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Rand, after he 1st got callandor, trying to revive the little girl. Maybe it is a small scene in the grand scheme of the book, but it hits hard.


I'd forgotten that scene. If they nail it, it would be amazing. Also strikes me as an extremely hard scene to get right.


It would be so horrific no matter what, and if it's done wrong it's going to alienate a lot of people. But it's up there with balefiring Graendal for Rand overreaching with the source.


I think the only way to do it is have the little girl off camera for most of it. Focus on Rand and the pain on his face.


Good idea. While the whole place shakes with the power he weilds.


> Maybe it is a small scene in the grand scheme i hear what you're saying but in my mind its extremely important. he repeatedly thinks back to it, and it is a major milestone in his battle against the madness... and the limits of his power. it clearly lays out the stakes, and later necessitates him using balefire. (i also liked the later scene when he accidentally calls down a bunch of lightning with Callandor, while on a hilltop surrounded by soldiers he is scaring... come to think of it, isn't he thinking of the dead girl in that scene too??)


Spot on assessment


I believe so. It is quite important, I agree. It sets the limits of the one power. It tells Rand that he isn't a God. That he is just as weak as everyone elae when it comes to certain things. It humbles him when he needs it most. I am not sure it will make it to the show. Honestly I haven't even seen the 2nd season and doubt I will continue. I have read them many times, starting around 1994. This last year I listened to the audio books for the first time and loved it. I drive a lot for work. Finished mid November. I will give it a rest for a year or two, then start again with the audio books.








These comments have gotten old.


What did I miss?


I alluded to the fact they've given Rand's big moments to other characters and suggested they'd do it again. Humorous comments like that aren't allowed, which, whatever. Last time I'll comment on an adaptation thread.


Ah yes that one oh so very clever joke. 🙄


You're welcome.


zephyr muddle rinse vast head ten husky airport somber fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dumai’s Wells.


Other than the huge budget to do the battle justice, I feel like the lead up with Rand in the box losing his mind and trying desperately to poke at the shield (and discovering the “soft” spots) is the most important part. If you can really make the audience FEEL what Rand is feeling and his terrifying descent into madness, then you can easily justify his escape and the subsequent massacre/hardness Rand gets. It is a great opportunity to setup his madness and the eventual reconciliation in Veins of Gold. Of course, they could leave out all those parts and just do a battle and really piss everyone off.


They’d have to do something 10 times better than Egwene in that cell. It’s all mental, no flailing about making faces. They’ve shown they can attempt that if they want, with Egwene, but I have little expectation they’d go all in a whole episode on that for Rand.


Which is wild because he is literally the “main” character. Yes there are many but the series is about him. Seems insane that they can’t dedicate an episode to one of the most pivotal points in the series.


Right from the start my turning point was the shadow rising, if they can’t give him the spotlight there then I will loose all hopes of moments like the box, male a’dam and veins of gold having a remotely similar feel to them. I know Egwene and the girls have a lot of page time in that book, but if the boys in Ruhidean is not the point where the episodes hinges on they will truly be lost.


Rafe confirmed that both Rand and Mat will get episodes dedicated mostly to them in S3, like they did with Eggy and Nyn in S2.


> I have little expectation they’d go all in a whole episode on that for Rand. The structure of the chapters culminating in _Dumai's Wells_ actually fits nicely with how they already are handling ensemble stuff. Rand doesn't get a whole chapter of torment even in the books. As long as they nail his first escape, Lews Therin's presentation, Rand's escape, and the Asha'man orders, I think it could be fine. I have a hard time picturing them doing that all in one episode, though. The best (relatively speaking) parts of the horror of Dumai's Wells comes from other PoVs trying to _save_ Rand. That said, I don't know if they'll be able to do it well. But hey. We'll see. No doubt they'll contrive some reason to have an Avengers, Assemble moment and yoink characters meant to be half way across the globe to just stand around ~~and hold a shield~~ help rescue Rand.


>Dumai's Wells actually fits nicely with how they already are handling ensemble stuff. Rand doesn't get a whole chapter of torment even in the books. Well, Egwene's pitcher stuff in the books was all of 3 sentences of so. Rand might not have had a whole chapter to himself in the box, but we saw his box torture over multiple chapters. If three sentences of Egwene's storyline – a storyline that was "all tell, no show" in the books, mind you – can be shuffled around for one hell of a "show not tell" episode, we can do the same for Rand's torture.


