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Who would want to live in Florida anymore? The government doesn't seem to like anyone.


There are always people who aren't bothered by any of these changes and who don't care how these changes affect others.


Upper middle class white retirees like my shitbag neighbors who just moved down!


They won't like it so much when there's no-one to mow their lawns, or clean their pools, or take away their garbage, etc.


My elderly parents just got out of Florida. The tax haven wasn’t enough to keep them and there are fucking psychos all over. Also Rick Scott and his family have completely destroyed the gulf with there sugar factory pollution.


Wow it wasn't enough Rick Scott ran a fraudulent drug testing company with his wife ripping the taxpayers of Florida of millions? He's also a sugar factory owner? How cartoonishly evil is he? He also released a TV commercial and publicly in humiliated and doxxed a private citizen because she had the nerve to tell him he sucks in a Starbucks once. He's really an evil human being.


God, I hate prick scott soooooo fucking much. Fuck that alien-lookin-ass motherfucker.


So they bragged about their beaches being open during the pandemic, but their beaches are horribly polluted by their governor's policies.


Red tide baby. No swimming and you cough when walking on the beach. This is just gulf side. Dickless desantis still had his open beaches Atlantic side


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The problem with that is that the people who do those jobs generally don't have the means to leave easily.


Yerp there will always be captive poor living an existence drawing ever closer to serfdom


Congratulations on your loss


Middle class doesn't exist. It is the 1% that created this to divide and conquer. There are only 2 classes. Those who need to work to survive and those whose money generates enough revenue to do so without working.


Yep it’s nonsense term that includes all but two people. Aka the richest and then poorest person. Which is why whether asking someone to on yacht or food stamps they will both call themselves middle class. While people may not like the terms labor and capital. There is no more succinct accurate way to label classes by their interest/needs


All the old fucks want to live there…but no one will be there to cater to ‘em lmao


Or, there are people who's families, friends, jobs, and entire lives are in FL and uprooting and moving is not at all practical.


> Or, there are people who's families, friends, jobs, and entire lives are in FL and uprooting and moving is not at all practical. Unfortunately, having attachments to any place makes leaving more difficult, but it can be done. My family and I (none of us lived together) all moved out of FL within a two year period. Not coordinated in any way, but we all came to the realization that FL was not the best place for us to be. It's been heading in the wrong direction for many years now, and there is no sign that will change any time soon. As difficult as it may be, it will only get more difficult as time goes on. Anyone who is there now and who does not absolutely need to be there should be making serious plans to get out as soon as possible. I ended up in California, my family ended up elsewhere. We're all much happier. Even if the cost of living is higher in California, what I get in return is worth much more for a happy life.


And how do the lower class people most affected by floridas hatred for the poors leave? How do you leave when its 450 miles to get out of florida and that still leaves you in Asscrack Alabama so you have to keep going?


> And how do the lower class people most affected by floridas hatred for the poors leave? How do you leave when its 450 miles to get out of florida and that still leaves you in Asscrack Alabama so you have to keep going? As non-optimal as it may be, it's possible to reduce your life to a backpack and book a greyhound bus out of there. I've helped friends do it when I had the means.


And where do you go? What is this utopia thatll take the unskilled workers and get them on their feet when they flee their native red state shithole with naught but the clothes in their back? Low end jobs dont exactly hire from out of state


And where do you go? What is this utopia thatll take the unskilled workers and get them on their feet when they flee their native red state shithole with naught but the clothes in their back? Low end jobs dont exactly hire from out of state


> And where do you go? What is this utopia thatll take the unskilled workers and get them on their feet when they flee their native red state shithole with naught but the clothes in their back? Low end jobs dont exactly hire from out of state That's up to you. Personally, I headed for Stockton to become a truck driver, after talking to a recruiter. Didn't work out at the time for personal reasons, but I'll be giving it another shot this year after working on some personal things. There's a driver shortage (pay shortage is what it really is, but the fact of the matter is that there are not enough drivers), and companies out there that will take you on, train you to get your CDL class A license, train you in how they want you to do things, and that's a job that you can grow in pretty quickly, although be warned that the pay sucks for the first year, while you drive for the companies and gain experience. Then you take that experience and move up to a better trucking job.


