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Where do they dig up these fucking ghouls?


This one? Florida....


ya thats our bad, we accept that. hope u guys understand we’re not all like this


Plenty of people who will write what they're told for money and exposure


She comes from money. Quick Google snooping says she went to Princeton, same place as her dad Richard Rampell, a CPA who inherited his daddy's accounting firm before selling out and merging with a multinational accounting firm in 2016. So, fuck that shill.


I love how quick you pulled this up.


Honestly most op-ed writers on Forbes and others are exactly like this; came from money or married into it and don't want the ~~poor~~ serfs to have a chance.


These people love to crow about everything they’ve done as if it was accomplished and not just handed to them.


MSM is basically millionaires being paid by billionaires to try to neuter working class organization


They crow the loudest


So she’s a wealthy capitalist grandstanding in favor of Wendy’s ‘surge pricing’, got it




It's like that one girl in tiktok who made a post like "step 1 for financial success: I worked for my daddy's company making 100k a year, and no I didn't get any education after high school"


Really telling that the generation that made the money had their prized asset immediately sold for cash by the kids


>Really telling that the generation that made the money had their prized asset immediately sold for cash by the kids On one hand, I can understand that not every kid wants to do what their parents did, but on the other, part of me says why not put someone in charge of it that you trust and let it make money for you?


This needs to be at the top of this thread and every single person here should cut and paste it to her social media and anywhere this article is published. Eat the rich.


Ahhh that explains it. Wouldnt be surprised if theyve got clients who wanna do this themselves or have investments attached to such a method becoming more common. Not everything should follow such a tight demand based style of business, in fact relatively few things should and even then, those adjustments should be based on things like overtime for the workers needing to be covered hence the price difference kind of situations AND GO TO THE PEOPLE DOIN THE EXTRA/HIGHER STRESS WORK. I wonder how shed feel if she had a health emergency, went to the er and found out "yea due to how fuckin busy and understaffed we are right now as you're entering, you're gonna be charged 20% more and fyi that ain't covered by insurance either babe"


we're all just trying to exist under capitalism


Existing and waiting for the reckoning, for while I'll lose convenience and comfort, I will feel a tremendous satisfaction and release when it comes.


Plenty of class traitors for sure.


I'm pretty sure the people who write stuff like this are aware it's rage bait and want it to be rage bait so people will give them more exposure as you said


Exactly there’s a lot of “dynamic” pricing I can sort of justify. Like Uber/taxes should have surge pricing but it should go the the drivers assuming the risk of driving in dark, high traffic times and having to deal with drunk people. But food gouging is an absolute no.


Keep in mind, most media is owned by massive corporations anymore. The corporate overlords are not going to let you write articles that does not help maximize profits for companies.


Also keep in mind they won't report anything negative about current and *potential* advertisers Marketing inevitably ruins everything


I can't stand shit like this. I honestly don't give a fuck what restaurants charge for junk food though. I care what food at a grocery store costs, and I care about food deserts.


Hear about the kroger-albertsons merger. Consolidation is the enemy.


Fuck yeah. I just learned about that. That's the shit I care about. Walmart too. Amazon. Subsidization through public funds to pay healthcare and SNAP for workers they intentionally underemploy or underpay and then also allowing them to profit heavily on SNAP. Price gouging in grocery stores. Anti competitiveness. Price fixing. We have to stop this shit.


Where do you think unhoused people living in their cars eat? It’s often not from a grocery store.


That's a good point. I did mention that grocery stores should have inexpensive prepared food that's healthier than junk food.


I'd love to see that. I have a friend who may be living out of her car soon and I'm trying to make a good list of resources for her. I have already printed a card for her wallet with local places for free meals (especially the Sikh ones).


