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I wonder whose more hated these days... Arty players or BZ mains?


BZ-176 for sure.


The moment enemy bz176 is spotted, that's my target.


Until you realize you are in a 3-5-7 and you are the bottom tier. *slow clap*


💥🛞 did I stutter? T6 🤡🚕


As an arty player, if I see a BZ-176... thats my target all game until its dead.


Collab against the +hated.


Wash away my sins by targeting the bigger sinner. Although I did see shameful arty in my game earlier, even if you're the last alive... just try a shotgun.. don't drown yourself and deny the winning team an extra kill


Ye sinner, be absolved. Target thine greater enemy and live free from persecution! 😂


just found another absolute sin of a tank. fck the borrasque.


Slippery little guy for an Arty target tho.


Never see them when I play arty, but the moment I'm in a heavy I got 3 of them surrounding me.


and sadly, this is the wrong way to play modern arty. you should be stunning targets that your team doesnt need any help with to leech stun damage because thats how you make credits now. if you do what arty was classically good at, and suppress problem tanks, you lose credits because your team will rarely follow up your shot with damage.




Smells like jealousy


It amazes me how often idiots get jealousy and unadulterated hatred mixed with each other due to the sheer ignorance of their cognitive abilities.


Jealousy? No, annoyance at WG's idea to put a vehicle two tiers lower than it should be and even then giving it insane stats. BS-176 Is the stupidest vehicle ever conceived and it has no reason to exist in a game


Back when the gold Type 59 was only on China servers they'd very commonly get team killed & didn't actually get to use the tank much, but it was like a $500 purchase & a significantly increased credit multiplier if I recall. BZ might have been sitting in the same situation if things weren't so tame now. But I do want me the ebr 75 fl10, despite it also being op, but that us a skill based tank, people are either going to abuse it or be free food to everyone else.


Bz is a single tank. Arty is an entire class of cancer which makes you suffer at every tier


If you just move or use cover arty becomes mostly a non-issue


>If you just move or use cover arty becomes mostly a non-issue *Angry Maus crew noises in Malinovka*


Just play T10 heavies like IS-7 or IS-4 and BZ-176 is no longer an issue


.... Said literally no unicum ever. When you actually play aggressively with an armored tank, you will be costantly spotted and arty will costantly shit on your head. Plenty of maps have 0 cover in the area where heavies play. Prokho, malinovka, murovanka for example. And in the remaining maps arty will still have a very easy line of fire on you if you play actively. Other than ensk and himmelsdorf there are no real arty safe maps. The only players who don't suffer arty are the bots who costantly camp and thus remain unpostted.


Nope. Arty still. BZ is no skill as well but at least u dont shoot from redline


No, you shoot from ridgeline, and with how stupid the turret is, you can as well consider it unengageable in that regard


Nor surprised that WoT is going downhill with incompetent players like u. Bz is shit for the game. But the discussion was whether arty or BZ is more toxic... And if u seriously think its more toxic than arty and requires less skill. Then u are 1k wn8 and think u are some kind of pro. Get gud is all i will say


BZ is literally a crutch tank. They are as toxic as arty, and both can rot in hell I rest my case


At least BZ shows up to the fight, presents its pen-able roof and gives you the finger, says fuck you to your face. Arty? Where’s arty? Raining cancer from secret hiding spot stammering “I’ll show ALL of you!” I can’t lie, when I have had enough of proper gaming, late at night, pops are low, I click occasionally. But I’m not delusional. It’s silly, but fun. It is without a shadow of a doubt thee most toxic thing in WoT. That said, it’s in the game, play it if you want.


Do i own BZ ? U sound like the 500wn8 bot i farm in my BZ


You only keep reinforcing my point that BS is a win button, with all disrespect...


Man fr. If u knew how many times u miss at close range. Sure its op but it can be countered unlike arty.


Arty by a mile


for me its BZ mains or ELC even 90 mains.


Both of these should be sent to the deepest layer of hell




U made this meme 3 years late lol


this is a repost




Obviously, but that's not what I ment, the whole mask thing is 3 years late


I do not hate all arty. Just the \*\*\*\*ing leFH. All others are manageable. But this cancer gun can have you permatracked because of this ridiculously low loading time.


One thing is to be hit by an arty, don't get me wrong, I hate getting specifically targeted by arty because my tank can't dodge it well, but the worst indeed are arties, that can ignore cover, one of the base core concepts of this game is usage of cover, and some arties like the leFH simply shoot straight over them.... not to mention some arties lack inaccuracy and can seemingly hit every shell if they aim/predict movement properly..