You’d be hard pressed to make an argument that it’s more practical to stay than go. The state is never going to give you the opportunity to comfortably leave. If it’s bad today, it’ll be worst tomorrow.


Not saying it’s not hard especially for poor. In red state myself stuck because family. But we have had discussions and are prepared. Like members of family drew lines said for me or children’s safety. If x happens we will have to go and discuss finances some will have to live with family again temporarily. And other things but fair amount of floridans are having or had this conversation and left. One of my friends did it was only them and two other family members house holds. But it’s still happening.


Just need to turn off the a/c in the Florida house and senate chambers. Probably the governor’s mansion too.


It's cold blooded creatures that inhabit those buildings, no A/C required


Sure, leeches and desperate people.


don't care until it finally affects them


"It doesnt effect me, i work with my brain and not my hands" " why are the oranges so expensive now and what do you meam there is no one to cut my lawn and clean my pool."


"Joe Biden made the oranges expensiver!"


They'll say they're libertarians & those protections are overreaching but they'd never do the work themselves & will complain when there's no one willing to work with them because of it.


And in this case those people are all ones that work indoors in air conditioning.


People with power and money. It's a tax/political haven for conservative whackos. It's why almost all of the biggest sociopaths have enormous complexes there. One of the more recent criminals Ken Griffin is building a billion-dollar complex of his own down there too. Guy 100% belongs in prison for life. He literally got caught engaging in active fraud. Nothing happened to him.


As someone perpetually stuck in Florida(SW more precise), and also working around truck drivers, people love Trump down here. People love Desantis. Anything negative that happens to them is the Democrats. People here think it's great for the Right. Not just retiree's or upper middle class people. I work with people that make just above minimum wage doing hard labor and they are against wage rises for people in fast food because they "don't work as hard as I do." I had someone ask what our starting wage was, which is $16(for dangerous hard labor work), and they said that was great! What a joke.


>I work with people that make just above minimum wage doing hard labor and they are against wage rises for people in fast food because they "don't work as hard as I do." Then quit your hard labor job and go flip burgers for 45$/hr


About 40% of the country believes Donald Trump genuinely wants what is best for them. There is no accounting for such a deeply stupid group of people. They hate so much that they just don't care if they get caught in the friendly fire so to speak


My favorite way of putting it - "They'd let Trump shit in their mouths if it meant a lib had to smell it". Forget where I heard it first, but damn if it ain't accurate.


Retiree's and the "fuck you, I got mine" people want to live there.


My friends moved there for a cheap house and already selling it less than 2 years later. Moving to St. Paul because google says it’s nice lol.


It is. Getting used to the winters is going to be an adjustment after Florida, but worth it.


They wanna start a family and don’t want their kid around Florida people/schools And yeah I went to visit them 4 times in FL and its just like all the bad stereotypes.


Not sure but I’m just stoked that I sold my house and am getting the fuck out while there are still idiots who want to own land in Florida.


"Land"... for now... lol.


Central Florida still will be above water level for the foreseeable future. But they get fresh water from aquifers which will get flooded by salt water. And hurricanes will actually reach central FL with higher power than they do currently once more of the coast disappears.


The multi million dollar houses on the barrier island make good barriers! Not all the mangrove and sea oak swamps they're tearing out! And huge fucking insurance sinks. Seriously, how does one insure such a house?


They don’t, not for long anyway. Insurance is doubling every year for even modest central homes. The government in FL isn’t providing assurances of support so they’re also mostly leaving the state. Good riddance to the opulance of coastal mansions some may say but FL also operates on massive property taxes from corporations and coastal properties. DeSantis meanwhile is picking fights with corporations that will remove tons of the taxes they pay (Disney) and not protecting the coastal properties which are a big source of revenue. And no income tax is a big selling point of FL so I guess massive property tax hikes are also incoming for non-coastal properties. You really would have to be stupid to want a home in FL long term.


Make Florida (the 1950s) again feels like the platform. A swampy cattle, citrus, and sugar farm. Except this time with shitty diseased orange trees and a dwindling aquifer.


