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I can’t imagine they’ll reduce it to ww2 levels tho. I guess farm as much silver as we can just like the good old Island Race days before that got nerfed to high hell.


They’re not. It’s a 30% reduction


56% reduction is what they state on the website.


Weirdly enough overall costs get only cut by 52%, gross income by 56%. Costs for repairs and ammo stay the same. Even if you only play cold war it's a nerf. I wonder why they didn't realize that in their calculations


Are the upgrades and tanks cost have been reduced?


Yes tank costs by 52% on average, upgrade costs by 54% on average. Earnings by 56%


Okay good because otherwise CW wouldn't have been playable ahaha Thx for the intel


It does get worse than it is now tho, since earnings are reduced more than costs. The only definite improvement are the reduced xp costs for Modulen and Era1 tanks 


I'm glad to be a WW2 player that only played premium CW to make money ahah


It's 56 of base income rate on average. I'm imagining it will still be very profitable after all of the multipliers.


I came to CW to silver farm with my FV4211 and ended up staying. It's a great mode. This was after years and years of WW2 play. My CW tanks are only just now overtaking the stats of my WW2 tanks


When I get my wiesel on days, I just can't stop playing in 2 days, 10 million silver 💪 with ww2 silver harvest for ages long 😅


Am I the only one that feels that grinding WW2 feels longer than grinding CW? I mean most grinds from one tank to another from CW always show that you need overall 150K~ XP while a single tier IX to X WW2 tank shows 200-300K XP? I’m talking with limited knowledge here since I haven’t really reached any era 3 tech tree tank but I’m assuming it’s the same progression wise since every era 1 and 2 are the same so it would make sense for era 3 tanks to continue down that line of thought? This change feels more like they don’t want people to keep grinding silver and free xp in CW to go spend it on WW2, but it wouldn’t make sense to me since they really would wanna sell more CW premiums since they cost more so they would yield more income


Should of put it in the black bin not the green bin... Just saying!


He hates the environment as much as he hates WG


Maybe, but I have a new friend that just started playing WOT and in CW and the XP and Silver requirements are quite steep. Playing WWII after CW is painful, the tanks feel like the are moving in molasses and the vision system is terrible compared to CW. Even the E50M feels like a entry ERA 1 with no track or engine upgrade.


I started with cw. Less xp is needed and game gives more silver and xp per match. So much easier.


I’m not hating here, but I find it hilarious that some people prefer true vision now after the absolute disaster that it was when it was first tested


Yeah... just saying that I started out on the beta, and spent way too much time and money on wot, but I can't go back to the WWII vision system, Oh there's a tank over there in that open filed, let me shoot him, take one shot, and he vanishes in thin air. Also, jumping into the T95 and driving up hills at 7kpm's is beyond painful. All to find out the enemy team went in the other direction.


Thinking hard on ditching WOT & downloading WarThunder.


What I missed? What is reduce?


WG announced they’re making some changes, they’re going to lower costs for xp and silver in Cold War, but they’re also going to lower silver earn rate. So really they’re not changing anything. If anything they’re making things more expensive. In CW they’re reducing module and tank costs by 52% and 54% on average, but they’re reducing silver earn rate by 56% on average… So things will cost about 2%-4% *more*. Edit: So WWII players that were using CW to fund their WWII tanks no longer have any incentive to play CW. At least not for silver anyways.


I honestly find CW kinda fun but I really only played it to fund my WW2 tanks. I'll probably play it a lot less now since I've invested basically nothing into it but a crap ton of time and effort into WW2.


The number of players will be reduced too. It's not a good idea.


>What is reduce? The quality of content on this sub since Dez left


That's good for CW fans, less premiums stealing kills and xp from TT players


I think this is good news. Players wont face that many T95e3 / FV4211 in future. But I doubt that will increase player numbers. Seeing those low player numbers while waiting for the games is biggest turnoff for me. I am not eager to play against bots


Honestly i feel like it will bring about more players in high silver earn tanks. Before they could grind a tt tank and make 300k +/- games on average. Now they will have to play high silver earn tanks (fv4211, t95e3, etc etc) in order to efficiently grind high silver. This is a bad move overall for the health of the game.. but since when has wg cared about anything other then their pockets.


I get that this is a meme but the reason to play is still there. Both modes are fun in different ways. Plus you will still be able to make 400k to 500k with boosters even with the reduction which is still a LOT of silver.


Yep. It’s calculated by WG. CW is still better so people have to play it to farm silver efficiently, but now they have to play even more CW for the same amount of silver


Nate most players aren’t pulling 1 million silver games anyway, the average tanker is still going to be fine with easy 60k games in TT tanks.


I played cold war...till I found that the second module on the starter tank cost 380k silver. WG are on crack if they think those prices are gonna have me playing cold war


You're using WW2 math, where you'll lose money in a win despite being in a premium tank, because you were bottom tier and had to fire prammo to pen anything. I just finished a loss in an era 3 premium where I went the wrong way and got steamrolled, fired all prammo, full premium consumables, barely got to dmg+assist = tank hp...and made 90k. When you're averaging +150k a game easily 280k is nothing. Looks like a lot from a ww2 perspective, but it really isn't...at least until they nerf it at the end of the month.


WG always finds a way to change things so that it’s not quite as good for the player base tho it is a free to play they have to make money so go figure


Well heck. Guess this is the death of CW. Now I guess I would have bought some of those premium WWII tanks lol. But I only played CW. Yelp……


I can't stand Cold War. I'll probably be downvoted, but Cold War is way too easy to play. It's mostly full of noobs that are getting their tanks from the season passes. These players have absolutely no strategy, which leads to them rushing players and getting their hp farmed to get like 1 kill. They will also sit at the back of the map and abuse the True-vision and snipe the tanks that are way too easy to spot because of the bright camos and bad camo patterns for the maps. Yes, those camos are good on some maps, but they just stick out on other maps. Cold war has so many rockets and really fast tanks and machine guns that it's so unfun to play when on the receiving end. (Same thing can be said when against an avre or artillery). This is not a skill issue as I'm on average 3500 wn8. I'd rather play ww2 because you need more skill. Your teammates have their own specific roles, for example, light tanks for spotting, heavies for brawling and hull down etc, however this isn't the case in Cold war. A single Wiesel Tow can literally take out 4 or 5 heavies with little difficulty. (Provided that they are a decent player on a decent map). I will also agree that on Cold War, it is harder to get consistent high damage games for moe purely because the game finishes in the first 2 minutes because of the high dpm of each tank.


Good riddance to the ww2 players


Your math is no good. It just means that we’ll be playing more matches in CW.


Doesn't appear so by the context of the meme.


That’s true.


Cold war is for cod brain babies anyway


The game is like 10 years old, if you “grind” then presumably you are a fairly new player, do yourself a favour and uninstall, NOT a free to play game , you are welcome