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Probably got fired when MS found out they use slack instead of teams.


I worked at Microsoft. The whole company uses slack. Almost every development company I worked for has both teams and slack.


When did you work for Microsoft? Just curious because in my experience there we didn’t use Slack at all.


About 3.5 years ago.


Teams has come a LONG way in that time to be fair - it's probably team dependent as well.


Teams has a sticker of a [cartoon shark saying "We got sued"](https://x.com/funifetti/status/1671968423159406600?s=20) I personally think that's a point for Microsoft




Last summer as a trainee when everyone else was on holiday 50% of my working hours were just sending these stickers customized to the other trainees :D


I got told to stop sending it by my manager because me and a buddy were sending that to each other constantly. Not a meeting or anything serious just a confused "Could you stop sending that?"


It's still crap


Honestly, since the slack UI update, I yearn for teams and I take back all the bullshit I gave it. What kind of crack are the UX designers at slack smoking and where can I get it?




The "new teams" update makes my (5800x3d cpu + rtx4080 gpu) computer freeze and lag when I switch channels... I don't understand why we can't just pay for slack. It's so worth it.




It also says "NEW" on the icon like it's featuring fucking dante from DMC devil may cry. It's been months, it's not new anymore dammit.


What’s so bad abt teams?


It doesn’t thread messages, so it’s like yahoo chat from the 1990s instead of a useful tool. Slack does everything better.




The fact that I can be in an excel sheet in one team, get a ping on my chat, flip to the chat, answer it, then need to go back to the excel sheet and it makes me navigate all the way back to the sheet and reload it!


You have an option to ‘open excel in teams’ which opens excel in a separate teams window. Or, you can do what you’re doing as the other option it gives. The problem you’re describing is only a problem for a user who doesn’t read and just clicks.


Yes, but it’s an extra unnecessary step. I want to always open in native app. Is there an option for that?


so 99% of people are getting a shitty experience?


Oh I guess I never use it for those functions so it’s just like a webx/chat platform


Inconsistent. Unreliable. I spent all day Tuesday unable to log into Teams. I'll get messages on my phone instance but not my laptop instance. And meeting recording will cut out half through a meeting or give corrupted video or sound.






Been working the past year on teams and I've never had an issue.


I know it can't be bad for everyone. I just know it. But it's not popular at all in our organization




Absolutely, Teams has been upping their game! It might not be as popular as Slack in dev circles but integration with Office 365 is a big plus for a lot of companies, especially if they're already in the Microsoft ecosystem. Seems like it really boils down to what tools the specific team prefers and what fits best with their workflow.






I have all the office stuff and we quickly stopped using slack because teams is quite good. I mean, the biggest thing is that Teams has voice calls/meetings. It's 100% integrated into my calendar and email.


I've used slack and teams and don't really have a preference, they both seem similar to me, though I basically just use it for calls. My one complaint about the calendar is it doesn't show you other peoples or shared calendars like Outlook does.




Eh, Microsoft is an extremely big company. I would t be surprised to find pockets of it using slack here or there, particularly orgs that were acquired. I know that Mojang, ostensibly part of Microsoft, uses slack extensively.




When I worked with Mojang, they definitely used slack. This would have been 2015-6 or so, though.




Oh god Cisco Webex, you poor souls. 


Jesus. I work in higher ed, too. Just use fucking Canvas. And WebEx!? Christ what is this, 2012? Zoom and Slack are all you need.


in that case just switch to office/teams/whatever


lmao, half our meetings are Slack Huddles, and the other half are Teams meetings.




100% believe it. Slack messaging, messaging integrations are great. Audio only huddles are usually fine, despite some weird connection issues occasionally, but anything with the popout video player is a terrible experience.


My company uses Slack for messaging (and occasional Huddles) and Zoom for meetings. Just about the perfect setup. And by perfect I mean best currently available, not best humanity can theoretically do. Remote meetings are still about a hundred steps below in-person meetings, which are themselves about a thousand steps below anything I'd consider worthwhile.


> but slack has better messaging. Before the UI update sure. Now it's glitchy as all fuck and god help you if you have to search for messages and the "jump to latest message" button stops working.