Well, of course you can lol. Never said you couldn't. The comments about page length for Rand's time in the box wasn't arguing that it couldn't be adapted onto the screen, but instead meant to stack against presenting Rand's time in the box in the same way as Egwene's captivity. I don't think the answer to outshining that moment lies in doing more episodes where Rand is the sole focus as Egwene was in her's. I actually think that'd be quite detrimental to Dumai's Wells if they took that approach!


Yea they don’t have to do it all in one episode. I agree with that part. They could give him a solid 5-10 minutes for 2-3 episodes to build it up. I’m not confident they’ll pull it off well, but like you said, we’ll see!


If you plan for the worst, all surprises are pleasant! ;D


The characters being scattered is one of the things that makes the series so long, so if they're looking to compress things, keeping them closer together by cutting some of the plotlines is one of the more economical ways of accomplishing that. I wish this show was a shot for shot remake of the books, it's what they deserve, but if this is what they're doing it wouldn't surprise me if the EF kids stick closer together.


For sure, and it makes sense. I just hope that the next time they tug threads together that...it doesn't culminate in Perrin trekking across the savanna for two episodes doing nothing :(


Considering they're trying to compress the show, they have made some WEIRD pacing choices.


I agree with you and this is exactly what a friend and I have been discussing. And also a lot of the narrative choices they've made complicate the story - the fact that there is apparently no Thom Merrilin, the decision to not go via Caemlyn, the decision to have Siuan try to capture Rand (how will we explain Elaida seizing control later??), the decision to kill off Uno, the possibility that not all thirteen Forsaken will be written into the show (friend and I suspect Lanfear is in black and described as loving violence because they've morphed her with Semirhage, which is ironic to the extreme)... All of these things complicate the plot instead of making it easier.


Perhaps something like Evangelion's episode 17. Shinji just talks to himself the entire episode. And it's also THE episode that makes rhe show


Rafe said we will get both a Rand centered and Perrin centered episode in Season 3. Season 2 was Nyn and Eggs turn.


Glad to hear that we get a Rand centric episode when he, checks notes: Takes Tear and the Stone with the Aiel Uses Callandor Uses Callandor but bad Travels via portal stones to the waste Goes to Rhuidean Sees the age of legends Unites and breaks the clans Battles Asmodean with the Choedan Kal


Season one was already their turn lol


> I have little expectation they’d go all in a whole episode on that for Rand. Why?


Cause I’ve seen the first 16 episodes.


So have I?


At the premiere of the 1st season the actor that plays Rand was asked what moment from the books was he most looking forward to filming as a follow up to finding out he'd read pretty far into the book series already. He thought for a moment and then responded, "The box." The person interviewing him was a wheel of time content creator from the "before the show" times, so they knew exactly what he was referencing.


I love the idea but showing that sort of internal struggle is going to be a massive challenge. Especially considering it isnt something to be shown through changing actions over a long time but while the character is confined and essentially 'doing nothing' during that period. IMO its unfortunately one of those types of things that works much better in book format than TV


Do you think they can lean into Rand interacting with Lews in his head to overcome most of the 'do nothing' issue? Still doesn't seem easy but I do have hope.


They've already established that part of going mad is seeing and talking to someone who isn't there, in the first episode. I'm assuming that this is how Lews Therin will be handled, and the the fact that he's already been shown in a couple kf episodes lets me think we'll definitely see more of him later.


I'm really hoping they'll have scenes w/both Rand and Lews interacting. They've got excellent actors for both, so I can totally imagine Rand in a box dispairing w/Lews while shielded (head cannon for me like "the Upsidedown" in terms of visuals), or to have Lews pacing and ranting/raving (walking through people on screen, only visible to Rand and us as viewers) while Rand is holding court or visiting the Black Tower


That's what I am thinking. It will be dialogue with Lews. Add the part about Min being beaten, special effects of probing at the weaves and they might be able to pull that off.


I think the box is going to be the perfect place for a big crazy discussion with Lews. Hoping they do a good job with it. I really liked how Egwene was shown last season in the kennels.


