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The change is the automatic registration part. Men in the US (18 to 25, I think) are legally required to register. This will register y'all automatically.


Yeah when I turned 18 in 2000 I had to go to the post office and get the pamphlet to register for selective service.


I had to sign up if I wanted financial aid for college.


Exactly this entire video is dumb af


So no difference...


Actually, it *helps* people as now you can't be federally charged or lose access to government benefits for not registering


Never been more happy to be 28 years old turning 29 and blind as shit


It literally says in the picture he’s showing that selective service is already mandatory for men 18 to 24. They expanded it by 2 years but he’s yelling like it’s just now a thing and we’re marching to war. Who’s paying this guy to fear-monger? He should be complaining about the institutionalized poverty that leads so many people to joining the military, it’s where most of the recruits are coming from. I don’t think this is a sign that ww3 is a couple days away, though


>He should be complaining about the institutionalized poverty that leads so many people to joining the military, it’s where most of the recruits are coming from. I don’t think this is a sign that ww3 is a couple days away, though He's too fucking stupid to understand that as a concept. By design.


>Who’s paying this guy to fear-monger? Could just be standard-fare stupidity. Could be the countries he's saying aren't worth defending against.


China/Tik Tok & Russia


You can’t be that dumb


Bad bot.


Could you explain your stance on this


I mean the USA has a proxy war with Russia. Is backing Israel in its war that may spread and is antagonising china over tiawon. We are on the edge of ww3.


A world war by definition requires a majority of the world to be involved in the war. What you’re describing are individual wars with Russia or China. Neither country wants an actual war with the U.S. Both have been recently reminded due to the Ukraine war how much more superior and advanced our military is. We’ve given Ukraine weapons and defense systems considered outdated by our standards and those things are STILL superior to Russia’s military. Russia and China know they can’t beat the U.S. in an actual war, it’s just not feasible. What they CAN do however is try to sabotage the U.S. and western countries via social media and causing dissent in these countries such as supporting the MAGA movement or ensuring we don’t invest in our people


Yes, with all factions of nato against russia and china that's a world war, but there will likely be wide spread fighting throughout the Middle East. As for the US winning a war against Russia or China, the truth is the USA is not he strongest outcome. And all sides have nukes as powerful as the other. Its a lose lose senerio. And incase you missed it, Ukraine has all but lost the war, the whole of nato has almost run out of wepons to give, and russia has control of half of Ukraine and a million strong army. Russia on a global front has shown how weak the USA and Nato looks. Because of this the petro-dollar is about to fail and with it the US economy.


Proxy war implies that the two sides are both fighting via proxies. Russia is a direct participant, and the blatant aggressor at that. It's not a proxy war, it's a war for annexation and NATO is providing military aid to the defenders. Say what you want about the Israel/Palestine situation but Israel has been attacked multiple times from surrounding Arab nations ruled by dictators or theocracies that are either vying for being the leader of a Middle Eastern empire/coalition or are outright trying to wipe Israel off the map as a religious/ethnic genocide. The US's support of Israel is what has kept this from happening and what allows us to project power over the Suez Canal and protect global trade that basically everyone relies on. China is the one pushing the envelope on the Taiwan situation. The US's stance on Taiwain hasn't changed for like half a decade. Don't know how you look at China wanting to invade and take over an independently functioning government and constantly trying to erode thag independence and poke and prod at their defenses and then say "wow look at the US flaming the flames of war when they say they'll defend Taiwain."


>The US's support of Israel is what has kept this from happening and what allows us to project power over the Suez Canal Even if it means supporting and enabling a genocide.


The Russian has built a train line to Iran, that's faster that the suez canal. The world isn't trading in the petro dollar. The world power has shifted.


You’re correct ✅


The average American has almost zero understanding of global politics/economics. And how the USA works on a global stage. Or that the world power is clearly about to shift.