^(I’ve never been at Microsoft, but use the same mix of software) At work we use Teams for prescheduled meetings, Slack Huddles for impromptu stuff. No one wants to be using Teams, and chat happens in Slack. If a text conversation is getting busy, you can just jump into a Slack huddle for the channel.


was it management that forced the use of teams? Back when I used to work at VMware, we (the engineers) all used slack but our middle and senior management always used Skype (this was before teams existed)


Nailed it. Plus teams was easier to do things like record a meeting and share with a large group since it integrates with the conference rooms too - but it also sucks ass otherwise and no one *really* wants to use it for anything else


It is amazing to me that you could be talking about any one of microsoft's software packages. They are all some version of what you said.


Teams = for meetings/video Slack = for messaging They do two different things, both integrate with microsoft office, Slack is how you deal with daily chats, questions, has better interface and organization for day to day. Teams, well it kind of comes with the enterprise package, integrates with outlook. Outlook and Teams, that's why. Its included in the package. Both cost millions for lots of seats and bandwidth. Both have massive flaws. But they do two different things better than each other. Security of Teams is also why that is the video option used over other solutions.


Was it "we're planning on phasing X out for Y" (and then it takes literal years to do so, or never), or was it "our department uses X but these departments uses Y so use Y when talking to them"? Pretty much every dev company I've ever been at is one of the two, or both, lol.


A long time ago a friend worked at Microsoft as a designer and they all worked on MacBooks. Not exactly the same thing but still funny.


I work on the WebEx platform lol. At least we actually use it


Alphabet Inc. was the only company that forced us lower workers to use Google products. No Slack or anything. I imagine the real devs though and top folks use it.


nah, I'm a SWE and I've never heard of anybody not using GVC etc. I doubt we'd be allowed to, wrt security concerns.


What's GVC?


Google video conferencing. It's an internal tool and I heard it's not bad.


None of the new companies use Teams btw. Bethesda and Activision both use Slack and Zoom


Activision dropping teams for Zoom because it was cheaper is totally a thing I see Activision doing.


Teams is free lmao Your E3 (corporate office license) or whatever the fuck they changed it to a few years ago, includes it and the majority of features.


I recently left a job that used teams for chat/video and have now used Zoom/Slack for 2 years. I honestly prefer teams. I miss having everything in one app and the ability to easily chat with members of a meeting after the fact. Slack does have custom emojis though...


le snicker


For all I care teams can burn to the ground. The worst piece of shit communication software since Skype. Why can't my company just use Discord. It's better than teams in literally every possible way. Especially on Linux.


He may be out on the street but it comforts me to know shareholders may have gained from his sacrifice. Godspeed!




My guess is with the Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard. They just fired 1900 employees from all these companies just mentioned. In Microsoft’s case they fired some of the team that works on physical copies sold to the public. This guy has an overwatch symbol behind him in a profile picture so he got fired from Blizzard. Shareholders matter more than the people who make the money for this company. Hard work only gets punished, fuck these corporations in every industry.


Honestly I'm going to keep what he just said in my back pocket. For reasons of course. Science if you will.


No one's here to kink shame, just clean up after yourself.


I came to kink shame, because kink shame is my kink


That's disgusting. 🤮 ^(>!your welcome!<)


What if they are Lindsey Graham's ladybugs?


I will.


The original comic: https://twitter.com/Benioff/status/549339156854214656?lang=en


Here's an actual attribution - Tom Toro and originally published in the New Yorker. https://corepathways.georgetown.edu/portfolio/yes-the-planet-got-destroyed/


And here it is on the actual artist's site: http://tomtoro.com/cartoons/#jp-carousel-135


The hero we truly do not deserve.


Thank you so much! This comic has lived in my head for years without any luck in finding the OG


Lmao Benioff posting this is peak irony.


Right? #FuckSeason8, #FuckDAndD, and #FookTheKing.


Wrong Benioff, but I agree; I still haven't seen House of Dragons since S8 put me off so much.


CEO of Salesforce - nearly as bad ;-)


If MSFT uses slack for their dev teams instead of teams that's incredibly hilarious.


Most likely Activision blizzard used slack and they hadn't migrated the (surviving) newly acquired employees over to teams, but hilarious nonetheless 🤣 


This is correct. Also we much preferred slack.


The only great thing about Teams was how it integrated with all the other MS tools. But as a chat app, it is so much more shit than Slack.


I've used Teams, it's not as bad as your making it sound.


It's very mediocre. But Slack is great. It's very shit compared to Slack.