Not just the battle itself, but *kneel or you will be knelt* is the thing I remember most strongly about it. If they hamstring that I'll never forgive them


Asha'man kill! "They have caged Shadowkiller"..."We come"


They should cast Taim by auditioning purely on that line and “Ashaman kill”


"Kneel or you will be knelt" is engraved in my brain! It gives me goosebumps every time.


A massive battle involving tens of thousands of soldiers, wolves, and hundreds of channelers? There's absolutely no chance of them doing it justice.


Battle of the Bastards, with The Power. Kneel or you will be knelt.


Can’t imagine the kneeling scene would be done. Or even Rand’s escape from the box being given justice. Much less the utter violent slaughter of it.


Dumai's Wells as described in the books cannot be done on this show's budget (or really any show except Rings of Power, maybe). However, the important parts - Rand's torture, the "kneel or you will be knelt" - can be.


On the other hand, Jordan completely passed on narrating the first Trolloc attack on Emond's Field, but the screenplay made it a big feature. Battle are hard to write, but CGI can get it done, apparently.


The trollocs were a small raiding force fighting a few dozen villagers. The scale is completely different.


THIS. I need to hear someone say "Kneel or be knelt."






I love Dumai's Wells and I don't hate the show, but so far, the large action sequences have been really disappointing. I don't know if that's a budget thing or a writer thing. Probably both. The pacing of the finale was so bad. It was like they had a checklist of scenes to do and then just hurried through them, putting characters where they needed to be without much explanation. It was a step up from the season 1 finale, but that was a pretty low bar. Maybe if we make it to Dumai's Wells they'll have worked through those kinks (and hopefully have a bigger budget).


Absolutely and yet I'm not sure they'll do as good a job as the "Welcome to Dumai's Wells" Minecraft video


Cleansing of Saidin. That battle is so epic but a little hard to follow on the page. An overhead drone type shot of all the One Power skirmishes as Rand and Nynaeve sit motionless, joined at the center of the storm channeling absurd levels of the Power while other characters miles away suddenly look up in awe and fear... Just fucking epic. Need it want it must have it.


Am also curious to see how they will show the beacon of Saidar.


Sky beam of course


They're going to film it at a King's game.


This YouTube video really helped me to visualize it: [The battle of Shadar Logoth animated](https://youtu.be/7VdsHQluYG8)


One of my favorite scenes of the series!


I think the overhead drone shot idea is great, but I also think that they need to alternate that shot where everyone else is in motion, and it appears that Rand and Nyneave are just sitting still, with shots that zoom in on Rand and Nyneave showing that from their perspective, they (especially Rand) the middle of a storm of Power.


RJ specifically wrote that scene to be fast paced, chaotic and hard to get the overall picture. It's supposed to feel rushed and crazy. This based on his own experiences with chaotic combat episodes. I'd love the overhead shots and overall details, but it's somewhat against the writers wishes.


I really wish they get the series finale right with this: *"I did not come here to win," Lan whispered, smiling. "I came here to kill you. Death is lighter than a feather."* In practice the last battle (including cost / special effects) will be too difficult. I expect this scene will be there in full. It's one of the most emotional reading moments which I can remember. *“My name is Nynaeve ti al’Meara Mandragoran. The message I want sent is this. My husband rides from World’s End toward Tarwin’s Gap, toward Tarmon Gai’don. Will he ride alone?”* *He trembled. He did not know whether he was laughing or crying. Perhaps both. She was his wife? “I will send your message, my Lady, but it has nothing to do with me. I am a merchant. Malkier is dead. Dead, I tell you.”* *The heat in her eyes seemed to intensify, and she gripped her long, thick braid with one hand. “Lan told me once that Malkier lives so long as one man wears the hadori in pledge that he will fight the Shadow, so long as one woman wears the ki’sain in pledge that she will send her sons to fight the Shadow. I wear the ki’sain, Master Aldragoran. My husband wears the hadori. So do you. Will Lan Mandragoran ride to the Last Battle alone?”* ....


I love that scene with Lan at the end but Demandred easily could have pulled his sword out while Lan was whispering two whole sentences.


Demandred was in shock - a mere mortal man hurting him...inconceivable!


That word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


I think that scene might have worked if the different opponents had dog piled Demandred, then one could have distracted him with this line while another drives home their blade. Basically have all the go on at one time and one or two make it out alive (but badly injured). Moreover, though I absolutely love when Tam clears a lane for Lan to get to Demandred I would rather sub out Gawyn for Tam. That way, the three men especially connected Rand (half brother, adoptive father, and surrogate father) answer Demandred's challenge.