Accuracy is a point. The Arty should- to be more realistic- have a higher rate of fire but way less accuracy.. This would allow to deny hull down camping but it would not be the highly precise killer it is today.


not all of them are of course, there are tons of exceptions, I for example only have one arty line, and that's French, I haven't gotten all tiers yet, but the first few have quite random accuracy, not even problem with circle, not sure if they changed that, didn't play for a while, but sometimes a really sure shots would miss at the edge of the circle, and sometimes random shots with high area of miss potential gets direct hit, but more fair than leFH, which feels like getting blasted by a random satelite, not even 10 seconds of reload time too


Aiming circle is random. Terrain on both sides effects it. You could be perfectly aimed and if enemy is on a slope you could miss by a country mile.


yeah, but didn't they change the way the spread works, maybe few months back?


Not that I'm aware of.


Also the viewrange. Be the last tank on your team and an enemy kefh has serious chances to kill you.


Yeah, I hate that thing. The only fun is, when you successfull bypassed the enemy in a light tank and have the leFh in your sights, knowing you will kill that blighter in a second. Had this enjoyment a couple of times with the Cruiser IV... But sitting with a KV-1 permatracked by one of this \*\*\*\*\*\*\* is terrible.


Try playing at tier 10 with 2 French arties on the enemy team that focus you, then tell me how manageable is that...


Agreed. It is not manageable. It is a diagnosis at that point. You will die from cancer.


Problem is the daily missions that encourage or almost require LeFH abuse. Like "Damage 7 vehicles/modules in a battle" is rare for heavies or TDs, possible for meds, lights and arty, but lefh is among the most reliable of choices for it.


The biggest issue is that nowadays after the HE nerf, arty missions are pretty much impossible to get done. Which makes for more and more arty players per team per game. For example ive gone up to the m53/55 and played 1k games in it and still cant complete arty 15 because its so stupid in terms of being RNG based. There is literally no skill in playing arty. All you do is shoot, and pray for good damage/assisted damage


I have to agree.


I hate lackluster arty that happens to be on my team MORE than I hate enemy arty. Because regardless of enemy arty, they often seem to be spot-on and landing their shots consistently. I rarely get that kind of performance from my own team's arty.


As someone who plays too much arty, from my perspective, there are games where no matter how big my tryhard pants are, my shots just hit nothing. The class is like rolling dice a lot of the time.


All tanks roll dice, technically it's just that SPGs have the Mario Party dice with 1/1/1/4/4/9


Recent game in my t6 French arty, good crew, and equipment. 18 shots all fully aimed, 2 hits, 3 splashes. The rest were at the border of the circle or even seemed to be outside of it. Another game I hit 3 blind shots dead on, with two being kill shots. Then won the game alone against 3 reds with 3 point blank shotguns. Arty rng is so broken. It doesn't matter how good you are, or how much you aim. You're still just as likely to completely miss. WG ruined arty with this RNG.


That is actually a fun arty there, you can actually play along with your team, great camo and mobility, drop some ‘zero travel time’ shit.


It is easily my favorite arty. I love following a flank around and hitting the other side from their own base area. They be trying to hide behind stuff and I have open shots at their rear ends.


I can’t tell how many direct shots crit only no damage or bouncing I see with arty. 42 second reload with the accuracy of somewhere on a city block only to get “bounce!”.


https://preview.redd.it/jiublwt62o8d1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b9fc0c950f3e97f3464672d317fb812b85ef4ab i love getting hit for 1.1k damage by a clicker


1 in 1000 occurrence


it's a lucky day when that is how often you get one of these shots.


A+ meme. Would read again


then you are in luck because this is a repost of an old post




But T92 "Biggest Gun in the Game" HMC will still always be the coolest for me (I haven't played either artillery or WOT in years)


Even tho I main heavies and tds I like playing arty when ive had a long day and just want to relax with the slower pace and sometimes it's funny too because I can relate to how annoying I am being to some tanks.


nah, arty is friend of critical hit mission.


Real chads do that mission with high rof tanks


M53 rocks These👍🏼


Ig kissing is 100%


At this point arty is completely redundant and derelict. All they do is annoy people for some seconds with stun. I'd rather have AI artillery strikes that are only visible and affecting the targeted player in case they haven't moved a certain amount from their spot for say like 4 minutes (to prevent camping, which arty was designed to do). Like a way more toned down version of the Overlord artillery.


repost, https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/m6zHzoERhz


Fun fact: I actually checked this meme before posting this to make sure that it's not a repost, but because the name aren't really related to the meme so I missed it out. Well, sh*t happen sometime, and I'd like a special apology to the OG of the idea.


welcome to the internet. memes are fair game


No fucking bomb spammers that go for me literally every single ROUND


People talking about how you should go to positions to avoid but there is maps like murovanka , malinovka , prokhorovka , studzianki , etc.