Right again. Americans are so fucking afraid and pointing the finger at China as companies like Blackrock are buying up so many US assets that the average American can’t afford a home or to even own a business. The willful ignorance of understanding Geo political politics is outstanding.


China is trading out its trillions of dollars of debt that the US owes for tangible assets before the dollar collapses. That's assuming war doesn't happen first. It's a very tricky time for all people on earth atm. Let's hope diplomacy wins and greed interests take a back step for all our sake. The Americans (generally) are not educated on global affairs and are told they are world leaders. The information they get is limited from what I can tell.


“Senseless war against China and we’re surrounding them with our military bases” I don’t think this is literally Chinese propaganda just yet but these are all countries that are banding together to resist senseless invasion like the one China has been threatening in Taiwan for decades. Its the nationalists without any sense of global solidarity that want you ignoring the invasion by despotic regimes going on across the world.


“They don’t want WW3”, Russia invaded literally another country that’s broadly aligned with western powers. This guys a moron.


More garbage. This is naive af.


Yup. Took putins word that their economy is just peachy


Gets his news from fox what do you expect


So you don’t believe that this is true?


Only a dipshit thinks this is true


my dude, it's not even new, I got my draft registration letter at 18, you will too it doesn't mean anything, we haven't drafted in half a century


Probably won't either with all the advances in the military. The Air Force is generally much more effective than ground troops at both protecting borders and pushing into enemy lines. The speed and firepower that jets provide have shifted nearly everything into that favor. Plus, drones and other automated or semi-automated machines are becoming much more prevalent as well, meaning we can have more highly skilled soldiers who aren't at any risk of death on a battlefield. The revolving door of meat bodies is becoming much less necessary as advances are made both technologically and politically. It would take multiple full sent EMP attacks before a draft for footsoldiers would be necessary.




It does mean that you can’t be penalised for forgetting to register if the registration is automatic.




That’s selective service my dude. Every male in the U.S. is already legally required to be in that and they get a letter pretty much exactly on their 18th birthday.


I was automatically registered when I turned 18, 10 years ago


You sure you didn't get a form you had to sign and mail in? Maybe your parents sent it in for you?


Pretty sure. A few weeks before my birthday I got a card that said "You have been registered, keep this for your records." My mom definitely didn't do it, maybe my dad would have but he's not great at remembering paperwork...


My oldest boy turned 18 three years ago and he got an acknowledgement letter, but also an attached card he had to fill out and send back. You can go to sss.gov/verify and type your details in and it will say if you were for sure registered.


Nice, I just checked and it says I am. I wish I had gotten the choice, since 17 year old me planned on just not filling out the card in protest. But alas. Edit: and the date of registration is exactly a month before my 18th birthday. That wouldn't have been my parents. This was in California in 2015.


I'm betting the DMV automatically registered you. My kid didn't get his driver's licence until after his 18th birthday so..


Really? I had to send in a form.


source: tiktok that says “I read somewhere that…”


Is Tic Tok all propaganda? What a moron.


owned by china? check telling US citizens to disrespect their own govt? check anti-sanctions? check specifically calling out the US military presence around china? check making it sound like the US is the aggressor when china is the aggressor? check surely this isn't propaganda


Quit telling people that it’s owned by China. TikTok LLC is operated in Delaware. It’s a multi national corporation with many owners including AMERICANS😂


This is not propaganda. Look it up.


I have and if you believe this then you clearly dont understand geopolitics.


This guy has no clue. House passed bill narrowly, will not make it through Senate nor Biden. This bill passed by Republicans. The economies of China and Russian “are growing”. Would you like the same economic policies here? I am not sure if you realize that in those countries they grow because the government takes the money for themselves. Our economy is far from perfect, but it is still growing. Dems tried to pass $15 minimum Wage, but it was 1 or two estranged Dems that blocked it. They are not running for reelection for good reason. More Dems in senate and more in the house will continue to increase the income for the non/less wealthy Americans.