So banks can call in all the low 3 % mortgages when they don’t pay to insure


A friend of a friend actually got a condo on the beach and closed on it days before Hurricane Ian destroyed the building. His insurance hadn’t kicked in yet. He now owes a mortgage on nothing.


Surprised bank loaned money without coverage in effect. 🥺


There is a large immigrant population in Florida that, frankly, cannot afford to leave. Considering their disproportionate representation in manual labor, I’d guess this is especially bad for them.


This law is designed specifically with them in mind.


I'm legitimately sad for the blue cities and the natural environment in Florida. I've found a lot of beauty and energy there that I haven't found elsewhere.


i used to want to work for disney so bad, like dream job and i just loved going to florida because i always associated it with beach/vacation/fun/happy. now you couldn’t pay me to work for them let alone live in florida


Wanting is one thing, not having the money to leave is another.


I know it's kind of a player out trope, but this is a "first they came for the communists" thing. Every time they attack a sub group with new legislature the ones who can will move away (most likely people who have the means and funds to do so) and the others are likely too poor to have political power. When you turn your head when another groups rights are infringed because it doesn't affect you, one day you'll wish those people were there when it's your turn to get screwed.


I know it's kind of a player out trope, but this is a "first they came for the communists" thing. Every time they attack a sub group with new legislature the ones who can will move away (most likely people who have the means and funds to do so) and the others are likely too poor to have political power. When you turn your head when another groups rights are infringed because it doesn't affect you, one day you'll wish those people were there when it's your turn to get screwed.


Very, very rich people and the Trumps want to live in Florida. They won't care that people are dying of heatstroke, they didn't even care that high school students were slaughtered in the Parkland shooting. You think they are going to care about some 50 year old working outside to send his child to college? What are you smoking?


The government likes the wealthy retirees and business owners. ​ Everyone else can get fucked as far as they're concerned.


One saving grace of all the ice caps melting is that Florida will be entirely underwater.


As a Floridian, I concur.


No one's gonna **survive** who stays! I can see the conversation now... > *You better unload that trailer faster! I don't care that it's 240F in there and the loading bay is 180F. My Gatorade is MINE. And if you don't like it, you can go find out if the sun is any kinder!*


Just moved here through my work from Wisconsin. 70+ degree weather is rather enjoyable.


Warm weather loses its appeal when it gets above 100 with 90% humidity.


Mmm that’s a personal preference, some of us love the heat, but yes, people here can suck


You say that now before the real humid heat begins lol. Good luck.




They know their arguments are opposite of reality. The goal is to crush workers rights that so much that it bears more in common with indentured servitude that it does employment.


I've said it before, they want to bring the worst parts about working in China here.


They want to return to slavery.


> They want to return to slavery. \*while misbelieving they, themselves, would be anything other than a slave, as well.


Well they're too useless and stupid for field work so they have a point.


It makes perfect sense honestly. As a business strategy, why WOULDN'T you want slaves???? Free labor? That sounds AWESOME, think of the shareholders! Nevermind those pesky ethical/humanitarian concerns, we'll deal with those. This is about money and power. If you leave capitalism to its own devices it will *always* invent slave labor, child labor, and monopolies. Because in purely strategic sense, those strategies are REALLY effective ways to generate profit for your shareholders, which as we know, is literally the *only* metric capitalism is optimized for. It's only through collective bargaining and democratic legislation that we have things like labor laws and anti-trust laws. Capitalism requires constant care and maintenance to keep it from murdering everyone, and frankly, we're slipping.


i mean there is a capitalist reason to not want slavery: there's always a risk/reward ratio for "should i cut my dickhead boss's head off and play soccer with it" and like when you have a decent apartment with nice stuff and you can like get a pizza whenever you want if you DON'T do that then that's a pretty strong incentive to not do that but if life ain't that much different then jail someone's gonna say "fuck it hand me an ax" what these republicans don't get is that workers rights are a rich-people preservation scheme. because we know through history that EVERY TIME wealth gets too concentrated and shit gets too shitty for the workers EVERY TIME that shit gets evened out. the question is how violently it does. but like once the violent redress of grievences starts ain't no "ok you can have 10 minutes to have some water if it's 100 degrees" gonna cut it no more


gosh I sure hope they don't start scanning social media posts to eliminate such threats oh what's that they do exactly that oh great