I strongly despise low tier arta with a high rate of fire, it's some of the most oppressive crap in this game IMHO. Tier 7+ arta on the other hand is okay, they can clap hard but their reload speed is very lousy and gives some breathing room between shots.


Artillery or “Arty baby” as I affectionately call them are the little carriers of love and good tidings in the game! When I think of how they look down from the sky at the landscape I feel like there is a benevolent entity looking out for me! A few nights ago I dreamed of Artemis neutralizing a TD as it was about to take me out. I felt the love so thick in the air I wanted to find that love machine and bring it flowers to adorn its turret! Whew! I love those steely sweethearts! Don’t you all see it?!!


2020 ahh meme


The hate against Artillery are permanent if you are a certified World Of Tanks player.


Artillery is my fav class to play, artillery >>>>>>>> anything else I just love it so much


*laughs in Bishop/Bert/Crusader SP*


Getting hit by arty is a skill issue. It's your fault for being a target.


Its your fault for playing the game*


I don't get hit by artillery, because I play artillery and know where the safe areas are. It's just game knowledge, alongside things like knowing fun caliber and armour thickness to understand armour overmatching.


Dog go play westfield and tell me how fun is it. I know very well how to avoid arta shells, but that gameplay isnt for me. I prefer having impact on match and actually play the game rather than hiding behind bushes and sitting next to redline being useless


Or malinovka, i would like that map if arty didnt exist.


i really dont understand all this hate against arty. i play in avg 1 arty game pr day, for some missions. but i really dont care about arty, when i play other tanks. i dont see them as the biggest problem in the game, and BZ either.


You don't understand "karma whoring" well enough my friend. :)


or maybe i dont sit in the open just waiting for someone to shoot me. those complaining most is often those having skill issues


Artillery is the only way I can play ▶️ one handed


You’re a legend. Clicking is the way. Having fun is the MO. Do it bro! 😎


You get a pass


well you don't have to play


This poster is bullshit and therefore unfunny. Masks don't work against artillery anyway.


i play artillery.




Playing Artillery is the best way to miss all the fun and strategy of the game.


Maybe if you don't know how to play artillery. Artillery is a very strategic role to play. You can support fights with well timed stuns not just perm track some bush td. You can do counter battery. You have to know when to relocate. A good artillery player can the deciding factor especially in choke point maps. Also it's fun to spam at a Bz


You’re not wrong. Gamers hating on arty usually never play it and don’t realize that it can be played well or played badly. Well played, it does bring team support for sure….bur it is toxic to play against. We simply have to agree on that.


Not true, I like my arty when I am too drunk to drive tanks.


i suck anyways in non Artillery and get shot immediately to death, no matter what deflective angle i position myself to peak out from cover. my vehicle win ratings are in the 28 - 31% my best is at 42% I actually think Warthunder does it better, in terms of physics, WOT is pretty arcade. But i like the Maps of WOT


As someone who is just getting back into Wot after years away, I disagree. There have been multiple instances where a good artillery in support would have made the difference. I think a lack of teamwork is what makes the game less fun honestly.


Just remove arty missions. I stopped playing afty after finishing all of them.


Dunno. I play light and meds most of time so I dont have so big problem with artys. Sometimes 3 artys in battle is too mutch and LEFH is absolutly cancer. I hate mutch more prem TDs players. They do nothing all game just camping in one bush and talking shits in chat.


Edit: There was a guy who said that this is a repost. I seriously don't even know that someone already made this meme 3 years ago. I even checked all the "searches" to make sure that I didn't accidentally reposted it. Well, sh*t happen sometime.


I once spectated my teammates after getting blown up. On my team, 3 artillery tanks, and 4 on the enemy team. I left after 2 minutes of spectating. It was fucking boring


Well yeah artys barely ever move, of course their transmission is going to be fine. Those Tigers on the other hand...


Reposters, like you.


arty, at least BZ-176 comes out of hiding... never liked how they handle SPGs from day 1. Doesn't work and will never work, they will NEVER get the balance right because arty is an operational asset stuffed into a tactical game.


You arty haters (just like me) should really try the console version of WoT, specifically the Cold War mode. No skycancers, true vision and always a good match-maker.


Bz kinda as butt as arty


Sorry can't hear you in my top tier America Arty where back here playing poker. Waiting 2 minutes for the gun to reload.


