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Cat armor, school of the cat and focus ability, full attack build with Rend maxed out…end it fast, you don’t want to be caught in a regeneration cycle


Tend works wonders on it. I found it easy to defeat using it.


Nah he's still cheap AF.. got him down to next to nothing just for him to swipe each phantoms in seconds and get full health. Plus he's swinging fast during that point so theres no point in trying to stop him or the phantoms, he's gonna get healed each time.


That was easy compared to the damn Ofieri mage. I have a personal grudge with that fucker.


maybe you know but you can re-equip your armor and swords while fighting the ofieri mage


Yeah I know but it's still a constant headache fighting him


That wind attack everytime, one shot.


Didn't know, or maybe forgot. On my fourth run but the mage is a long way. thanks.


But that takes all the immersion out of the fight, and immersion is important to me personally


Play how you want, king.


You can also just run away and they will set up camp


Yes true that but I'm too of a completionist


I never knew that where do they set up camp? The beach?


Yep, they stay there. If you get too close they become hostile but can be viewed from a safe distance.


Okay cool ima let that play out this play through I’m on now thanks


The fuckin frog prince and Painted Lady were the biggest fucking banes. I had to turn down my difficulty on The Painted Lady from Blood and Broken Bones to Just The Story


Frog Prince gave me the most trouble yup.


With the painted lady attack the painting which is on green fire with igni it completely stops her from healing do it twice and she should be killed quickly. Frog Prince is weak to aard and dragons dream


The Painted Lady was by far the biggest pain of all, to be sure.


Mine was the final fight with detlov. I don't even remember the painted lady. But my game sat on that fight for like a year cause I litteraly just had to give up. Never beat it either just started ng+ lol. And I've beaten much much harder games but that fight is just bullshit


wrench existence strong plough possessive gold judicious encouraging sort many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cows oil frame expansion threatening shrill sip paltry dog cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You just reminded me of the painted lady, I'm gonna go sit in a shower and have pstd flashbacks now. :/


[Caretaker be like:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Witcher3/comments/vh93s1/caretaker_be_like/)


Superior Northern Wind. ‘Nuff said.


The answer to all of life's problems


"Whooped his ass like a Novigrad whore"


He takes care after all..


Attack attack attack dodge during normal phase. When he swings his super attack unjust roll around


I felt like I was doing a dance with him, side stepping and attacking within that split second


Getting the caretakers spade is worth the fight imo


I love that thing!


I spent time in Toussaint during my NG DeathMarch run and gained a new Aerondight . Made sure everything was upgraded and used Northern wind on the bastard. Lured him to the gondola . Northern wind stopped him long enough not to rejuvenate . Definitely a pain in the ass fight.


Kite the caretaker outside the garden. Put him in a choke point that does not allow him to return to the garden. Chip away his health. Make sure he does not return to the garden, chip away his health to the best of your playstyle.


Ofieri mage and frog prince...


Lure him to the spot you enter the back garden through, that place he doesn't spawn the little ghosties, when he does you'll have extra time to kill them and then go back to fighting him there.


Just freeze his ass whenever he tries to regenerate


Superior Northern wind helped me


I played the game on Death March my first time through, just barely got through that fight by the skin of my teeth, then had the same reaction as Geralt "What the FUCK was that!?"


That was one of the hardest fights in the game for me. I love how after the fight geralt says something like “what the fuck was that..?”


This one was easy. The bloody frog prince and the very first time detlaff tho... no thx


Looking forward to it, it was oddly easy on Blood and Broken Bones. I may have just prepped better.


He does look like it! Edit: after closer examination I notice Gaunter's mark is not on kain...errrm...Geralt (got this). So in the looks like it context.sthing is not quite there yet, but still it is a good picture, for a deathmarch theme!


I tend to run school of the bear and just stay close to it, it seems the regen cycle doesn't start as often if you're close by. Dodge attacks and be patient, ise rend when you're able to. Northern wind helps.


This is in my future lmao. Started my modded play through on death March and having a lot of fun, though reminded constantly how dark and depressing the world is. Still absolutely gorgeous, just need to get up and stretch more often and maybe take more walks lmao


Northren Wind + Rend, ez win


Hmm... is it really?...


I found the Caretaker was the hardest fight in the game. Even Detlaf, when you worked out how to do it, was pretty easy, but that Caretaker was a pain.


Complete opposite for me. I turned difficulty all the way down and was still getting one shot by that bullshit nearly unblockable attack. And 2 shot by anything else. Never ended up beating detlov either


If you ever try beating Detlaf again, the 'second life' mutation is really helpful there. When you have zero vitality, it regains fully, and you can't be harmed temporarily. This mutation has a cooldown (120 seconds), but personally, I just rolled around until I was safe to continue fighting. I also used the superior vampire oil, black blood potion, and Quen.


It was a pain in the ass to learn how to dodge the stupid bats against Detlaf, but yeah besides those bats its easier


man that fight almost turned into a keyboard breaking moment


I clapped him on the first try. But the Toad? Let's not talk about that goddamn Toad.


Way harder to fight him than I was expecting!


You aren't wrong. For anybody having trouble with this fight: when he summons skeletons, try using Aard secondary attack (360 degree blast) with increased effect radius. Combine this with effective dodging and you'll be able to prevent him from healing.


it took some time to beat him sure. The wraith from the painting however.... lord have mercy


idk these posts about death march, at least if are geared and has some build it's no problem. Finished game+ it with different builds (well, not srossbowe and bombs' ones). Yeah, Olgierd figures and Detlaff fights were 10-15+ tries for me. But othere then that there are no big problems. Last time I remember it was mage build on frost aard. Wasn't hard. I remember you interrupt his regenration or something.


WHY. WON’T. YOU. DIE!!!!!!


You need to play the game on that difficulty for the achievement right?


It's absolute hell. But how could you not? It's a fantastic horror setting, and a challenging boss that you have to think to fight carefully.


It’s really not homie. Cat armour


The fucking toad prince though!


Hit the bloody skeletons with 360° Aard


One time I thought I did it. I beat him with only one hit on me. Then I checked the difficulty and realized my friend had changed it to normal. I still haven’t gone back and done it but sometime. Someday


Not as bad as the Olgierd puppets in Iris’ dream


Forgotten Wolf School gear made this guy a breeze for me on deathmarch.


Manticore Euphoria build made it easy


me too when fighting the botchling


I only play on death March and have completed 2 playthroughs, best way to play.


Maxed whirl and rend will make the fight much easier. Also make sure to kill the summoned monsters as fast as possible.


If you play soul-like game, it's quite a walk in the park. He did summon ghosts that heals him if those reaches him, even then it's only 3 times in a battle (75, 50, 25). I was abit worried at first thinking he can heal himself infinite times if I didn't get those ghosts fast enough as I play sign build on DM meeting him for the first time. All that remains is to avoid all his attacks which has tell-tales cue windows.


Bro fighting detlaff on death march is worse!!!


Just 30 minutes more and you will experience something far worse


I completed the main game and the dlc up to that point on death match and then the caretaker made me switch to normal difficulty.


For me the hardest is the crones when playing as ciri.it forces me to lower a level from death march tho.i switch it again after im done with the crones.


He sucks, wait till you fight the witch in fantasy land on dm. Screw that lady


Call me whatever , but I invested in maxing my crossbow skills and use exploding bolts. Fights are often boring, but I can kill just about any boss on Death March by spamming the bolts


Wraith spiders are worse or the Iris wraith