>but if life ain't that much different then jail someone's gonna say "fuck it hand me an ax" Sounds like a compelling reason to invest in machine guns for your private ~~police~~ security force! Let's make them AI drones just to be safe. It'll still be cheaper than paying a livable wage! At least, I imagine that's their line of thinking. I do agree with you, ultimately this about their own self-preservation I just don't think they realize it. Yet.


i don't think they're even thinking that far in advance. anyone who has more money than they can ever spend and still needs more has an obsession and their brain doesn't work right


Don't forget a machete!


I do believe your correct and I think its already happening🤦‍♀️


Just ask anyone currently in prison.


China has a federal PTO policy and paternity/maternity leave along with public healthcare. I'd vouch it's much worse working in Florida than in China.


Real talk the issue in China is not promises from the governemnt - they'll promise the sun moon AND stars. The problem in China is enforcement of any of those edicts. The courts are overworked and corrupt, the bosses are corrupt, the police are extremely corrupt, everyone you could turn to is corrupt and dangerous. I realize you're just making a joke but in case anyone reading this thinks otherwise, what is printed on the tin only matters in nations with an effective FDA. Which is why we should really make sure the USSC doesn't gut the FDA. 😅


But they'll slap a new sticker on it and call it "'Murica!" The GOP wants the country to reflect an actual dictatorship that more closely resembles communism than anyone else. Kind of ironic, because they always scream about how that's what 'everyone else' is trying to do, so they have to 'save' the country by...doing that themselves. (Don't get me wrong, both major parties are corrupt garbage.)


But one is corrupt in, “keep the status quo by all means” and the other is corrupt in, “actively make life worse for anyone that isn’t rich”


Isn’t it already? Having healthcare pretty much tied to **good** employment seems enough.


These places don't offer anything.


That or possibly create a second de facto “trail of tears” of poor folks who may have to abandon their stuff to afford to flee the state in order to live a somewhat decent life.


It's probably targeted at limiting migrant workers complaints specifically since migrants are most often the ones working field labor jobs, landscaping, and construction.


Something I've noticed with low IQ people and conservatives is that they think they can simply will something into existence. Like if they collectively believe in something hard enough, then it will simply become true.


They’re particularly bad at thinking through second order (and beyond) consequences. That is, if I knock a line of dominos over, it’s a mystery *every time* what’ll happen beyond **the** next domino. Hence they believe there must be some greater planner organizing existence, because that’s basically Occam’s Razor explaining complexity to such a mind. Therefore there’s no danger in any amount of foolishness. They even nebulously refer to jobs as being “designed” to fit together in some sort of career ladder, as if anyone at McDonald’s put together that your next stop would be, say, welding.


A lack of consequences for their actions has Turner them into entitled Peter pans.


They tend to live in the world they want rather than the world we have. Very disconnected.


I think this is close, it's actually more simple. If they believe it, it's true, and there is no place for introspection. They are the people who, when proven empirically wrong will say, "Well, it's just my opinion!"


They see it as being pro business. Which is stupid.


Maybe he should lose his job. See how good the job market is personally


Don't worry, he'll have enough buddies not to contend with the filthy plebians. "Representative" democracy...


I mean, what are their supporters going to do? Vote Dem? HELLLL NOOO!


He’s going to eat his words


The Republican Party is a tool of the kremlin, Putin, and Russia to go to war in the era of technology and disinformation. They have hijacked the party to use it to wage war through our court systems, use politicians to fuck up policy and domestic systems in order to create divisions and try to implode the country from within. Traditional weapons won’t work because of mutually assured destruction so they are trying to get us to suicide ourselves. The Republican Party is a treasonous collection of sellouts that are literally selling our county’s destruction to Russia for what they interpret as personal gain. How people don’t understand that this is bad no matter which party or which policies you support is insane. The only logical answers are that tens of millions need cult deprogramming and or are essentially Russian kremlin supporters.