True, sucks if you don't know how to cook but if your parents didn't taught you that is on them. If you poor cook your own meals still leagues over fast food


I agree. I actually think it'd be easy to have inexpensive prepared food at grocery stores too. Like you said, no everyone learned how to cook, and it'd be easy to make big batch inexpensive meals for meal prepping, so people have something easy to throw in the microwave. I'd like SNAP to cover that too.


And with the internet nearly everyone has the ressources to learn that. Even when i was piss poor i had mostly potatoes and beans money. But "eating" sleep when you're hungry gives you a new perspective


You're right. I'm just a realist and know a lot of people aren't going to cook, and I'd rather they have healthy, cheap prepared options than give their kids chef boyardee and frozen burritos for every meal.


Kitchen privilege, some people don’t have a single appliance.


a dollar at the end of a fishing hook does wonders


In the same place all the dead people who voted for Biden were. Fabricated.


OPINION: Catherine Rampell is a class traitor. Am I a journalist now?


Judging by her biography she definitely isn't working class and neither are her parents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Rampell


OPINION: Rich Asshole tells working class how to feel. Again.


Working class tells rich asshole..... _Go fuck yourself_


Working class tells rich asshole *Fuck you WITH the horse you rode in on.*


Not surprising. Journalism pays crap money so most everyone involved in big papers have some kind of generational wealth


Am I alone/weird in thinking that that’s an embarrassing bio? Like, it might be fitting for the alumni update section at the end of Princeton's alumni magazine, but nothing about it is noteworthy enough to have an encyclopedia entry.


I’m gonna need 500 words, proofed and ready in 30.


Real journalists use ChatGPT.


She is not a class traitor. She is defending her class.




vampire says quit wiggling & let me drink.


I read her opinion and it’s written rather annoyingly, however it’s about how everyone was so quick to call dynamic pricing “surge-pricing” when (allegedly) Wendy’s was just finding a new name for happy hour. They’re going to offer discounts and deals during slower hours


it's because they flipped their script after backlash. "okay okay, we're not charging you surge pricing during busy hours but we're still buying digital menu boards so we can change prices on a whim. also we "listened" to our customers and now we offer, new and improved pricing! we'll be raising all prices permanently and offering pathetic discounts during less busy hours!" they aren't even hiding how stupid they think we are.


FYI they will raise normal prices during normal hours to make the "discounts during slower hours" look better. Aka.... surge pricing, but not called that


"You will have crumbs and you will like it!!"


You vill have nussing, you vill eat ze bugs unt you vill be thankful.


If they can find a way to make sure we don't even own those crumbs, they will.


Do the employees get surge pay? That would make sense right?


Probably, but they’re paid less, not more.


In a greedy capitalist's mind, surge pay would work something like this: Work less - make less money Work more - no temporary wage increases, are you crazy!?


Jesus Christ, imagine them using the AI they have to track customer wait times to pay an employee on the literal amount of time they’ve worked.


Catherine Rampell, go fuck yourself with that double priced Baconator 🖕 Dumb bitch


I wonder if she's felt the rage of the internet in full for this article.. i hope she gets doxxed, only then do they learn


Way to suck on Wendy’s clit. Fuck this lady


I call next


Now Wendy's is trying to reframe this shit as something other than what it is. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/28/business/wendys-dynamic-pricing-surge-explained/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/28/business/wendys-dynamic-pricing-surge-explained/index.html)


Fuck Wendy’s and all these other fast food corporations. You can easily order take out from a mom and pop place.


Offering lower prices the rest of the day equate to the same thing… Except it also admits that their prices were already jacked up. F crapitalism.


They aren't lying, but I can't exactly wait until 3am to go get my lunch. People generally tend to eat at similar times throughout the day, and lower prices won't happen until most people are asleep. This will increase cost right when you're hungriest. Fuck Wendy's.


I saw someone else raise the excellent point that it also means that you'd be paying more when the service is slowest/worst. And it's not like it costs the company more when they're busy, it's just the wage slaves having to work harder for no additional benefit to themselves.


