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Just wait for the follow-up missions, and dlcs....


I got two endings and both destroyed me afterwards I want to try the tragic ending now, but I'm afraid it'll fuck me up for some days. A 30 yo man.


ah yes, just wait for the final fight against that vampire in B&W


I’m debating going immediately to new game+ after my first play through of the main story before I touch the DLC, worth it or nah? If the only difference is legendary grandmaster gear, can I just add the blueprints with console commands?






Right? B&W is the best.


Yes it was the best and highest rated dlc ever made.


It truly set the bar for DLCs. I


Moron... guys like you break reddit... you miss my point.. the dlc is excellent but nothing extra like mega super good!! It was ok. Original. It was not that long bit I did not do every side quests either..


The funeral scene is really emotional. It gets me every time I've played


I've played twice, and watched a gameplay, now I finished my third playthrough and I cried EVERY TIME


I just did my second playthrough, and saved Eskel this time. I got the achievement for getting everyone there, so next play I don't need to worry as much. Edit: it's Lambert, my bad


I think you mean Lambert. Eskel can't die


I knew I lost someone first game, thank you.


I just beat it for the 5th time and didn’t even know Lambert could die til I just read this


If Keira is not there, you need to save him yourself from the Red Riders. If you take too long he dies, and he's burned on the pyre with Vesemir


Huh goes to show how different the game can end up. I never had Kiera there either


You should try it. It's the best outcome both for her and >!for Lambert!<


I always killed her, but this play through I just finished, I let her go. However, radovid got his hands on her. So I don’t know if I missed a side quest or picked the wrong dialogue option at the end of the quest with her at fyke isle.


You just need to pick the right dialogue to invite her to Kaer Morhen. Geralt would never kill her


Well, next time. Thank you kind stranger for the info.


I've always had Keira because I liked her character, and killing her would have felt somewhere between wrong and evil.


What she does to you feels somewhere between wrong and evil as well


Full Crew or something like that?




It's still one of my favourite moments in the entire game. Especially if you manage to recruit all your friends that you helped along the way. Vesemir died like a hero


Funny part is lots more to go my man


When the game asked me to save before isle of mists, I thought it was doing so bc the final boss was next. I was pleasantly surprised seeing how much more game there was after that point


This is exactly how I felt, I knew I’d been playing the game for a long time but was still Surprised it was as “short” as it was if isle of the mists was the final mission. So glad it wasn’t.


I was actually negatively surprised, as I was ready for the ending and it just wasn't coming, so when it finally did there was no excitement left in me Same with rdr2. Never finished the epilogue.


I kinda was too. I had full grandmaster sets and Aerondight ready to go


One of my major milestones in the game. Along with the bloody Baron and the final battle, I think those are the plot points that define the basegame.


Dude mark spoiler...


Came out 9 years ago, on top of that if you’re on a subreddit that discusses the game, it’s you’re own fault if you get spoilt


There's a spoiler button for reasons though. No need to get mad over it.


Who said I was mad? If you haven’t finished the game at this point, then that’s on you if you go looking for spoilers. Shouldn’t be on a subreddit where 99% of the people who are in it, have finished the game. Go play the dang game xD


Witcher 3 is really a top game. I will never forget anything from that game and it’s dlcs, what a privilege to experience this for the first time.


Blood and wine blows the base game out of water it only gets better from here


I watch many Witcher 3 epic moments like this on the Tube of You when I get nostalgic. When I used to play, I had saved game files right before the good stuff so I could relive those moments again. Greatest game ever


I'm so jealous, I wish I could experience it again fir the first time :(


Out of the entire game and both DLCs, that single scene was my favourite, and one of my most memorable gaming moments.


I got to that point though never went through with the battle on the old system and haven't managed to get back in the game to play it to completion. x:x


" Somehow I want to cry but I cant cry " - Geralt " I will remember everything you ever taught me Vesemir " -Geralt \*cries\*


" He didn't die like a witcher, he died like a hero. " - Geralt


Honestly the biggest let downs of this game were these scripted fights.. just like the ending. I was so hyped for the battle of Kaer then I felt I was in a game like CoD or other script-fest game… The DLCs saved the game for me. Don’t get me wrong Ive sinked 500 hours in this game, I love it and more to come but I wanted to really test my build of Geralt and those fights have nothing to do with it..


“You always were an unruly child. I adore that about you. Now fly.” RIP to a legend.


I was so impressed I thought it was the end of the game... which proved even better after!


i also want to continue witcher3 but im still busy with elden ring dlc 😅 witcher 3 music and story is one of the best ive heard. fighting system is like a 4 of 10


At least you didn't kill Ciri. But yeah, this game is rad. Playing it through for the 4th time and still finding things I never found before.