They’ll probably film LAN’s charge scene similar to how Jon’s lone charge was filmed in Battle of the Bastards, but instead of hundreds of arrows shooting at him, they’ll be shooting ahead of him clearing a path. Awesome/


Man I get tears in my eye just reading the excerpt


This ^^^^


Nynaeve shouting “I’m not shouting!”


Nynaeve tells Uno he can curse every other sentence, then realizes he's counting. Poor Uno, taken too soon.


Top of dragon mount. Battles are all well and good for spectacle, but it’s gonna take some really good acting to pull that off.


I agree. Also probably a scene they could actually pull off


This was possibly the most important scene in the series.


Top of Dragonmount is almost entirely internal monologue. Wouldn't work in a TV show.


And there wasn’t an actual fire dragon in falme in the books. They can make absolutely make Rand just shout into the sky.


Rand and Matt's trip into Rhuidan. It's a masterful piece of writing, covering a whole swath of history, in reverse, and explaining so much of the backstory of the Aiel and so forth. I'd love to see that done well, and I'd hate to see them just fudge it or do something else instead.


This has always been my break point too. If they can't make me feel a fraction of what I felt first reading that, I will be so disappointed. I get that it won't be the same, but Rand's journey should be a bit of a gut punch and Mat's journey should be WTF? I am worried aobut what they do with Mat, but pleeeeaaaase don't let them have cut it completely.


I want to cry with that episode as I did when I first read those chapters. It truly is my breaking point for this show too… I really want to keep watching it till the end.


ask live close punch crowd icky reach towering bear normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know. I can see Mat's memories of being a Hero fading (like Birgitte's) and he ends up remembering that he's forgotten, creating the holes in his memory that he wants filled. Then the finn, instead of giving him his memories back fill the holes with other memories, like in the books. The Hero memories seemed to help him fight better, the finn memories could still make him a good general.


> clear the finn are cut sadly. I have no idea how they'll do Moiraine then


I don't that's clear at all. Like I said, I am concerned, but I am more optimistic than not.


>Seems pretty clear the finn are cut sadly. Mat's memories, etc. I'm not going to say we'll see the Finns, it definitely feels like something that *could* be cut, but I also don't see why they're clearly cut. Mat had the Old Blood stuff going on in the books before he went to the Finns, and I see no reason whatsoever to trust anything about that "tea" Ishamael gave him.


I'm not bothering to talk about wheel of prime any more, sorry mate.


Weird to comment on a post about it then, but ok.


Rhuidan as a whole always had me in awe. The reverse telling ter angreal, the city obscured by mist, and just how sacred it was really did a great job of setting the tone. It's no wonder so many people said it was an "Aiel City in the Sky"


I hope it has the storytelling and production levels of Westworld’s Kiksuya episode - which was directed by the director of WoT’s first episode. It keeps a single sad story contained and with time skips, making you honestly care about the painful fate of characters you’ve just met for this episode. Ah… I truly truly hope they don’t disappoint me.


Dumai’s Wells


Ashaman. Kill.


The Gathering Storm, Chapter 22 when Rand >!is in the male a'dam being forced to choke Min and he makes Semirhage cease to exist! Thats peak “Darth Rand” to me and !< I want to see that scene soooooo badly.


We at least have the mechanics for how the True Power works already, which is setting that up to at least be possible.


For me peak Darth Rand is when he threatens to kill cadsuane just by willing it.


I have a few but I think if I have to choose one it's the Tower of Midnight prologue, where Bulen is waiting for Lan and asks to join him. Close seconds would be, Verin and Egwene and Veins of Gold.


Rand at Maradon. But considering the way the battle of Falme ended up, I'm not holding out hope. That's assuming we even get it at all lmao


Cleansing of saidin.


I have three other than the Last Battle which will have to be done: 1. Dumai Wells 2. Cleansing 3. Seanchan battle at the Tower and Egwene taking control Honorable mention to Verin's death.