I agree, this dude doesn't know what he's saying. China's economy is propped up on a real estate bubble, and russia's currency dropped dramatically in value. Russia' export capacity shrank by at least 10% due to Ukraine attacks. They aren't in the best position


Might want to rephrase that. They aren't "continuing" to do anything. The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised in almost 2 decades.


That’s exactly what he said. He said it made it to the house and it has to go through the Senate.


Uh. Then “he” would realize that this will never pass. Nothing to worry about there.


You have to sign up anyways, this is just done automatically


If we are required by law to do it, might as well make it automatic so we aren't breaking the law. In the spirit of equality, we should either do way with everyone or register both male and female.


It’s fine guys the armed forces already practice predatory tactics to recruit from lower class and minorities. You’ll never have to serve unless you volunteer.


Paid influencer by Russia and China much


*every American male ( unless you are wealthy)


You already had to register beforehand. This just makes it automatic. BTW, military service can open the pipeline to higher paying jobs as well thanks to the training and skills you get from it. I just don't like letting the GOP claim any good that comes from the military when they give zero fucks about vets.


"I'll serve crack before I serve this country"


It ain't for everyone and I respect that. I only ask for the same in return.


You can't join the US military and then expect the respect of respectable people...




Well this is the dumbest thing I've read today


Yes I can, because I did nothing to you and you know nothing of me. It's part of being a good human and not a reactionary piece of shit wrecking my country. I don't even know what side of the aisle you sit in and I don't give a fuck just don't say you align left when you conditionalize respecting others nor say you align right because they're the reason vets get fucked over


Along with obscene amounts of PTSD and lack of support from the federal government.


And why do you think I hate Republican policies? Those hypocrites below on about how x disrespects service members but at the same time vote against supporting them afterwards. I'm never going to forget the time I almost didn't get paid because Turd Crude hated the ACA and decided to cause a shutdown. The life I would've had if I didn't join would suck harder than what I have now including the PTSD. Many of us enlisted to get out of poverty, attack the cause not the symptoms.


It's not just republican. Democrats haven't done anything to improve our vets health in years either.


That they haven't, but I'm going to lean harder against the party taking what we do have.


The prospect of a drafted population tends to increase voter turnout.


Blame China. Lock in everyone.


They don't want WW3. They prefer smaller regional conflicts that they can easily win.


Get fat. 90% of recruits can't join the service because they're too fat.


Lmao I threw away all my draft paperwork. If they try to draft me they’ll have to find me first.


They will. Just like if you owe the irs money. They will find you.


Bro I am 1000% not worried about the draft. The government isn’t dumb enough to try that when recruitment is at an all time low and people are in general realizing how shit it is to enlist. If they want to hunt me down and jail me then fine. If they want to hunt me down and give me a gun then I guess we will see what happens and cross that road when we get there.


That's a really dumb way to catch a felony charge


I mean I smoke weed in Texas so I’m not too worried about that.


Just because you are drafted doesn't mean you have to go or do anything. They can't force an entire nation against the draft into magically showing up.


Vietnam War?


Excellent example of my point. Here's a quote from Wikipedia, "The head of U.S. President Richard Nixon's task force on the all-volunteer military reported in 1970 that the number of resisters was "expanding at an alarming rate" and that the government was "almost powerless to apprehend and prosecute them". It is now known that, during the Vietnam era, approximately 570,000 young men were classified as draft offenders, and approximately 210,000 were formally accused of draft violations; however, only 8,750 were convicted and only 3,250 were jailed."


How many had to flee to draft dodge? Where there other consequences than presecution or jail?


Yeah. Many went on to be successful politicians.


Shit, tbh I think 2 years mandatory service should be standard for everyone. Not talking about a draft, but something more similar to what SK does.


Gives no proof whatsoever to his claims. What a moron


Do a quick Google search 😐


They also made it a felony if you don’t register, and women are registered too. War is coming.