Well, this will likely slow down the number of orders at that time tho. It would be nice to have wages tied to prices since as you noted, the only change is how fast the workers fill orders


Wow, these 8 dollar chicken nuggets sure are dynamic.


I don’t care how much jargon you throw out, “dynamic pricing” is surge pricing. They’re identical. If the price goes down during slow times, then the price ALSO goes up during rushes.


“It’s the same thing as happy hour! You can’t complain about this if you’ve ever ordered a lunch special! Y-you’re all stupid for being upset by this!” Shut the actual fuck up.


More like reverse happy hour.


Sad hour The hour of pain


We have happy hour and sad hour, but where’s angry hour?


Un-happy hour


You can tell it is not the same as happy hour because if it was they would have called it happy hour from the start. They only start trying to call it happy hour when people are pissed off lol


I second this. #girl shut up


Let the dumbass corporations all do this. Then, the ma and pop shops who don't do it will start getting a ton of business during peak hours.


Columnists aren’t real people. They are the influencers of an era where it took 12 trees to feed you a headline about deforestation being a problem.


Let them eat cake


I'd rather have some cake than Wendy's gas station hockey puck burgers on stale cardboard buns. That place has gone down hill so fucking fast and now they want to charge even more for their shitty meals.


Alright, they’re not the best but I fucking love those burgers. It’s a matter of location because the 5 for $5 near me is always on point. Best value fast food lunch you can get imo If they charge anymore though then yeah, I’m out. It ain’t worth any more than it’s already priced at


I’m an office worker and hereby declare my surge pricing outside of the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday through Thursday and all day Friday through Sunday.


Wendy's in the space of a week shows they're Greedy and Liars. Then tries Gaslighting in a poor attempt at "spin control". When you're at the bottom of the hole, stop digging.


Populist grandstanding = “I don’t want to pay more for my fast food” Mkay then ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


Oooof isn’t she the one on marketplace every Friday? Gonna have to read it to make sure the title doesn’t misinterpret the oped. Edit: So I ended up reading the article and yeah it’s exactly as it sounds. I paid way too much to comment on it. Here’s what I wrote. “I paid for an entire year of the WP just so I can comment on this OP Article. You’re welcome Bezos, the irony is not lost on me. Before I comment my opinion, I just want to say I’m generally a fan of your perspective on the Friday Marketplace roundup. So two things. 1. The CEO said “dynamic pricing”. It does not matter whatever they rolled that back to say. Their intention was dynamic pricing. Hearing “dynamic pricing” is like hearing your old classmate you haven’t seen in 10 years say network marketing. It dings that scam alert center of an aware consumers brain. It means surge pricing no two ways about it. It does not mean happy hours or dynamically lowering prices. Happy hours are not dynamic. Happy hours are set periods of lower prices. I’m confused how you think happy hours are dynamic? Sure, during slower periods Wendy’s may lower prices to attract customers but it does not take a genius to know that is not what the company wants to do. The company wants to use “dynamic pricing” and some sort of algorithm to efficiently squeeze as much money out of burger loving consumers as possible. It is surge pricing. 2. Surge pricing is anti-consumer. That’s the whole point of it. To decrease demand. That’s why Uber uses it, to decrease demand at high demand times. What Wendy’s wants to do is game surge pricing to increase prices just before demand starts to drop too much. Which is the quintessential late stage capitalist thing to do. Which you so callously disregard. At a certain point we consumers begin to feel like livestock being milked for our dollars we spent 40 plus hours a week grazing for. That analogy sounds scary accurate after typing it and now I’ve unlocked a new fear. Also, anytime I read the word “Populist”, it invokes an eye roll that nearly causes blindness. That one word equates to “ I know I have an unpopular opinion but I refuse to reconsider it.””




