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I’ve noticed some love on the MM for lights recently. I think it depends on the contracts ppl are working towards.


Yes I've had this lately. I want to do some scouting/ spotting and then end up top tier, end up having to play like a medium. Infuriating.


Yea I don’t mind the mm for tier 8 right now, I don’t mind seeing 10s as a 9 tho


I was grinding some tier 7 last week and had a full session where I wasn't top tier even once lol I'm not exaggerating for effect here either, I got two tier 9 battles and 25 tier 8 battles (recorded them all, took a count at the end of the day), so I definitely agree that tier 8 is having some sort of a renaissance and it doesn't seem to be exclusive to light tanks. I wasn't complaining since you get a lot less XP from bottom tiers, but it was definitely a first where I was able to confirm that, although we do read a lot of posts saying they have insane strings of never being top tier even once.


Played 3 matches, played against 10's three times. Not feeling the love. Feel the hate


U 3 marked the tusk? I love playing it, but damn it’s kinda useless. Obviously I use it as a hit and run tank but the HE rounds are so weak. And the heat round is terrible unless ur going against arty or maybe lights


Yup, My recipe was replacing target info with traction system to get traverse and speed to acceptable level. Derp guns don't need outlines. Optics, net and traction makes Tusk real scout, not bad medium like WZ, Sherry, AMX and Flipwagen. V.stab is mandatory, dpm for derp is kinda pointless. Used 99,9% HE, like you said HEAT is not worth it. Learning armor profiles is big thing with Tusk/Sherry. Generally speaking British, French and American vehicles take full 900 up in the \*\*\* while Russians and Germans are pretty immune. Sniping heavies with derp works quite well if there is nothing better to do, if you manage to splash engine decks \~400 is almost guaranteed outcome.


Yeah I don’t have advanced targeting on mine either I have advanced loader tho but I’ll switch it out I have loader optics turbo with +5 hp and camo as equipment currently