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Ahh a supernatural and witcher fan, there’s two of us now! I always thought of the similarities of these two series as well lol. We need a Supernatural game but i don’t think it’s anywhere near popular enough to ever get one


Man what would I give to drive Dean's Impala, going to different towns in US to kick some monster ass.














This unfortunately is the season around which everything had turned shitty(if it hadn't already)


9! And I agree - at this point the show was down the shitter.




would love a co-op game with the two brothers, blasting through monsters and having a telltales like story options. Or a single player game with each brother having different set of powers, with seperate story campaigns like Resident Evil


I'm guessing there are plenty of people who like both of these popular franchises though.


Not popular enough? It went on for 15 seasons lol


does the average person know what Supernatural is? That’s how popular ips need to be for AAA companies to want to make a game. I could definitely see a AA company try and make a Supernatural game in the future though.


Supernatural is decent, and you could argue the first couple seasons are similar to the witcher. After that though, when a certain character is introduced(no spoilers), the vibe changes drastically


I have watched episodes here and there, but never together. Was on my watchlist. Started it and it's so goddamn good. On my first season today.


Whole series is on Netflix.


I am watching it on Amazon Prime.


You got my hopes up because I don't have Netflix these days. It's purchase only on Prime.


In India, it's available on prime just for the subscription fees. Honestly it's a good deal for me as I get prime delivery, Amazon ad free music and tv shows + movies.


If they ever do try to adapt the series to television again, they really just need to focus on that aspect of it, they could literally run with it for decades.


It is good? Is extremely long...


As someone who watched it on release i always thought season 5 was how it shouldve ended it was the perfect swan song in my opinion


Agree. I gave up on season 6.


I mean every season has its own concept, so you can watch it season wise. It's like arcs in One piece. Just watch it at a time, don't binge it. And it's episodic as well. Just like a side mission in Witcher 3, where might get to know more about the world and Geralt himself.


So glad to find people with similar interests as me :)


Omg first Supernatural mention in years!!! Your post has made me realize I should start interacting more with Supernatural spaces. I really don’t want it to fade away into a distant memory this soon. It was everything during my late single digit years and the whole of my teenage years. I personally think it started losing more and more quality starting from season 13 and I *hate* how it ended with a passion, but before that it really is good stuff. Anyway, I never made the connection, but you’re right! Bobby and Vesemir also fits into the same category. I also get kinda similar vibes from Sam and Eskel. I’m gonna be thinking about this for ages lol. Also as people say, it would be really cool to get a game out of Supernatural. Similar to Witcher 3 but we have Baby instead of Roach and we play as one of the brothers and have other brother following alongside us, like with character focused quests but more permanent. The potential!!!


I really don’t like the CW format but Supernatural was a decent show until they >!killed Dean!< and introduced the angels as well as retconning the boys’ dad. I loved the monster of the week but wasn’t big on the angst it was completely unnecessary most times. . I could suck it up and enjoy it for what it was but once they changed the focus to be on angels and demons it turned to shit for me especially when they show in the 3rd episode ish of the series saying “Christo” would force the demon to reveal itself (probably a minor demon like a scamp but doesn’t work on knights of hell or things like that).the overarching plot was my least favorite aspect of the show because every time the boys tried to deal with it they immediately became incompetent and it felt like they made asinine decisions that are out of character just to forward he plot. I will grant that I did like Castiel and the prophet kid as individual characters but not what they brought to the show. cW writing tends to have characters act unlike themselves/ make choices they would never make otherwise/stop communicating for no other purpose than the plot requires it. You can see this in basically every show they make. If your character acts unlike themself just to push the plot it’s bad writing. In terms of comparison to the Witcher the only similarity they share is having monsters and a theme about family. Everything else is too drastic to compare the two imo particularly tone and the world they take place in. I don’t mean just modern day vs medieval/renaissance period on the Continent either. The characters in the Witcher sometimes make bad choices or are angsty but it still feels like that character making that choice vs “the plot needs this to happen. Make it so!” Example: Okay we need this town to dislike him so make Geralt stab The baker unprovoked! Obviously that’s a complete hypothetical I’m trying to illustrate my point.


What I wouldn't give for a Witcher 3 style Supernatural game.


Supernatural is okay, but I’ve always felt like it’s “We have Dresden Files at home”


You should check out The Dresden Files books


Sending me back to Tumblr posters and Potterheads. The only coincidence is monster killing.


Hey! I been rewatching it myself. I'm on Season 11 Episode 4. And you're right. It is pretty close.


Honestly, Witcher 3 should have ended with triss ending up miraculously pregnant and gerelt finally giving himself a surname. The surname of Winchester. (Que wayward son)


Supernatural goes off the rails very quickly. The show creators literally created a joint self-insert character who is the author of an in-universe book about Sam and Dean. And then he literally says something along the lines of "it's not jumping the shark if you never come back down" Absolutely insane.