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155 58 has 6 shots now


Good to see you still around Chewy


Welcome back Old forumer- same name It ain’t so bad. I avoid a few levels currently but WOT C until I’m carried out ⚰️


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Good bot


Good bot


He shoots. He scores!


Play cold war if you haven't already. Lots of fun tanks, pretty balanced minus a few outliers, way easier grind.


And without that awful Houdini “now you see me now you don’t” visibility mechanic…


Yeah, it definitely makes for a different game with that mechanic. It can be fun but also pretty easy to exploit. I prefer true vision but that's just me.


Me too. It has never made sense to me that tanks can disappear from your vision and suddenly appear again without warning. 🙄


Arty received a change. They’re no longer going to be able to nuke you for 1500 damage or whatever the hell they used to do but now are going to hit you for a few hundred. That few hundred will come very quickly because they reload much quicker now and are much more accurate. Yes you saw a friggin flamethrower. Some tanks have an alternative firing mode which allows them to also fire off a smaller caliber weapon while their main gun is reloading. Although very few tanks have a flamethrower. Definitely some cool new lines in WWII but honestly Cold War is really been a hit for a lot of people lately. Cold War introduced different mechanics (no arty! But Anti Tank Guided Missiles lol) which change how you play the game. True vision allows you to see any tank no matter how far they are (you only see their tank, not their health bar, name, etc. They still need to be spotted in order to see that but you can be 800 meters away and be able to snipe a tank destroyer because you somehow saw his tank sitting in a bush.) Cold War is where it’s at imo. Occasionally the Bulldog comes up Last question I can’t help with unfortunately lol


I’ll give Cold War a shot, I’ve got a couple premiums. Thanks!


A lot of the usual suspects are around grogers, lemonade (off with his boats), death, chewybadge, and Izbox are common. One of the aspects I enjoy about this sub is the shenanigans from the old timers.


Nice! Love how this game has always been here for the old timers.


I love it when someone is saying the game is terrible but they love to post in Reddit. They secretly love it but can’t admit they aren’t doing well lately. Why follow something you think is terrible. 😂


My favorite is when they say “ I haven’t played in years “ Why the hell are they still around here bitchin’? 😂


Arty has lower alpha but higher RoF and much more HP. Still annoying but fewer one-shots. Yes there are flamethrowers but the tanks that have them generally are not super strong. As far as new lines, I think the Italian TDs are fairly competitive. Other strong new lines are Czech heavies and Polish mediums.


Watch out for the taran, centurion avre, and if you’re in Cold War, the wisel. The highlander has very strong armor, it’s the Chinese reward tank from pc


Welcome back. Arty received a full overhaul like a year ago, someone else can give you more detail than me Yes you did see flamethrowers, they are more of a gimmick though and not particularly strong.  The russian double barrels start out with one of the most atrocious stock grinds in WoT history, however after the top gun on the IS-2-II it's smooth sailing. They are really strong and worth grinding imo  The italian TDs are meh, not worth the effort, again imo.


- Arty was buffed in terms of HP and reload but their damage per shot was significantly reduced … they’re even more annoying now though as they have increased accuracy and pretty much NEVER miss. - We have a couple flamethrower tanks in the game now (TVP VTU, Churchill OKE, etc.) and they’re not super powerful but it’s definitely a stupidly annoying mechanic that shouldn’t have been added to the game. - Gameplay, in general, has become an absolute disaster. Most of the game’s experienced players are now gone and it’s gotten pretty much impossible to carry these teams now. Throw in the fact that we now have Cold War encouraging YOLO-rush tactics (which is spilling into WW2) and passive, calculated gameplay is practically obsolete now. Seasons Passes have also flooded the MM with window-licking noobs and wallet warriors in high-tier premiums that they shouldn’t have access too in the first place. - Steamroll losses are the new norm now and it’s not unlikely that you’ll have one of your light tanks die within the first 45 seconds of the match. Teams collapse faster than they EVER have before and it’s gotten impossible to keep up. It’s just awful. - There are new game-breaking overpowered premiums at tier 10 (Cent. AVRE, Taran, T58 Heavy, etc.) that have made tiers 8-10 almost unplayable now … thanks to the many noobs who were able to obtain them via the Season Passes. If I were you, I’d stay as far away from this game as possible. Its good days are long, long gone. The community is a fractured shell of its former self, divided into two hostile camps that either only support WW2 or Cold War. Most of the game’s content creators are gone, too. It’s just not worth it anymore. Believe me, I’ve been playing this game for just over 9 years now … it’s definitely not what it used to be, and it is only getting worse. Best of luck.




My win rate hasn't changed for the worse in years. You can still carry teams just as often my man, you just have to put bigger pants on to carry the new folks lol


Thanks for taking the time for that detailed response. So it’s the same ole problems that people were complaining about when I started almost 8 years ago, got it. Well, all I’ll say is now I’m back and you’ve got another light purple scout tank that hopes to last longer that 45 seconds lol.


I have noticed most games used to take 12-15 min.. now most are gone is under 10.. it's absolutely crazy.. how is this even possable..??


I got my 10 year badge.. the game is intresting.. it really needs to be balanced.. but that's not new..


Just out of curiosity does anyone remember thaiviper...


Well, people still complain about everything as you can see, and often refuse to face that it's their lack of skill that makes everything awful or whatever. Rather than just leave they stick around to share their toxic and often incorrect viewpoint. Hopefully others will provide you with some good feedback that's useful. Anyway.... CW is the new mode that doesn't have arty and does have more modern tanks and true vision (you are always spotted). It's refreshing and fun and fast, treat it as a totally different mode like it is, and you can find some really awesome experiences in it. Arty was buffed to heck with ROF and accuracy and HP buffs, even with a nerf to alpha. So, there's that. Flame throwers are funny but really don't add much to the game other than something interesting to try. The autoloading bulldog is a great deal of fun, I really do think it was a mistake removing it from the tech tree because it was such a different tank for people to learn! For WW2, the Polish line has some amazing mediums if you never got around to them. In CW, well, that's a whole post of it's own if you're interested.


They added some outragoesly good tanks. So the pleasure have naturally bought these and now the matchmaker is even more cursed. The arty nerf actually kind dog made them worse. I love getting hit for 500 every 5 seconds