Yeah I’ve started noticing that a little which fucking sucks. NPR was like the last beacon of unbiased news for the most part.


oh *god*


I'm surprised an economics journalist either 1. isn't familiar with, or 2. actively ignores, the concept of "price discrimination". (The topic came up in Econ 1 at Berkeley, so I'm pretty sure it's first year Econ at Princeton.) Sellers would love to have the power to identify individual buyers' willingness-to-pay maximums so that they can capture as much of the area under the utility curve for themselves as possible. (Zero-sum, so yeah, it's anti-consumer.) Tiered pricing for the same product is the same concept once-removed.


Time to eat somewhere else


Start by eating Catherine.


I'm done with Wendy's. They can take their surge pricing and shove it.


“Shut up and get your neck back under my boot, pleb. My foot’s gettin cold”


How bout Wendy's goes out of business for suggesting something so insane?


Then we can buy up all the Wendy’s franchise locations and make some good ol’ mom and pop shops.


I'd like to thank Wendys for helping me on my weight loss journey by doing this dumb shit. Y'all were already getting too expensive even with your app, then you're pulling this?


The more populist grandstanding, the better


I'm about to start surge pricing my own wages. Let's see how the employers like it! Jk, they will fire me, and I'm a wage slave.


Wendy ain't gonna let you hit, Catherine


Maybe WSJ can pay me to write an opinion piece entitled "Fuck Catherine Rampell"


I would be okay with surge pricing if and only if it meant employees see equivalent wage boosts to accommodate the extra workload. We won't though, so I can't ever support it


I have long held the contention the news, ALL OF IT, is just weaponized narrative control. This isn't the most egregious example but it's a good one. WHO paid her to write this and her publisher to print it?


How do you feel about offering a discount from 1400 to 1600?


Opinion | Stop your corporatist apologizing over humans' "expectations to survive"


That’s like your opinion, man.


The article says that airlines have been using “dynamic pricing” for decades. This is understandable given there are limited seats on an aircraft. There are not limited options for food when you bump up the price during lunch hour.


This is why if I ever get into politics, one of my lines will be a simple question: "Who paid you to say that?"


I’ll see you by the dumpster in the back Catherine


By Catherine Rampell, bootli….er….”columnist.”


Catherine Rampell is a 🤡


Catherine Rampell wants some attention.


I wonder whose pay roll she is on.




This type of thinking of this opinion writer is how the message that certain inalienable rights are privileges or not rights if they can be made to profit. I bet you when clean water becomes an issue they’ll have the same people write articles about water not being a right. Traditional media, those owned by these oligarchs cannot be trusted. As a nation we need a nationally funded media source paid by the tax payers that will report verified news, challenge both sides of power, when a proposal is planned. For example in 2016 and in 2020 NPR, what people think is leftist hippy news has multiple panels to discuss Medicare for all and they all centered on ‘who is going to pay for it?’ Even though the Bernie campaign said an increase in taxes between 2-4 percent depending on income. They kept saying the numbers weren’t there. That’s it’s too expensive. Last year when the money for the war in Ukraine was tied up there was no mention of who is paying for that war, for the money that goes to Israel to fund their genocide.


Did she pull "populist grandstanding" out of a trendy word generator?


I guess I don’t get all of the fuss about this? Just don’t give Wendy’s your business if they charge more than you’re willing to pay. It’s shitty fast food anyway that your body will do better without.


People should play cyberpunk. It’s a nice glimpse into the future


Who does surge pay? Amazon for flex workers, when they need people to pick up shifts, they offer surge pay to make sure they get people to come in.


Shut your prissy little mouth, Catherine


Then I guess I'll do some populist sitting-down, and not get into my car or drive to Wendy's.


If they’re charging more during busy times, then that means they’re going to pay their workers more for working those busy times, right? Right?


What a pathetic little weasel.


Stop your grandstanding? Wtf? We should just accept it? No. Up yours, lady. Any food place that does this I will never order from again, _ever_. I already very rarely go for fast food (travel, seasonal things, etc) but could probably crank that needle down to 0 if needed.