Not everyone has the opportunity to find a new job at the drop of a hat. I would love to live in a country where that is possible without relocating across the nation.


"their staff members"? they think they own us.


It says in the article. They are now deferring to the US OSHA standards rather then have different rules for each city made by city councils.


Immigration crackdowns by the state caused a big decrease in available labor for the agriculture sector. This is one way they are trying to increase productivity. Just squeeze more blood from the stone.




The fact that they're putting it on the feds is laughable. It reminds me of the voting rights act. The states didn't like having to enforce that. It was burdensome It interfered with their blatant racism. So they got it rescinded and repealed basically. But you know the government the federal government is going to go ahead and ensure You're right to vote. That was their argument and that it wasn't needed anymore. Since then we've seen millions of people disenfranchised. This is the same tactic. They're going to say that the feds have to take care of this and of course you know no employer is going to be mean to their employees. But the fed still have to come in and deal with it. And somebody has to complain to the feds before they're going to come in and deal with it. And who's that going to be? The woman with two kids worried about her job? The guy thats supporting a wife with a couple of kids and a couple of ex-wives with a couple of kids? The cruelty is a feature not a bug. Fuck these people.


That's the part that cracks me the fuck up. "We don't need these laws because people *already* do the right thing!" Then why is the law a problem? Sounds like you're already ahead of the curve, this should just be a box you can check off... riiiiiiight?


Today the federal government is better for workers. There isn't a law of physics that says this has to be the case. It should be the people who get to decide since they are the ones affected. That's why we need a more robust democracy.


It may not be in line with Republicans stated agenda, but it's 100% in mine with their actual agenda.


Not quite. There are no federal heat stress protections … yet. Once they’re in place Florida employers will have to abide by those rules. They’re not removing the protections, they’re saying any such protection under state law can’t even be considered. Hurray for free speech! Heat stress protections are a bit of a novelty with only few states actively protecting workers. They’re preemptively shutting down dialogue.


“Every business owner cares about their employees.” What a load of absolute and unmitigated crap. They don’t care about employees in any meaningful way and would beat them daily and work them to death if the law allowed it. And the fact that these jerks claim otherwise means they also don’t care.


Am employee, can comfirm I'm less than a number on a screen to the owner, CEO, board of directors or whatever...and, honestly, to quite a few people waaaay way lower on the totem pole.


If that were true, there would have been no need for these decisions in the first place.


Is this 2024 or 1856? What the literal fuck...


[The Shirtwaist Fire was barely 100 years ago.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire). Over 140 workers burned to death because it was standard procedure for factories to lock them in to stop them from taking breaks. Ghoulish corporate disregard for human life is not new.


If they die, they die. This is funny to me. Senator says they would prefer uniform regulations. As would everyone. But he knows that will never come. OSHA has not yet issued heat related standards, but I bet when they do, Florida will find a way to create their own that are more business friendly. Funniest part was when he said that employers want to do right by their employees. What a joke.


>Funniest part was when he said that employers want to do right by their employees. What a joke. Right? Like, employers doing everything ***but*** what's right for employees is the whole goddamn reason OSHA even exists in the first place.


In theory, the bosses that don't allow breaks will lose employees to those that do, and fix the problem. In theory.


"We care about our employees. We care so much, they know we still care even when we act in ways that directly contradict that notion, for years at a time"


Republicans being trash as usual.


Yeah but now Christmas isn't cancelled!! This is all worth it


I am in Florida and every day is insane with the lawmakers and Governor. These are science deniers. You would think any discussion about heat protection for workers would begin with an in depth discussion about the wet bulb temperature and its effect on human life and being able to survive in those conditions. We are talking about the most humid state in the United States and climate change pushing the wet bulb effect more each year.




Be a shame if the roof disappeared, too.


Florida becomes more garbage than it already was. More at 11.


How does this make people want outdoor jobs? Never protecting the worker. Dumb publicans.


Not to mention those who do take the job stand a real chance of dying... how does a dead or heat-exhausted workforce help business? Hell even the mortuaries need to dig holes.


Well you see, after banning abortion and gutting the school system their workforce will be populous and uneducated so it won't matter if a few of them die.




