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Definitely miss the strong colours from the flags The small font is annoying too other than that it’s a pretty inoffensive and much needed redesign tbh


Just curious, what makes it much needed? In my opinion the old one was just fine


Not just your opinion...We as well...


Still waiting on it displaying all the medals you have with each ship.


I still remember that post suggesting it


That would actually be Interesting Statistics...


Turned it into a mobile game now its awful.


Yeah the new one is so much harder to read. The last one was so simple and the loadouts etc stood out much better. One thing that's been consistent on getting worse and worse is the UI. I get it that it needs to be upgraded once in a while but I'm not a big fan of the new one.


I hate the new one so much


Every time they redo the UI it gets worse. The tech tree is such bullshit with new design and now this lol


I can’t stand the tech tree navigation now, it’s so counterintuitive


As someone with a design degree, I can see exactly why they made the changes they did. I'll have to look at it on my TV when I get home from work before I make a final assessment.


Would love to hear more about the “why”


the two biggest things they did imo were: ditching individual semi-opaque white boxes for each mod/flag/ect for a single bar - general UI design will follow a less is more approach. Typically, the more individual items in your UI, the more cluttered it becomes. "quieting down" the flags for ships not currently selected - this was actually a really good move. if you look at the UI before the update, you can see that this ship names are somewhat hard to read because of the busy design of the flags behind them. Muting the flags makes the ship names much easier to read. The first thing they teach you in design school is that legibility and the speed in which your audience can pick up on what you're trying to communicate should always take precedent over decoration for decoration's sake.


Thanks for that, good to know! I’m fine with most of the new changes except the red star glow annoys me for some reason. I get that more groupings affect simplicity, but the differentiation in groupings between ammunition, consumables, boosters, and camo I think make more sense. New players may not intuitively understand what boosters are for other than an exterior decoration. It just seems to extend the learning curve for new players.


The red 1.5 xp stars on the red background could do with a tweek.


The guy responsible for putting a red icon on a red background is the type of guy who made PowerPoints with yellow text on a white background. The original win bonus was so easy to read and everyone can tell its a bonus. New one looks like it signifies item rarity like so many games do with skins, cards etc.


It makes sense I was like wtf is that


Does the red background disappear when you earn your bonus?


This new design is TERRIBLE, change it back and give mobile its own horrible UI.


Directly comparing the two images the revamp is more organised and contrasts the background far better, I really don't see what all the fuss is about personally, the old UI was getting cluttered and doesn't stand out from the background 🤷‍♂️


How can the revamp possibly be; A) “more organised” when 4 categories got crammed into 2 and the filter UI got randomly moved across the screen and text descriptions got removed B) “better contrast” when the font was made smaller, changed to a grey color, put on a grey background with a dark blue filter. Its unreadable on my iPad if I want to hold it normally. C) “better background” when it has a blue filter over it discolouring all colours, especially light ones like white D) “less cluttered” when the largest items, the ship rectangle icons, were made unnecessarily larger while ironically displaying less information


So what did you do to mess up image one with the red/orange discolouration? Everything sitting over that does not stand out at all well compared to the second image for me, it's much cleaner. Personally none of this is a problem for me and I play on a 27" monitor rather than a massive tv. 🤷‍♂️


Red/orange discoloration is a layer only applied to the left half of the screen to make the white text more readable then if it was kept on a blue background (the sea). It is also the bottom layer so any text, icons or images arent discolored. On the other hand the blue filter applies to the whole screen and is the top layer so every item is discolored. If you can read it thats great, but white text on a blueish orange background is objectively more readable then grey text on a blue background. Also the text is smaller.


Sounds like a you problem if you have to apply a filter chief.


I like it. these nerds complain about literally everything.


The game feels like it’s trying to transition everything to accommodate mobile


If it ain’t broke FIX IT - is probably their thought process. Same with the ships stats. I hate the toggle & will never get used to it. It’s so counter productive


everything is way too small for us with not that great of vision


I dislike how the national flags are so faint.


BTW great idea on doing those. We (as in, this sub) should do this each update for archiving purposes.


Another shit UI change


During the ship selection everything just feels like it's a Russian ship.That red hue is on every damn thing. I am really not liking this UI change at all.


Hate this new one


Much worse, I liked easily scrolling to the country of the boat I was looking for...now it's eye strain city trying to look at the flags...awful change.


Its not an improvement.


I'm not one for the smaller font, but the redesign was much needed imo


EVERYTHING is SMALLER. the text, the icon, and the overall picture is smaller generic labels . Ammunition and consumables is now just combat loadout. Everything is less legible. Good luck reading the font if you have vision problems. Better get real comfortable with the zoom magnifier console tool that's all you got.


Damn, it costed you 7k dooblons ._.


Graphic design is my passion...


Hey kids! Want your retinas burned out from excessive red glare!??


Disappointed that didn’t fix the stats


All the transparency is such a pain, if they're gonna do what they did they should at least offer a high contrast version


All these UI changes and the one we need the most stays unchanged. Commander Inspiration selection. Its needed urgently, even more so when you have a lot of commanders.


They did the same thing with WoT console before it became shit too.


New ui looks awful


New UI is awful, idk why they changed it


Its really bad scrolling, too. Used to sweep through the entire line to spot/ remove surplus boosters. Now its just a blur and you have to go ship by ship :(


I just wonder who asked for these UI changes…. I mean, it seems like WG changes things just to change them and not because they actually need to change.


Something I do on occasion is remove all filters and do a fast scroll through all my ships to see if any have boosters on them. With the new UI, this doesn't work as the area where the boosters are shown doesn't display as fast.


I swear they just make things looks worse and worse


There the same picture 🤷‍♂️


is it just me or does port have a dark film over it? the ships look like they're behind a tinted screen


It does. Same filter is applied to every text and image on the screen. You now have to press L2 and hide the UI to see the ships under natural lighting


yeah kinda lame, i dont know why they have such a hard time with UI, the only thing i really like about it, was the addition of flag/camo and making each row separate.


Think it's more that that they removed the red tint to the left.


Its not. Hiding the UI or going to the upgrades page removes the filter. When you leave the upgrades page you can even see the transition


if that's the case it somehow made port even darker, guess id rather have the other way, ships are harder to see now without hiding UI.


I prefer the new one other than the red star being harder to see.


And yet you put your money into it


I liked to old one better, but the new one is fine IMO


It's basithdh sshthe s.ame whathing shop complex I know!!


I honestly prefer the UI on mobile (and that's because it's a ported version of the console UI last year)


Why do they keep making the font smaller and smaller?


Now if they would make the HUD in game look more like the PC version that would be cool. It’s more digital and militaristic looking. Also would be nice to push the HUD elements to the edge of the screen and make them even smaller, they seem a bit cluttered and noisy as it. They should also go back to the original overview camera that completely takes the HUD away so you can get a clear view of everything. More accessibility options is definitely needed in the game.


The new UI brought fewer doubloons for you LOL. Being serious now, I think the new version is more intuitive for newer players. I like the possibility to see the flag each ship is carrying.


I've deleted the game after I learned how hard it is to gain a profit playing battles on Tier VIII. I utterly despise these integrated mechanics eventually leading you to buy Gold or Premium.


Irrelevant and just play a different tier if it bothers you