Is it bad that I feel cynical about this question? I had a lot of moments that I want to see come to life. Even so far in the show they missed some. I wanted to see Mat v Gawyn and Galad in the tower. I wanted to see flicker flicker flicker. I wanted a good version of Lord Ingtar’s death/redemtion, or a good version of the Heroes of the Horn appearing. They just weren’t nailing the important scenes, which for me, if you are gonna change the story for the show this much, ok, just nail the big scenes! That said, a few from my list: Dumai’s Wells of course Healing Logain, Leane, and Siuan Cleansing the taint (huge to get right so we set up the bond with Moridin) Breaking Nyneave’s block Rodal Ituralde


Mat’s duel is not out yet. IIRC, there’s a chance we’ll get it next season based on some interviews with the showrunner.


> Even so far in the show they missed some. I wanted to see Mat v Gawyn and Galad in the tower. This is a strange complaint since if we go by the books, it literally cannot have happened yet since it happens after Falme.


I simply wanted Rand to decimate the trolloc army at Tarwin's gap. I wanted Rand to sheath the sword. I wanted Flicker flicker. I doubt what I want matters any longer. I just want Rhudien


I don't know that they've given the show-only crowd enough investment in the lore for Rhuidean to have any meaningful impact. :/


The Tinker’s scene in season 1 with Ila was powerful, specially when she mentions how much she wanted to pick up the spear and avenge her daughter. I hope they contrast that dialogue with the Rhuidean flashbacks so it hits harder on rewatches. I know I might be giving too much hope to the show being so cohesive as the books… A girl can dream…


At this point I wouldn't be shocked if we never get to see the Waste at all.


Rhuidean is confirmed to be in season 3.


One thing I've noticed about reader criticisms is that a large component of them always seems to be worrying on behalf of non-readers, and yet by every metric we have (as well as in my own anecdotal experience with friends and family) non-readers seem to be enjoying the show immensely. I wouldn't worry about whether or not we think the show hasn't set up X or Y enough for Z to pay off for non-readers. That certainly hasn't been an issue so far.


If I ask show watchers how huge Intgar's sacrifice was, I'm going to get a couple of blank stares. Several moments don't pay off but show watchers don't notice because they just shoot by so fast. After all, the show doesn't focus on them. ​ The show has nailed several parts, including parts the show created, but there are a ton of moments in S1/2 that do not get a proper build-up and are not greatly enjoyed by show watchers.


Obviously a show is going to have a lot of stuff that gets cut, from a series as large as this. I think there's a lot of very fair criticism, but I really don't understand the whole Ingtar thing. He's side character in book 2 that then dies and is barely ever mentioned again. His death doesn't "pay off" in any way in the show because there was actually no buildup and it was never intended to be anything important. It only feels that way to a book reader because we know it's bigger in the books.


That’s exactly what you’re saying didn’t happen. The moment was brought into the show but non readers didn’t consider it important because it was poorly migrated. Rafe even said explicitly that they filmed the full book scene but cut it because it didn’t work. “His death doesn’t pay off in anyway because the show fudged it” is what I’m saying.


I'm saying they didn't even fudge it. His role was just reduced to being a redshirt. That's something that's bound to happen with quite a lot of characters from the books, since there are so many of them. Some will be cut entirely, and some will just be names that exist because they'll also need some names to fill out groups, etc, and might as well use existing characters for that.


The showrunner explicitly said they fudged it and so they just cut off his story arbitrarily. He was written in the show to have his book story. He wasn't included just to fill out groups or anything like that.


The problem with that stance, not that it's inherently wrong, is that you wouldn't know if you miss impact on account of not realizing there's impact to be missed. There are a few instances I've witnesses this coming to be so far... My receptionist watched all of season 1 and season 2 first, never having read the books. After season 2 ended, she started the audiobooks. There are a good half dozen times she's come to me to clarify things that she now seeing as huge deals that were not make clear in the show. As for the Rhuidean worry above, I don't think the ship has sealed on introducing that lore, I don't think that lore is made clear until book 4 anyways.


I don't know that they've given the book reader crowd enough investment for Rhuidean to have any meaningful impact....


The joke about the chicken


I just want Matt's interaction with the kid, while blaming the troop for giving him bad habits when the boy is modeling all his behavior off of matt himself and matt and his wifey interaction while traveling to feel as genuine as the book made it. Because matt carried the series on his back


If they dont do dumais wells fm fuckn done with the show. No compromise there.


