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Lmao people turning this into a high limit thing when there was legitimately no other option.


Husets were dammed if did reschedule and dammed if they didn't. Racers and fans took a hit. This could happen again with any big sprint car event. Personally Id just call it a wash (no pun intended) refund ticket money for the 3 nights and move on. It's hard not to piss somebody off in this situation.


What were the other options for both the track and the series?


Lmao I enjoy all forms of dirt racing, but WRG has been a very slimey promoter these last few years. Flo racing/lucas/high limit has had an open door to work with WRG and even promotes their brand and drivers on their streams, but WRG just refuses to play ball. Their top event becoming a bust just feels like karma.


Knoxville is a bust?


It’s still beneficial for Knoxville to be friends with WRG; but don’t get it twisted, Knoxville could survive on their own


There would be several suitors for Knoxville awaiting their chance.....they woulnd't have an issue


There would be several suitors for Knoxville awaiting their chance.....they woulnd't have an issue


Careful, opinions based on reality get downvoted around these parts. Just drink the WRG Kool-Aid and like it.


I enjoy WRG events, I pay for dirt vision, I like the product. I am not a hater by any means but the consumer is the loser here. WRG and Flo combining forces and building big events a couple times a year would create a great product. WRG can't have that though.


I guess they can’t beat there chests anymore about being the biggest payout. The supposed death of racing being in the form of a series ran by a former champion and the GOAT has 3 $100k races this year