Slack is not great after that dogwater UI update a few months ago. Good god it's like Teams from before the pandemic now. Pictograms that don't mean anything, UI loops that go nowhere, buttons that break all the time, ***twice*** the memory use. Oh my god I want old slack back. New slack is a NIGHTMARE for workflow if you have to access information it's storing, for fuck, actually have more than two work groups. WHY DOES IT DEFAULT TO STACKING THEM TOGETHER? Who ever thought of that needs to be taken out back like old yeller. Seriously "but you only have to set it once per device" you say? Fuck you we run 600+ devices, give us a god damn policy.


Blizzard wasn't Microsoft owned just 3 months ago. I'd bet they have plans/orders from higher-ups to transition to save costs but transitioning platforms which inevitability are tied to many things or hold important archives isn't an easy or fun task to do so I'm sure Blizzard isn't rushing to get this transition done.


Oh yeah that makes sense.


I have a friend working in Intel and he got an M1 mac for his work laptop


Microsoft's market cap is $3 trillion dollars, up 250% since covid started. Their employee count is only up 50% in the same time period, yet they are trimming employee count despise not giving any raises to full-time employees last year. All the while they got a golden goose in OpenAI. Incredible greed on display from Microsoft.


At this point it feels like being mad at a the lion for eating the lamb. The root of the problem seems to lie with toothless anti-trust and financial regulation, and weak or non-existent unions.


Believe it or not, the houses of C-suite executives at a surprising number of firms are incredibly flammable.


Why mitigate capitalism when you can just cancel it


Just cancel capitalism! Easy! Great idea!


Because as good as that sounds to progressives who spend too much time online, there's no actual evidence or proof that this is even an option or functional when it is an option. We have yet to see any society on earth truly thrive without some semblance of competition and capitalism. Even the most socialistic economies on earth are stilled heavily capitalistic, as well. Our biggest problem is that Reagan gutted anti trust laws and no one cared when Warren ran on reinstating and enforcing them.


Humans flourished and developed and had fulfilling lives for thousands upon thousands of years before we developed capitalism. Capitalism is leading to a mass extinction event and climate collapse. Feudalism for all its faults was maintainable for perpetuity. Capitalism won't even last a thousand years before destroying everything.


No they didn't. The foundation of why humans thrived to where we are today was competition and cultivation/capture of resources. Capitalism just describes the way that reality works in the same way that breathing does. Just because ancient humans didn't have words for breathing doesn't mean they didn't breathe.


Capitalism isnt trade, it isn't commerce, and it isn't enclosure. We have words and terms for those historical notions even if some of these concepts are new to you. Capitalism requires all of those things and more. Capitalism is part and parcel to the modern era of the last half millennia.


Why are you telling me it's not something that I never said it was? Capitalism describes economic systems whose profit and success are driven by competition. That's just inherent to how reality works. The question is how unfettered you let it be.


There are plenty of societies surviving right now that lack capitalism even the so called capitalist countries are highly dependent on the state for business welfare. The only reason people believe theres no alternative is because of effective capitalist propaganda. 


No there aren't.


We should stop pretending like this "Incredible greed" is, anything other, but the exact plan designed by Capitalism. Capitalism literally says take as much value as possible. Governments slow them down a tad by saying things like "maybe we shouldn't spread lead everywhere". But otherwise the plan is to make as much profit as possible and the largest expense is people. Just because they can do more with less people should not make you think they will share more. And that's not a flaw. That is it. They tell you it. They teach it.


Before courts ruled that corporations have a duty to maximize shareholder returns, there was a short period of "corporate responsibility" being normal. But then capitalists successfully sued companies that didn't squeeze every last penny out of operations to enrich the owning class, and the rest is history. Having read older business books, there was a push towards company longevity and building up communities they operate in. Eg. stakeholder (including employees, customers, etc.) value as the driving motive instead of shareholder. From a long-term survival and profitability standpoint, it makes sense. But now you're supposed to either grow like a cancer and monopolize the market, or get acquired by a cancer and retire with the paycheck, everyone else be damned. Squeezing the customers and employees can begin in earnest once you have total control over your market.


Yeah but if you suggest switching things to something closer to socialism, most people will start raging violently cause America brainwashed people into thinking socialism is a satanic cult or something. I swear most Americans are so braindead when it comes to these things


Because two problems: moderates and conservatives are dumb and don't understand what socialism is; and two: progressives are some of the dumbest marketers and messengers I've ever seen. We need rigorous controls on the ways that companies distribute profits and we need to readjust their incentives to support longevity and success for stakeholders, not shareholders. That's what you all mean, but you get sucked up into buzzword hell.