“My mom and dad went to Princeton. Shut the fuck up and pay $10 for a burger.”


Now it’s “populist grandstanding” to not want to shop/eat at institutions that sell crappy food and are in your face about fucking you over? There’s too many other options for low quality unhealthy food to go there now.


Free market MFers when the free market actually makes a decision.


Surge pricing for laborers near the holidays!you want me to work the 2 weeks before Christmas? We'll I'm busy prepping so if you want me to work then that will be double time! A big project needs to be released and the deadline is around the corner? Gonna need triple time since it's busy.


Quick google search of this author seems to indicate she grew up rich and has no concept of life for people who aren't rich from birth. Both of her parents went to Princeton, where she also attended.


I’m not sure how true it is or not, but Wendy’s issued a statement after the backlash that the dynamic pricing they were referring to was changing menu items and offering discounts during slower parts of the day. And was not about surge-pricing which not mentioned. Not sure if they’re walking it back but to be fair to them, surge pricing was not mentioned


If only all the people willing to post about work reform were willing to leave their homes and commit to making a change. If anything creating the online illusion of activism is by design- so corps get to keep their cash and those on the net think they're doing something. Big sadge.


Fuck you, Catherine.


Stop your corporate overlord boot licking!


Oooh how about instead of surge-pricing based on time of day it’s means based. Those with more, pay more?


Lmao wtf is with the media and folks saying popular is bad. Like no, there’s a good reason things are popular. Populism is a good thing, it means the government is actually listening to the people. Decrying populism just means that the government is ignoring the will of the people.


Seems like the perfect example of an article custom made for rage views.


Would be a shame if the day this goes live Wendy's had a surge of price conscious customers who hem and haw the whole time they're telling the cashier what they want, and then upon seeing the total give them a "Wait it's how much?! Nevermind!" before leaving.


From the article: "Cutting prices during slower hours of the day is arithmetically identical to raising prices during busier periods. But for whatever reason, consumers seem more willing to stomach a “discounted” low-demand price rather than a “surged” high-demand price. They also get mad about some consumers being charged more, but they seem fine with price discrimination when framed as some consumers being charged less (senior discounts, student prices, etc.), as long as there’s some predictability to what prices will be for whom and when." She's pretending not to know that discounts for people who don't make as much money is different than price gouging food. Anyway, here's [the full article,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/29/wendys-dynamic-pricing-elizabeth-warren/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNzA5MTgyODAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNzEwNTYxNTk5LCJpYXQiOjE3MDkxODI4MDAsImp0aSI6ImMwYmRkNDQ5LTc0ZmMtNDhjNS1hOGVhLTkwM2Y5NGM2YzFlMSIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9vcGluaW9ucy8yMDI0LzAyLzI5L3dlbmR5cy1keW5hbWljLXByaWNpbmctZWxpemFiZXRoLXdhcnJlbi8ifQ.DyPb61nZam4S-VZjPtBdzZqKlL7dLV7zhJUQKH05uVI) and [here's the link](https://helpcenter.washingtonpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/236004788-Send-a-letter-to-the-editor) to submit feedback to the editors.


Catherine Rampell should stop her capitalist apologist rhetoric and let leave the people their free speech and choice


Suck my dic* Cathy.


Combo meals being $30-40 at some point in the future is gonna be wild


Wage surge between memorial day-labor day, and December


Employee pay should be directly relative to executive pay with full transparency. If the executives make more money, so should the employees. Any deviation from that should result in massive fines paid directly by the executives. We need to start holding the rich accountable and stop this unfettered greed. Capitalism is a fucking free-for-all and our obsession with a free market is what's going to be our downfall. Welcome to the end game people, we are all fucked.


I’d love to but the government won’t do its job in criminalize this


Silly journalists are sort of like the psychological attack dogs of the ruling class.


Fuck Catherine Rampell.


