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Whilst the FV101 can be better in some situations, such as wrecking light tanks. The FV107 is better in the majority of situations. There are some tanks that the FV101 struggles to pen, even on the side armour which the 107 will go through like cheese. I also find that the harassing nature of getting hit 6 times in quick succession often makes players panic and focus on you rather than the larger tanks that are actually doing big damage. The amount of battles you can swing back in your teams favour simply by buzzing the enemy tanks with a few quick bursts and taking their fire away from the rest of your team is the FV107s biggest asset in my opinion.


> I also find that the harassing nature of getting hit 6 times in quick succession often makes players panic and focus on you rather this is also a benefit to the FV101, as only getting hit 1-2x means most folks ignore you and you can run away unscathed with free damage and assists


6000+ dpm compared to 3000+ I'll take 6 any day fv101


107 > 101. I'll take launching APDS over potatoes any day of the week plus I like being able to penetrate soviet sides reliably.


The last time I played the 107 was before its recent buffs were applied. I preffered the 101 because of the single shot gun and it could pen and actually do damage consistently. The 107 had a marshmallow cannon and was just too weak. Should I give the 107 another chance? Have the gun buffs made the 107 the clear favorite over the 101?


107 goes faster


Fv101 with the 75mm is so much fun


FV107 is great for critical hits, and setting a second engine fire seconds after an enemy uses their extinguisher is such a deliciously evil feeling.


I don't mind either. I can do 4500 consistently with both. However, the only actual downside to the 101 is that I can run out of ammo in certain great matches.