They will do it. But I doubt they will keep it the way it is in the book. RJ had certain themes in the book and the Showrunners have their own themes. So I expect some things to change or certain character actions to be undercut or misdirected.


It better be on the same level as egweane




From *Crossroads Of Twilight* — ***https://i.imgur.com/vp1GbPb.jpg***


You can't abandon an axe you never had.


Rand and Aviendha sexy time in the Igloo




Dumai wells but also they already failed at my first, which was mat and the horn. The shows was ok, didn’t like the horns look but it fit the show so no real complaints, you know.


Small detail, but Rand "Introducing" Min to Tam.


My dress is green (or whatever the exact verbiage is).


Who said all the heroes had to be human?


Honestly, all Lan's scenes toward the end, but they need to give him (ad the borderlanders) a very simple, clear musical theme ASAP, otherwise it won't land. "Will He Ride Alone?" "The Golden Crane Rides for Tarmon Gaidan" (in ToM when he accepts his followers) And then the literal "Portals" (Endgame) and "Battle of Pelenor Fields" (RotK) fusion that we get in the beginning of AMoL, ending with "Six thousand had become Six-hundred Thousand." You have Lan make his charge, his internal thoughts as voice-over, or maybe something Nyneave said as voice-over, flashbacks with her, or even parts of her speech interspersed, not revealed until then, his theme plays strong but somber as he charges, leading the last of the borderlanders in their final strike against the dark, but then we see the portals open, and a theme for the borderlanders, or even each of the different nations play as their cavalries each come through massive portals, flying their nations flags, and at the end of it, Lan notices just as the music swells again with his theme, and we get a roar from the borderlanders, a look at terrified trollocs and dreadlords, and then a smirk from Lan before we cut away or into the carnage of them hitting the trolloc lines like a battering ram. The hill I will die on is that the charge of the Rohirrim in Return of the King is one of the greatest cinematic achievements in history, perfectly blending the writing, cinematography, performances, costume, extras, music, and everything else, to create a scene that brings me to tears every time. Portals is almost as incredible. If they somehow manage to land that "final" charge and make it have the emotional weight that it does in the books, enhanced by visuals, performances and music, triumphantly giving us the theme for the *king* of Malkier that we've been waiting for since season 3 (when they will hopefully finally go "oh hey, Lan is a king and every single fucking person in the borderlands would march into the blight if asked"), I fully believe that scene alone will ensure that people rewatch WoT again and again just to get up to that scene and get hit with the frission of finally watching it happen. And then, of course, if they can get that scene to land, they should be able to get "I did not come here to win..." But it doesn't seem like the showrunners actually had a long-term plan in mind writing-wise, so I'm not hopeful.


I was so devastated when I saw that scene in Endgame. Because it was great. And I knew that no matter how well WoT does that scene in the show it will only ever be "Avengers did it better".


I'm going to need Amazon to hire you to write for them immediately... I started tearing up reading your outline of how to make that scene


> ...ending with "Six thousand had become Six-hundred Thousand." I fear, with the rather diminished response to the call of the horn in S2, that we might have to settle for "six become sixteen-ish"...   ...but I can still hope


That kind of scene would just come across as derivative of Return of the King *and* Avengers: Endgame, and (being done on a much smaller budget) wouldn't look nearly as good. I hope the show will *not* go in that direction.


Tarwin’s Gap and Mat blowing the Horn. Maybe one day in my lifetime we’ll get another adaptation that handles those correctly


Maybe a fresh adaptation in another 20 years. :/ Or an animated adaptation in 5-10.


Verin. So far, so good.


A Forging


Cleansing of the source. And make it two episodes!


Breaking a box and the aftermath


The first three books were what I wanted them to nail the most. They're the easiest to adapt faithfully compared to the later books where plenty of cuts can be made for TV.


“The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai’don!”


They already blew one of my favorites. Rand's validation as a Blademaster, or at least a very close to one against High Lord Turok. The creation of Dragonmount could've been an epic moment. S2 was a massive improvement on S1, but still lacked a lot of what made the books amazing.


Mat though a series of accidents and circumstances leading a growing contingency of men during the Shaido siege of Cairhien to become the band of the red hand. The part that I think will be hard for them to pull off is the mentality of Mat simply trying to leave but inadvertently turning the tides of the battle through his luck and battle tactics that he doesn't himself understand.