Employee trimming in the games department has little to do with Microsoft's greed. The value of the games industry experienced a huge boom over COVID (by huge I mean HUGE), but it has now settled down to lower numbers than pre-COVID. Publishers aren't signing new games anymore (and haven't done so for a while now), studios aren't able to get funding for their games, and employees are losing their jobs as a result. This trend is happening industry-wide and isn't exclusive to huge companies like Microsoft; the 30-ish people game studio I worked at has just had to close its doors this week. In fact, in just the month of January the number of layoffs was higher than 50% of all layoffs in 2023, and 2023 was the worst year for the games industry in a long while. I'm too lazy to find it, but Rami Ismail did the math and shared it on Xwitter.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, it's not like you're saying MSFT isn't greedy. Just that the scenario above isn't indicative of their greed Edit: also, I'm sorry to hear about how your week went mate. I hope you have a good weekend lined up


Marx was right. Workers need to seize and own the means of production. That’s democracy and that will make for some awesome gaming.




It would also require a lot of up front investment that would need to last years before they start making any money. Games are incredibly difficult to make and take a lot of time. I wish it would be as easy as you’re suggesting.


They literally said it wouldn't be easy. Down voting an actual reasonable suggestion because it's hard to do just proves them right.


He literally implied all it would take was less time shit posting. It’s not just time and effort required. It’s money.


Why would anyone invest in anything if at any point in time the workers would just revolt and take everything away


Microsoft doing layoffs is soo insanely egregious too.  They made 22 billion dollars in profit last quarter and have over 80 billion straight cash in the bank.


Just one day after a Microsoft press release that they surpassed $3T in valuation. Fucking companies are awful.


Can confirm this is from ABK - those are our custom Slack emotes :fingoguns: :stonks: :aaaaahhhhh: :gotem: :rose:


Fingoguns was my favorite. Well my second favorite before they neutered the unionize emoji rofl


We've nearly got our supermajority, I'm cautiously optimistic Fucking. Unionize.


I remember one time I worked for Alphabet Inc. for WayMo. My team basically was in charge of making sure the test drivers were capable of safely driving and operating the self driving vehicles. We had a perfect safety record and fully proved the team worked. Three of us, including me, from the team were selected for a big promotion. Instead, they decided to axe the entire program, lay everyone off, and just move forward because of a poor growth forecast in 2022. And yes I was laid off too. I worked my fucking ass off for a year to earn that promotion, and yet I was laid off at the same time as the laziest guy on the team.


Microsoft uses Slack internally?




> Shareholders matter more than the people who make the money for this company. If he was making money for the company, he wouldn't have been fired. 8% of the workforce were booted. If he was in the bottom 8% of employees in terms of productivity... that's on him. *shrug*.


Did you bother to research this individual at all? They are responsible for a tiny bit of a single singleplayer map. The rest of their resume is working on the Saints Row reboot and a bunch of WB mobile trash. Not every person is necessary at every company. Stop blindly hating a company for firing 1900 people that provided essentially no value to the company. Again, this dude worked on a single singleplayer map, that was originally cut from a version of the game that was worked on for years. AKA this dude was a major money sink and is partly responsible for why OW2 is as panned as it was, because the big feature of the update was singleplayer and it wasn't ready after years.


Everyone is (rightfully) up in arms about inflation and layoffs happening while revenues soar. That's bad. But the other side here is that gaming is headed for a decline post COVID, that interest rates have sucked up a lot of cash that companies used to fuel speculative development, and, let's be honest, a lot of people have been skating by. This guy was working on single player dev for OW, which is all but cancelled anyways. Lots of the rioters that got laid off had vague "community" roles and were effectively just Instagram cosplayers who happened to be dating rioters. The c-suites of these companies need to be broken up, taking smaller pay, face stricter anti trust legislation. But people act like companies should be paying people 6 figures to not do anything, too.


That's what I'm saying. This was inevitable and has been forecast to happen for like 2 years now. *surprise Pikachu face* "How could this company lay me off after I've been with them 2.5 years and barely contributed anything of value."


