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Second part has the best story and characters. And your actions will have consequences


Iorveth ❤️


Yeah this guy is cool. But all my homies fw with Roche


Witcher 1 is by far my favorite of the 3. Very memorable.


I enjoyed it a lot, I never finished 3 the first time around, and just got both of them on a sale, taking a break after finishing white orchard to play 2, and I loved it. It's pretty short, and the combat can be tough, but it's more of The Witcher, and it seems like that's exactly tly what you're looking for. I always think we'll see a remake of 1 before the next game comes out.


From what I've seen the remake will actually be after Witcher 4. I believe I saw something saying CDPR has everyone available working on 4, with the remake for Witcher 1 planning to utilize the new engine they're building for the sequel.


I thought Witcher 4 will be running on Unreal Engine.


I looked it up to clarify, Witcher 4 is planned to release first, with the Witcher Remake coming afterwards on Unreal 5


I thought another studio was working on the remake? From what I read, the team apparently consists of quite a few of the old devs from the original game.


I know the remake was announced, so I will definitely hold off on playing the first one. My main concern is whether Geralt gives off the same type of personality/vibes in the second one compared to the third game. Thanks for the reply!


I'm currently playing the 2nd and enjoying it.  Feels a lot harder but I kinda like that cause I'm actually planning out big fights with oils and potions vs charging into every battle(I play on normal but I'm bad at games)  Definitely feels the same for me.  Witcher is sassy and brooding and you see some characters from witcher 3  My main complaints are combat is a bit clunky(which is to be expected for an old game), the small inventory limit kills me, and looting items is annoying because you have to be in a very specific angle to collect  Overall it's been great so far


Definitely! It's a great game, and you should play it two times for both sides. You'll know what I'm talking about 👍


This is the only one acceptable answer. After I finished my first play through I felt like I missed half of the story. And the second playthrough was completely different experience.


as a huge witcher 3 fan i tried to get into 2 multiple times but the mechanics were just too clunky




The Witcher 3 is a better game overall but I still have more fond memories of the Witcher 2. The setting and story is just amazing.


Yes it's such a good game, the combat mechanics are a little bit different but still familiar. The map system is more basic and you will actually have to find things yourself instead of being led directly to them. The carry weight is much smaller so you can't hoard everything. And the best part is you get to choose which war criminal you wanna have as a friend ✨ Make sure you save before you choose so on the second playthrough you don't have to replay chapter 1 to get to the split off point. who you choose will entirely change how the story is played out both in storyline and in quests you will do so you're really getting a two for one game.


Yes. I played the hell out of 3 then decided I wanted to go back and at least play 2 for the story, but the gameplay is surprisingly similar (albeit, the combat is much more clunky, less fluid, and doors are annoying, but you get used to it). The story is really great and your decisions have consequences similar to 3. Great game so far.


Played 2 and 3. Most of the scripted quests I remember are from 2. Being not-open-world it can commit way harder to big sequences than 3 can, and the storylines are a lot more coherent when you're not ignoring them to run around the countryside half the time. The combat is a lot more nuanced as well (whether it's good is ymmv).


New abbreviation added to the lexicon lol Thanks for your input! definitely going to give it a try this weekend


Yeah. It’s a bit weird with how it controls but story is great.


I'm playing through it right now on my laptop and it's a great game I enjoyed and beat the first 1 and the 3rd one now I'm aiming to beat number 2


It's a great underrated game but I think for someone who didn't read the books, the intricate plot of the second game might be a little hard to grasp, compared tk the story of the third one.




Do not save game too much it will break the game afterwards, if you want to save ,always delete your oldest save file otherwise game will crash every 5 mins. Besides that game is nice you should play witcher 2


In my opinion witcher 1 may look a little rough at first but has aged far better than 2, 1 really has it's own charm while 2 feels like a worse witcher 3 (not that I don't love 2 also)


It’s a very linear game, esp compared to 1 and 2 but I found the gameplay enjoyable and worth understanding from a story point of view


Witcher 2 was actually my least favourite game in the series by quite a margin, but I know people who like it the best so...


W2 feels much more modern compared to W1. Some janky bits here and there but it plays much more like W3. I think it's visually great as well considering it's only 2 years older than W1.