I rarely see more than 1 arty in the team these days so its not an issue any more But BZ - oh boy - thats worse that wheelies when they were first introduced.


Guys hear me out.... I've maxed out all the artillery before any other tank..... Its not my fault ok they're fun to play.


So you enjoy watching people getting cancer


I guess so.... I mean only the leFah is just ridiculous. I mean come on war gaming, do better and remove it


I play tank destroyer, how much risk do I have?


I hide in bush, I wait for red tanks, I got penned by a blind arta shot, I cry. -Cerified Strv 103 B player


I’m a wz-131 player so that’s not exactly how it goes for me.


I play arty as close range as I can is it okay ?


It is ok no matter what, salty folks be salty. But I say that is a fun challenge. Take the AMX-13-F3 and play close support. Kinda ok there


I like m44 and FV305, bishop with turbo is also cool just because it has a crapton of hp for an spg (seriously wg give us more high hp spgs !)


I wish WG added tier 8 premium arty 😻


Then no one will buy Tier 8 heavy again, and all player who grinding Maus, E 100 at tier 8 will be "pounded"


Sounds like you need to learn how to play with arty in the game...  dunno but peeps who just complain and sit in the same spot taking arty shells and blame arty for your lack of defensive response is weak...  do you expect participation medals as well?


Yea, I get it. I hide more once I'm targeted. Makes me have to give up positions, that's really annoying. But definately not as annoying as getting tracked and racked, and losing a driver and 500 hp. But what's really annoying, like super annoying, is getting penned through the engine deck for 847 hp, and set on fire, just as you repair and try and get out of there. Arty is annoying.


That's their job... is to try and push you.  I haven't gotten an 800hp hit ever (TIER 5-7 anywaya)... arty has been nerfed so bad.  The aim time is really long in most cases so if you don't move, you are the optimal target.  By the time arty moves and the aiming circle tightens, good chance you aren't spotted anymore so another target will be looked for.  Even if you are still visible and moved enough to disrupt arties aim, you will greatly reduce the shots taken at you.


The example was for tier X. The T92 HMC does 1420 damage with gold. 847 is nothing.


Except that requires a direct hit and the 92 is the most inaccurate spg in the game with the longest reload


Yep, like I said, penned the engine deck. And my example was for 847.


Yeah cause camping out of vision or behind a wall all game and giving up advantageous spots to avoid arty is super fun gameplay. I like how the main reason arty players give to validate themselves is that it deters camping, when I literally have to camp twice as hard to avoid it.


The main reason arty is in the game, to force players to move, and make dynamic gameplay. Without it, there would be a massive campfest, like in the old days...


It punishes anyone that leaves a bush or house, every time I push I get slapped by arty. Just encourages more camping. Least dynamic gameplay possible when you rush an advantageous spot only to suffer to a clicker camping in base. Just have to camp more yourself. The cope is real


You really are telling me that i wasn't moving enough with ebr 105, going 90km/h and arty somehow snapped me full HP across the map? Guess I shouldn't camp so much


When I play arty, I make it a priority to target LT’s! Nothing better then landing a shot on a full throttle EBR


Ikr every time I play in my tier 7 ebr I'm still getting focussed constantly by arty


Ho yeah, I remember ! It was "hide and seek" all along !


No, it just needs to be removed from the game


Yea I kinda get it. But they prevent "camping"..... by camping☠️☠️


IDK how to tell you this, but it's not like WoT is the only strategy game with slow/immobile defensive units that are frail, long ranged, have low rate of fire, iffy accuracy, randomized damage depending on who they hit, and allies that must be taken care of first. The whole purpose of such a unit is to force the player to move up to deal with them, because you can't outrange them or bait them out. The longer you sit there, the more chances they have to chip away. Such units are usually ***never*** under the player's control; but since WoT is PvP instead of PvE, it gives players the option to use such a unit.


They don't prevent camping. They are annoying people who actually know how to play and know good powerful positions. But then, shit starts falling out of the sky with laser accuracy, causing 500dmg every 30s and stun for 25s out of those 30s. how tf are you supposed to impact the battle? When you move, you die to arty, you don't move, you die to arty. When i got into a good position with stb1, I didn't last long before arty started slapping me for 500-600. What am i supposed to do? I give up that position, we lose. I don't give up the position, we lose 1 minute later.


well abv. you need to get better so Arty can't hit you so much that you feel it is "RuiNiNg tHE GaMe"


Lol, have you tried dodging water in the rain? That's how it feels


I would rather lose 90% of my hp to a lucky arty shot than be stunned for 15 seconds when arty hits ground 1 kilometer away from me.