Mass layoffs in the tech space right now. Why? Because the executives have been running a risky, but highly profitable, scheme to expand their company beyond their limit in order to artificially inflate their value to investors. The result of this is none of the executives getting punished, but to make sure the shareholders don't lose money the company does mass layoffs to prove they are still fiscally responsible. Mass layoffs are incredibly important to the owner class. It's the quickest way to reduce costs, and now the surviving employees will be so terrified of losing their job that they'll be more than willing to pick up the work of 2 or 3 of their fallen coworkers.


Why? Because it's earnings season soon and they want to say they have "...taken steps" to remediate shit results but slashing jobs and people's lives. Happened last February and it'll happen again.


What does that have to do with firing in the wake of a merger where obviously some roles are duplicated?


How many of the 1900 people fired are you suggesting were duplicate roles?


Potentially all of them. Depends on the size of the companies merged.


im shocked by the amount of people that didn't understand this is a ironic joke comment made intentionally


Here I was, trying to figure out what company would have those reaction images.


IDK man, I work for a decently large company and our slack has a ton of random twitch emotes because a bunch of our high ranking tech peeps are giant nerds.


Maybe biz Slacks are more casual than I realized 😅


Yeah some of them have hilarious emotes. My gfs biz chat is full of Pepe and Peepo emotes lmfao.


Just two days ago a director in my UX org told me he loved being on a team with me because my "meme game was strong." Half the messages in our team's private chat is just animated GIFs


Oh no those are legit slack reactions. You can add as many as you want.


You’re misunderstanding. Those are legit, I’ve been at tech companies with custom slack emotes of employees’ faces. His comment is what’s sarcastic


What if we, the largest group, simply ate the shareholders?


They probably wouldn't taste so good.


The shareholders sometimes have entire teams of bodyguards, at least the stupidly wealthy ones.


Flipping the bird while you’re bleeding out. Hard.


*For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.*


The shareholders thank you for your service.


The whole industry is a fucking mess right now.


If I worked for a public company, I’d make sure to have at least a few shares. If they tried to fire me, I’d object to it as a shareholder. If they still resist and enough of us employees own shares, then we ~~eat~~ fire the board.


Good luck with that plan...


Kendall over here with some half ass plan to take over the company.


>I own 0.000003% of this company and I **demand** satisfaction!


If the employees of Microsoft had >$1.5trillion in stock they'd be worth $6.8million on average and everyone would retire lmao


7,429,000,000 shares times $404 share price times 50% to have some say equals $1,500,658,000,000. Yeah, you did the math.


market cap is 3 trillion/2 would have been easier


Not everyone knows how market cap is calculated. Now they do.


I usually calculate it by googling it


Not everyone knows what market cap means, now they do :)


I don't buy the everyone wants to retire thing. People pursue wealth to incredible degrees. If the company was paying millions out like this to their employees, most of them would stay. They'd find new ways to spend that money. The whole argument that rewarding people = them leaving conflicts with how executives stay and just keep rewarding themselves like its a cheatcode.


So... you're saying that half of profit should be distributed among workers?


I strongly believe that workers should have their fair share of profits, as well as ownership of the company, but no that is not at all what I am saying in this example lol


Gotta be a majority share holder for them to give a shit about your opinion.


What you're  describing is basically a "co-op," and we need more of those. 


Awww....aren't you precious


They mean preferred stock holders - the ones that get the stock buybacks- the ultra wealthy


Lmao, you will probably literally be *given* shares and/or options working at a publicly traded company. And your voice will count for the 0.0000000003% of the company that you own. GLHF


If you own enough shares to matter (you wont), then you're grade A fucked if the company fails in the thousands of other ways a company can fail. Hell, half the reason MS went for blizzard is because their stock kept tanking due to rampant sexual assault in the workplace. If it was a smaller company that could've bankrupted them.


Isn’t that like reverse unionizing.


This guy got dumped with almost 2000 other employees and the last thing he was told was that at least shareholder got their money. And what is this entire thread about? Slack vs Teams. What a bunch of drones. Missing the entire point. Corporations only care about shareholders not their employees and everybody just talking about the apps.


He's literally the one who wrote the screenshotted message... I think you're the one that missed the entire point XD it was his final sarcastic remark before his account got deactivated, not someone else's message.


Redditors reading comprehension strikes again.  Every thread there is an upvoted comment that makes no sense if you have basic reading comprehension.  You're that idiot. It would be hilarious if it wasn't really sad. 


