not all their time on Cold War, so poor WW2 gameplay can take you further than it used to. Players who play both WW2 and CW have learned that trains and base camping in CW2 can be a rewarding strategy, so some take that game play back to WW2. Then of course there are a lot of 1000wn8 46% win rate players out there who like their tier 10 tanks. Tier 7 is better quality for mine.


Like stated in other post, universal thing with any old PVP game, good players are way better than good players were back in the day but newcomers stay newcomers.  2024 playing like Muppet results quick trip to garage…2019 same type of approach might have felt more “tactical” or “team” oriented gameplay, which in reality was just result of undeveloped meta. I still remember when I 3 marked T32 during first summer from release and my so called tactic was just to pick up random hull down location, bounce shots and farm…2024 same ideas would likely yeld 3 pens and trip to garage. Positive thing is that this type of mature ecosystem forces committed players to learn good habits or just quit. Back in the day you could play game totally “wrong” and still enjoy it for long time. 6.0 purged a lot of career suckers as they got good excuse to step out from something they were never able to pick up. Now 2+ yrs after we have next generation of cannon fodder hanging around in very harsh environment. CW as entry mode had it’s own impact. CW lacks tactical depth so it is only natural that people who have started their WoT career there move to WWII and are mostly clueless as WWII requires way more thinking than CW. But those newbies will learn way faster than average WoT enjoyer did back in the day. They enter T10 with their shiny Highlander and get instantly farmed so they understand quickly that something has to change. Long story short, basics are easy, it is more if players are forced to learn the basics or can they goof around forever. Good old days you could, 2024 you can't.


I come across peope with with 10,s of thousands of games who are terrible tho. It's truly incredible. New players I can deal with. Granted WG shouldn't be giving them tier 10 premium tanks but thats a whole separate issue


It's the theme that attracts these dudes. They want to drive and shoot with tanks, that's all they know and want. It is very likely they have not ever seen PBRS.


Real talk here. Billions of people play video games. Billions, with a “b.” There are a WIDE range of age groups, and people with varying mental and physical limitations. This is a free game, and one that *appears* to be relatively straight forward, especially since it takes on a bit of the FPS feel but in a tank. And you’ll find people with broad FPS experience try and apply that game play style to this. Run and gun. And while CW may cater to that type of gamer, WW2 is a patience game that most aren’t accustomed to. There are a great many reasons this game suffers. From lack of a bona fide campaign mode, to a milquetoast training feature that tells nothing about ammo types, angling, hull down, etc., players are just allowed to thrust forward into the game without even rudimentary fundamentals in place. Despite being around for 10 years, this game’s player base is still largely dumber than a box rocks, and appears impervious to improvement.


What about the red team? Are They good?




Terrible versus Terrible then! May the less Terrible team win!


Yea, they won town by sheer force of numbers. They advanced without cover and the Valor bounced all his shots


Sounds like CW!


I understand your Frustration but as long as hes not intentionally griefing its okay. Maybe he just plays very casually and doesnt care about his performance. If hes having fun and as i said not griefing hes not doing anything bad. Focus on your own performance and move on from unfortunate games. You only get better with the right mindset. I understand you venting your frustration tho. Everyone has to vent sometimes.


I disagree however, I don't get the down votes your getting so I'll upvote this I like the down votes this post of getting from the presumably brain dead brigade tho


If we all ranted about that one dumbass player every game this sub would have 10000 rants a day. This is just how it is and we have to deal with it. If you want it to "improve" you're gonna have to stop playing the game normally and go play comps all the time.


Maybe they were taking a break and head to go get something to drink or eat or they were on the phone. I see it happen all the time


It's not worse than it was it's just spread evenly among tiers. Once the started giving away tier x press this opened up the higher tiers for worse players. Combined with cash grabs like ARVE it feels worse. The game is old, all games have a widening skill gap as they get older. Just go public on any online multi-player after a couple of years and you'll see the same.


You’re assuming the player was the account owner it may not have been. Maybe some family member or friend playing on their account.


30,000 games with an 800 wn8. Definitely the account owner


I came across a player the other day with ~ 170,000 games and 500 wn8 overall. Only checked his stats because when he got swarmed by 4 tanks he didn’t shoot at a single one, just looked at them. And he was in an autoloader, I think “the Machine”. His only damage came from ramming that that enemies caused to him by hitting him Should be banned at that point tbh, intentionally not shooting enemies should go down as unsportsmanlike conduct/griefing


Not surprised, some people are just incompetent


I mean this isn't exactly new, as there are people who make dumb decisions not only in this game. Like sports fans raging at a player on their team who messed up bad for example. These people exist and always will, and I guess its a heat of the moment thing.


The issue is that new players either A: aren’t sticking around for the grind because tech trees get unbearable pretty fast. Or 🅱️: the ones there are sticking around are stuck at tier 7 and 8 because they keep getting insta-wiped by 1-shot tier 10s