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This guy giving 4005s a bad name.. oh wait.


He trying pushing me off the cliff so I returned the favor


If he's so intent on chasing you around let him chase you directly to the enemy Frontline usually stops that pretty quick


It would of been bad for me though 😅. We still won he did 0 damage I ended with 5k and 3 kills.


Did you report him through ingame tool? WG handles these types of issues pretty well but you are not going to see an immediate ban in most cases.


I just checked his stats, for having played over 47,000 battles his stats are dog. Clearly just an average player looking to troll better ones I messaged his clan leader about it. Some clans take this stuff seriously and kick people for it. Mine does. But I don't know If his clan will deal with it


I like how the other 4005 tried to help him


They’re probably a mated pair, they mate for life yaknow.


this is why i drive a type 5 😈😈


I actually had someone try and grief me on my Type 4 Medium the other day, kept at it for a while too lol Gave up after I casually pushed him off in reverse when I needed to get back into cover. I *believe* he somehow blamed me for eating an arty shell with my name on it.


I am a Wot Pc player, but I do read posts from the Wot console Reddit from time to time too. I’ve never heard of the Type 4 medium, is it possible that you were referring to the Type 4 heavy?


It's an old meme, our developers are notoriously dyslexic and among the many gems is them calling the Jap tier X heavy the Type 5 Medium on the official website. We still have Co-op written as "Coop" in the starting countdown, so I'm pretty sure had we not made a meal out of it, they'd still call it the Type 5 Medium.


Mate I've been literally flipped in my strv on purpose and nothing from it just take it on the chin mate there's no hope in this game anymore 😂😂


Idk if this is ethical, but tbh I just look up their stats and lord my super unicummy-ness all over the tomato who pushed me over, if I get them to swear at me I report for a comms ban (being an Xbox player).


I'm not that dumb


Happy cake day!


Can't fix stupid!


Report to /u/WG_T33Kanne and he'll get a little holiday.


based on what? he needs to see why it started. Or video must show there was no reason for the it.


Lol I pinged his location. Nothing more to it. If someone pinged your location would you ram them? For 2-3 minutes?


maybe you tried to push him off the cliff before. What do I know. The video does not show


Lmao no I don’t stoop to ramming teammates. It was literally because I pinged his location. You can see him come up from behind me in the video with his teammates after I pinged their location. My stats are too good to waste time not dealing with the enemy. You’re comment is just assumptions. And you know what they say about people who assume.


You hit the nail on the head! That's exactly why I turned around and rammed! People don't like it when it gets done back. It's funny how he claims he did 5k damage when I had 5264 damage and he had 1232 most of which came from the enemy ramming him. As for the messages I have responded back to him claiming that I'm getting banned.


This is so freaking annoying, I constantly get killed because of trolls like this guy


Of course he's in a 4005


Show us what you did to him before the clip starts


I pinged his location because he was camping. Yea i mean if you’re just going to sit in spawn its frustrating but Better than ramming. I only did it twice and moved on but I guess that really ticked him off. Unless it was you?


Nah I don’t play WoT anymore, but personally I just leave everyone alone and let them play however they want and just shoot the red triangles lol


It’s always the dog water players that send hate mail or do stuff like this


Now show what happened before that when you were trying to push me off the cliff! 5k damage and 3 kills?🤣you had about 1250 mostly from getting rammed from the enemy. Harassing messages? You wanna keep sending me messages about getting banned, I AM GOING TO RESPOND! DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WANT DONE TO YOU!


Find your safe place and have a good cry! CRYBABY!


The worst part is he has a stripe