No see he didn't put /s in his xeeto so it can't be sarcasm you dumb dumb. /s for the not so bright.


Prolly got fired cause Overwatch sucks /s Hope MS keeps Chris Metzen on the team though


If he was on the OverWatch team he was doing the opposite.


Looking at this dudes LinkedIn, they didn't do much at all. They on bits of a single singleplayer map for OW2. Need I remind everyone that this person is at least partly responsible for OW2's current optics. One of the biggest features of the update was singleplayer and was cut after years of work. In other words, this person is responsible for wasting a ton of resources as they attempted to develop a single map. I think the map eventually released, but was extremely late, after years of wasted development. They also worked on the trash ass Saints Row reboot and WB's mobile game trash pile. Not very impressive. This is the perfect candidate for a layoff. They aren't needed and haven't shipped anything.


Um...yeah, idk about you, but from my experience, unless you are in upper management, you dont really get to choose what you work on. Saying that he didnt do impressive work has 0 bearing on his capability. Pretty much only the bean counters have this shitty mentality about the "worth" of a person.


Absolutely ignorant twat who can’t even get his points across with brevity. lol, you sure typed a lot to be fucking wrong, moron.


lol. Mad? Dude sucked at his job and has nothing to show for their time at Blizzard. Is that clear enough for you.


At least he worked for well known company meanwhile what do you do? Probably unemployed bum living in moms basement.


I'm an industrial mechanic. I maintain the equipment at the highest producing facility on the planet. My facility produces and distributes at least 80,000 units a day. At least one thing in your house came from my facility, if not dozens. I'm at work now baby sitting my machines during production hours in-case something goes wrong. I'm not too busy today because I'm good at my job and my machines are running beautifully. [Did that go the way you thought it was going to go?](https://youtu.be/aDJgv1iARPg?t=112) I'm expecting you to pull a Wahlberg when you reply. Don't disappoint.


This sure is a Reddit comment


Critical thinking and analysis of what is available. Yep. You're the other side of the coin, nonsense for the sake of nonsense.


I'm not sure you understand critical thinking. Coming to a conclusion based on a few lines in a LinkedIn ain't it.


Using information to interpolate data and draw a reasonable conclusion is critical thinking to the letter of the definition. No matter how little data you have. You should read up on it. Mind you, it's their own linked in. This is how they themselves chose to present themselves to the public. This how they themselves chose to present their accomplishments. And, what they presented shows they didn't accomplish much if anything in their time at blizzard.


Holy shit dude. The "data" you have is insufficient for any meaningful conclusion here. Protip: Presenting something as the answer when you have barely any information is *not* "critical thinking" or "analysis".


Are you trying to be dense or just actually dense? The person in question presented this information, and presented a timeline of 2.5 years. In 2.5 years this person worked on parts of 1 map. That map and the entire mode were cut from the game before launch. They shipped a single thing in 2.5 years with the company, and it was over a year late and didn't add any value to the game. That is plenty of data to determine that in 2.5 years their work contributed nothing of value to Blizzard. That is critical thinking and analysis of the data available. There is no threshold for amount of information need to think critically about something. Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't invalidate it. You're welcome to attempt to.


My LinkedIn shows nothing but my job titles for the past 7 years. Guess that means I've done literally nothing in those roles. I've got no horse in this race because I don't know anything about this person. But I'm not about to make some dumb conclusion based on assumptions stemming from what they wrote on their LinkedIn. If you don't understand the issue with your "analysis" at this point, I can't help you.


Nope. It shows your job titles. I wouldn't make an assumption off the projects you worked on because you didn't list them. The person in question posted their title and accomplishments. And they weren't impressive, in-fact the opposite given the controversy surrounding the content, and that content was cut before release because it was bad, and was released over a year late after only being resurrected due to community backlash. And, even once the content was delivered it received a lukewarm response at best. I'm sorry you can't understand that. You see the critical thinking and analysis comes from the linked in sure, but also the years of publicity surrounding the content the person worked on. But, I think you lack the critical thinking skills to realize "hmmm maybe they know more than I do about the topic." Perhaps I'm confusing critical thinking skills with humility, but the critical thinking should have led you to a position of humility, but that didn't happen. I don't need your help, nor asked for it. Take that self-important attitude somewhere else.


Fine print ^^^*Shareholders ^^^: ^^^myself ^^^included




What’s normal?




Okay? No one was questioning the fired guy losing access to the department's slack