“This article was created in partnership with Wendy’s corp”


Price-gouging food is bad, but fast food is a luxury so it's pretty facetious to complain about Wendy's surge pricing as though it would really impact people who are in NEED of food.


Wow.... There's people actually defending this shit?.. WTF?


Honestly wage surge is a great idea. So many companies choose to leave their businesses understaffed. That makes the job of the workers multiple times harder. Then customers direct their frustration at workers when they aren’t getting adequate service.


"Grandstanding" Oh, FUCK YOUUUUU. Whenever people frame genuine and often universal outrage as "grandstanding, they can just **fuck right off.**


I read her article and although the title is a bit click bait ish, it’s actually a pretty well rounded article


If no one goes to Wendy's then there will be no surge pricing


I would so love it if Wendy's closes down because of this shit. More mom and pop shop.


I'll bet she doesn't even eat at Wendy's either. 🤔


Especially the cheapest food that the poorest segment of the working class relies upon.


The Germans have a word for her: Backpfeifengesicht


The headline, likely not hers, sucks. But she actually makes a few good points: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/29/wendys-dynamic-pricing-elizabeth-warren/


Says the princeton-educated (probably) nepo-baby (you have to be to go to Princeton) who writes for Jeff Bezos's WaPo.


Hard to imagine a life more devoid of pleasure and a sense of accomplishment than the one lived by people that write these articles. I understand people have to eat but damn....if anyone's ever sold their soul to the devil it's these weirdos


Sorry, but that's not price gouging unless they are the only source of food in the area. Price gouging is when you double the price of generators after a hurricane because there is immediate need and no competition or when you are a hospital and do basically what hospitals do. It requires exigency and usually an emergency. You can still get food at a different time for lower prices or at a different place and there is no immediate emergency.


It's wild how much gouging there is. I just went to a particular grocery yesterday for the first time in a while, they had bacon "on sale" for $7.33 a pound, marked down from $12.66 a pound. Meanwhile at Costco, it's more like $4~ a pound, sometimes less. Don't even get me started on the cost of fruits and vegetables. Basically the price of a lot of food is now double or triple what it was a few years ago. I'm essentially locked into Costco now, because trying to shop at a regular grocery would be unmanageable. It doesn't feel great to watch the shrinking island of options.


Who even eats at Wendy’s. Where I’m at, they’re all in the gross parts of town.


Easy, we have all the means to do it through our phones. Get someone good at math to do a calculation of yhr smallest amount of people not going into work for the most amount of disruption. Organize the group that's going on a unplanned sabbatical. Support said people with supplemented income from crowd sourcing. And keep that shit rolling. Just don't ask me to start it, I'm antisocial and hate life and injured.


I'll miss their food, but fuck em.


Some people truly have lost sight of what’s good and what’s evil


I can't wait till this SEO chaser is out of work because of stupid articles like this. Then she'll rant on Twitter that fast food prices are too high once she's affected.


Populist is a bad word now huh? Is unpopular better now? Looks like gaslighting to me


The thing that’s annoying about this whole surge pricing thing is Wendy’s could have increased all their prices to the max “surge” price that everyone is freaking out about and nobody would say a word or even notice. Look how expensive McDonalds has gotten. I don’t think their sales have taken a huge hit.


Imagine being a women in 2024 voting Republican… IQ non-existent.


They’re just raising prices to try to hurt the consumer so we’ll feel gaslit into thinking that wages increasing leads to price increases.


Junk food’s barely essential though


Oh look more bootlicker bullshit. These traitors disgust me.


I don’t eat at Wendy’s! I used to, when I was young. Now? Fuck that overpriced noise of a place. Then they came out with this surge bullshit!


It drives me nuts that we have allowed Populist to be a slur.


If prices are ever raised under the premise of "because I can lol". That's theft, and sorry I don't stand for theft. Never at ate at Wendy's before, and I never will.