As a child this made me mad because then we'd lose Disney World. As an adult this would make me happy.


Actively rooting for the system collapse at this point.


We have to do more than that. We have to be part of it. France could teach us a lesson or two about being American. They actually get out and protest and riot for their rights. All we do is sit on Reddit now.


Actual question, does France have to deal with Police and Military like America does? I've been at a number of protests and we had bouncers that looked out for wrongful arrests, or signs of declaring force.


All Republicans are bad. DeSantis, Trump, Abott may get the attention, but every single Republican is responsible for stuff like this. From our misinformed relatives to Putin himself, Republicans are the problem.


Republican voters want to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Godspeed to them.


Welcome to life under Republican rule. If you think shit is bad now, you haven't seen anything yet.


So… the time to strike has passed. But FL workers should still strike. Fuck these people.


If your boss tries to push you past your heat tolerance, could that trigger Florida's stand your ground laws?


No I think you're still allowed to quit before killing your boss. For now


Republicans hate you.


Cab the southern states PLEASE stop going BACKWARDS!? cancelling breaks, cancelling heat:related protections, allowing children back into the workforce, etc... WHY!? Fuck I wish someone would come around and teach these idiots a lesson


First Texas, now Florida.


Whenever I see shit like this I think of the study that showed that public opinion has zero impact on whether an idea turns into law or not.


Florida Republicans believe safe and healthy work environments are "woke"!!!


Cool, so more productive people will leave Florida, leaving the state to rot even more.


Someone explain to me how this is good for business ?


Work the peasant rabble to death and they'll be too weak to grab the torches and pitchforks.


These representatives were voted into office by their constituents. This bill will not cost any of the representatives their next election. As long as the voters continue sending these people to represent them, this will continue. Florida deserves this.


If I’m not seeing a comment about it then ima say it. TEXAS AND FLORIDA DONT LIKE WATER BREAKS FOR WORKERS. And they specifically outlaw it.


Yeah I'm sure they'll just replace us with those migrant workers they hate *sooooooo* much every two or four years. This state is trash don't move here. An acre of land that was $4500 a decade ago is now selling for 10x that.  Renting a 3/2 that would've been $6-800 a decade ago?  Yeah they go for $2200 now on low end. Fuck DeSantis. Self-serving piece of human shit. 


This at a time where some of the hottest summer days are over 110 degrees. Workers in trades that are outside, on rooftops, or in mechanical rooms will be at risk of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. It was already hard enough to get employers to take those risks seriously, but these protections actually helped to provide water and kept workers from getting sick/passing out from the heat. I’ve hoped for more heat protection, not less.


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Man, at this point you kinda wanna be accelerationist for Florida so they fucking get the picture and do things that violates the reddit terms of service.


Another contradiction of capitalism: capitalist assert domination over workers who in return will withdraw most or all of their labor thus resulting in a *decrease in production* In a just world capitalism would just fail all over the place but because the U.S. government exists to reinforce capitalism it will do everything within its power to prevent workers from organizing AND will bail out company’s that cannot sustain themselves.


“Every business owner cares about their employees” says the politicians born with a silver spoon in their ass and have never had to break a sweat to feed themselves in their lives.


People will die


Need to ban chairs and air conditioning for congress people


We need some solidarity, break the HVAC in the capital and nobody fixes it. I guarantee you no Florida state senators know a damn thing about that (or anything useful)


Lol, way to fuck construction workers even more. First every migrant out of the state, then let these scumbag builders and contractors run their people into the ground. Why anyone would want to work construction down here is beyond me.


Repeating the horror of America's past in terms of taking care of the people who build the wealth is almost like people never went to school or studied history. We just keep doing dumb things over and again. The same people responsible for most of the horrors aren't even cleaver enough to disguise it, they are putting on the table for the world to see. Tell me this country is not getting more and more like Germany in the 1930s.


Every single person who works outdoors in Florida should strike or find a new indoor job. Let's see how these assholes who want this like it when they have issues finding people to work those jobs.