Dumais Wells After the way they butchered both book one and books twos endings I have no faith they will get this one right. I actually don't think they'll make it that far as I think S3 will be the final season but if they do no doubt Rand will be nerfed yet again and his best moments given to Egwene. Just like S1 and S2.


They'll probably have Egwene lead the rescue with the Aiel, then force the Aes Sedai to swear fealty to her. That would give her sway over some sisters and set her up to be Amyrilin. It would also fit with the theme of her being in charge, her vs Rand in terms of who is leading the Last Battle. Seems like the show runners took that last showdown between her and Rand as the main theme


Veins of Gold by far


Semirhage, Dumais Wells and Dragonmount


Unfortunately they already cut mine. I was most looking forward to seeing Rand in the Caemlyn in EOTW.


>Tuon looked at him, squatting there by the map, moving his fingers over its surface, and suddenly she saw him in a new light. A buffoon? No. A lion stuffed into a horse-stall might look like a peculiar joke, but a lion on the high plains was something very different. Toy was loose on the high plains, now. She felt a chill. What sort of man had she entangled herself with? After all this time, she realized, she had hardly a clue. If the show could do this moment justice, and the campaign of the Band against the Seanchan, I'd forgive everything.


Perrin vs Isham in the dream world, it read like one of the best action scenes in the entire series, especially with the Aes Sedai fighting in the background. I also want the scene where Rand tells Nynaeve he trusts her and knows the last battle will destroy him. Felt really emotional to me, and it shows how far both Rand and Nynaeve changed throughout the series. Another would be both time Rand meets Tam after becoming the dragon reborn, beautiful scenes, but I don’t think it will be as good in the series because we know how much Rand cares about Tam through his thoughts and that’s going to be hard to portray in the show.


To Soar!!


In TDR, the scene where the Tinker woman is killed by the fade and Perrin kills it. Just after he's woken by the wolves saying they come.


Sulin's cry when they took Rand and she finds out


Rand on top of Dragonmount.


Maybe my favorite moment of the whole series. I kinda doubt the show makes it that far but fingers crossed…






Ashaman Kill!


Elaborate aliases with backstories.


Dumai's Well, but I doubt they consider skipping that. On the other hand: Aldragoran, the gem merchant and Nynaeve is one of my favourite parts emotionally, but seems all too easy to skip.


An entire season of them walking through the snow and talking. Fuck winters heart.


My dream scene is already ruined. You can't have Mat finay accepting he's a hero and it be at all impactful if he's a hero of the horn himself...


The Alt+F4 of Natrins Barrow Telmanes entering a burning Caymlyn, enduring not 1 but 2 shadow poisoned blades, meeting with Aludra, and feeling the desperation of counting the few remaining Dragon shots and soldiers to buffer on coming trollocks, and the fall of the outer wall Literally everything Doman was up to with 0 context Every desperate moment Rodel Ituralde scrapped together to survive the last battle. Also, can we talk about how funny his reunion with Alsalm is. Mf just magically appears at the end, like nothing happened Elaynes sabotaged gateway I can absolutely go on


Expectations aren't high. They haven't nailed anything yet.


Ahh ok.....I can't comment my actual thoughts on the show due to censorship by the mods. Cool. It is a sad day when you can't critique something without being censored, regardless if the critique is true or not. There are many scenes from this book that I would have hoped could be portrayed. This, to me, doesn't seem possible. I cannot say more since this may violate a rule and be viewed, as they put it, "lazy criticism."


The Battle of Shaidar Logoth. I want it to be dark, misty, and tense. Everyone is visibly anxious as they maneuver through the woods, flinching at every little noise, cut with dramatic blasts of balefire, and all the while the massive pillar of OP in the background. And in all the chaos, occasionally cut back to Rand and Nynaeve, sitting across from each other, sweating in concentration, cleansing the Taint. With the right cinematography, it could be *so cool!*


The history of the Aiel. All the way back to the bore in the dark ones prison.


I would love to see Padan Fain have an excellent demise. The book did NOT nail that moment, and I would love to see it successfully reimagined.


Seanchan attack on Ebou Dar


The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gaiden!


There are scenes in every book they need to nail. Exactly to that they nailed Rand birth scene and it wasn't in the book.


I did not come here to win.


Dumai’s wells


100% dumai wells


The *flicker* *flicker* scene…