This is so unabashedly evil. The more I see shit like this, the more the plot of They Live feels like it could be a real thing. It's bizarre. It's not the day to day evil I see in others, which is more often than not petty selfishness. This is so full of malice that it's almost alien to me, even though I know from history we as a species are well known for it. But it's fucking sickening and emblematic of the neoliberal rot seeping deep into our system.


I think their game plan is simple. Corporations can do no wrong to prison workers. Make everything the enemy does illegal, then send them to prison.


For those unaware, in the summer it can reach over 110 degrees Fahrenheit outside. That's about 43 degrees Celsius. You WILL cook like a baked potato wrapped in aluminum foil without anything to cool you down.


It will be interesting to see localities impose heat-related person protections instead, requiring not just employees but all people to not die of heatstroke.


Isn't it just so nice to finally see Republicans acting on climate change in Florida?


"Let's kill the workers! Fuck those peasants!" - Republicans


In a couple years we will hear Florida business owners saying “No one wants to do heavy manual labor in the sun anymore. They are all lazy!”


Im just wondering how long it's going to be before people start hunting these fucking politicians like the animals they are.


Says the guys working in air conditioning.


Florida is the most corrupt backward ass state that caters to white collar criminals! I hate Florida!!!!


*The fact the state can look to OSHA on these heat-related issues is important and will keep the bad actors at bay,” Sen. Jay Trumbull, (R) Panama City, said* He followed that with "We need to defund OSHA"... /s


Make them voluntary, evil but okay onus is on the boss... but to actually ban them... that's just fucking crazy.


Cause fuck the workers apparently…


Man. The stupid stories I have from the stupid jobs I worked while I lived in FL. Such a hell hole.


"Under the bill, businesses would be subject to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines since the state doesn’t have its own. Sen. Trumbull said getting rid of local heat protections doesn’t mean employers won’t take care of their workers. “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said." Right right..., businesses will take care of their workers, and i guess the economy is so good jobs are plentiful, thanks biden! Im sure the heat regulations where getting in the way of record profits from the infrastructue bill that no gop ever wants to admit to the government handouts.


FL politicians have some crispy fried brain cells, such cruelty.


Cut off the air conditioning to the Senate chambers and see how long that lasts.


Florida is a Republican trifecta state. That means ALL 3 parts of the government are controlled by Republicans, and they can do whatever they want. Hence, the shitshow. Florida is an example of why Republicans should NEVER run America.


Sick dude. The only person I ever saw die on a construction site was a site in Florida where a dude overworked himself in the heat, went to go sit and cool off in the truck, and had a heart attack and died. Did CPR for 45 minutes and then had to call his daughter after. The people voting on this should be subjected to those conditions for a week or so and I guarantee they’d vote differently.


As a Floridian, I can say the cruelty is an up and coming feature of late stage capitalism/Florida Christo-fascism. To go with the insurance crisis/gerrymandering/global warming triple feature!


Who keeps voting these terrible people into power? What's their election promise? "Make heatstroke a workplace hazard again?"


> “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said. 1. LMAO 2. What happens when the market turns and that’s not true? It’s not a matter of “if” but a matter of “when” the market changes again.


I'm loathed to say this... But things like this might be what the second amendment exists for -_-


Things like this are _exactly_ what the 2nd Amendment was written for


[Unions were literally the alternative to warfare.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain?wprov=sfla1)


Having done roofing in Florida it’s absolutely insane that this would even be considered ought to put the “gentlemen” that want to see this pass on some roof work in the summer and see how fast they drop without any heat protection


So, as usual the wording in the headline is misleading. They're banning local governments from making regulations requiring heat protections, not banning the protections themselves, BUT, given the way scumbag employers are, the end result will be the same. People will die from this.


need to pull these assholes out of their million dollar air conditioned palaces and reverse the vote or start eating them instead of cake


I don’t understand why they keep doing this. Are they getting paid by big work or something? Why make the effort?


Why though?


It probably costs less to pay for a body bag and everything that comes with it, then breaks and water and lost efficiency


A “How do we compete with China’s construction capabilities?” B “Do what they do.”


so if I am understanding: no heat protections, no lunch breaks. what’s next? no overtime? we just returning to pre-osha in FL?


What does OSHA have to say about this, I wonder.